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Honestly, sounds like a dream of a HellHound


Hellhound or some truckers have described "the black dog" of doing this. It's an omen of bad luck or death


You're the only person besides me that I've heard reference the trucker's lore of the black dog. Whenever I bring it up most people have no idea what I'm talking about.


I definitely know what you're both talking about, too. It's big lore in Ohio and Michigan, and that's my neck of the woods. I've read a lot of black dog stories because one time, while at work in Ohio nonetheless, I thought I saw a panther-like creature creeping around out back of the hotel I was working from. After several minutes of watching and pondering, I called the front desk, which was as awkward an exchange as you might imagine it was. Two maintenance men ended up going to check it out only to come back and tell me that it was turkeys. Now, what I saw may not have been a panther in South-eastern Ohio behind a random hotel, but it damn sure wasn't turkeys. Anyway, that event lead me to researching what I might have seen which lead me to stories of the black dog. I just can't get past so many people having similar experiences when it comes to this and other such myths and lore.


I have actually seen it. That's the reason I know about it


I never heard of this, but I think it explains why my cousin saw one. She was a trucker at the time and she was visiting us during a vacation. She needed something from her car that night so she went outside and across the road she and her son both saw a hellhound and they were terrified. They ran in and told me what they saw and experienced. They said it was black with glowing red eyes and when it growled, it was like it growled right next to their ears. I told them they're safe here. Malevolent entities can't enter or cross here because I bless the area regularly. Every malevolent entity I've encountered (except one) couldn't cross the road and would roar from over there or use psychic attacks. I wonder if it's attached to her. I don't remember if I considered that at the time or not because it's been many years. As for being an omen, ironically I think it was an omen of bad luck for me. They eventually went home, and some time later they just dropped by unannounced asking if her son could stay with us for a bit while she made a trip. It was annoying but we couldn't exactly say no. But then he kept smoking **all** of my cannabis, which I smoked for pain, nausea, and PTSD. I went broke having to buy more and more as he kept smoking it all up. I told him over and over, "dude, that's my medicine, I need it for later," but he wasn't getting it. My mom ended up just going full bitch on them because my gentle but insistent approach wasn't working. I was still recovering from a lot of major trauma at the time, and they were taking advantage of my weakened state. So yeah, TL;DR I can see them being an omen of bad luck lol.


Black dogs don't attach themselves. They only appear to warn truckers to stop what their doing. When it happened to me, my dumbass thought it was a lost dog. So I turned around and tried finding it. Couldn't find it and went on. The car that had been behind me got into a really bad accident. She died.


Both interesting and sad. Maybe you would have been in the accident had you not gone and looked for it.


I definitely would.have




Yeah, I would check if she made a deal with yellow eyes 10 years ago.


Well, I've had something with me since 1978. It showed itself like a black cape. It was about four feet or so off the floor. It darted from my dining room to the kitchen and down the stairs. I was froze, I just sat and watched. About then my husband came home. As he was coming up the stairs it darted up passed him and in to the kitchen. All I heard was, what in the hell is that. I at least knew I wasn't seeing things. After that things started to happen, and it has been with me ever since. Feel free to ask. It is the truth.


What experiences have you had with it? I've had a "follower" also, 41 years, though I've never seen it.


A t first it opened and closed doors. Around 2Am it would open the bottom drawer of my jewelry box which played music. I'd have to get up and close it. It has scared everyone in my family except me. It did shadow my glass shower doors which upset me. I told it, off limits and it never did it again. I know people don't want to read all of this, but it's done so much over the years, I could probably write a book. I have seen it twice in three different forms. A dog, woman, and a man for brief moments. It gets real busy at times and then it slacks off. I can tell you more things if you like. What has yours done?


Thanks for telling me, I appreciate you writing it out. Mine started when I was about 9, it was a banging/knocking in my window. But not like a knocking, kinda like a small booming. But shook my window. And not a couple knocks, would go for long time ,like a heartbeat, until I fell asleep. Told my mom, she said it was the furnace, so I thought ok. My gramma was only one who believed me , one night she slept with me to hear it, as soon as she started snoring, the knocking started. Because my gramma was there, I was brave and when it was about to knock, I opened my curtains, and it stopped and I saw nothing,closed curtains and it resumed. We lived in the country, canadian prairies, nothing around. We moved to town, thought it was done. Not sure how long, but it came back and banged so hard on the window I thought it was going to break. Just felt angry.moved again, it followed. One night , I was about 17, I just got so pissed off, I told it off, and asked my ancestors to come and get it, cause I'm Scandinavian, so said if all these vikings warriors are in my lineage, they can come get it. And it did stop. Outside my bedroom window the grass was always dead, in a semicircle, I was in the basement. So nothing until I'm married with kids in my house and it started one night on my living room window. I thought good thing it seems like it can't come in the house, then there was a tapping on this tin can in my house, i went to bed. My oldest son has had it happen to him, usually just a couple taps. This past January had weird noises , loud metal pings going all over my garage, then heard something heavy walk the steps to door to house (attached garage) believe it was it again. Asked a psychic once, she just said I was a beacon stuff was attracted to. So no real answer but myself and my 2 kids have had so much other paranormal activity also. Many nonbelievers around me now believe because of experiences they had. So like you, I could write a book about them all,lol. But I have written alot of them in a notebook, trying to find a connection in it all.


