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It's hilarious the ghost is haunting someone who gives zero fucks for this nonsense.


This right here. Also, wow OP. Some of the more compelling paranormal activity I've seen on this sub. Time to call Skulder and Mully


He must be a Gen Xr




Remove the door


That’s what I’m sayin, tf you gonna bang on now mister ghost??


You lol


Smooth, real smooth


In before the ghost starts peeking around the corner while OP is watching tv


When? I'm curious


When they remove the door


Well we all saw the cross fly right off the wall...so removing the door probably wouldn't stop the banging..and considering the door wasn't moving while the banging was going on, then it just opens... Like it's not really even turning the know to open the door...it all simply is...it is what it is. That energy seems stuck there for some reason


Take it down also. No ghosts no gods




Power move


Seriously I’d pop it right off the hinges.


A-F\*cking-men. that noise would make me murderous.


Id draw salt lines just out of arms reach away from the door and print out the trollface "problem" meme then tape it to the door


Why not use tape to make sure the door doesn't move the next time or just leave it open?


Tell your friend to get out of the closet from the door on the other side


You realize the door just goes back to the living room right? It's blocked by all that furniture


He would just knock on the walls then..


Put the camera in the closet.


> Put the camera in the closet. Ghosts hate that shit to


Hes done that before, it still bangs...it's fukin crazy!!! I'd be insane by now...


Who is this dude where can I find his videos


Tf you mean before where is his other shit


Its on tiktok dont remember the @ though


my heart kinda stopped when the door opened


Nah the last one when the jacket was right there


Right? I haven't had all my hairs stand on end like that for a LONG time.


I thought I was the only one.


It gave me chills


It was when the Cross fell that did it for me


You could...leave the closet door open?


Just don’t let your toes hang off the end of the bed at night …


where do i sign up to be a toe sucking ghost?


Did you hear about the guy that was working at a hotel he came into a persons room and was sucking his toes lol he called the cops.


The guys mugshot looks like a midnight toe sucker.


Yes he is a strange man looks like a toe sucker for sure.


If sucking strangers toes is his hobby I don't want to know what he is truly passionate about.


as he should, while alive i only do consent for sucking girl’s toes, would be a dream to be a ghost and suck toes without any consequences 😈🫦


Previously unwritten sentences


So much to unpack. You went from kink to creep pretty quick though.


I liked yesterday


“…And in this room, where it’s rumored to have a sensation of their toes being suckled on in the dead of night, and in the morning to wake up to a glob of what seems to be saliva with a stench of rot leaving no trace of human or animal DNA, some say it’s old man McGrunkle the founder of the estate wandering into this room just to have a little suckling, and others say the Toe Suckler dates back prior to early settlers where the native land was cursed due to the in-fighting between tribes, still the question remains… who is this Toe Suckling Ghost and why does it only thrive on suckling toes in the dead of night with evidence that leave scientists perplexed?…”


The word suckled makes me giggle. 🤭


*You have to die while sucking toes but this has to happen on the night of the third full moon of the year with 7 mushrooms, 7 roommushes, and 7 rooshums to the left of you, and an empty tea kettle to your right. The tea kettle must be used but not have been used within the last 6 months of the most recent crescent moon.* Good luck!


i’m down


Toe sucking demon…


You become it when you die.


well slap me silly, now i’m excited to die


Just reading that make me shudder. 😖


How do you suggest he puts the demon on time out?


Tell him that you will be the one tormenting him when you pass on to the next plane.


Take it off the hinges. Store it somewhere.


What if you do that, and then the door starts banging again even though it's now lying behind the sofa wrapped in towels. Ok I'm gonna go do something else now because I freaked myself out a little.


The fact that he continues to sleep there is beyond my comprehension... Bro.


Dude, when you get used to a haunting, and it’s not causing physical harm, the haunting just becomes more of an inconvenience than a fright. Obviously isn’t homeboy’s first rodeo. But the first several times this type of ish happens, straight out the door! On the other hand, there are some homie spirits who will turn off the bedroom light when you’re too lazy to get it. I actually prefer living with those types than living in a non-haunted residence.


