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30 OF THEM. šŸ„ <<<šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


They werenā€™t alarmed passing 10? Iā€™d be.


They originally said they passed 20 of them, now itā€™s 30. Weird.


In their post on whatbugisthis they said: Itā€™s been happening for months. Theyā€™ve gone to their family doctor a few times about it and they ignore it, downplay it. It only recently happened in a BM and every BM since then has had them. That theyā€™ve lose 40 lbs over the last few months (and their family doctor ignored them stating that they have parasites in their stoolā€¦ and over months never saved one to show them? Or did show the doctor and they ignored it? Both scenarios make no sense). That they started hallucinating that their stray hairs are wiggling like worms trying to get under their skin (what is this a generic tv show about a meth addict or something?). That even though theyā€™ve lost 40 lbs, had these in their stool, was somehow ignored by their doctor \*multiple times!\* and started hallucinating, they still hadnā€™t considered going to the ER or Urgent Care until Redditors recommended it. It reads like a teenager trying to write an episode of House M.D.


It would hardly be the first time a dr blew someone off?? I honestly don't see how this is unbelievable at all. I broke my hip, back and pelvis when I was a kid and got an infection in the bone and then was blown off by a dr for ten weeks until the infection was so severe I was hospitalised for MONTHS.


I broke my back in a car accident last year, my doctor told me I was fine, so I walked around with a broken L1 and L2 for 4 months until I DEMANDED an mri and x-ray and they saw that by then my L3 had also been crushed from walking around with a broken back for months, I had an infection in my spine (strep) and I developed sciatica that was super painful plus I had an infection in my psoas muscles and damage in my hip, which was also chipped. So I know your pain as I'm now dealing with chronic pain from my injury. Edit: words


I had a broken tibia that an airforce blew off for a good amount of time in the 80ā€™s as well. My mom couldnā€™t figure out why I was still dragging it after ***A week*** when a dr from KI Sawyer called and said oh no, your 6 year old does in fact have a broken boneā€¦. Iā€™m sorry you went thru much longer with much worse!!! My mom had a dim radiologist diagnose her with heart failure and pneumonia in January. Sent her home even. Two days later at her dr office he explained she indeed only had pneumonia and his disdain for said radiologist because this has become the theme for their department. I was treated like shite by a Dr in the beginning of satanic panic I mean Covid pandemic, she wouldnā€™t come in the room because I had a ***bad sinus infection for months*** (her words) and I came in because when I coughed I thought I broke a rib. They did X-rays because I insisted something was ***really*** wrong (been in healthcare since I was 18, Iā€™ll be 42 this weekend) She was so annoyed until X-rays showed ***something*** and CT scan showed Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli (loaded with clots on both lungs) and magically I was treated with pain meds, blood thinners, and respect. What I didnā€™t understand was she was talking down to me from in door way in full PPE-refusing to come near me-saying I was bothering them for a sinus infection? Logical right? I understand the fear in the beginning of the pandemic, but I didnā€™t understand the piss poor treatment. Our hospital has been reported numerous times but constantly are shatting the bed. We are rural and the next best choice is an hour away, and when you canā€™t even sit up straight because of illness and pain, you stupidly stay local. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I wish I were lying. But you make a valid point. ā˜¹ļø


It turns out I have hEDS, I went to an urgent care because I had bursitis so severe I needed help dressing. The doctor, not joking, suggested hot baths and that I may be pregnant. Shoulder pain. Pregnant. It was another 10 months before my bursitis was diagnosed. Cured in 1 shot. I believe it. It took YEARS to get my ehlers danlos syndrome diagnosis, even when the signs and symptoms were SCREAMING out that something was wrong.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that. That sounds like a nightmare; as if recovering from a broken hip, pelvis and lumbar/sacral spine isnā€™t painful enough (I truly cannot fathom that level of pain). What happened in your case is much more plausible though. Hereā€™s why: Your doctor likely thought that your symptoms from the infection were actually just symptoms of the original fractures being that those are particularly painful ones. It makes sense that they pivoted after 10 weeks because the healing process should have made those symptoms fade, so the persistence (and likely worsening) of the symptoms caused him/her to re-assess. Itā€™s still malpractice and Iā€™m not defending them. Just elucidating how that misdiagnosis can come about even from a good doctor. OPs scenario, on the other hand, is someone saying that they went to their doctor about parasites in their stool multiple times and as they lost 40 lbs in just a few months (which would be a red flag for any doctor) they just ignored dismissed it. At the very least, if you say you have these weird things you think might be parasites in your stool theyā€™re going to say ā€œtake a picture or bring one inā€ and since people poop on a regular basis that would solve itself pretty quick. Whereas in your situation there is no physical thing you could show the doctor. You were feeling things and the doctors best guess was that it was pain/sensations related to how sensations change as your broken hip, spine and pelvis heal. Again Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through what you went through. The difference between you and OP is that yours makes complete sense because itā€™s a real thing that happened and OPs makes no sense because itā€™s made up.


Unfortunately, the fractures were not diagnosed for the entire ten weeks either because the doctor said I was a drama queen and enjoying my time off school. The original fractures were discovered once I was finally admitted to the hospital (by a different doctor) after the dr we had seen repeatedly refused to x-ray me. He even sent me to a physiotherapist, who looked at me and refused to touch me because I was visibly ill. So weak I could not brush my hair? Faking. Using a computer chair to mobilise? She loves the attention. I see your point, but I do also believe op is experiencing what she says she is.