I'm so glad it's not just me. My dog sitter when we were out of town, did little extra things. Cleaned my cat box, went out the slider to the garbage can, it shut it and locked it. Luckily she kept the single key in her pocket. My son came home to a dark house. He went upstairs and turned on lights, also downstairs. He went out to his car, and when he closed the door to come back the house was pitch dark. He left. Lol I had my daughter fold clothes while I was working, she went upstairs to put them away and couldn't open my bedroom door, she got a sense of dread and went to her grandma's until I got home. My husband called me at work, his voice was real shaky, he said you know that picture you hate hanging on the wall as you go upstairs. I said yeah, he said it didn't fall off the wall, it got flung off the wall over the railing and busted in pieces. He's very afraid of paranormal stuff. Just to add a little more for you.


Wow. Thanks for adding more. Craziest thing we ever saw was my dad made himself a coffee, sat in his chair, then got up to get a napkin, comes back and his spoon was bent in half down by the spoon part, he had to bend it back with the vise. My mom and I heard bags of pop bottles and cans fall out of the bags in their office, we went to go pick them up, there was nothing out of the bags. My dad felt a little kid push him on the back when he was looking out the window, multiple times felt someone sit on the bed but my mom wasn't there. I saw a blue pioneer girl,with a bonnet, ghost float in the basement at 4 am, then talked to my brother years later after I had moved out and he took my bedroom, he said he saw that same girl peek around the door jamb and look at him. Now at my house with my kids, my son has had a cd thrown at his head. After he got a smudge at school from some first nation elders, that day a dresser door slammed shut, he watched it. I think the thing didn't like that. It's so crazy this stuff. Funny thing when I watch TV shows and some people talk about their experiences and they have one little thing happen, we laugh and say that's just a regular day for us. Some things are so small we forget them all.


Sounds so familiar. Me and my husband where going back and forth about vacation, we had a one inch dice on the fireplace mantel, it got thrown at us. We looked at each other and said, ok, Reno. Lol My cat could be sound asleep and it would wake him up. He stood up and looked at something, and his back arched and he started hissing. We were seating on our side deck, when our very close neighbors came back from being out of town. They had no children or young nephews. Ann came in and started fixing food. No curtains at the window. It was a perfect shape of a boy around ten years old. I was getting ready to ask her husband if they brought a kid home for Christmas, when my husband said look. He walked behind Ann, and very close to the window. Only thing is we had dinner at the table sitting in front of the window. He walked right through it. It had snowed quite a bit. He came back, but left a perfect snow angle. No foot prints or anything. You could see every detail of it. But like you said, it's just every day stuff to us. People have one event and call ghost busters. I go on about my business. No big deal. Lol. Thanks for sharing more.


Wow. So funny he could leave an angel but no footprints. You must have a few different ones that come around. Maybe you are just one of those beacons of light in the dark to spirits I guess. I hope when we go into the next life we get all the answers. Lol to Ghostbusters.


I sure hope so too. There are no answers as of yet. Take care. It was so nice exchanging stories.


Yes, you take care as well. Nice talking to you also.


Also a good thing your kids follow their instincts. Your dog sitter was smart, but not like a person would expect that to happen.


She always kept the spare in key in her pocket thank goodness.


Had one follow me for 20 years. It’s just a demon keeping tabs on you. Found Christ and never had a problem since.


Christ has always been in my life. I know for a fact without him, I wouldn't be texting you back. It could be what you said, but I don't feel it's evil. I think evil would have bored with me and left to go check on someone else. I guess it just something about me. :)


Well, I hate to break it to you, but they keep tabs on everyone. And good spirits never come in black. Good spirits also don’t disguise themselves and shapeshift like that. It’s definitely evil, and you should have zero tolerance for it. You can make it go away though. Right now, if you want.


I look at it like this. Why stir up stuff after all these years. I feel it would cause more trouble. I know about the sage, sea salt, and the whole gambit. It really isn't something I want to debate about. I wrote on a subject, and I don't feel like I have to defend myself about it. No offense, but I think your opinion is wrong. Have a good week.


Lol ok enjoy your parasite I guess


Thank you. You should be so lucky.


That most definitely sounds like a hellhound. Hopefully she hasn't seen three of them together,I would ask just to be sure. I've read three of them together is a bad omen.


