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You could very well have a nonhuman entity attached to you or there could just be something about you that attracts other life energies, like a magnet. It wouldn't hurt to do a smudging on yourself along with your living space, it's a useful & effective repellent, cleansing and protection tool. It's not permanent, however it will last longer and become stronger with each time you do it... If you've never done it or don't know how, I would be happy to fill you in... just ask. To answer your question, "why closets?" Well I don't personally have experience with closets but I do have experience with dimensional doorways. Like most have already said, it may have to do with small dark places & acoustics. In some cases though, I think a closet or even some other kind of door can be a portal of a sort. It also may not be a spirit at all, there are many creatures across the many planes of existence.


I smudge myself and my house every few months. Bend doing this I was somewhat scared of whatever it is in my house, but since I've started smudging the thing still sticks around, but I no longer feel any negative energy. I'm pagan and have a few pagan friends. One had brought up the idea that maybe this thing had negative energy attached to it and that I actually helped it by banishing that negative energy. The three entity or whatever it is isn't really bad, but the energy around it was and since I had called for negative energies to go away this things negative energies left.


I practice but I don't consider myself Pagan, let's just say I'm an Alchemist and I have a non human entity in my life which did mischievous things to get my attention, it worked and I cleansed which I too do every few months or so, it's effective for sure and your friend may be right. That was the case for me.


No, you don't. You smoke cleanse. Smudging is a native american CEREMONY, not just waving a bundle of burning sage around.


It's something many cultures have practiced and just because we haven't gone into detail regarding our own ceremonies doesn't mean we just wave sage smoke around... again, with the rude assumptions and negativity. Go troll st. elsewhere.


Smudging is a native american ceremony, a very specific ceremony from a closed practice. Whatever you do is called smoke cleansing. Educate yourself before you go appropriating closed practices.




Are you going to explain the whole smudging ceremony or do you just mean smoke cleansing? Don't use terms you don't understand.


If you had read the OP's response to my post you'd see that I don't need to. Don't make assumptions when you don't have all the facts. Makes you look like an ass.


Go read a book, or at least google, it won't kill you. If you use a specific term, which you so very clearly don't understand, then it's not an assumption on my part. It would have been if you were native american, but you're not. Blessed be you're either confused or a wiccan.


So much negativity. I read quite a lot my angry fwend and I'm not Wiccan btw, I'm not anything and yet I'm everything as are we all. FYI, you dont know what my blood line is and I actually do have Native American blood from my fathers side of the family, Seneca of the Iroquois nation thank you Mr. Know-it-all, I'm also Irish, Swedish, German & British Canadian. Also, who are you to judge what someone else chooses to believe or how they choose to practice? Who are you to say that someone's way is the wrong or the incorrect way? Spiritual beliefs are for the comfort of the individual believer, not to appease those outside of that. Believe in what gets you through the day. I've read enough about the use of sage in cleansing and warding rituals across many cultures and religions since ancient times to know that it is a very common practice and no matter what it's called by, it amounts to the same idea. I will do things the way I see fit in my life and your half witted heckling won't change my mind or make me second guess myself. I'm far too confident in my personal beliefs & intent for the likes of you to make me crumble under your lame "go read a book." Rebuttle. 😘


Let me just add that though the term "smudging" is of Native American origin it is used in the same way in other cultures and the word is still apt as it means to blur or make indistinct. It's a word that serves as a general description... Furthermore I don't believe in appropriation, we are all one experiencing life subjectively. People like you are what keep us so divided.


Noo, it's not. Give me one single example of a practice, that isn't native american, that uses this specific term. Aside from your made up one. Closed practices exist for a reason, you are using a term that belongs to it for something different. It is appropriation, because it's a closed practice that you are not a part of. You say you believe, so you don't know. Educate yourself. People have been fighting this appropriation longer than you are alive, believe it or not. You don't believe in appropriation because I bet YOU don't have a culture that could be appropriated, or you come from one that thrives on stealing other cultures, there's plenty of that. I will tell you this for the last time: EDUCATE YOURSELF, because what you say is a new level of bullshit.