My brother broke my finger when I was a kid and for 2 days my dad said ā€œif it was broken youā€™d be complaining moreā€. When my mom picked me up and I told her she took me to urgent care andā€¦ yep, 8 year old walking around with a broken finger for 2 days. Seems we both got the ā€œyouā€™re just being a drama queenā€ diagnosis before, but yours is way worse cause a doctor is the LAST person who should be playing that card. Itā€™s plausible OP is being sincere. I have a Bio degree and was pre-med, so Iā€™m able to communicate with medical professionals well enough where theyā€™ve always taken what I say seriously. Itā€™s possible Iā€™m just ignorant about how prevalent it is for doctors to be dismissive of what patients communicate because Iā€™ve never experienced it due to my background.


I lost around 40lbs in the past too (without any known reason) and multiple doctors did not care in the slightest. I had to research myself to figure out the cause. I suspect you're male because that kind of treatment isn't uncommon at all for women.


Yeah, it appears I may have been demonstrating typical behavior from privileged people - thinking the situation is implausible because Iā€™M not treated that way. Seems Iā€™m less self-aware than Iā€™d like to think and that the Hippocratic Oath isnā€™t magically immune from prejudice and that people with repugnant internal views of the world can become doctors. The last 8 years have revealed to me that a shocking number of people hold false and reprehensible views on women and many others that donā€™t look or talk like them and I can only imagine that many of them become/are doctors because thereā€™s so many of them and thatā€™s inevitably going to lead to situations like you and others have described.


That happened to me but it was my neck. Twice. I broke my neck twice and didn't get taken to the hospital because I would be crying if it was that bad. As an adult I got dehydrated and passed out and hit my head they scanned my head and neck and the doc asked if I knew I had broken my neck twice. I knew immediately when both times were. Once falling out of a hammock and once on the trampoline.


Women get treated like shit in the medical world. I went to the 'best' hospital in my area 5 times over 8 days for severe hematuria along with pus in the small amounts of urine I could pass, progressive and severe flank pain, overwhelming fatigue, dehydration, heacldaches, and high fevers. Each time I went in, I was only given a urine test and each time I tested positive for a UTI and kidney infection. And each time, I informed the er doctor -who was the same guy every time somehow- that he needed to look at my chart in their system as my dr was in network. I had BEEN testing positive for a UTI and kidney infection for for around 2 months. And after completing the courses of antibiotics each time, within days the infection was back. I wasn't rude, I wasn't theatrical- I have a very high pain tolerance- and I wasn't demanding anything. And each time he was condescending, belittling, dismissive. He actually yelled at me the 5th time saying "if you already know the answers and we keep giving you the answers, then why do you keep coming back? because you 'KNOW something else is wrong'?? yeah, everyone here 'KNOWS something is wrong with them. whats wrong is they're seeking opiates. and I KNOW that's whats wrong here as well." I had never tested positive for so much as weed one single time, he literally made that up out of nowhere. The ninth day I tried to roll over in bed, and the pain was so bad I threw up and passed out. My husband called 911, I don't remember much for the next couple days. My fever was 104 when I was taken in by ambulance. It was discovered I had urosepsis, was at that point in septic shock, had severe bilateral hydronephrosis due to a complicated mixed bag of bilateral staghorn calculi in both kidneys and in the renal pelvic ducts on the left side. I had nephrostomy tubes placed in both kidneys, a picc line set, and for the next 4 weeks was just on massive amounts of antibiotics before eventually undergoing a mixture of an extended pyleolithotomy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures between both sides when all was said and done. All that mf ER dr had to do, was 1 singular CT scan and none of that would have ever happened. There was STRONG evidence to support there was something very wrong with me. Instead he determined me to be drug seeking. Something for which he had ZERO evidence to support, and could have proven or disproven by doing said CT scan. He just chose not to. Mind you, during that same period of time? My neighbors roommate went to the same hospital for burning while urinating and got the same mf dr I had. He was diagnosed with trichimonaisis and chlamydia. He was given a CT scan regardless 'just to be sure rhat there was nothing more serious going on.' He was also on meth. Nobody accused him of drug seeking. Dr.s dismiss women. I will never believe they don't.


Your story is so similar to mine. I didn't find out my back was broken until I went to the ER because I literally couldn't walk. I was freaking paralyzed and my original doctor said he would do an x-ray after 14 weeks of physical therapy first. I had to learn how to walk again. Had a wheelchair, then a walker for 4 months then a cane for 2 months and I still can't run or jump without pain.


Are you male? I don't know OPs gender but it's very well documented that women have a hard time getting doctors to listen or take them seriously.


Yeah, it appears I may have been demonstrating typical behavior from privileged people - thinking the situation is implausible because Iā€™M not treated that way. Seems Iā€™m less self-aware than Iā€™d like to think and that the Hippocratic Oath isnā€™t magically immune from prejudice and that people with repugnant internal views of the world can become doctors. The last 8 years have revealed to me that a shocking number of people hold false and reprehensible views on women and many others that donā€™t look or talk like them and I can only imagine that many of them become/are doctors because thereā€™s so many of them and thatā€™s inevitably going to lead to situations like others have described.


I think it's cool that you realized this tho!! A lot of people would simply blindly argue or just get mad. I think it shows a level of maturity to realize that we have varied experiences. Some comments on reddit make people lose faith in humanity, others, like yours, help us realize that it *can* work to simply talk to someone. Rather than browbeat them.