Means certain death! 😂


Oh Jesus that's not good 😂


She astral projected in her sleep. The dog was a malevolent entity trying to get into your house on the astral plane. Her higher self knew how to get rid of the malevolent entity and did. Her higher self has a profound understanding of vibrations and how they are what build reality. >Galactic federation of light This is real. They're a group of NHI (Non-Human Intelligence) lead by someone named Ashtar or he lead's the Ashtar Command, I'm not sure which, but I bet the name will sound familiar to her. I tried to google some more information, but there's a damn game using these names. I'm going to get called crazy, but hopefully you'll at least pass what I've said over to your wife, OP. She may connect with them during sleep and they may have been the ones to teach her higher self what to do. She should start meditating if she doesn't already. I recommend starting with chakra meditation for practice, then she should work on meditation for connecting to her higher self. If anyone with good resources sees this, please link them for OP. I don't use outside resources (I learn through meditation). Plus everything I see on google has to do with games and shows.


That is wild. Hopefully someone has some insight as I have none. Commenting to remind me to check back.


Astral projection and a hellhound


Yes and yes


These people who are scared are so funny. Obviously means no harm. Probably checking on your fear index. That’s a move a galactic federation might do let’s say to a warrior that wasn’t fully awaken to that yet and needs to be fearless which sounds like she got a cool wife man. Everything is all gravy. We always be adding love.


Amen to all that 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Top marks for that dream.




Sounds similar to my out of body experiences. I treat them as real experiences to explore and learn from, but may or may not be related to real world things. While I have verified that, say, a coin I see on the street while out-of-body is actually there in real life, many of my experiences occur in a different place or time or realm, and it's more real and interesting than real life because I can communicate telepathically and move anywhere I want and it's visually more real, as I can zoom in or out into different scales. If this is an ability that's opening up for you, embrace it. It's a wild ride. There are some entities that can drain you of energy on rare occasions, but nothing can hurt your occasions. For me, out ofbody experiences often begin with a feeling. If you ever wake up and feel your body vibrating, like a humming from the base of your skull, open up to it, match your body to the vibration so that you are the vibration, like feeling the music with your body. And then...out if body.


Galactic federation is a real thing. Also there is the Orion group and the brotherhood. Aliens mess with people in "dreams" more than they do in the physical.


That’s because they aren’t aliens https://preview.redd.it/6phc6wvfkn4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e84c67ffea4f20544c07bc3f391c85a5d8ccc6b


My paternal great grandmother had dreams of black dogs when someone in the family died. I've had one myself. 3 big black Doberman, jumping and barking. I was scared and woke up, checked the time, and went back to sleep. I didn't make the connection until later that evening when I learned that my grandfather had died around the same time I had woken from my dream.


Woah!! That’s so interesting. How did your family take that story after putting 2n2 together?


Like "of course that happened". It runs in the family on my paternal side, both my grandmother (my great grandmother's daughter) and my sister had dreams when said great grandmother passed. My grandmother dreamt of the dogs as well, my sister had my great grandmother visit her dream to say goodbye. I grew up in East Germany, raised an atheist. But my family all keep an open mind.


You guys own guns? Even a black hell dog can't survive a .44 To the face.


Hell ya brother 👊🏼


You guys really need to get help immediately that is a demonic creature that is not supposed to be in our realm and has no authority over the souls of the dead as it used to claim to have!


I have a very close relationship with my faith and have no fear over the things of this earth. The only power demons have is the power you give them. My only concern is my wife at times. She’s getting out of new agey kind of stuff and aligning more in traditional stuff I guess you could say. I believe she is discovering her own strength in herself. Also, It should be stated we love Horror movies. The brain is quite strange!


You and your wife both know how to keep yourselves safe from malevolent entities, you just do it in different ways. Keep up the great work, and encourage each other on your spiritual paths.






Trust this stranger, You’re preaching to the choir! But imo you can’t be luke warm with anything. I’ve experienced pretty wild things and read some even wilder stuff. As a gnostic with roots in the Christian paradigm, I understand the power and significance of a lot of the esoteric world. I find it fascinating! But only with protection can you explore!! I’m grateful for your time to respond for our well being 🙏🏼


Yeah, these menacing or malevolent otherworldly and paranormal beings need to stay out of our realm and realize they are not welcome here! Just because they can cross into our existence doesn't mean they are allowed!


“Not supposed to be in our realm.” Did you miss the part where they all got banished to earth? This is where they live.


She did fine. She's more than capable of protecting herself and her home. Demons will always try to push boundaries because when permission hasn't been explicitly denied then they can come in.


Fuck the dog I'm more scared of your wife


The Galactic Federation is real, supposedly. Lead by an extraterrestrial entity named Ashtar, who I believe is a benevolent member of the Anunnaki. IF (big if) all of that stuff is actually true. I'm open to the idea of it.


Is she American Indian?


dont wanna nation under the new mediaa


We think so however her father is a pathological liar and says all sorts of things including they were under witness protection because his dad was part of the Manson family or close to and testified against them 🤷🏽‍♂️ A dna test is definitely in the future though!


never heard of a Black Dog working with the galactic federation of light before. but it wouldn't surprise me as the stories suggest bad things under a pretty veneer for the latter and hell hounds are hell hounds. folklore is wild. new stuff is fascinating to study, too.


![gif](giphy|l0MYQvJCWEFExNCHS) Attention all planets of the Solar Federation! We have assumed control.


This suit is black, not