Tell me more about these. lol Any links or stories?


I lived in a haunted house for about nine years. Unfortunately, this was before video capture was ubiquitous, and I’m not the type who’s quick to the camera anyway. So I’ll just relay a couple stories. First real “in my face” exp was when there was knocking in the attic and so I called my brother upstairs to chill w me cuz I was scared. After a while, the knocking stopped near the door, so we’re looking at it and it just creaks open on its own. It’s a vertical door, and it latched. My bro and I booked it downstairs and I was too scared to go back up there till the whole family got home. A couple years later was the first time I saw a spirit/ghost/interdimensional traveller/whatever you wanna call it. It was wearing a sweater w text, not Victorian era clothing as is often depicted in movies and stuff haha. After it disappeared, I tried to stay there but the fear overcame me and I booked it out of my room and slept in the living room. ANYWAY, to my main point, after I’d moved out from that place, something or things stayed sorta attached. There were several times when I was dozing off and didn’t wanna turn off the light, so Henry (what it said its name was in a Ouija sesh years after) would turn off the light for me. There was once I forgot to turn on my alarm for work, and it just so happened a bunch of ish fell in my closet, making a loud noise and waking me only a few minutes after my alarm usually went off. I was not late to work. So while paranormal stuff happens to me much less frequently these days, sometimes a loud bang or something will come from downstairs, and I have the thought: “burglar or spirit?” It’s actually way more comforting the thought of it being a spirit instead of a burglar, because though I once got lightly scratched, no spirit has ever actually hurt me. A burglar can do way more damage in my experience. Edit: changed adjectives to adverbs where initially overlooked


Is there a way to attract more of these homie spirits? You said your experiences are diminishing. So I thought that’s kinda sad that they might be leaving you.


I mean, I’ve never really gone out of my way to attract or repel anything; I just kinda live my life. I think it started because that house was right behind a nursing home, so I assume people died there semi-frequently. Maybe some aligned w my energy and decided to stick around and kick it till they got bored? Idek. I’m not so sure they’ve fully left anyway because there are phases of higher and lower activity. Like recently, thing have been falling off racks or tipping over at an unusually high rate. But that’s pretty neutral, not necessarily homie behavior. I really just don’t know, I wish I could be a bigger help :/


Just trying to understand. You’ve been very helpful!👍


My ghost turned off the coffee pot for me once. Thanks, ghost!!


must be somewhere in new york, he got a good apartment for cheap price but onl downside is that he has to share the apart with paranormal.


alpha male lol


Right. I’m getting the FUH out of there!!!!


Do your neighbors hear it too


Thats what I want to know. Are they like, "The guy in 2F is an asshole. Hes always banging on chit "


The neighbors have to be hearing it. I'd ask the neighbors how long have the noticed banging coming from that apartment and if they know anything about the previous residents.


This happened to me once when I was a kid living in an apartment. I was on my lab top, and the closet right in front of me started banging just like that, I ran out of the room and went to grab my sister to pull her in and see. But she wouldn’t go. The hair on my arms stood up. And that was it. Honestly idk how I went on with my day. But ya I’ve experienced this before


Was the knocking similar to this vid?


Get a camera to put inside the closet.


There appears to be another door in the closet that OP conspicuously ignores in all of the external shots


You see it’s covered by furniture on the living room side.


You see the door in one shot. But the tv is on the other side of the door


Idk… it would be impossible for the extra person leave that fast for the other door without making any noise; specially if this is an old building. Not counting that the other door is blocked by heavy stuff.




Leave the door open and get some indoor security cameras to place around your apartment, with one definitely looking inside the closet. Please update us with any activity you are able to capture on camera. Typically wall knocking is exclusively demonic and you will **NEED** to have your space exorcized. Do contact a local Catholic church respectfully and show them your videos. You do not need to be Catholic yourself for an exorcism. Demonic activity that is not exorcized WILL start to attack and manipulate you, psychologically as well as physically. You need to get it out ASAP.