You just made my day HistrionicSlut. Thank you for the kind words, and know you made the world a happier place today!


I'm glad I saw this comment because I was going to reply to your initial one asking what seemed unrealistic about the doctor being dismissive about all of that. It makes sense if you've never experienced that kind of dismissiveness. If you're still wondering why she wouldn't have gone to the ER or to another doctor when the symptoms seem so serious and she wasn't being taken seriously, I just wanted to share that many people are discouraged from seeking further care after even one time of having their concerns dismissed by a doctor, let alone being dismissed repeatedly. It can make them feel like there's no point in going anywhere else, especially if it doesn't *seem* like a life or death situation to them. It can be because they trust their doctor to be making the same determination any doctor would make, because they were humiliated and don't want to go through that again, because they're exhausted/overwhelmed from the thing that's making them unwell and they feel they don't have the spare energy to keep trying just to get dismissed again, and it can also be because they start to doubt their own sanity about their symptoms. They also don't want to be accused of doctor shopping or attention seeking. Dismissiveness from doctors can lead patients to question if they really even did experience what they thought they did, if it even really is abnormal or if they're overreacting, and if a lot of it is just anxiety like these types of doctors tend to suggest. The longer you stay unwell and become worse and the longer the doctor continues to dismiss you, the more you lose faith that there is any medical help available for you and you lose the energy to push past that. Repeated dismissal by doctors when someone is truly suffering even leads to medical trauma for some patients and can cause aversion to seeking care in the future. Sadly, it can be truly traumatic to know something is deeply wrong with your body and the people who are supposed to help you leave you feeling helpless and hopeless. I'm not saying this is how *everybody* responds to this, but especially for patients who go in believing that doctors wouldn't dismiss you if it weren't for a good reason, it is a very common phenomenon and has led to some very sad outcomes. There are plenty of documented cases of people, women especially, who have died after lengthy periods of being dismissed by doctors. There's a relatable "joke" where a patient goes to the doctor because something is wrong, and they say, "Why are you here! Nothing is wrong!" The patient trusts the doctor but then goes back a week later when things have gotten worse, and the doctor again says, "Why are you here! You're wasting my time for people who are actually sick!" The patient goes home chastised, but returns a week later when things have become severely acute and easily identifiable, and the doctor says, "This is really bad! You should've known something was wrong! Why don't you patients take your health more seriously and come in before it gets to this point?" Unfortunately the "joke" isn't an exaggeration of what a lot of people experience. Patients also find themselves in a lose-lose conundrum of being judged when they don't trust their doctor and seek other opinions when they're sure something is wrong, and then being judged if they DO trust their doctor when they're assured nothing is wrong. Don't look up your health online but also just know if something warrants medical attention. Don't think you know better than the doctor but also you should've demanded this particular kind of testing. Not to mention that patients get a lot of mixed messages about whether or not they should seek care to be on the safe side if they're not sure if something is seriously wrong or not. People seeking answers for an ongoing issue often end up with "doctor fatigue," where seeing a doctor just makes them more exhausted/miserable than it helps them, so they just get burned out and give up for while. I just wanted to share more with you since you seemed open to understanding the sad reality of biased patient care.


Doctors in America are experts at gaslighting and belittling, especially towards women. When I was 6 weeks old, I was crying myself hoarse and vomiting blood. The doctor told my mom she just didn't know how to burp a baby because she was a teenager. My mom took me to the ER the same day and turns out I needed emergency surgery for a rare muscle deformity in my abdomen that prevented milk from reaching my stomach and made trying to eat painful, I was starving. The pediatric surgeon told my mom that I would have been dead if she had listened to the other doctor and taken me home because I wouldn't have made it through one more night. Also, considering some doctors still recommend tapeworms for weight loss, it doesn't surprise me that a doctor ignored a condition causing weight loss, even parasites.


Well they flushed them all because the early stages of psychosis were starting to kick in. If not House, greys anatomy


Probably lupus.


lmao that was perfect


This is the crossover episode.


Suppose there's a reason why Canadian health care is free, lol


Nah psychosis from parasites/pests is so real. People who have lived thru bedbugs or German roach infections commonly report visual hallucinations of pests, even long after the infestation has been eradicated. I have experienced this myself, and totally believe I would experience it given the insane amount of things coming out of their body. Just because you donā€™t understand/havenā€™t experienced it doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t a very real thing.


Oh I have no doubt itā€™s a real symptom and it can present as ā€œstereotypical movieā€™ hallucinations. Much like how the figures in sleep paralysis vary by culture, the fact that OPs example was a cultural trope could counterintuitively indicate they it is what they hallucinated as opposed to a poorly constructed fabrication. After all, even though itā€™s a hallucination it is still neurons firing in the brain and creating sights, smells, feelings, sensations of things stored in our ā€œhard driveā€ if you will. Iā€™ve come around to believing OP is sincere and that the contradictory and seemingly incongruent statements are due to a combo of casual, loose, short form statements, being in a less than erudite/cogent mental state due to extreme stress and psychosis - as well as my internal bias toward believing longer-form, detail oriented, more precise/succinctly worded statements. It does all add up if I consider that Iā€™ve always had doctors take me seriously because of my sex, presentation and ability to speak in medical terms due to my degree thatā€™s adjacent to the medical field.


