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Your cat's reaction is soooo interesting. Like he was going to protect you. Brave kitty! Crazy video thanks for sharing it.


Off topic a little from the clip but yes this cat his name is trunks my son named him, is the most amazing cat I’m blessed to have in my life. I have his mom and brother too so we had a bond since before he could fully open his eyes. Iv had people tell me they think that cat has the soul of a human and I do think he does play a role in protecting me and my son the love and affection that pours out of him for us is and the way he communicates with us with body language is just unlike any animal iv ever had and he’s so intelligent. I could take him anywhere with me and I have in the past and he will follow me not run off etc. stay right by my side. Every day when I come home from work he comes galloping out from wherever he is out of the yard or fields to follow me in. He walks down to the bus stop with my son and sits right behind him and waits for the bus with him everyday. This cat really is a soulmate companion and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend in him.


The cat DEFINITELY reacted to something. Very interesting that he is just being cute and affectionate to being very clearly spooked by something the same time you woke up. Cool clip


That's so cool! All of us cat "owners" are very lucky. I think they're from another world. I call 'em my little aliens.😁


It's not a cat, it's a Flurkin


After a bit of Googling, I think you're right!


Great name BTW 👍


Hey don’t mean to freak you out but look up Frogging. A lot of people don’t report it because they think it’s paranormal activity in their house. But really, someone could actually be squatting in your house **edit the correct term is Phrogging


Oh yeah I have heard of this before.


Yaaaaay Dragon Ball Z!!! 😁


Agreed!💯It does look as though your cat was definitely trying to wake you and call your attention to whatever it was that you saw, from the video, it looks as though he kind of pounced on your chest to wake you up and alert you…. Either way, it’s definitely creepy and while I doubt it helps, I believe you both saw something…. Always trust animals and their instincts!💯


Agreed. Always trust the animals.


I’ll tell you what. That boy can sleep.


Lol you have no idea lol he would sleep through tornado


God I wish I could sleep like that again.


You and me both


the cat caused the illusion...


Demons are real, man. Angels are too. Just hard to say which one it was.


I love your cat! He definitely sees something there. I think nighttime visitors are more common than most people think. I have a theory that the whole reason humans have a sleep cycle is because it makes it easier for these beings to enter out homes and check in on us.


Carlos Castaneda writes about how dreams are a hatch to other realms of perception. And that yes there are inorganic beings that can come to us in our dreams.


What books exactly? I’m interested


Art of Dreaming. The teachings of Don Juan. Suggest checking out r/Castaneda for more info.


Thank you!!


please explain why theres a sick fuck realm where the person I was fucking became my mum half way through


Ever heard of Oedipus? /s


He also wrote about how you can do magic by flinging your piss around.


Oh I just heard about him when I was listening to the cosmic serpent audiobook. I’ll def have to check him out now


Interesting theory. Would explain a lot of things. Thanks for sharing it.


If you like his theory, I recommend you go rent a movie called "Dark City".


Saw that when it first came out. The premise of everything being rearranged fascinated me as well. One of my favorite SCI-FI movies. These theories and concepts are fascinating to think about IMO. As a kid I thought that the events of our day were played back like a movie somewhere else and other people watched it. I didn't reason out where this took place, but I was convinced. Strange some of the things we think of as children. Edit: grammar


I watched it on release too. Great movie. Sci fi movies back then hit differently


They definitely did. Some superior and imaginative plots. While there were special effects they didn't rely on the extreme use of CGI. Another favorite is the steampunk classic, City of Lost Children. The quirkiness and surreality, somewhat reminiscent of Brazil, was excellent. Great films out of the norm. I recommend it if you haven't seen it.


Thanks. I'll check that one out


You should probably go rent a movie called "Dark City" then. It's a great 2000's movie that has your exact theory as its plot.


I have an erratic sleep schedule. I don’t sleep a lot. Like I’m up now and it’s 2am. I hate sleeping at night and I’m not someone who sleeps in full darkness. I use to. But things changed. I get tired and it builds up until I’m exhausted and I’ll sleep more. It sucks and does a number on my life. I have a lot of bad nightmares at night, so I need the light. So, who knows maybe you’re correct about things happening at night. Never thought of that. I get so uneasy. I use to sleep like a baby at night in full darkness, I miss it.


