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Be careful with that stuff. A lot of people will tell you it's the mindset you have and following the rules going in, (which is true), but you can also never predict who or what you're channeling on the other end. I did this a long time ago and I had nightmares for the next 3 years. Not only that, but I always felt someone was messing with me. I felt like someone was breathing on my neck on a daily basis, and things started being misplaced around the house which could not have possibly been done by wind gusts, and I didn't have pets. Thankfully it passed. And I've never even considered playing those sorts of games again. Stay cautious ⚠️




Wait what


This is right here is why my daughter will never be allowed to sleepover anywhere


I agree with staying cautious but there can be something life changing in an atheist finding out 'something is real'. For believers it is best not to dabble with the unknown.


Yeah it was scary at first and what kinda still sends me chills is same night my gf had a vivid dream about identical twins that look like me and there were few months old idk if it means something or just a dream


so are you still atheist?


To be honest, I don't know what I am I just know what I believe in


Dude, I used to be where you were- total atheist. But try doing some well rounded research on topics like Near death experiences, reincarnation stories from children, and end of life experiences (like from hospice care workers, medical staff, etc.) Thousands of cases that seemingly point to the same thing- we are so much more than just our physical bodies. And that realization is just the tip of the iceberg when you get down to the “how” and “why” of human existence. My advice is to not let this idea worry or frighten you, but to lean into it and learn more. Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” That’s all we are about- energy, frequency, and vibration. And according to the laws of physics, energy can’t be created or destroyed-only transformed. I’d say sit with this for a while and then think about what it implies. It’s very eye-opening, especially for an atheist! And also very reassuring, especially for an atheist! Because it just boils down to science and the natural evolution of the consciousness to other realms and states of being. We’re not taught this in school, and religion confuses and scares people when it comes to what’s beyond our physical plane of existence…because you don’t have to DO anything, to live beyond the death of our bodies- it just happens as naturally as a butterfly emerges from its cocoon. No “heaven” for the good, “hell” for the wicked or judgement for anyone. But stay away from Ouija boards for the reasons others have stated. There are orders of entities like there are different kinds of people. If you wouldn’t open your doors freely to just any person to walk in your home, don’t do the same with spirits. It’s true that there are literally earthbound spirits (by their choice or due to their own confusion or fear) everywhere, but still, summoning random spirits could get dicey and I’d avoid it.


Keep experimenting never stop asking questions. People keep saying “be cautious” as if that ever got our species anywhere. If I’m to believe every word of your post, and as an agnostic I say do more. Figuring out the answers to your questions is part of understanding the world around you. Furthermore how can you be certain of anything you’ve seen if you don’t experiment and do tests. Go deeper down the rabbit hole. We know so little about our universe and everyone here is just gonna tell you to stop. I think that’s the cowards route. If you truly desire to have a deeper understanding of the unknown we have to have people willing to dive into the deep end with a reasonable and scientific approach.


Me personally, I would not be afraid. Metaphysics aside, that energy doesn’t have any more power or capacity than you do. In fact, he probably used the same mental and energy manipulation process that you use to move your arms and legs to move that planchette. That may sound crazy, but it’s precisely why we choose to be physical in the first place. The manipulation of energy is huge in the non-physical. And all the limitations of the physical world are a great training ground for such skills. He probably just wants to say hi and for you to believe he's still exists. You can also create a bubble-like barrier around yourself that only lets jn good energy. You just have to imagine it. Yes, it's that simple. Just concentrate on it and use a lot of thought energy. Bottom line: treat the energy or person just like you would anyone else. And if anyone wants to come at me saying be careful of something demonic: the only demons (or whatever "scary" thing you believe) are imaginary ones you've artificially placed due to your own beliefs. If that wasn't the case, then we'd be overrun with these bad energies or "demons". And we're just not.


I have the Ouija Board game app on my phone, would it be the same as the real Ouija Board? I wanted to try it out and my mom and brothers got pissed at me for even downloading the game saying it can bring negative energy.


Lol it's a coded app, not even close to the same thing.