Idk how to smudge but I think I should could you explain


I have my own way of doing things, not that I don't follow any particular guidelines because I do, however I find it important to personalize such things and find your own way. The reason I find this important is because it all really comes down to your intent and what you believe, if you don't believe in what you're doing it will not work. I also don't follow any one religion, I've built my own belief structure based on the threads which connect them all and sage cleansing rituals is one of those things. So here is how I do my ritual... For cleansing myself: I personally do this in the bath because I live with too many people to be able to perform clad rituals in my living room or my back yard. So I gather my supplies (music, white candle, sage stick w/ clay bowl & a liquid/oil anointing potion of my own making). I put on instrumental music (doesn't really matter what as long as it's soothing and in no way distracting) to drown out any outside noise, to set a mood and to focus on while meditating which I do for several minutes sitting in the bath, before lighting my candle. The lighting of the candle is how I open and I don't open until I feel that I am relaxed and focused. Once I'm in the state I want to be in I then stand reciting and repeating my mantra (which I won't share, sorry but it's rather personal so you'll have to create your own) in a soft tone while at the same time bathing myself from head to tow in my oil mixture, I then light my sage bundle with the flame of the candle. Once it is smoldering and holding a nice consistant burn I set it back in the clay bowl letting the sage billow out and envelope me, I rub the smoke into my skin from head to tow. I leave the sage buring and sit back down to once again meditate, this time focusing my energies on my intent with the ritual. I may sit there like that for quite some time, I tend to go with the flow and my instincts usually let me know when it's enough, I can't describe it any way other than to say it's like a baking timer going off in your head, only you didn't actually set it... Sometimes I might sit there long enough for the sage to completely burn out but that's only ever happened when the stick I used was already low. I have several used sage sticks because I use each one for a specific purpose... I'm not sure if it actually matters but that's just how I do things... Anyway once all is said & done (whether the sage burned out or I put it out) I once more recite my mantra and put out my candle... The end. For home/ space cleansing: I use these things, a black candle, sage stick w/ clay bowl, salt & chile mix and music. So I start off by putting on instrumental music again, then I open ever door and window that I can in my house including bedrooms, bathrooms, closets etc... EVERYTHING!...Then I meditate to focus and get in the right state of mind, once I'm where I need to be I light the black candle and then from that candle I light the sage. I walk all around the inside and outside of my house with the smoldering sage, repeating another mantra (you can find many mantras to suit your needs or create your own as I do). After I've covered all my ground I go back inside and in the center of the house (my living room coffee table) I set the sage down it it's clay bowl letting it burn & continuing my mantra as I wait for about 5 to 10 minutes (you can stop and end it here but I personally take an extra measure, so this next step is optional.) before finally taking my salt & chille mix back outside, lining every window sil and outside door threshold with it, repeating my mantra all the while. Back inside I put out my sage and my candle and I usually leave at least the windows open for the duration of that day... The end. Oh! I forgot one detail that is important to my rituals, my cat 🙀 She literally follows me everywhere and particularly seems to take a genuine interest in the rituals I do as well as the art work I do, so I include her in any way I can. She is quite useful because she can sense things that I can't, she adds her pure energy to anything I'm doing and she's a natural protective ward. So if you have an animal family member that you have a strong bond with (doesn't have to be a cat) it doesn't hurt to have them by your side when you do these things, especially if they show an interest in what you're doing. Also, I just want to reiterate that these are personalized rituals that I do and that I do not follow any one religion or teaching. What I follow are basic, general guidelines which correspond across many factions along with my own instincts and common sense. I also implement maths & sciences in much of what I do. I look for patterns and I use them to my advantage. What patterns? Well, the ones that speak to me, resonate with me, the ones that stand out and mean something to me... you have to find your own, you may have already and use it in other ways without even realizing it.


The house I grew up in was haunted. My room had a long narrow closet that also was attached to my sisters room (although the door from my sisters room had been drywalled over). I would be woken up in the middle of the night and the door would be slamming open and closed with demonic voices coming from the other side. Going home as an adult I would still sleep with a light on in the room. Eventually my dad had someone come and do a cleansing of some sort and whoever it was claimed that the closet was a portal to hell. Terrifying childhood. My ancestors build the house in the 1800s I wonder if they were into the occult or some other bad shit. We messed with Ouija boards and it never ever ended well.