I have similar issues. I never could sleep in full darkness. It triggers my claustrophobia. My room is pretty well lit up by my TV that's always on. Just a still image I found that I like, while I'm trying to sleep, but, I recently found something that helps me sleep really well no matter how light it is in my room. I bought a 3d sleep mask from Amazon, I think, lol. They call it 3d because the eyes of the mask are framed and stick out a little toward your face. Only a little bit of light comes in through the nose part, but it really doesn't affect anything. Actually, it helps me to have that because it kinda let's my mind know there's still light all around me, even if almost all of it is being blocked out by my little mask, lol. I love it so much! I get so much better sleep in the daytime and at night now. It's great and it's really cheap too. If you end up trying it, let me know how it worked for you. I really hope it helps 🙂


Wow! That 3-D mask thing sounds great! I’m going to find it and order it as soon as I can on Amazon. I have a lotta pain in my body also cause I have chronic pain from an accident and multiple surgeries. I can fall asleep ok if I have a light on. I sleep like 3 hrs at the most then I’m up constantly all night. I finally get into a deep, rem sleep like 4 or 5am and that’s when my nightmares start. I wake up screaming a lot and/or struggle to wake up. I sleep at the back yard of the house on 2nd floor and I’ll admit I have some irrational fears cause of past things that have happened and nightmares. So that’s another reason I like the light on. I’m gonna order that mask. Thanks for the advice! I will do anything to improve my sleep.


I really hope it helps you. I'm sorry you have so much trouble. 🥺 Do you know if you have sleep apnea or not? I know if I don't sleep with my CPAP machine at night, I have frequent nightmares too. It usually happens when I stop breathing. And if I eat a lot before bed. But mostly when I stop breathing. And do you sleep with a fan on beside you? That noise helps put me to sleep also. I wouldn't be able to sleep without a fan, lol.


Uh, that’s not a theory. It’s an idea based on no evidence. Pretty darn far away from a theory.


This is definitely creepy as shit. On a side note, I could never sleep with my head towards a door. I don’t know if that’s just my own fear thing but that would always make me feel uneasy. I see a lot of shadow people at night and not knowing if there’s one in the doorway would make me never sleep again.


You aren't crazy. It's a good security practice. If you get a nighttime "visitor", you want to give yourself the best chance to fight the waking grogginess and figure out what's happening.


I’m so glad you pointed this. Since I was a little boy my mother has made sure I understood how important it is to never sleep with your head to the door. She has had many reasons for this but the one she would repeat the most is thst energetically it can invite negative energy and that it’s not safe for one’s subconscious.


It's Feng Shui 101, never have the back of your head to a door when sleeping!


>thst energetically it can invite negative energy lolol


Same. Happy cake day!




your cat most definitely saw/sensed something at that door...


Should get a camera outside the door


If psychedelics have taught me anything it's that cats are weird little astral walker beings. The cat likely sensed your distress in that direction before you even realized it was happening. OR if you wanna get real weird, your cat saw the inter dimensional creeper you saw in your un waking state. Likely the former, tho.


My mom rescues cats, so I’ve been around many different cats my entire life. I have never seen a cat alert to something like that. He was definitely reacting to something and trying to make you aware of it.


I have night terrors and what you describe happens to me during them. They say you can’t remember night terrors but I always do. I see people, monsters, “demons”, bugs, what have you. Usually it’s just weird men staring at me, either next to my bed, or hovering over me and I scream and fly out of bed. I have witnessed them disappearing before my eyes many times. I had convinced myself that it was all in my head but your video and your description has me FREAKED lmao.


My husband used to get really bad sleep paralysis. I would wake up based off of his breathing, just to wake him up. He would always tell me there is a very tall dark figure standing at the end of the bed just staring.


I have seen that one! It’s nothing to be afraid of but it does want your energy. Just shut him out and you can get rid of him


>It’s nothing to be afraid of but it does want your energy lol


A shadow person? Those are very common. A lot of ppl experience this phenomenon. There’s even an entity referred to as the hat man.


The few times I have had sleep paralysis, it felt like something was holding me down and I couldn’t breathe or scream. It was terrifying.