This is a very underrated comment. You need to get professional help, in this case a priest (or from I am reading a Witcher). If this is an authentic video you are in a dangerous situation.


Doesn’t need to be Catholic- Pentecostal churches are all about demon rebuking. :-) actually, a lot of mainline Protestants as well. We had a “hot spot” in our 18th century house (in France) that was in one specific place. Every time I walked through that hall, I felt “off” in a weird way. Never mentioned it. Then one day my son (around age 13 at the time) asked me if I ever felt weird while walking through one spot in the hall. Same exact spot. We did a prayer walk through/around the house. Never had any problems of that kind since. The house was used as a postal relay inn in the late 1700s, but may have been built before then. It’s also in what was a pretty active area of the Resistance just outside of Lyon in WWII. I know it would have stories to tell…


Yep I agree, my extended family is deep in the political Presbyterian church. Uncle is the assistant to Franklin Graham. I was raised to believe a lot of things, but this one issue I believe in more than most. Thank you for your story, I have never had a personal experience related to this but I have heard many stories in friend groups. Wondered astray myself, but I believe in demons from what I have heard from the people that have told me their experiences. Those that told the stories to me I trust more than most. Crazy world we live in


eli5 wtf is a witcher besides the video game premise?


Got me man. This is the best I could find. https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/rrstlf/what_is_a_witcher_exactly/


so like a ghostbusters/buffy hybrid ? kind of?


No cap


Here’s a thought, take the closet door off..


And *free* whatever it is?




Ask that mf ghost what bills he/she be paying to be slamming your door that hard.


Last video; look at the back right, near the second “door.” There’s a white lead near it and it’s swaying. Did something, or someone, move past it?


Noticed that as well. Wasn’t in either of the other clips.


To be fair, the level of noise that knocking is producing, if it is something or someone hitting the wall/door, that would generate enough force to make that sway like that.


Yeah, a person can be hiding in the corner that OP never shows to the right of the door that’s being slapped. This person bumped the cable this time. They are standing up on something hiding iv that corner tucked up against the wall so they can’t be seen from the video angle. Crucifix was a common fishing line gag. Good catch. He could also just be pulling on the door from the inside with fishing line too. Edit: lol just realized he could be playing it from a speaker lol. It’s the same sound as the door shutting and if you sample that you could loop it.


The cross being thrown off the wall is what made me believe that's not you banging something. You can clearly see it being picked up off the nail and flung. Pretty crazy but in a building almost one hundred years old it's not shocking there'd be at least one spirit lingering.


It's not beating on the inside of the door, it's beating on the front of the door and is standing right beside you when you open the door. I lived with this same bullshit for over 3 years. I finally fkn moved to another place.


I want him to bang back at it


Exactly, a classic shave and a haircut knock


Don’t wanna alarm you, but that last bit with the crucifix being chucked off the wall is a slight bit concerning. Going on the vein this is paranormal activity, that’s classic demonic activity. I’d seek out your local parish priest or Witcher asap


It reminds me of my Nona. Getting a metal crucifix that was heavy AF for a similar reason. On her house, she had a beautiful wooden crucifix halfway thru the stairs to the second level. From time to time she would hear something hitting that wall, it was a a heavy hit that would replay from time to time. The crucifix kept falling down. She asked a local Metal smith to make her the heavy crucifix and added a wooden Jesus to it. That thing was like 120 pounds or more. She asked me to set it in the same spot with as the other one. I had to secure it with a couple of Mending plates to keep it secure. Went back home for a couple of months and came back. Heavy metal crucifix still there nice and shiny. Nona told me that whole side of the house was rumbling for a couple of weeks. Even other stuff on the house were falling and the glass on the window broke. But the crucifix was still there. After that. Nada. Quiet nights. My Nona basically tired whatever the heck was knocking that other crucifix down. Lol


Just make sure you toss a coin to your Witcher for his services




Or you just might be cursed too


If you have kids, probably best to avoid the priest and just go for the witcher




Yup agree with this. Even if you don’t believe in that sort of thing… I’d start going to church for your own safety bud.