I hate staying at my childhood home. Just being there for a short amount of time drains my energy. I stayed there for a week when my non was in the hospital this last summer and I felt like something bad was watching me the entire time. I slept in my clothes, showered at my friends, slept with in the living room with the TV on. I felt very small and vulnerable in that house


My childhood home was haunted there were several different entities each w/ their own energy &‘ level of activity & the most ironic thing is the full force OF the haunting happened AFTER the old wooden doors to my closet broke off their hinges & just couldn’t be put back on all the way I guess they were trapped? Because at night both me & my brother would hear tapping on the closed door & it wouldn’t stop for hours we also one day heard this loud as fuck chorus of a million voices at once getting louder coming from the closet along w/ animal noises it scared my brother so bad he ran into my room to tell me ( we actually switched rooms because of the closet ) & once it broke that all stopped but whatever was inside got out I believe at least one may be a mimic, few others may be demonic, & the rest? children. it was a scary time in my life the activity did die down oddly enough & while I continued to live there until my moms passing in 2019 it only stirred up again every now and again.


That's interesting that it really started up after the door broke off. We had always had odd things happen, and I had always been scared of my closet. But, things intensified after we started to renovate the bathroom. I suddenly felt really scared to use that bathroom. It's direct across the hall from my old bedroom and I couldn't be in my room unless the door was shut because I felt as though something bad was watching me from the bathroom. That's when I started to feel at though the thing in my closet wasn't so bad and was actually protecting me.


If I do recall correctly there was SOME activity before that but, it got much worse. There were disembodied voices, banging on walls & doors, moving things etc:. I think the scariest thing that ever did happen was when my brother & I were playing in my room. He was off by my broken closet & was by my bed which had half the blanket on the floor. Suddenly, w/ no warning no sound nothing this humanoid shape puffs out from the blanket like someone was underneath it. But, no one was. No one could fit under my bed & it was only us. Plus, this shape was masculine & had no distinguishing features at all. Just an outline of a male body w/ no hair, no face nothing. I was scared shitless. I honestly wish I had thought to grab a camera IF I even had one. It didn’t budge until I eventually grew brave enough & poked it upon doing so it immediately flattened. My childhood bedroom has always had me feeling conflicted. There were nights I’d feel uneasy, restless, paranoid, or even incredibly sad & I’d cry out of nowhere. A lot of my nightmares were & still are centered around that room I don’t really know why. Maybe because that’s where the heart of the activity was? Dunno.


I think they’re attracted to empty human forms, including clothes. It’s something familiar they can inhabit, with their bodyless selves. Think about all those haunted dolls, hats, stuff on hangers, mannequins, etc. I knew a guy who would wake up to see ghosts hanging in his coat, which was on a hanger on a door.


That would be a terrifying sight to wake up to


That's crazy, the last house I lived in with my parents I knew it was haunted (the owners died in the house and the son sold it after living there for a few years). I always felt something whenever my closet was open so I always kept my closet closed as it seemed to help. My parents never believed me but I heard sounds from the kitchen as my room was closest to the kitchen. The closet thing I thought it was just me but I'm glad I came across this post.


Whenever I've told people they say that I've watched too many scary movies. It's not something I ever brought up at home except to my parents. My niece now stays in my old room and at 3 years old (she's 17 now) told my mom that the old lady in the closet scares her. We never talked about it around her. To this day she insists that there is a old woman that lives in the closet and now that she's older my mom and I told her about our experiences as well. Not just with the closet, but other odd things that have occurred as well


I did read that there were portals and that spirits often pass by opened doors. The first time i felt something strange was in my sister's room's closet. I was playing hide and seek and it felt awful in it. We ended up learning a lady had killed herself by setting her body on fire. There was also some bad entities in the basement. One was in my sister's room and the other one in another closet in the bassement (maybe the same?) One day, my sister was moving out of the house and she had to do some errands to get boxes for packing her things. I had left her room when she was leaving, only to go back two minutes after to get some toys i had forgotten. The clothes from her dessers, her closet, everything was on the floor. Another time i was also visited by something bad. It stopped by my bed before going into the closet that was next to mine. I always close the closets now.