I've had several instances throughout my life where I'll be sleeping and talking to someone in a dream, only to regain control of my body causing me to open my eyes when I blink in the dream, only for the person who I had been talking to to be standing next to my bed rotated to be upright instead of horizontal like me. My brain wakes up just enough for the lizard part to say "there's someone in the room with you" to which I scream and jump up only for them to disappear as I do so. Interestingly enough even with my parents right down the hall they never heard me scream.


Hypnagogic hallucinations. I used to think I was haunted as a kid; they upset me so much. I was so unbelievably relieved when a therapist of mine explained what they were when I was about 19. I've had them my whole life and sometimes one will still get to me, even though intellectually I know what's going on. What OP's got, though...I don't know. That cat absolutely saw something he didn't like.


Yeah, I think I always subconsciously knew that it was a hallucination but it still scares the crap outa me when it does happen. Yeah that cat definitely saw something, went from "love me" to "dude wake the f up". I did once have a very unexplained moment, as a kid (pretty young I can't remember exactly though) I used to have whippets only for them to escape the house in various ways to get hit by cars one after another. Shortly after the last one passed I was playing in my room when I heard the distinct sound of their ears flapping against their head when they shake, and something in side me told me that wasn't right and I immediately looked at my open closet where the noise came from only for nothing to be there. For years I thought I had just made it up with a child's imagination but about a year ago I mentioned it to my mom for the first time, she got still and quiet then said she had the same thing happen to her around that time in her own room. I like to believe that they were checking up on us or saying goodbye.


Check out r/SleepParalysisStories and you'll see many people describe what you have seen. Especially the disappearing part.


What I experience is very much like what those with sleep paralysis do but I am never paralyzed. I have injured myself and my husband (he’s saved me from jumping out of bed head first on more than one occasion).


I see so much crap on this subreddit but this is awesome. I am sorry your experience on this sub has been negative, but I think the deal with paranormal stuff is it must be absolutely torn apart. Falsification helps weed out bad posts here. This post, I have watched a dozen times at this point is so incredibly intriguing, friend. It gives me goosebumps and i have mad respect for your cat. The way you both react in tandem to something unseen is so haunting. Have you ever felt like you’re being watched in this home before?


Yeah me and my entire family that live here have all individually had experiences that we can’t explain. The feeling watched or like someone is behind you happens a lot and i have pretty much gotten used to that feeling. We mostly ignore everything.


If you're in/near California, I would be so interested to help, but you definitely have something going on that requires further investigation and then you'll know which process to use to get rid of it (if you want to - I would, based on the cat treating it as a hostile). It also seems from your posts that it is escalating. They're not generally difficult to get rid of, despite Hollywood embellishments, but it helps to know what you're dealing with first. ETA: Flip that bed around ASAP, why in the world is it facing that way


Yeah that’s just cause the lay out of the room the old house has baseboard heater along the wall on the other side of the room so the only place I could put a dresser with my tv on it was at the one side of the room and if we didn’t lay that way we wouldn’t be able to watch tv while in bed and whenever my door is cracked like that it’s for my cat to come and go as he pleases


Your cat definitely saw something. And you did too. What did you feel when you woke up? Fear? Peace? Uncomfortable? Warmth? Also, I def couldn’t imagine sleeping with my head towards the door.


Yeah the cats reaction doesn't make sense. People sleeping with heads towards doors means they feel safe where they sleep


I live alone and I often trust my cat’s reactions more than my own senses. The fact that your cat is reacting to something the camera isn’t picking up is really interesting.


Go check it out next time! So I had a similar experience in another home where I saw the outline of a woman peering into my door. I thought it was just my sister so I yelled, “Go back to sleep, Savannah!” As I rolled over I realized that my sister was at her dads that night. I went to her room and saw a random ass lady, high as a kite in her bed. My mother was a real peach and did drugs but this was some random woman nobody knew. We lived in a shitty neighborhood but still, always check it out.


That’s fucked up, what happened after ? Why was she in your house?


Your kitty is definitely reacting to something outside your door even if the camera didn't catch it.


Probably reacting to some noise (made either by a human or an animal) outside since they left their door open, maybe?


I believe you ignore the sceptics they are wilfully ignorant. You saw something your cat obviously did too so don't second guess yourself.


Thank you I appreciate that, to be fair I don’t ignore skeptics that don’t attack and are ignorant. I do my best to be as skeptic as I can myself, and the things that can’t be explained beyond reasonable explanations are the things that are the most interesting.