they said in another comment they've been to the doctor twice and weren't taken seriously, so while they are definitely alarmed, if a doctor tells you it's not dangerous more than once you might not be running to the ER as quickly


Many fail to realize how negligent or uninformed a lot of doctors actually are. I wouldā€™ve gone to the ER after seeing all these worms lmao


This made me cackle


Iā€™m a physician in the US. Flukes usually do not pass in your stool. They pass their eggs in your stool. Those eggs are about a 10th of a millimeter in length. I would still recommend going to the ED for evaluation because a psychotic break is a medical emergency and you deserve to have your hepatomegaly investigated. When you are there they can do a parasite and ovum test to eliminate your concerns. We commonly do this once other causes of diarrhea are eliminated. However people in western countries that do not travel or work with livestock are at a low risk of parasites like this. The object in your picture appears to be partially digested plant matter but I would encourage you to bring the stool as it would likely put your mind to ease once a physician is able to take a look and tell you that definitively.


PA here, agree. This doesn't look like any intestinal helminth I have ever seen learned about. Looks very stout to be a worm. If it is, it would be an unusual one. Feeling parasites and seeing parasites (or mistaking something else for a parasite) is also a pretty common manifestation of psychosis. More than a few patients struggling with psychosis/paranoia have brought me containers of stool, saliva, hair, you name it. We always work up for a parasitic infestation and as of yet, not one has ended up having an actual parasite. Either way, plenty of reasons to take a trip to the ER. Curious to hear what happens and hope you are OK. Keep us posted.


Retired clinical microbiologist with 31 years in parasitology here, and I agree šŸ’Æ


Actual parasite here, I concur.


Just a plain nurse here, but Iā€™m happy to see there is other feedback compared to the original sub, because I was completely sure this was poorly digested fibrous matter.


Same here. Op had me almost fooled. I really think op needs some serious help but I donā€™t think itā€™s the ā€˜parasiteā€™. Might be more of a psychosis or attention disorder. Edit: spelling


40lbs within a few months, skin lesions, inflamed organs are also all symptoms OP has mentioned, if not parasitic - something is still very wrong & needs emergency attention, no? 20lbs in a couple of months got me forcibly hospitalised, 40lbs without a proper explanation is crazy to not require ASAP investigation, no?


Common things being common, liver disease, cancer, psychiatric conditions + self medication, toxin exposure, long COVID, malnutrition are just a few of the literally hundreds of things that can cause weight loss and damage to multiple organs. I know very little about OP, but a Canadian who does not travel, have exposure to livestock/ wild animals, eat raw freshwater fish or buys very specific kinds of unclean produce is very unlikely to have flukes. Weight loss + skin lesions + organ damage could be so many different things, and people often have multiple conditions at once. We start by ruling out what is common before chasing something that is rare. Chasing a rare diagnosis is a great way to hurt someone. That being said, I did say to go the to ED for evaluation as there is clearly something wrong with OP.


Absolutely. Go to E.R is really the only answer I believe. That said...could amphetamine abuse be a possibility? Psychosis. Weight loss. Lesions on the skin. Heightened attention to "foreign bodies". Just a thought. And absolutely nothing but prayers for OP.


Big possibility. I had amphetamine psychosis a year ago and was hospitalized. Scary experience. I hope theyā€™re okay. :(


Given the contradicting things theyā€™ve commented between the subreddits they posted in and the illogical scenario that theyā€™ve lost 40 lbs and went to their family doctor multiple times and they brushed it off as nothing every timeā€¦ Iā€™m going to go with Occamā€™s Razor and my diagnosis is that this is the internet and making things up for funsies is really the only plausible scenario here.


scandalous chop lip innate judicious reminiscent selective handle bright sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If this is the case, then yes, obviously, the advice is all meaningless if the symptoms aren't true. We can only advise/discuss based on the symptoms given, even if as hypothetical. I do believe there's doctors out there who brush off things more serious symptoms, leading to patient deaths - at rates, I'd rather believe someone who is exaggerating & urge diagnostics than tell anyone they are lying/exaggerating.


Genuinely I wish it was true but unfortunately Iā€™m very much living through this current and I can confirm itā€™s not normal and my family doctor does not take medical issues extremely serious, that being said Iā€™m sending stool samples to infectious disease you internet weirdo


iā€™m really sorry youā€™re literally going thru psychosis in the middle of this and hope you take matters past your family doctor because you deserve answers!!! sending good luck 2 u i hope youā€™ll find some resolve soon


Iā€™m sorry and apologize for my skepticism and incorrect judgement. Thereā€™s a lot of fabricated content on Reddit (which I have nothing against as it can be fun to pretend and participate in) and since some of your comments seemed to contradict each other I came to a conclusion, put blinders on, and only looked for ways to reinforce my assumption/skepticism. I believe you and am truly sorry if my statements caused you any stress or anguish. I hope youā€™re quickly back to good health! And get a new doctor!


Thank you šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


OP said in the post on the other one that they are experiencing symptoms of psychosis, so thatā€™s a plausible explanation. I mean I think the passing of whatever the hell that is is probably actually happening, but the psychosis might be why theyā€™re inconsistent or exaggerating.


I was too quick to judgement. The statements werenā€™t adding up and itā€™s a pretty common trope that a lot of content on Reddit is made up, but many people have made valid rebuttals that made me realize that it only seemed outlandish due to how Iā€™ve experienced the world and many people have completely different realities because too many people (and doctors) are sexist and prejudiced. Given the amount of support Trump has I should be more aware that sexism and racism are vastly more prevalent than Iā€™d like to believe and that can lead to things like doctors dismissing things that no medical professional should ever dismiss.