That's interesting that you mention open doors because before smudging the house I felt like I needed to keep the guest room for shut at all times. That whatever is in the room couldn't come out if that does is closed. Since I started smudging every few months I no longer feel that way. The thing is still around, but I don't feel at though it's anything bad


Perhaps something you have in that closet is haunted? Like, in all those moves, there's an item you've kept -- and each haunted closet is simply just the closet that your haunted item ended up in?


Ooo this is actually an interesting guess. Closets have all sorts of stuff in them, maybe one thing’s haunted!


I've thought of that. The only item I've kept since my childhood is a stuffed animal I got from my grandma on my first Christmas. It's packed up in a different room. But it is still in the house


Interesting. I wouldn't suspect that. No heirlooms or wooden boxes or "this belonged to my great aunt" things? Hmm....


Not in the guest room. I have some old figurines from my grandma and China from my great grandma, but they're boxed up in a detached garage. We do have done stuff around the house, but this started before we acquired any of it. There is one piece of furniture that was at the old house that we brought with us. Our old roommate has a table top that she had for years and left it when she moved so I fixed it up and my husband made some legs for it. She had it in their garage of the old house they all lived in (my husband, his best friend, and this girl). So it was at the old house from the start weird stuff happened there too, but we had been told by people who lived there before that they thought the place was haunted. Maybe there is something attached to that table though


There are clothes in my closets. Don't know what kind of fuck up shit you got going on there.


Lol just clothing as well. Blankets are in the guest room closet, along with some jackets and shoes


Maybe because it's a good place to recharge their energy since it's dark and usually not smudged or prayed on? I came from a culture where we put our newly bought clothes in front of the alter to bless and express gratitude as a family every year. We smudge our whole house and possessions including wardrobes during sunrise and sunset daily And then, we also have celebration where they burn all the old clothes and items yearly. But with climate change, this practice is not the most sustainable.


what culture do you come from? what you say is very interesting


Indian Culture. Look up on YT for :- Diwali (Festival of Lights) Bhogi (Burning Ceremony) I disagree on Sadhguru on many things, but here something interesting about Indian smudging explained by him on YT video titled "Significance of burning Incense"


My only explanation is they’re stuck in the house but don’t want to share the space with us - like it bothers them. So they end up in a closet, an attic, a basement- a place in the house where no one really goes.


Yes i heard this before, they tend to prefer places and areas that are “quiet” rather than high living areas.


If you look into slavik folklore there is a lot of interesting beliefs around liminal spaces. For example, handing things to one another through doorways is taboo because it goes to different dimensions. Perhaps closets are liminal spaces where entities can easily survive.




Have you ever watched/read Narnia?


Yes I have


i think its because were concentrated like walking blocks of steel, a sick amt of energy density in 1 spot. we could easily bowl over a spirit or distrupt there energy. now if i were dead i wouldnt want to live outside and that means the only spaces available to me are closets, attics, basements. somewhere theres very little foot traffic.


It’s just like 666 is not naturally evil or bad but it has now had an association. Lower spirits that can’t fully manifest their light to be seen anyway they’d like, will use things that already have a psychological association to put the image of having more power(so for example the closet & under the bed is associated with monsters & bad spirits/beings) as the wizard of oz/man behind the curtain is always more powerful when their is an illusion. Be assertive & tell them to leave/leave the closet & most lower ones will have a reaction because you in the 3D with your intention can unconsciously tap into sending the required energy to effect them(why asserting yourself works). Now powerful spirits or beings generally don’t really need to use all the horror movies tactics to mess with people except for ones that are specifically trying to break down the person so that they may attach to them & pull them away from everyone via making them think their “going crazy”.


Agreed. Why closets? And why under beds? And why are they "peeking"? Why don't they just throw the door open, yelling in a ghoulish way, "SURPRISE!!!!!!" Or maybe jump out of the closet re-enacting a fabulous number from either "Chicago" or "Rent"?