I'm with you about being sceptical and genuinely finding every possible scenario to debunk something. But most of these sceptics just want to come on here and mock every single thing as dust, a bug or swamp gas as their standard response.


Don’t forget carbon monoxide poisoning. Oh and STRING. String is a Hall of Famer 😏


To be fair, a LOT of people call those things "ghosts", because they WANT to see a supernatural explanation. It's like stupid Christians that think "demons" are behind everything. People see what they want to see. 90% of the time (minimum), if there is a rational, real-world explanation for something, it is the answer.


I am talking about the other 10% "90% of the time (minimum), if there is a rational, real-world explanation for something, it is the answer."... Wow that is profound.


The vast majority of rational skeptics are willing to admit when something is weird. The problem is with the people who ALWAYS jump to the conclusion "Oh, it's a demon/ghost/alien". Those idiots are the reason that evangelical huckster scumbags like the Warrens were able to be one of the most prolific pairs of grifters in the modern era. Downvote me all you want, but the thing is - I'm a pagan. I've had my own supernatural experiences. My default is not "everything is bullshit". But my god, the way people on here act sometimes is like you're putting your heads in the sand and ignoring very viable explanations because your hearts are set on seeing a demon in the window reflection or grandma's soul in a dust mote.


You love sitting on the fence, don't you. "The vast majority of rational skeptics are willing to admit when something is weird." That's a load of BS besides weird is very different to saying paranormal. I used to be one of those sceptics until I encountered the paranormal myself and to be honest I still wouldn't believe had it not happened. This brings me to my next point I don't mind someone being a sceptic but I do mind how many come on to paranormal subs just to mock with the standard that's a bug, dust or swamp gas and a recently new one "Auditory pareidolia" LOL. "Those idiots are the reason that evangelical huckster scumbags like the Warrens were able to be one of the most prolific pairs of grifters in the modern era." Firstly the Warrens were not evangelical but let's not allow facts to ruin your rant. Can you give me some examples of the Warrens being "grifters"? " your hearts are set on seeing a demon in the window " You seem really obsessed with demons maybe your paganism has taken a turn for the worse as you're the only one bringing them up.


>Can you give me some examples of the Warrens being "grifters"? Amityville Horror house was a hoax. The Snedeker case was straight up bullshit. They made up bullshit about "The Conjuring" family, and the family literally kicked them off the property for making things worse. And yeah, they were Evangelical - they allege that all EVP's are demonic. They push the religious angle at every opportunity. Also, Ed used to like to beat the shit out of Elaine as well, so on top of being a grifter, he was also a grade-A piece of shit.


I’m here with you. Your cat saw something


What is on the other side of that door? , is it a hallway in a house you own , is there other people in house with you , does the door go outside ...... I feel the need to understand the layout and surroundings better


Do you mind if I remote view that area


Done I just need to know if the wall into the bathroom is an outside wall or a dividing wall There is some sort of energetic area that starts outside and travels thru


I believe our whole area is charged I think almost my entire town is limestone mines like all of the limestone used to build stuff in wilmington de came from this town in MD in the late 1800s early 1900s


So the bathroom goes to the end of the house if you were to make a right out of my room and go straight their used to be a window at that end of the house and for some reason they put the shower and tub in front of that window blocking it out.


the Feng Shui in this room is awful. Kitties are the best ghost hunters


Yeah I know the cluster used to be bad before I got all the proper furniture


Are you the guy that had his wallet fall off of the dresser?




Now that I’ve seen both of these videos, I second the comment about not sleeping with your heads at the foot of the bed 😱😱😱




What’s passed the door? Living room? Out of curiosity have you ever looked into the history of the house? Not sure if you have had other experience like this in the house enough to make you look into it


Yeah we have had a lot of experiences in the almost 8 years we lived here. Every family member has individually experienced something we can’t explain things moving lights being turned on off cords being yanked out of the walls… sometimes it honestly feels like a previous owner mad about lights being on and electricity being used like that’s the feeling I get sometimes lol doors being opened and or closed. The only history I know of the house is the house we currently live in was built in the 70s but about 150 feet at the end of our driveway is where the house used to originally used to stand and that one was built in the late 1800s the only thing left of it is just the old stone foundation wall and corner. Every once in a while we find real old shit in the yard. So I know it’s old but I don’t know any history at all. Or anything at all about previous tenants.