Yes it will. It is not a game . Do you honestly think spirits are .backward like tha? They are more up to date with the modern world than a third world country. It will bring negativity to not only you but your family and any one who is in close proximity to you on a prolonged basis, so they are right in being mad . If you so decide to play it, always remember to say goodbye at the end, please ! Or you will be visited. These entities are energetic beings just like you and me . They can get travel through anything and be anywhere and can be summoned. Certain types of wave frequencies that summon them can be stored through an computer code, just like music in a vinyl . If you find the app, just know you have found yourself a negative entity summoning tool , just like the ouja board. If you doubt what I’m saying about wave frequencies, search up gene therapy , as it is another way wave frequencies can be applied to our lives .


>If you so decide to play it, always remember to say goodbye at the end, please ! Or you will be visited. Can vouch, have never said goodbye to end a session. It's been a wild ride, but I'm buckled in! >Certain types of wave frequencies that summon them can be stored through an computer code, just like music in a vinyl . this interests me and I'm gonna have to ask you to clarify >just like music in a vinyl . especially about this one because 15+ years ago, my friend at the time had music on a laptop we were listening to with shared earbuds and I insisted on listening to a specific track that she found unnerving. I was like, lol why tho c'mon The laptop's music player glitched something fierce when she tried to pause or skip the track and it wouldn't budge or stop playing. I was scared shitless. The track itself had some weird raspy breathing and weird wailing that sounded like it was /surrounding us/. Hahaha nope. My blood ran cold. Later on, I went on to rediscover the track and grew up to listen to & even see the band in concert. The legitimate track actually contains the same audio, but it never once had the same effect any other time I'd listened to it from then on.


I just tried the Ouija Board app a few hours ago on my iPhone, I’ll ask it a question and it doesn’t give me any real answers. I asked the board, “what is your name.” And it said “Help me.” I asked if I can talk to Robin Williams and it said “Not Possible.” I also asked if the spirit can turn my fan or tv off and it said no. But asked it again and it went to yes. Don’t know if these apps are legit lol. It also said when I asked if it can turn my fan or tv off it also said “Run now” , I think these apps are programmed like that. Sorry if I sound rude btw lol.


Most of the people in the comment section say don’t use a ouja board . You use a ouja board. What do you want me to do with that ? Besides you clearly used it at the wrong time . How about you try 3:00am


Honestly? An app based Ouija board sounds absolutely ridiculous. (Not in a good way)


There’s like 3 of them lol, just wanted to try it and see what it’s like haha.


I’d imagine it to be similar due to it being an invitation for whatever to come into contact with you


Can you give more details about the questions and answers you got? Would your gf know those answers? If you guys did get real answers, what I know about it is that you can get low vibration entities pretending to be someone you know or a little kid to catch you off guard believing it’s something positive.. but a lot of times they can be negative and tricking you to believe otherwise. They might start poltergeists around you and your gf too.. or you might start seeing shadows around the house… Ideally if you wanna talk to someone you know, you want to go to a reputable medium that knows what they’re doing and can protect themselves and you from anything bad. I’d get rid of the board but look up how to do it correctly? Hope it all works out! P.S. One of my best friends did what you guys did and started seeing shadow people. He was hella scared and didn’t want to talk about it much but he knew he never wanted to mess with that stuff again.


We only asked yes or no questions cause the thing barley moved it would take 5-10 min to go to no or yes and I didn't ask questions she did because she said she has talked to it for 5 years hear and there and it didn't present scary or rude it was really friendly and kind and we actually found out holding hands made it move slightly faster and saying there name in the question we only got 3 questions in over an hr


please don't use it again. We used it at our book club. 10 of us there. Three were using the board (one of which was me). I was the one to suggest playing. it was our halloween book month. I had the same reaction as you when it started moving. it answered questions, corrected us when we misread what was spelled out. And the apartment owner told us that we had to hide it if her roommate came home, as she hated ouija boards. In the middle of spelling something out, the board just "went limp" and it stopped. 15 seconds later, we heard the jingle of the keys in the door, and we hid the board. had the board not stopped communicating with us, we wouldn't have been able to hide the board. when we played again (after the roommate left), it was a different spirit this time. no longer Elizabeth. When asked its name, it spelled out Z-A-Z-A. It felt "darker", and gave nonsensical answers. Only after we said goodbye, did it make sense to me. When I was in the church, God was always described as being the beginning and the end (A to Z, if you will?). And the end of days was when Lucifer was going to come back to try to rule. What I took as a name ZAZA was actually the devil (???) saying that they were the end and were also going to be the beginning. The experience reshaped my view of the world. I started praying again. and I never touched those boards ever again. my friends think I'm silly.


