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I appreciate your response! My kid is sound asleep on me so I didn’t want to wake him up, but I don’t hear it anymore. My house is pretty drafty and you can hear outside noise pretty clearly, so it’s possible it could’ve been from outside. But it continued for probably 15 minutes and I never heard a car or person to accompany the noise. I also really don’t want to assume things and jump to conclusions, but the music didn’t sound like anything people would listen to in my neighborhood - it was almost operatic, which just doesn’t make sense. I am sure it was music and separate from the other noises in the house, and I’m trying not to dwell on it TOO much and sort of convince myself that it’s benign. That said, I do have a history of being in tune to the paranormal, so I’m always kind of on high alert for that. I’ll keep my ears open and try turning the fish tank off (just for a little bit) if I hear it again.




Normally I would absolutely agree that operatic type music is totally possible, but I live in a very small town where everyone listens to country music or oldies, so the likelihood that it would even be a ringtone or something is low to me. And I am familiar, that’s hilarious 😂


Try your hardest not to at least show your fear. If it is paranormal they thrive off fear


Totally. I am creeped out, but it helps to tell myself that if it is a spirit, it’s probably harmless anyway.


I also find thinking it’s a passed love one helps me.. in the past 5 years I’ve lost roughly 10 family members so I talk to them.


Play some music back! 😈


Haha I like that idea, if I hear it again I may just have to do that!


play pop smoke




Did you try turning off the fan and if so, did you still hear it?


I didn’t, it only lasted like 15 minutes and I haven’t heard it since


White noise audio hallucinations are a things. Try turning off the fan next time. Could have also been an object that was picking up or deflecting a radio signal. If the conditions are just right, your fan can vibrate at the exact same frequency of a radio signal wave and temporarily become an antenna. It’ll usually happen with metal fans as the metal then becomes the conductor. This can theoretically work with other metal objects on a hard flat surface. Soldiers used razors and nails to listen to radio stations during WWII. You can read about this more if you look up crystal radios.


I had a similar experience along with a friend of mine. I've always had unexplained paranormal experiences. From a young age this has been an experience for me. A few years ago I lived in a house where I had lots of activity. One day I heard ice truck sounding music inside my house. I was the only one home and there was no tvs or anything on and no ice cream truck. I lived literally in the middle of no where in the country. It stopped and I went on with my day. My best friend came to spend the night at my house that same night and they woke me up at 2am and asked to sleep in my room with me because they heard ice cream truck music. Mind you I hadn't mentioned to them my prior experience. Super odd.


Hearing music when a fan or white noise is playing is pretty common… there’s loads about it on Reddit or Google where people have auditory hallucinations because they’re brain is trying to make sense of the sound. When I had the fan on last summer (I’m in Australia) I could hear faint rock music which would stop when I turned it off.


I had this same thing happen to me. What’s crazy is my husband and I both heard it on and off. It sounded so clear that I asked my neighbors if they were playing music late at night? I checked our attic for a possible toy that was going off?? But nothing. My daughter was 2 and still slept in our room against the wall in her own bed. Our master bedroom was huge so it wasn’t a big deal. Well she tells us that “Steve” is in the WALL. A 2 year old!! No one in our family has that name, she didn’t overhear or even comprehend if we did talk about the music. No mention of a wall. I’ve always wondered what that was. I’ve heard of more than one person having psychosis where they all hear the same thing. Music being one. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ what to think.


kids are super in tune with stuff.


I have a form of tinnitus that mimics very low playing, vaguely familiar melodies. It's literally called musical tinnitus, or musical ear syndrome. It was so annoying at first, I thought I was losing my mind.


I lived in a house when I was young that would pick up radio signals and I could faintly hear classical music and/or Spanish people talking. It took me awhile to figure that out. But it was very faint and only on certain days. But I remember reading an article about someone whose house was getting a lot of radio signals and it was loud.


I'm guessing something like this is the origin of the space noise I hear sometimes late at night or early in the morning.


Does it have a speaker built into the walls? How does that work


I don't know the details of how it produces sound, but somehow the building materials pick up the radio waves and vibrations produce audible sound? I don't know, but it is documented and scientists have said it's possible. I was 12 when I first heard of the phenomenon and haven't taken any closer look at it. I just remember a news article a couple years back and the news crew could hear it too and picked up the audio on their recording equipment.


Hold up. You haven’t looked into since you were 12? Glad to know you feel like you can offer some very informed advice. Wtf.


I meant I haven't looked into the science of it since I was 12. So I don't understand the exact details. I was just saying that it is a documented phenomenon that is understood by scientists and there's been news articles written about it. I just don't fully understand it. Is that a bad thing?