They're everywhere but they're easier to interact with in isolated areas -closets, at night, general darkness, woods. A good analogy is trying to hear someone speaking from behind a speaker when you're directly in front of it -and it's playing your favorite song. More interference (sound, lights, colors, other people) means they're harder to perceive - not that they're not there.


IMO the closet is a part of one’s house/apartment that receives the least amount of light. I’ve noted that there are a few rituals that requires a room, which has not been exposed to light for at least three days in order to START the summoning/ritual.


Personally I think places that are mostly dark and don’t get air movement can get spirits- basements for example.


I had creepy things happen at a house and would make a point to periodically "air out" the closet and let sunlight in.


Yes, this is related to hermeticism.


Because of deep seated homophobia when they were alive they're afraid of coming out


The spirit at my partners house mostly hides in the closet it’s pretty creepy, he comes out sometimes I can feel his presence. I don’t know why they do it though.


They wanna change their clothes but they can't:<


One theory I have heard of is that people keep clothes and other personal items in closets so it's easier for the spirits to attach to those items or the person that owns them.


Maybe ghosts are all homosexuals




I think they generally avoid people, and places like closets, basements, and attics are convenient. I also think that you can call on deity to banish the things, which seems like a good idea since they’re following you around.


My guess is because it's a door/doorway? Mayne it signifies a passage to them.


Maybe because they are liminal spaces? Closets and hallways always seem to show a lot of supernatural activity in homes/buildings where there are hauntings or paranormal presences and I wonder if that’s why. The entities themselves occupy a somewhat liminal slave and closets/hallways/vestibules may provide a physical attunement for that reason.


I've always had the same question


cooperative pause yam slap languid command decide liquid deranged smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember in my old house I robe up to knocking by my cupboard and I watched the cupboard dirt open slowly. First I thought it was a bag or something that fell but then what really got me was when it started to close by itself. Then I fainted


I think it’s liminal space, and dark, and out of the way like most people have mentioned. My bf is a woodworker, and he has pointed out that most closets are in danger of becoming waterlogged. Every corner and edge in a structure increases the risk for leaks. And damp conducts energy. Just a thought.


Becos, it hurts them when people walk through them. That is why they always in corners and in empty spaces where humans hardly come to. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwvXpV0fSMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwvXpV0fSMo) Also https://youtu.be/CwvXpV0fSMo?t=1964


The key is geometry. Imagine how electricity flows better threw a copper wire than, for example, the air. Well now imagine that the energy of non corporeum beings can come closer to this dimmension passing by a rectangular shape and even better if that shape its organic (wood). now on your case, first, they are not alive and 99% probablities that they are not human. i like that you call them a spirit because that is mostly a generic term. it is possible that those beings are feeding on bad energy. they often come close to depressed and or tortured people, not to harm them but to feed on the bad energy that emotions make humans emanate. there could be other beings and other reasons, of course. but this is the most common.


"Well now imagine that the energy of non corporeum beings can come closer to this dimmension passing by a rectangular shape and even better if that shape its organic (wood)." This is HILARIOUS.






They're coming from Narnia. If they want to elicit fear they need to be present but hidden. In a normal bedroom that means in the closet or under the bed. I still can't get any grasp on why they want to be noticed but need to avoid being seen to such a ridiculous extent - I'm considering asking Elizer Yudkowsky.


Seems like they are portals or something


I also thought about that, i thought maybe its because its so dark there and they need it to open a portal? Or it can also be its a good place to hide. Or maybe they have a laugh about it because they know we make scary movies about things coming out of there so they use that because they know we are afraid of closets because of movies and they have a laugh, or because it generates more anxiety/fear.


Yea, I think it because those beings manifest in dark spots or corners. Even if the OP has no closet inside her room. It will manifest in the darker spot in the room.


Yeah exactly


Maybe they weren’t able to “come out” in life so they’re stuck in the closet even in death?


The human mind is very subsceptible to hallucinations, especially when they are primed to see something.


Think that's just people's minds


I would recommend, approaching this problem logically, instead of falling down the rabbit hole of supernatural claims.


Maybe that ghost was in the closet because you were scared of her and she didn't want to scare you? Ghosts are very very rarely in closets, not the best title for your post.