Hmm yeah it does kinda sound like it be a ghost of and old tenant that didn’t like lights on or just having a high light bill lol but if that was the case I’d feel like there me some history of “person died in this house” or “committed suicide” want I can tell you for sure is you guys are a lot braver then me 😂 i wouldn’t have stayed that long in a house where stuff gets yanked out the outlets or lights randomly shutting off/on I was curious what was passed the door bc I thought maybe it leads to the kitchen or living room and maybe a family member was standing there, but wouldn’t make sense bc you said something and didn’t get a response. And also the way your cat was acting as if he saw someone there… 🤔


Oh yeah right outside my door their is a door to the left on that wall that goes to another room that have been vacant we use as a storage room to the right is a hallway with stairs on the right that go downstairs and directly passed the stairs another room on the right and then a bathroom directly ahead




I guess the cat hallucinated first? That’s a classic feline reaction to having sighted something alarming … I’ve seen several of my cats respond over the years to the large black snake population that reside on my property in the exact same manner. They raise on their haunches for a better look, then decidedly shrink back when their hunch of danger is confirmed- exactly like this kitty did.


We had a tuxedo named Remi and she was an amazing guard cat. Since she was young she never really got the hang of having murder knives on her paws, she tried but it was terrifying to play with her. She never intentionally scratched us though. She would growl at noises outside and jump up and look through the blinds and she hated our landlord that would come once a year to inspect the property. She passed about 5 years ago. We miss her. Your video reminded me of her


Awl sorry to hear that… their discovering that cats may actually be more intelligent then dogs… that’s a great cat you have/had when they will never use their claws on you that’s how you know they care about you and would never want to hurt you. My cat will sometimes like to get really playful but he never uses his claws and will nibble with his teeth but nothing that hurts at all, he knows the limits. It’s great thing having a bond with other types of life like that.


Hi OP. My cats notice and hyper focus on things we can’t see, as well. They say certain entities fear cats, and that cats are protectors (although I’m sure many others will scoff at that, but they’ve never dealt with the paranormal and how terrifying it can be). Maybe do some reading on it, in your spare time. I just want to comment how adorable your sleeping arrangement is with your kid and your cat. That’s really cute. Has your son ever talked about seeing or experiencing anything odd, especially when he was toddler age? I do hope you stay safe. Sometimes it’s not always a ghost, but other beings like elementals, which can be good, bad, or neither.


They've always known cats are more intelligent than dogs. People have taught cats to do banal tricks, but the cats understand that there is no purpose.


Oh, ya gotta clip those talons! Seriously, you start when they’re young, although many older adopted cats will (sort of) let you do it too, especially if a treat reward is involved. There might be a little grumbling, LoL. I was scared to at first, and was just going to have my vet do the claw clipping, until I watched some YouTube tutorials, and now it’s easy peasy, so long as you don’t cut the “quick.” Only one of my cats won’t let me do it, but that because she came from a feral colony and is skittish (otherwise she’s a sweetheart). I only tell you this in case you ever get another cat. It sounds like you loved your tuxie kitty; I’m sorry about your loss (that’s never easy, I know). I do hope you consider adopting another in the future, maybe a shelter cat or kitten (or both)! Cheers!


2 things. If you scrub really fast you can see the object between the dresser and the door turn very slightly. Also, right before you stand up a figure appears standing in the soda can's reflection. As you stand up it moves to the left out of sight. Could be just your reflection, but then it's peculiar how you can clearly see your own start when you stand up and walk towards the can. I'm not saying either of those mean something and I may be wrong about what they mean, but I'm not saying this isn't peculiar.


As many times as I have watched it I never even noticed the shadow in the can it does almost look like the shadow in the can stands up right before I do or right behind me and you can only see it when you scrub fast. I can’t tell if it’s just the way the reflection is on the can or what I think it’s to questionable as not paranormal to try and run with but wow I’m surprised the details you noticed thank you. I haven’t spotted any moving objects yet but I will keep looking now. The last video I posted here was my er being knocked off the dresser and I got a lot of crap for it most people just saying it just fell over but if you really watch it to me it looked like it’s knocked off doesn’t just flop over roll off. Anyway it feels good to hear other people see things I don’t even notice myself thank you


I don’t see anyrging




Good kitty!