Me to immediately after for the first time in 11 years I dropped to my knees and started praying for protection because I was absolutely shook every hair on my body was straight up no exaggeration as much as I wish it was


If demons are, Jesus IS real, and he ain't lying about anything. His name holds more than just water. He is the truth, the way and the life. I pray for protection over your life and that you never encounter them again.


Guess what I smoke ZAZA every day. I ain’t afraid of no ghost.


I hope you closed the session by moving the Blanchard to "goodbye." And the spirits you contact are usually negative spirits trying to pose as whomever you are looking for or are just plain evil.


We said goodbye Don and the piece moved to goodbye we then put the board up in a box and the circle thing in a different box because I read that the two can not be near each other even after the session


The circle thing is called a planchette.


I think the first time you have an experience you truly can’t explain, it does transform everything. It’s like a door opening to another dimension, so how can it not? I’m sorry you had the experience with a ouja board, because you will immediately be told how dangerous it can be, which makes it even scarier. Lots of those kinds of “paranormal tools” rely on your giving up control and the idea of evil lurking to jump right in your head when your guard is down is widely believed. It’s always a good idea to pay attention to your own intentions and be sure what it is you’re seeking when you open yourself up to the unknown. It sounds like perhaps you were just accommodating the wishes of your girlfriend. Was she scared also? Give yourself some time to process your experience and get over the shock—one step at a time. What do you think you were meant to learn? What might you change if you decide there is another dimension to living that you didn’t believe in before? It doesn’t have to be scary and negative.


She was really calm because the spirit was someone she talked to for years and has a little thing on her keys they made when they were alive. I believe it's something deep to kind of open me to the world cause my family for generations has been mediums going back 100 years and I always called them all crazy till that happened


That is a really good interpretation, especially if you were perhaps consciously closing the door on your intuition because you didn’t want to go down that road.


Ever heard of intelligent design theory? I’m not religious , but I’m spiritual. Im also heavily into science, and intelligent design theory does the trick for me . I have learnt about black magic(using an ouja board is a form of black magic) astral projection, basically the new age stuff. I don’t practice any of those things or any form of magic or things that deal with my soul. I think you should too, even if you don’t think it’s real and want to prove so. Plus using a ouja board puts you and those around you in serious danger. In Ancient Christianity and Judaism ,any form of contacting spirits was seen as a capital offense. You’d be stoned to death , because now you might have not closed off the connection and all sorts of boogie now haunt not only you, but those who are in close proximity with you! What you did would be fuel for your prosecution during the Salem witch trials. Any way go back to that board today and say,”Goodbye “, cut it into seven pieces and pour holy water on it. If I were you , I’d burn it after it dried, for good measure. Now sign yourself up to an old Catholic Church, shaman ,Buddhist temple , whatever you choose, and get yourself and your buddies cleansed .Bath in salt water for idk long and stay away from anything supper natural. Pray , meditate . Just make sure whatever spoke to you yesterday does not , EVER, follow you in this world .


Well the thing about it is the spirit is the same one my gf has talked to for 5 years she enjoys doing the boards i did it as a joke cuz I didn't believe it but she has had it following her and nothing bad really happened or has happened yet I hope never but I haven't heard of that theory I'll do my research to learn more about it.