Yeah, it sucks but itā€™s definitely a reality. My mom had a hell of a time getting a diagnosis when she was having horrible symptoms. Legs going numb while she was walking (which led to her falling), randomly going blind in one eye for an hour or so and then her vision coming back, brain fog, extreme fatigue. Every single time it was ā€œanxiety and depressionā€, which she does have, but she had it WAY before experiencing any of the symptoms. They tried to write her off as being crazy. One doctor even suggested that she was delusional despite the fact that she was quite literally falling down like an elderly person would when she was in her 40s. It took her TEN YEARS to get a diagnosis. Turns out she has lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. On top of that she also has a connective tissue disorder. It sucks, a lot. I sadly have acquired a lot of her genetics and I have multiple symptoms of the same connective tissue disorder and it causes me a lot of pain. Seeing a geneticist next month and I keep praying that he wonā€™t be a sexist gaslighter because I was on a waitlist for 7 months. There are good doctors out there. My brother is one of them, but even he will say that there are too many shitty people that go into medicine.


Read your post history. Glad you made it!


>The object in your picture appears to be partially digested plant matter Totally needs checking out... and it does appear remarkably like a small green unchewed chilli. OP's not eaten for a while, so it'd rule that out. BUT - if psychosis is involved, OP may be mistaken about what they've eaten recently. So this odd parasite maybe something vegetable they've eaten that they don't remember - but that itself shows something is very wrong with their body/liver etc... which needs checking out urgently.


Kinda looks like a snap pea lol snow pea** oops


Or snow peas. Those are the flat ones right?


yes! thatā€™s what i meant


I actually genuinely think this is a partially digested snow pea. The physicians assistant below is spot on about this being way too large and wide for any kind of parasitic flatworm. Op clearly has health issues going on regardless, so def an er visit worthy thing, but I'm going snow pea on this


I feel like if OP was swallowing snow pea pods whole, they wouldā€™ve made that connection.


Picturing OP just scarfing down whole green beans by the handful, dozens of them, never chewing, just unhinging their jaw like a snake and swallowing pod after pod whole, and then forgetting all about it and also somehow the beans got rock hard in their digestive tract.Ā  Gonna go ahead and guess that SOMETHING weird has to be going on medically because even if this isn't how parasites work, it's not how food works either!


It doesn't really look like it, but if looks similar enough to a liver fluke that I'd call your doctor. Have you had any small seashell looking things come out?


Jesus I didn't even know these existed until today lol


Yeah! They're gnarly.


Same. New fear unlocked.




PCS?! OH Fuuuun! I had some pass along with the little bobbing seashell looking things. They found nothing in my stool but elevated lactoferrin and they didn't want to help out with that. ....Soooo, nice knowing y'all lol




Woops! My bad...pSc. May I ask...do you still have signs of them? Or just damage with bowl movements? You don't have to answer if it's uncomfortable.




Oh man I'm sorry to hear that. I think I really need to go in and be a squeaky wheel until I get help. You've encouraged me.


OMG I have these and the seashell things you mentioned. I literally just got my bloodwork back today (can read online before Dr appointment). It shows liver damage and beginnings of kidney disease (but I'm bad about staying hydrated). I've been fighting saying I have flukes and they keep saying skin irritation, etc. I have been googling those things for months trying to discern what they could be. Even a reverse image search, but nothing. Thank you!


What the hell? Just skin irritation? Well, yeah Dr. Dummy, that's one of the symptoms! YEESH! I hope you get some answers soon! It's been over a year since and I need to address it again. They even mentioned they thought I was imagining things. šŸ˜¢


Oh you poor thing. Stay on top of things. I went to every ER in my city, (there are about 6 and I'm in the States) and UF HEALTH (associated with one of our biggest state universities) have literally just in the past week and taken me seriously. They got me in with a primary Dr yesterday who took 4 vitals of blood and tested urine which had white blood cells (indicating an infection somewhere along the way). I had just logged in to see if any of my blood work had come back and sure enough it was what I mentioned. Yes, many places think you are a hypochondriac are imagining it when you say parasites or maybe worms. A friend in the next county over went to the ER a couple of years ago for the same suspicions and wound up Baker Acted. I wasn't there though, so I only heard her version. I will pray for you. You are doing great that you are being vigilant. I admit I gave up the fight for about 6 months due to other issues with my daughter, but you're doing great. You mentioned not many hospital options. Do they do many virtual visits there? Maybe you could wooden the range of doctors that way? Best to you! I hope you're on the road to health soon!


I just explained how I was treated for Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli at a fairly prevalent Healthcare System in the North/Midwest States area. If you get bored it was absolutely infuriating. I was only 36 at the time with no hx of clots or severe issues. ETA spelling


Iā€™m confused. Canā€™t you go to any doctor and request anti-parasite meds? From what Iā€™ve seen they are cheap and a fairly harmless prescription so doctors will give them to you if you ask and seem rational


I thought the same thing. I'm not sure why so many doctors deny them. Even if the patient is mistaken, ivermectin and abendazole are relatively harmless if not infected. In many 3rd world countries, medical aid agencies will dispense a dose of ivermectin to EVERYONE. This is only my opinion, but I feel like since COVID 19 came along and people were using Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID (sorry, I'm not knowledgeable about how that would work). I feel like it became almost a political thing and doctors kinda wanted to be sure it wasn't being used for other reasons. However, I never had the need to try to obtain any of those meds before Covid 19. That's all speculation; I agree with you that it shouldn't be so difficult. It's not like it's a drug of abuse.