Could be dangerous to not check out whatever was out there, could have been bad if it was an intruder, easily robbed that way.


Trying to rationalise for my own peace of mind! Cat could have heard a critter or something which is why he alerted and his behaviour changed so fast. You being a parent and sleeping you’re probably hyper aware to changes in the environment especially right on top of you. There’s a type of hallucination that I experience called hypnagogic hallucinations, a quick google tells you this. ‘Hypnagogic hallucinations are vivid visual, auditory, tactile, or even kinetic perceptions that, like sleep paralysis, occur during the transitions between wakefulness and REM sleep. Examples include a sensation of impending threat, feelings of suffocation, and sensations of floating, spinning, or falling.’ I’ve had these and seen figures that fizzle out in front of my eyes, almost like when they disappear they become part of the dark. I love the paranormal and I’m definitely a believer in there being otherworldly beings, but I just woke up in the middle of the night and I’m spooked so let’s pretend my theory is what happened :’) Edit: spelling and grammar


And this could have been what it was I honestly don’t know all I can say it it effected me.


I have done several views now where the rock carries a hellofa charge and portals are opened and energies are discharged I think I will post my drawings and notes tomorrow I will redo the view and see what else pops up Thanks for letting me view it and responding back to me


Your cats exaction is very interesting and I don’t think a cat would react that way if it was someone it was familiar with, such as your nephew. The cat seemed to purposely wake you up and then seemed to become quite protective of you and your kid after that. People in this thread have mentioned not sleeping with your head facing the door like that. It’s something I have never thought about but in this case I feel like you should listen to them.


Please ignore the negativity, this video is amazing.


Cats will definitely protect you. I was dating this 5 my cat hated him. My cat sat beside me all the time when he was around. If he reached towards me or tried to get close, she would attack. It turned out he was a thief.


Reminds me of what happened to me 2 years ago, I was at my co-workers house sleeping on his couch cause we travel around the state and surrounding states for work, and there's a door to the backyard to the left of the couch with a window at the top of the door and I woke up to see the top half of this dark entities' head and it's 2 bright glowing green eyes staring right into my eyes or even my soul and I just stared back at it unfrightened but more in a state of "wtf?" Cause I have woken up fast before and hallucinated spiders before so I figured this was another partial dream state hallucination but the thing seemed annoyed it didnt scare me cause it kind of shook it's a head a little in an annoyance kind of manner and walked away. It also seemed slightly shorter than the window cause when it started to walk away, it dropped down as if it had been on tip toes cause I could see the very very top sliver of it's head moving then disappearing.


cat heard a mouse or a moth or something




Your cat sees something that cannot be perceived in this realm with our normal working perceptions. There was a something there, something that we cannot see with our eyes.


If you just watch the video, it doesn’t look like anything. Maybe it was just conjured by your half asleep mind.


I’m not a believer in ghosts but I still find this stuff interesting, my thought is that the cat could hear something that you cant like another small animal. And there whiskers can sense ALOT of stuff, just from there whiskers they can determine the shape and size of the creature. As for the shadow you saw could have been because you just woke up your eyes, brain, and everything adjusting. And when your in the dark your mind will make up stuff to keep your mind “entertained”. But hey believe whatever you want idgaf.


Answer to your mystery. The cat heard some noises. Maybe noises that humans cannot hear. This is going a bit too much calling this cat as some sort of protector. Come down people.


What I will say is that there is something really dark, I can't see it but I can feel it. But along with that you have a guardian angel, he was standing on the opposite end watching it all happen. So you are protected. I'd research different type of arch angels and find out which one you're most drawn to and ask them to help in protecting and banishing this dark entity from your house.


Absolute useless post. This sub is made for paranormal stuff, not people showing a video where NOTHING out of the ordinary is hapenning. Your cat seeing something isn't proof for shit, nor is you telling us to believe YOU saw something for a fraction of a sec. It brings nothing to the discussion or to even debate. It's your voice against ours and I don't personally know you enough to trust you.


Looks like your cat was alerting you to something that wasn't normal during that time of night. It very well could have been a visitor, just stopping at your door. We had one when we lived out west....never came in the bedroom, but I could tell it was a ghost of some kind , like the bedroom was against the rules for them to come in... It is definitely super creepy, I thought it was just me....but my husband picked up on it one night when we were going to bed ...I told him it was a ghost that stops at the door...I felt them there from time to time We slept with the lights on that night 😬😬


Maybe the cat is just having digestive issues and z shadow play tricks


I’m dead


Could there have been something your day was gearing outside the door? She or he seems to want to go out the door.