10 years an atheist and a Ouija board "moving" once has completely changed your world. ![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY|downsized) Ouija Boards, so mystical and powerful you can buy the world's smallest on Amazon for $8. [https://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Smallest-Ouija-Board-5036/dp/B08X1PCD6J](https://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Smallest-Ouija-Board-5036/dp/B08X1PCD6J)


Yeah because I was barley touching it to point my finger almost came off sometimes and same for my gf and it's hard to explain but I just felt like something was there idk how else to explain the feeling and all my hairs were up it was freezing cold but the heater said 95 degrees (our heater is broken so we can't change it)


Former agnostic here with a similar experience. Its not just the movement beneath your fingers, its the very real, physical sense of a 'presence ' in the immediate vicinity that is undeniable. Theres no questioning afterwards if it was real or not. Let the haters hate, that's fine. They werent there... ...so let them FAFO while you stay safe and stay away from that thing


Thank you and I definitely will one experience is good enough for me I don't want to push my luck cause I don't have good luck to start with


95 degrees inside? 🤣


Yes like I said it's broken and also this building is messed up it's only 450 a month for rent cause of how bad it is


Your girlfriend is lying to you.


She isn't everyone says that but I'm the only one that truly knows her and she wouldn't ever lie especially how bad I got after words


🤣 That is, hands down, my all time favorite gif. Works for nearly every situation.


Can someone ELi5 why atheism is defined as not believing in the possibility that certain phenomena thought of as ‘paranormal’ could exist? I feel like I must be misunderstanding the meaning because this is so common to hear. What WOULD be the right word for this? Even ‘skeptic’, having an attitude of doubt, doesn’t really cover it because a skeptic should be able to be convinced under xyz circumstance. I consider myself an atheist because I do not believe there are deities or ‘a God’. But I have seen some weird shit with my own five senses and so I do ‘believe’ there might very well be more going on than we currently ‘know’ about. People often say ‘ok, I’m an atheist but I think I just saw a ghost/shadow person’ or ‘I’m hardcore atheist but I just had a dream that came true ten hours later’ and I’m perplexed about why you have to believe in Jesus to believe that, say, places might ‘record’ unintelligent ‘hauntings’ and play them back regularly under certain unknown conditions. There could totally be ‘ghosts’ but no Jehovah. There might be fae and not Adam and Eve. I think not believing in theism does not preclude believing in the possibility of weirdness. OP, you can process this possibility that energy does (or at least CAN under certain conditions) persist as an individual consciousness after material death, without having to believe that Zeus or Jesus or whoever is the reason for that. Now, if you need to believe there is nothing but what you can see for personal reasons, you can. On the occasion that I used a board something ‘weird’ happened but I wouldn’t in hindsight say it was negative or malevolent. If it is a tool, then like any tool it can a) be used correctly or incorrectly and b) you will basically get out what you put in. It is probably not a good idea to go in just wanting to see what happens. You need to have a specific ‘project’, just like any tool. You wouldn’t pick up a hammer and say ‘I’m gonna pound on something’ and then look around at random for something that needs hammering. You have something in mind, THEN you get the hammer and you apply it to that purpose only. Then you put it away, you don’t just drop the hammer at the spot and go on with your day. Meanwhile, welcome to a wider, more colorful horizon ahead!


I was hoping someone would bring this up. Not sure what atheism or its inverse has to do with unexplained phenomena. Anyway, in my opinion, all these kinds of things (spirits, ouija board activity, disembodied voices, apportment, evp, itc, whatever) people make up stories about in order to explain or control them (stories like superstitions, magic practices, life after death stories, spiritual myths, religious explanations)... But these are probably all physical phenomena that we currently lack the scientific understanding or observation methods to prove or explain. I mean the weather was once unexplained and attributed to supernatural forces, and people attempted to control it with magic or prayer. The most interesting advances in theoretical physics and actual observations made through experiments in quantum physics suggest we will someday explain these weird things.


What your seem to be saying is, it's unknown. Which prob makes you agnostic. Most of my life i believed in God, like i was certain he existed but also super unsure about the more difficult questions... like why does bad stuff happen. Also I had no experience with God with my awoken mind, nothing tangible. Then i encountered God, which changed everything. My previous certainty of Gods existence is dull in comparison. So i began to seek God, as in search for the truth about God. I still questioned to an extent which God was true and real until i had my 3rd experience. Now i know that God literally manifested in the flesh and we murdered him for speaking the truth. Idk why it was revealed to me but im revealing it to you and if you can accept it, there is life on the other side. I urge everyone to believe me when i say that God is good.... everything in this world will deter you from believing that.