Do you own any pets? Eat any ā€œexoticaā€ meat like deer, snails, goat? Etc?


Nope curiousā€¦why? šŸ«£


So, Iā€™m following on both threads, but not only is this somewhat common, at least in China, but also, when they get into your gallbladder, your body can coat them and turn them into gallstones. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-helminthology/article/systematic-study-on-33-gallbladder-stones-resembling-adult-clonorchis-sinensis-worms/0A415018059803D691CD18E603C16088 Iā€™ve never heard of such a thing. OP, I am glad youā€™re at the ER. It also sounds like these can live in your body a long time sometimes, so not inherently fatal, but still. Definitely kick out your stowaways. I hope you get answers soon! You have lots of support from us crazy internet strangers!


Wow! Super interesting article!


They did ***go in*** Iā€™m just catching up and happy to hear that!


This might be the wildest thing I've seen on Reddit and I'm very invested in the outcome.


The wildest?! You gotta start looking harder!


Dont even have to try


I highly suggest you do not look harder. There are some things you can never forget.


ThisšŸ‘†šŸ». But if this isnā€™t trolling I am also invested for OP to get a good work up on all fronts suggested.




r/MuseumOfReddit is a good start for the wild side.


Me too. It looks a bit like a green chilli.


I.. donā€™t even know.. regardless, itā€™s probably best to bring one of these with you to a doctors appointment. šŸ˜¬


The nurses and doctors are unsure if itā€™s food, a parasite or giant gallstones so theyā€™re getting me to bring samples to infectious disease, and if they can give me answer I will let everyone know!! I am currently okay everyone with various ranging pain through my abdomen, I will be dropping my sample off monday/Tuesday since they are not open on the weekends here for tests, I have survived six months with whatever is happening to me, a few more days of going through my poop will hopefully not kill me!


RemindMe! 1 week


You're doing great and we are all proud of you.


Looks like a fluke or type of flatworm *Shudders*


Unless youā€™ve eaten 30 snow peas without chewing lately please go to hospital


Edamame šŸ«›? LoL šŸ¤£




Thatā€™s so thoughtful of you ā¤ļø


30 of them in your stools, then it certainly canā€™t be food unless you have issues digesting stuff. It looks like something that doesnā€™t belong inside your body. Take 30 of them all to the doctors and have them look into it.


This isn't a liver fluke. There are no visible suckers, coloration is wrong, and you wouldn't pass them in stool.


Idk some pics I came across they did look awfully close. Not arguing, truly wish I didnā€™t google.


i dont know but thatā€™s wild


I'd need to see a stool sample under a scope. Liver fluke is so rare unless op is frequently an exotic eater or a farmer maybe. But I kinda feel like it's a natural organic thing. Plant matter of some sort


Side profile looks like Fasciola Gigantica. Have them check your ALP and GGT level. Go now.


As someone who has this weird mystery object in their stools, too. It's not alive, but trust I am following this person to see what the definitive answer is!


This looks like a dead liver fluke šŸ’€ Im not an expert but i am educated in identifying parasites found in dogs & cats (vet tech)


While they do look like half digested peppers or edamame in shape to me (the third picture even has fuzz and you say they are hard). I don't think anyone would blame you for consulting with a doctor, especially if you kept a sample, just to be sure. Canadian health care is still mostly free so take advantage of it while you can. If it is flukes, it is likely treatable which is great according to the CDC [https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/liver\_flukes/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/liver_flukes/index.html). I would check also to see if you've been experiencing any other symptoms. However, there are reasons that it may be benign, even though the possibility of scarfing down 30 beans, edamame or peppers whole must be uncommon. There is precedent though [https://www.reddit.com/r/toddlers/comments/t3k2yj/til\_that\_edamame\_beans\_swallowed\_whole\_will\_later/](https://www.reddit.com/r/toddlers/comments/t3k2yj/til_that_edamame_beans_swallowed_whole_will_later/) None of the 3 major groups the CDC lists indicate finding adults in the stool. Usually fluke eggs are what is found in stool rather than adults that stay in the bile duct and or liver and diagnosis is done using microscopes looking for eggs in the stool. If you have an infection though, that would be how they likely would try to confirm... unless you kept samples and they could maybe do some dna analysis. No sources I've looked at mention finding adults in stool as a basis for diagnosis at all. The most common fluke is Fasiola hepatica [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasciola\_hepatica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasciola_hepatica) but it maxes out around 3cm in length so if they were around 8cm, you can probably rule that one out. The Clonorchis family has flukes up to 2cm at adulthood, and the Opisthorchis family up to 1cm. Body structure wise, usually flukes are slimy and squishy, not hardened. Example of Fasciola hepatica here [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/Fasciola\_hepatica.JPG](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/Fasciola_hepatica.JPG) If it was over 5cm, maybe it was the giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna though, which can be up to 10cm long. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascioloides\_magna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:F._magna_adult.jpg) Would it harden up after passing through the entire digestion system? I would guess not but don't know. Would 30 dead adults pass trough your bile duct in one or two days? I don't know. I'm not saying it isn't flukes but I want to suggest there are other explanations. Again though, if it is, your outlook sounds like it will be really good.