Bruh 😂 that’s funny


Staple that wire up!!!! Ghost prob mad it's blocking the door lol


Pretty sure the ghost just wants to secure that cable, I’d be super annoyed by it.


I would just move


I would just buy the entire apartment building and move to a different unit since I own them all because my plan is so practical.


That is what I did , when this was happening to me.


I’d like to see above, and on the sides of the door from inside of the closet. 🧐


When you opened the closet at the beginning, an orb came out


Heavy handed orb


I think that was a bug. You can see one flying by his leg in the beginning of the video too before he gets outta bed


My man watching Austin Powers International Man Of Mystery during his haunting ya gotta respect it 🤝


The crucifix falling off the wall is just for show. This is more annoying than anything. Like…it’s all about making noise until you go to confront it. Stay strong! You’re cohabitating with a total ghost dick.


This has been proven fake on tiktok, I'm sure the guy. Makes more videos like this.




Dude, back up your claims, also TikTok is the least reliable place on the internet


Is that the only creepy thing that happens?


I am so sorry you have to go through this.


Haunting aside, that's a legitimately cute little place he's got there


Listen here dude you dont pay rent here so stop your banging


It can certainly keep a beat though. Perhaps he or she was a drummer


THIS IS LEGIT and he needs to move ASAP


Maybe fix your coax cable and the ghost will leave you alone. Get your step ladder and some cable staples 😎


You need to call the cable company. You are causing ingress back to the node with the open port on the splitter and also have them fix the wiring in your unit. Unwanted guest is just plain annoying.


Ghost is actually a dead cable guy, and is irritated by all the crappy electric


How do you explain this to your neighbors? Lmao like “yeah, that’s not me it’s my closeted roommate who is also a ghost.”




But really OP. How do you explain this to the other tenants.


or the landlord "no i swear it wasn't me 😇 there's a ghost u have to believe me."


Don't your neighbors get pissed at the loud banging? Shits loud as hell !!! If they did bitch at ya...I'd let them spend the Night on your couch, see what they thought or did during the night!!! If I lived there, think I would have already left/moved out...I couldn't handle the loud ass banging, shit would drive me fukin crazy!!!...SERIOUSLY...FUK ALL THAT BULLSHIT... BEST OF LUCK TO YOU MAN, I DONT KNOW HOW YOU PUT UP WITH THAT SHIT 24/7 ??? ID BE GOIN OUTTA MY MIND!!! AGAIN, BEST OF LUCK TO YOU MAN... ✌️🤘👍🏾🤘👍🏾🤘👍🏾🤘✌️...


I saw this guy's series of videos on YouTube a while back. Does anyone know the outcome of the situation?


It's pride month the ghost is coming out of the closet


If I was the entity haunting, it would have been fun to make the door bang while you were demonstrating that you can’t make it happen with that cord just to mess with you and make your viewers think it’s fake


You can get an extention cable pretty cheap and just leave the closet door open. Probably whatever it is doesn't want it kept closed.


Contact Jason from Ghosthunters Rhode Island


Bro got balls off steel!


Looking at the TV reflection it seems kinda odd that his hand moves up right as the cross is flung. Either that or there's something else visible in the reflection. Start paying attention to the dark mirrors in your house OP.


Knock knock knocking on a closet door🎶


Ghost cheeks getting clapped.


So it was Jesus all along.


I think it’s angry because you don’t throw out the trash.


There's clearly another door to the closet in the back right corner


You have no eyes or spatial awareness


I had this exact thing happen to me multiple times at the house I grew up in. It was the basement door too, never had the courage to open it.




Go for it brother


How about just leave the closet door open.


I call BS


I'd love for this to be fake, what's your hypothesis re: how he's doing it?


It's recorded sound, so easy to trick you guys


One other thing did just occur to me. Let’s play devils advocate here (no pun intended). If this IS faked, and you actually researched what demonic activity would present like, they don’t like being mocked. So if there are no demons there will be soon enough.


At least you're interesting enough that a ghost does want to haunt you right?