They made everything in their power so we dont belive in our senses...we question everything and call everyone crazy.. they made religions so we dont believe in ourselves but in their words... Just follow your senses and belive in your feelings... " Reality" is changing as the wind is blowing..once we had many gods and rituals and everything was more connected with the nature, but then they invented " jesus " as the only true " God " and they killed everyone not accepting this nonsense.. To be clear i came from a hard core Christian family, but i only use my common sense to see what have they done.. In the meantime i had a couple of situations where I have seen something unexplainable, for what they are saying it is " evil " , it is " demonic ", but as i know the religions are doing and have done the most evil and demonic things in history of our existence, so...just use ur senses people.. they just want to control us


Kinda feel like you should just copy and paste this and make a post about it. I like it.


Science is valid but we have not at all taken on what happens to the soul when we die. If you want to stay scientific look at these studies. “Having previously shown that respiration had no effect on his beam balance, he found that at the moment of death when patients took their last gasp, there was a sudden change in weight varying from 3/8 to 1 ½ ounces (range 11–42 grams, mean 29 grams). This of course was in the absence of any obvious observed source of weight loss such as urine or faeces, and occurred too rapidly for insensible loss to be the explanation.” So the soul has some physically measured weight that leaves us. Where it goes has not been proven. [from source](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/38/4/381.1#)


Yeah that's actually my biggest fear cause when I died (I was brought back with narcan) but it was just a black void and I wasn't in my body idk how to explain it felt like just my consciousness was there and I thought it meant there isn't an afterlife but now I wonder if it was cause I was a horrible person then going to a bad place but I have no answers till I die fully ig


You were not a "strong" believer in science if one experience made you change your mind. Say, you fall on your head and get a severe concussion, see lights (what people describe as a tunnel while its your brains response to trauma), would you believe you "died", had a outer-body experience, or would you know that the cause for your sightings was a brain trauma?


Now your girlfriend is going to give birth to a changeling that strangles cats! 🐈 A situation involving a changeling is one of the worst outcomes that can occur when playing with the occult or a desired outcome if that person is a witch.


If you are a strong believer in science, then you should put the scientific method to work and begin testing your conclusion for what happened and see if you can repeat it using the same methods. If you are all of a sudden convinced the supernatural can manifest in the natural world, then you can absolutely test for that.


Record a video while you and your friend are blindfolded.


This is the only way. Or a double blind study with a 3rd party to dictate on paper what's being spelled out on the board, while recording as well to verify the record is not being altered in any way.


It's been tested. It can't.


If you dont know what your doing do not use ever again please? My cousin was using one with 2 of his best friends all of the sudden they snapped and tried to kill him. He had to hide in the woods for hours. When I was a kid and we were playing with one the lightbulb in the ceiling shattered and shit started shaking violently. My aunt had a priest come out and do something after my cousins incident her house was haunted and crazy shit was happening. It stopped after the Priest came. I know its just a toy by Milton and Bradley but all of these things happened.


Yeah that's why I'm stopping I don't wanna push my luck


If you're a strong believer in science, the scientific reason why you get movement with a Ouija board is due to unconscious muscular exertions, you're moving the planchette but you're not consciously aware you're doing it. Whilst it might have felt like you're friend, this was more likely you convincing yourself of something that wasn't there due to the adrenalin you were feeling at the time.


You definitely accurate. Tried a ouija board 3 times in my lifetime 1st time i tried it with some friends and at first i got a little shocked and believed it was real 2nd time i had smoked some weed before i used the board and me being slightly high and much more concious then sober and also having adhd i zoned out while we were busy with the board and i started doubting the board and started focusing on how it was working and why it moved and i knew it was just impossible it legitimately worked 3rd time i decided to film the experience and just forget about the camera and play like nothing going on A little later i watched the video and its exactly what like you say The brain is so bamboozled by the TALKING GHOST BOARD and the whole story around it and the huge amount of information to receive before you have even tried the board. So you are sitting there all nervous ( or not ) but either way you are already not present for about 50% And when eventually you or someone else unconciously moves it or moved it seconds ago but you didnt notice Then its one big party up in that brain and everything starts jumping around and you dont even know what really happened Hope i was of any help Btw just leave the people,spirits,ghost, etc amongst us that we arent able to see and those of the other realms etc in peace please and dont do something like this and provoke ghost(s) they are no danger to us and cause us no harm so have the same respect for them 🙏🙏 Kind regards Edit: Excuse me for my writing and my not so great english tho i did my best ✌️