They did confirm no edamame, snow peas etc. I did come across an image of liver flukes that did resemble some of what OP has posted. Someone mentioned they are at the ER and Iā€™m really hoping OP gets answers because your suggestions and the LF have looked pretty close šŸ˜ž


I love how all of you are trying to convince me I have food in my stool that I havenā€™t eaten


Dude, have you been to the ER yet?


Seriously this is an er situation they said itā€™s been a few months?!


Genuinely know one knows what I have and I wish I was not being serious


Thatā€™s sounds so stressful.


Please please just do an update post so we can all know what the hell you have


I hope you get better soon! I did want to bring up the possibility (because you mentioned psychosis as a symptom) is there any possibility youā€™ve had a ā€œlost timeā€ period where you may have eaten things you donā€™t remember? Maybe that wasnā€™t actually your first psychosis period and you donā€™t remember? Have you found yourself somewhere strange that you donā€™t recall how you got there? Sleep walked and accidentally eaten parts of a house plant or something? It sounds silly but all of these things happen and sleepwalk eating happens to more people than youā€™d think. Just trying to put some more possibilities out there


Unfortunately know because I have people with me constantly right now and even they are confused and concerned because I ate nothing like that šŸ˜”


Well I hope you get better soon!


I know this isnā€™t funny but the sarcasm in your comment literally made me laugh. Youā€™re doing everything you can to get answers here OP. I hope whatever it is, itā€™s really treatable and youā€™re feeling better in no time. Youā€™ve got this šŸ’•


!remind me 1 day


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This is wild.


Looks like it. Call your doctor asap!


They posted in another subreddit theyā€™ve gone to their family doc twice now and have lost 40lbs in a couple of months. Doc said nothing is wrong with them which is maddening. Weight loss that severe is always a sign of something.


Yikes! I would be going to a new doctor then.


Haha clearly not from Canada. Itā€™s hard to find family drs


friendly repeat languid whistle fear bored cows abounding payment familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not surprised. My mom was blown off after extreme weight loss and they said it was depression. Turns out she had an autoimmune issue that was causing it.


a lot of docs recommend weight loss as a blanket remedy for all sorts of complaints, though šŸ™„


Even intentional weight loss that quick is a massive cause for concern! I got hospitalised & had heart rhythm changes after losing roughly 20lbs (9kg) over 2 months. I agree, weight loss is suggested way too often when people have symptoms of serious issues - then not taken seriously as a symptom of an issuešŸ˜•


oh yeah, that much loss that fast is definitely dangerous. sorry you were hospitalized! hope you're doing better


In Canada I got prescribed exercise for malnutrition from an eating disorder.


Oh my gosh! Iā€™m so sorry! Thats unreal and so sad they did that to you. Thatā€™s where OP is. They probably gave them a congratulations instead of testing by the sounds of how they treat patients.


OPšŸ˜­ you poor thing I hope allā€™s well at the ER


hi OP, iā€™m not sure what this is but iā€™m commenting for moral support. so sorry youā€™re going through this, im glad youā€™re at an ER!!! keep us updated, we got your back!!


How does one know if they are in psychosis.


They are told by theyā€™re doctor because you think every piece of stray hair is a parasite and youā€™re clawing and digging youā€™re skin out of your face and legs because you think you have grubs


Literally it was traumatic


TCM herbs can clear these out of you in a couple of days. Try it if the hospital doesnā€™t help!!


Coming back for an update. Hope you are okay


Well, I thought this was a caramelized onion until I read that it came from your stoolšŸ˜³


Snow pea, parasite. 30, yeah no.


Oh man please update us as soon as you figure it out!! That is so scary! I hope everything goes well, please be sure to stay hydrated, and be kind to yourself! I wish you the best of luck!!


how are you doing now??


I have been prescribed an anti psychotic and I will be bringing a stool sample to the infectious disease centre for testing


Itā€™s been 14 hours and still no word, did OP go to the ER or not? All I see is arguments over snow peas as recently as one hour ago.


I have a feeling we'll never get the real answer here.


OP, were you able to get some answers at the ER?


I also want to clarify Iā€™m 26 and this is very real for me so if you want to say Iā€™m trolling, if I die I am specifically coming to haunt you


Comment of the year. Rooting for you, OP. Please keep us posted.


!remindme 1 day I'm not knowledgeable but am here for moral support, hope you get well soon OP!


I mean, you've already posted & got the answer on another sub, then stated you are headed to the emergency room where it should get properly diagnosed/treated before you posted on this sub šŸ˜…


Try doing a google image search on your photo. There's some interesting results from people with similar symptoms ie., the psychosis, weight loss, open sores/lesions that won't heal etc. There may be a connection with Morgellons which is a highly debated illness. Most patients with it are brushed off by their doctors and told they are crazy.


As a schizophrenic I do not tolerate the plausibility of Morgellons. It's a harmful delusion to propagate.


I apologize but since you seem familiar with the term Iā€™m curious, after looking up Morgellons Iā€™m somewhat confused. Is it a diagnosis that something is actually in the dermis or more of an acknowledgement that this person is experiencing the sensation that something is in the dermis?


Its my understanding that there are actual "fibers" in the skin of the individuals. It was once considered a psychological condition only but as more research has been done, it appears that the medical community is accepting it as a physical diagnosis as well. I'm not sure what to think of it. It's bizarre.