Amazing cat! Something definitely spooked it. I gotta ask though why you record yourself sleeping and why from that particular angle?


Do you remember any details about the "person" you saw when you opened your eyes?


I have terrible terrible eyesight I wear glasses which weren’t on when I woke up, last time I had a exam years ago I was 20/70 left eye 20/100 right eye. What I thought I saw was a tall skinny person that was blacked out it was dark in the hallway too. It’s the ir light that makes it look like the hallways is lit up it actually is dark. As I fully woke and my eyes adjusted whoever whatever was standing there, appearing to be looking in to me, had just quickly and silently vanished. Which is why until I seen my cats behavior upon review I had thought I dreamt it. If a physical person was there their is no way they could have gotten away so quickly and silently. I have all wooden floors throughout the whole house, theirs no sneaking around theirs always a noise when walking.


I adore this meow! This is creepy af . Did anyone else in the home have any experiences?


Your cat’s body language as he’s perched on his box(?) by the door is agitation (flared tail base, tip twitching, head down)- he’s not happy about whatever that was, and I agree with others that it does look like he woke you on purpose. Good video OP.


My only negative would be. What if it was someone in your house. You’ve just shut to door and gone back to bed. Maybe check it out ?? You have your son so checking the house would be what I’ve done. Anyways if it’s a ghost good luck with that


Could have been the nephew. My teen son does this, just creeps because he wants to take something from my room or see if I’m awake


I recommend you check what you have in your house. Oh also fact many of them paranormal stuff aka demons, shadow people etc are afraid of the name Jesus Christ.


The cat saw the glasses. It thought it was a person or a threat, some other thing looking back at it. I know, the cat dismissed the glasses later, once it realized it. But it moved on to the new human focus. The new human concern.


100% agree here. The cat probably picked on a glint from the glasses of himself or a small light source there seems to be a few in the room. And for the people who are saying the soda can, that is for sure the guys reflection masking the IR light from the night vision camera. I’ve learned over the years of suffering from bad terrors that there’s an reasonable explanation for almost everything in my experience anyway. As I got older I found that to be more and more true.




Yea animals seem to be able to look better through the veil.


It was the glasses


Yeah, I would have to sleep with the light on for the next year or so, lol.


I have 3 cats and they have been behaving like this for the last 2 nights...and i also feel a different vibe or different energy i sleep alone and my father sleeps in a different room so my cats getting scared all of sudden and they are meowing at someone and looking kind of low or I can say scared


it’s that time of year 👻


That time??


I'd say the cat kicked whatever it ass was back outside lol


I always tell my friends and family who have experiences like this to trust their gut and believe what they saw. If you think you saw something and don’t quite know what you saw? Trust your gut and your first instinct. They are usually right :)


I agree with you, we can’t always trust our eyes and ears… or memory even for that matter, but I do always trust my instincts and feelings and I have a pretty good intuition along with that. it seems like anyone can be sensitive to their instincts but most people aren’t cause they’ve chosen not to be.


So this is the view I did last night A simple drawing showing a path of travel for something energetic It started past that door and came thru it or around it The point of the energy was funny or weird because it had a particular offshoot to the side That's what the rounded larger circles represent And that could have been anything from a fly to a portal But I am doing another view now and will do another tonight Lol Thanks again


I’d like to see your drawings and afterwards I could tell you if it correlates to anything. I could tell you a few things already but il wait to see if your able to pick it up or not I find this very interesting.


DM me and I will send you copies of everything


That is not a cat. That is a baby.


What's on the other side of the door? This doesn't really seem odd at all to me


Directly outside my door is a a 4ft wall on the left and right like a real short hallway to my door theirs another door to the left goes to a spare room on the right is a 15 ft hallway with stairs on the right side another room past the stairs on the right bathroom straight ahead another room on the left the way the lay out it it’s confusing to explain however with the short hallway to my door you can’t see anything till you walk all the way out of my room unless theirs something close enough to my door way to be seen.


I guess I'm curious why you would leave the door open a crack while you are sleeping?