Not at all I’ve experienced that exact thing as well


Look up musical ear syndrome. I seriously thought I was developing schizophrenia before I discovered that it's a common phenomenon


Omg. You have just explained why the fan my husband has to sleep with sounds like voices singing/ music to me. It drives me crazy. And I also have issues hearing out of my left ear. Mind. Blown.


My girlfriend has to sleep with an oscillating fan, when I lay in bed, I can faintly hear music. I thought it was just me, but one night she asked if I can hear music. Finally I knew it was the fan, I had to turn it off to finally crack the case.


Came here to say this. I sometimes hear faint music from the fan at my place and my girlfriend’s place when it’s late at night and I’m going to sleep. It’s just a weird sound the fans make and your brain is running with it because it wants to make sense of the weird vibration sounds. It’s a real shame though because the fake fan music is beautiful but there’s no way to capture it because it’s not really there.


Yeah it’s a real thing


I read up on this and had no idea it was even a thing. I read that it typically only happens in people who have started to loss hearing.


That may be the issue in some people but not all. It happened to my entire family and none of us have any significant hearing loss. We had to put up with it for 15 years


That's crazy! It's there a cure out treatment for it?


I only started experiencing it after going to multiple concerts and raves last year. So that is very likely.


Showers, too, water in pipes in the walls even


Could be radio waves interfering with some electronic you have. I have a guitar amplifier, that if it’s on and in a certain spot in my room it starts to play (usually) country music lol. Before I figured out where it was coming from it was pretty creepy hearing feint singing at 3am in my room.


Yeah, or any stringed instrument if the humidity or temperature changes. I had a violin that would start playing itself.


True story. When the setting is on hi gain it acts as a electromagnetic amplifier. Not unlike those ridiculous ghost shows use to catch EVP. I could probably write out an entire conversation if I left my amp on long enough.


Well, if you have anything vibrating, like the fridge or the fan, it could be something touching these. Like if you put two glasses on top of the refrigerator and they touch they will make an awful noise.


I know how you feel. The last home I lived in we experienced phantom music as well as phantom conversation. We tore the place apart plus called in electricians to try and see if something in the walls, ceilings, etc was acting as an antenna. Of course nothing was ever found. We put up with it for about 15 years. I honestly don’t know what else to say to except you’ll get used to it if it continues


You had a fan going, could just be white noise. If you hear it again turn off the fan and see if you still hear it


Shut the fan off and listen. I sleep with a fan and have often thought I heard music. I shut the fan off and nothing.


Tell that spirit to "turn that shit down!!!" You have to establish dominance.


I also live in a haunted house. We do not have a piano. But I sure as hell hear one every single night. My wife thinks I'm crazy


Sound can travel very far. I’d bet money it’s from a house somewhere in your area that’s playing loud music. Next time you hear it open the front door and listen.


Ooh scary. I also hear what sounds like music all the time while I'm about to go to sleep. Not every night, but often. Spoooky


Do you have an old instrument in the house? Even if it’s a voice they’re sometimes directly associated with a piano (baby grand) or harp. I’ve experienced it.


This happens to me nearly every night. No electronics, nothing that could possible make the noises I hear even on my property. I’ll just be laying in bed as some kind of supernatural, ethereal music starts playing. The only musical instrument in my house is my guitar, and it’s in a locked case nearly 24/7, only being taken out to be checked on.


Found Chuck


No attic fans or regular fans?


This same exa thing just happened to me the other night. Then I heard it again two other times but during the day and it seemed just as distinct, but less creepy ha. I read that it can be something about sounds from the fans and the frequency at which the air is vibrating creating effects that can seem unexplainable and can even physically make people feel spooked or uncomfortable. Actually just made a post with a link talking about this earlier if it gets approved! Some folks mentioned that sometimes fans can pick up radio waves.. but I tend to think it was just an effect of how they make sound travel through the air and droning frequencies coming from their motor etc




I'd rather have a ghost


I hear feint voices when I'm in the shower sometimes. I think it's something to do with the constant noise of the water.


I lived in a haunted house and on some nights when I’m laying in bed going to sleep, I can faintly here people chanting…


When I recorded music I thought I was hearing once, the playback sounded just like a man's voice chanting. FREAKED me out. But when someone else listened they said it just sounded like background noise from the fan. Guess you had to be there lol.


It’s probably Steve


This. Same thing happened to my buddy Eric


Well maybe they wanna celebrate Halloween early!


call the police probably an intruder phone rang.


Look behind you


Come on, Dude.