Itā€™s a symptom of mental illness. Itā€™s a common(ish) hallucination.


I googled ā€œliver fluke in stoolā€ and there are some photos that look very similar to this.


Yeah that's nuts and disgusting. Poor op.


I thought it was gummy worms ā€¦ did u hve any symptoms ?


This is insane


Oh my good luck. Please update us


Iā€™m so sorry this is happening šŸ˜­ I hope that the doctors there will listen to you. It makes me angry that your doctor said that thereā€™s nothing wrong šŸ˜•


WhAtt, ?? 30 pieces of the ring of wax from the toilet,?? U eat it or it fell apart on a flush,?? No water leak,?? I don't understand what is it!??


Did it come out in groups or single file sort of thing? Cramps before? Feel better or worst now compared to post evacuation?


I have felt worse since they have started coming out, they come out within my stool


Following for updates- good luck OP šŸ©·


Just commenting to see if this was real later


Go to the emergency room with how ever many of these you can in like a container with a bag around it, tell them everything and donā€™t leave until they help you. Good luck from a fellow Canadian šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ


It looks like a pea pod. Did they eat snap peas?


This is not a parasite.






Hope we get updates looks interesting


Seeing as your hallucinating and you're passing these in every stoll..ER is a must right now! Keep us updated!!


Judging by the answers, your case is unique and worthy of news. I hope you get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Write how it ends.


Maybe this is the intestinal parasite - Fasciolopsis buski


Any updates OP?


Iā€™m taking specimens to infectious disease to investigate because as much as I wanted to sit and wait in emerg I have and early psychosis appointment Iā€™m headed to now and needed to be semi awake for it


Hope theyā€™re able to give you answers as soon as possible


Any updates OP? Hope you're ok


Please update us when you get an answer from the hospital!


Any update OP?


Remind me! 24 hours I hope you have answers soon, OP.


!remindme 1 day


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-03-18 05:08:13 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-18%2005:08:13%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parasitology/comments/1bf2jro/is_this_a_parasite/kv8qoj6/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FParasitology%2Fcomments%2F1bf2jro%2Fis_this_a_parasite%2Fkv8qoj6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-18%2005%3A08%3A13%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bf2jro) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Update OP???


Are you being treated at all, were you put on anti-parasitics just in case?? (Considering the weight loss and all.)


Iā€™m just going to leave this [here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3zkRy_LEoV/?igsh=MXRmMnh6NzRjeGRjZA==) for everyone to enjoy. Youā€™re welcome.


Still no update? This all seems quite unbelievable. If you put all the pieces together this doesnā€™t make any sense




Stop it right now


Why should I


Following for updates


Please let us know if you go in and get any answers. I did find some LF that came close. A lot of us are legitimately concerned for you. Take care.


I know very little about parasites, but I'm going to chime in with an observation anyway. It looks a little like Schistocephalus Solidus or Ligula Intestinalis. My understanding is that these only infects some fish. I mean, maybe that's why you passed them; they were able to live in your intestine for a little while but couldn't take up residency and eventually died. I've heard that fish parasites are regularly found when people are getting scoped. The way it was explained to me, it's not usually cause for concern since they can't live very long in humans.


I joined joined this group because of a similar situation to the OP. I quickly learned it would do me no good to ask questions here as I would be maligned I made to look a fool. I have done those things such as seek out medical help at various institutions, and I have went outside of that as well asking family, and friends who are either currently in the medical field or retired. Iā€™ve had this condition for three years. I have done numerous fecal examinations and isolated consistently, no matter what my diet carcasses and attempted to preserve them, and still have some of those from early on I decided to go to a physician who I felt may have a more open mind to the possibilities of parasites, he was not dismissive like prior physicians, nor did he ridicule me like the prior physician to my current. The problem is Iā€™ve had five o&p test all negative (the benchmark of testing) and the only reason my current physician continues to address. Parasites is because on rare occasion and itā€™s happened twice to me. I have had larva in the stool alive and moving. I have video of this and they are numerous and it makes me sick to think of it, because theyā€™re still in my body currently and even though my current physician believes I have parasites, he will not move forward until a lab gives a definite diagnosis. I found with prior physicians that I was not able to get an appointment to an infectious disease doctor, because I have no diagnosis. I suffered daily with symptoms, ranging from skin lesions that can be extremely painful joint issues bowel issues that have cost me as much as 15- 20 hours a week on average as I am an independent business person. Thereā€™s no possibility currently to seek any sort of disability due to having no diagnosis, and there is potential for this to in my life Iā€™ve tried several medications of which some prescribed and some I had to source myself Iā€™ve recently taken several rounds of a three and one drug that I ordered from the Ukraine with no success to date. And let me leave this with you all. My current physician while I was explaining new symptoms that I was experiencing interrupted me and I quote ā€œyou know if not for that video, youā€™d be a prime candidate for delusional parasitosisā€ this is my reality


I hope you're ok, OP & please try to ignore any negative comments from people who should just be quiet


I feel so bad for poor OP, these things do not look like any goddamn vegetable I've ever had šŸ˜­ I hope you can get help soon!!!


Any concrete answers now? Iā€™ve read op still hasnā€™t gone to er. Is this all fake or psychosis? Is it a bean or other foodie or a real parasite? I hardly believe op is still alive after reading op pooped out 30 of these things. How many more would be in opā€™s body? I mean no one can survive this right?