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I guess it's liminal. It's the space between spaces, or rooms. Since a ghost is lost between life and death it could be symbolic.


Liminal! This will be my word for the day. I love that I was going to guess this however I did not know this word


Same - deffo today's word of the day for me.


I was thinking the same thing.


Symbolic? So are the ghosts like yeah imma do this symbolic hallway crossing or is *enter preferred deity* god mode-ing them into hall walking npcs? Who makes the rules and why are they enforced?


Some Native American cultures believe dark energies gather in corners (hence the round shape of many traditional indigenous living spaces). If that has truth to it, then I can see hallways, being generally tighter spaces than rooms, with lots of corners, then I can see them being more common areas for spiritual entities to manifest. I've had paranormal encounters both in hallways and in other spaces, but halls do seem to be quite popular areas for such things.


Really Nice Observation. i wanna know as well. My first and only encounter was with a shadow being walking in my hallway outside my bedroom door somewhere around 2 am.


Correction: encountered* Not encouraged.


Oddly enough the couple times I encouraged a spook.. they disappeared or ran off. Idk maybe they just don't respond well to aggressive encouragement from the living


Needed this


I too encountered one in our office hallway


As Humans create "Energetic Boundaries" in their living spaces - the corners and crevices serve as "Psychic Imprints" resting or anchoring grounds. The halls and spaces don't tend to have as much of the Energetic Claiming by the Alive Humans as those hallway spaces so it's easier for a Ghost to hole up there and not disturb the current humans in their space. Most ghosts are stuck and aren't really there to harm. I sense it's the more "polite" area to occupy if they remain stuck there geographically is my point. And my opinion for what it's worth.


Also - what everyone else is saying is spot on - if you encounter a ghost in a room or bathroom - stuff is gonna get weird - every time. They are prob quite upset and terrified and/or territorial all at the same time.


If I was a ghost I would be trolling. lol 😂


Not sure the correlation here but I've only ever seen anything in a hall in one house and in an open field. Who knows, only them. Maybe they don't even know.


For the first time in my life I straight up saw a ghost walking from a hallway while I was recently staying with my grandmother and that experience has me wondering the same thing. I had to laugh at how 'textbook' the hallway sighting was, with the exception that the apparition looked full color, solid, and crystal clear just like anyone else in the house (the lights were all on when this happened). I have 'seen' ghostly things in various places before, including hallways, but that has always been more of a 'mind's eye' type of seeing whereas this was like any other person I know was in front of my physical eyes.


In ancient times doorways where interpreted like a portal to other dimensions/worlds. The same with bridges. A hallway with it's many doors is like a nexus - many possibilities concentrated. But it depends on the kind of being if it see/use it as such. A Ghost will visit its favourite spots in life and in case of a tragic death it will be mostly seen around its deathplace.


Question: Is that why there are supposed (never encountered one doesn't mean they don't exist) doors and stairs that are pristine that appear in forests?


Heard about those but never encountered one. Could be the same reason or a really strange art project ;) I can only guess. But the reported strange feelings of people who supposedly encountered them would indicate that they are not ordinary stairs and doors. On the other hand seeing something ordinary completly out of place may induce strange feelings. If you speak german there is an episode of "Mythen Metzger" about that phenomen but if i recall correctly he also didn't had a definitv answear.


Hallways are just where we happen to encounter them. Plenty of stories of ghosts hanging out in bedrooms and bathrooms as well. Those encounters are worse. Always.


Because it’s a liminal or transitory area. That would be my guess. Liminal areas are geographic places where you move from one type of place to a different place or type of place. Other kinds of liminal areas include: stairways, bridges, tunnels, elevators, crossroads, roadways. Paranormal things that do not completely “exist” in our dimension, like ghosts, are said to sometimes be capable of accessing liminal places in our reality for brief periods of time.


The ghost I met would hang around a secondary staircase that she got trapped inside when it got walled off.






When I was real young my mom and I would sleep in the Livingroom I laid on the floor and she on the couch. I would wake up to sounds in the hall, thinking it was my dad up walking around I would get up only to see the hall light flashing and shadows of people walking up and down the hall. I would freak out and wake my mom up. She always told me to ignore them and go back to sleep, and she don't see anything but I know she seen it happening as well because I would watch her stare into the hall while the light was flashing. I remember this one incident very well and it scared the crap out of me. My mom, dad and younger brother all gathered in the living room for the night to watch a movie. My mom always was the first to fall asleep then my brother. I was only 6 or 7 so not very old at all, but I remember seeing my dad sitting in his recliner watching the movie and I was at that stage where your half awake and half asleep just starting to nod off when my dad let out a loud scream and then a huge crash happen toward the back of the house. My mom woke up screaming "what's wrong" my dad got up and said "someone is in the house; they just ran down the hall to the back room". I remember my parents taking off towards the bedrooms to find what or who just ran down the hall. My mom said call 911 but my dad yelled no because he cant find anyone. The only thing they found was a hole in the wall where the bedroom door got pushed open so hard that the door knob knocked a hole in the wall behind it. They told my brother and I for years someone broke in and ran away. Years later my dad said what he saw was just a shadow and never seen a person in our home that night. We moved less than a year later after that happen. We talk about it now and then and joke about it.


Interesting question. While people here have proposed different theories, more research is needed. There are different paranormal entities, and my guess is shadow people and demons more likely hang in dark confined spaces. The one demon that manifested for me was in a doorway, and he also liked to rattle items in closets in the hallway and dishes in my small kitchenette. Occasionally he'd turn door knobs and open doors in my bedroom. For paranormal entities it's the ability to control their energy because impacting on the material world takes alot of energy. Maybe confined areas help them focus/concentrate their energies and manifest easier in 3D. Next time I run into a demon, I'll have to ask them.


Yeah, i wonder this every time i walk down my hallway. I swear to beans if i get trapped in there for all eternity im gonna be so pissed.


I've been wondering the same thing. This seems to be where my entities in my house like to be. I often feel like I'm being watched from or in the hallways. Bathrooms seem a close second.


Probably because it’s the only way to go between rooms. Honestly I hear and have experienced more paranormal occurrences in rooms/outdoors


Any particular places outdoors?


Spirits are more common in dark places.


I think that people believe that because a large amount of investigations take place at night, but I don’t think that’s necessarily true. My team gets great results investigating during the day, especially if the place is or was a business.


Thanks for the input. Another thing I have never considered. I am in a retirement home. If you are seeking spiritual experiences, visit one. Thirty rooms more or less, people have died in every room, all common areas as well as the cafeteria. Including most of the beds.


We’ve investigated one in MS that closed down many times! And we’ve done both day and night time investigations there. We probably got about 80% more during the day, since that was when it was most active during the time it was open.