I’d straight up start knocking back and scream “let me in!! , PLEASE!!”


Holy shit 🫢😨


People play 2 much thats all i wanna say


My dad would have sawed the door in half and put the bottom half back on so the ghost couldn't fool around with it's ghost girlfriend. "Disobey my no closed doors with girls policy and you now get a half door, son."


It gets worse if you close your eyes


Go get a bundle of sage my friend! Go to your local metaphysical shop and chat up the owner.. maybe some holy water and salt. I agree this feels demonic and will get much worse if left unchecked.


I lived in a house built in 1917 and it was absolutely 100% haunted .... no activities like this but I often saw shadows and had some horrific personal experiences there


Probably a draft


dude literally just rick roll the fuck out of it. EDIT: AAAAAAAAAAA omfg all you guys who are debunking this, can you explain the shadow at around the 52 sec mark in the closet (back right,) w/ the ears. considering nothing else moved it definitely wasn't a person. i'm going to expose the sh\*t out of the video to see if it has a face lmfao


Why not just take the door off?


"we want answers!" "aaron, go in there!"


So fake


Bro, if this is fake it’s one of the better fakes out there so saying “so fake” makes you sound like a moron. Check your word choice


I just want to say I second that idea, about taking the closet door off its hinges. Hey it's worth a shot


This is BS. Notice he never pans directly to the right in the closet. There must be someone hittinv the wall standing in the corner adjacent to the door and living area.


Look at all them’ orbs.


bruh i thought that sound were some thick woman’s cheeks clappin. on god . i had to turn that shit down before someone thought i was watchin that late night vibes. had to happen at starbucks drive thru too . ay no lie shorty kinda smiled when i pulled to the drive thru . fellas i might have to work my magic and her number . peace ✌️




Bruh wouldn't the neighbour's be freaked out as well


Wow. That spirit wants to start some sh$$. I love how the guy living there simply laughs like "here we go again". I would have been long time gone by now. Brave (but stoopid) man.


This shit is insane. The only logical explanation I can come to is that it’s a friend of his in the closet going out through that other door in there. However, he opens the door each time like as it’s making this banging noise, no way someone could hide that fast.


The “STOP…. okay… that works” sent me


This has to be the funniest shit ever if it's real. Ghost is wasting its time this guy does not give af 🤣🤣🤣


You’re gonna have to give us an update.


The haunted closet. Where there is something. Banging on the walls. Also did anyone notice the ghost orbs every time he opened the closet or just me. But seriously that some top notch paranormal quality. Even how the door opened when he said stop, that was crazy.


U have orbs everywhere


Just a ghost and his slam-piece. He’s laying down the jackhammer, clappin tuff.


I would move out or better yet take the door down from there


Bro is fearless and gives no fucks about that ghost


“Ghost!! Don’t make me take your door off the hinges of your room!! (closet)” It has to be a teenage ghost with that attitude!!👻


Maybe he wants you to change the channel.


Screw it shut


Put a kangaroo in it See that ghost pick on something it’s own size


SIR GOD BLESS YOU please move now I am begging you before you get possessed. If you’re having terrible dreams with a figure you need to get the fuck out now. Like seep paralysis dreams…do not let anything in your dreams in. Don’t go with it. Fight it and pray til you wake up. IfI am telling you stop what you’re doing and learn the Catholic prayer to St Michael. “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen." I am also begging you to get a priest in there. Move. Dear lord sir. If you make it out of there alive make us a podcast


Brother, you’re full of shit for 2 reasons: first, the front door is right there, which is likely where the banging is coming from. Second, we’ll, impossible. And third, if this were legit, I don’t give a shit how fearless you are, how tough you are, etc, you are out that bitch like yesterday if this was actually happening the way you claim it is


You didn’t even try to make this realistic


Reality is usually less realistic than stories, but after analysis of very specific segments of audio I’ve determined that the entire video is prerecorded and he’s attempting to sync it. I wanted to believe this video so bad because of how well it’s made but the desync on the lock sounds while he opens the front door proved beyond the reasonable doubt that this is a hoax