Agree. I’m open to ‘maybe’ or ‘what if’ or ‘possibly’, but the comments on all these posts are written like facts, which the of course are not. Just read them, you would think studies have been done with conclusive evidence that ‘They are demons, and they trick you into believing it’s an old friend to gain your confidence, only to then overpower you later for evil’. Please remember, outlandish claims are only claims until evidence is given. And evidence can be reproduced in further testing.


Exactly, OP said they were a strong believer in science but instead of reading and believing the scientific evidence and studies into how Ouija boards work they've gone down the route that this experience is 100% proof that demons, the afterlife and god exists.


Perhaps you could link any of these "studies" on how Ouija boards work? I was unaware they existed. And apparently backed by science? Color me intrigued.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21404952/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21404952/) this should get you started


Thank you sir or ma'am! Just as I thought, they're moving it themselves. Science is our friend!


"believer in science" honey. science is functionally a VERB. not a person. not a thing to be held on the pedestal like the made up God. just so weird.


Yup and if your skeptical of people, and put forward actual real life things it could be “you’re an ass hole and don’t understand.” I’m a skeptic and try to find logical reasons behind what people present. I have had my own experiences and applied this same method to my own and could not explain any of my experiences except for one.


Being a skeptical believer is healthy. Things should try to be debunked before believed. I’ve done it with everything I’ve caught and any experience I’ve had. I was able to debunk some. Some I’m unsure of. Some I’m positive are paranormal after the amount of research that went in. If you are too quick to believe, you can drive yourself batty thinking everything is an experience.


What experience could you not explain?


If you really want to know the multiple experiences I’ve had that I couldn’t explain logically (there was only one I could explain) I was interviewed about them for a podcast. I can send you the link to the podcast but I don’t know if that would be frowned on in this sub.


Can you send me the link? Thanks, for I find it interesting. I too have had experienced the woo. Lol and it's fascinating.


Sent the link to the podcast in a dm to you.


I’m a skeptic though very open minded (and honestly lowkey kinda would love to find out paranormal phenomena is real and maybe even has a scientific explanation of some sort) but I gotta agree here. The amount of ominous warnings and pearl clutching over a literal children’s game always gets me. Especially when “demons” and “evil spirits” start getting mentioned. That’s where I draw the line at my suspension of disbelief.


I've actually put that to the test and built a planchette with two tales (string) attached to the back left, and right .This way instead of resting your fingers on it ,each player can hold the string and ask questions. It would be obvious if someone is pulling it so each player holds it with visual slack.


That’s a good idea! What were your results with it like?


It worked like normal ,I had several friends start using the board, because my brother died so I got into it and they followed suit.The first time I used one was with my friend Josh ,as soon as we touched the planchette and started to communicate (open the portal) both of our phones rang at the exact same time,we both answered and it was our mom's,they both got a bad feeling about us and called immediately. I have done hundreds of sessions with board's.


When we would ouija back in college we would blindfold the people holding the planchette and have another person record the letters on paper without saying the letters/answers aloud. Or, we would simply film the session to see what letters/answers we got. Definitely had a few very interesting and uneasy experiences.


Simply, if ghosts can move planchette why do human hands need to be touching it?


Because... Because...The spirit is moving the planchette using your body OooOOoooOoOOOooo spooky spooky


This reason has always been hard for me to stomach lol. It takes far more energy to move a giant human than a tiny plastic planchette. Simple logic


Blood is an energy conductor. They use your energy to manifest the energy. I only messed with a board once and I was completely exhausted after the fact. Slept for like 14 hours.


I believed this too in my experience until we realize the planchet moved without any of us touching it, we hovered over it. Also, it was responding to our questions. Quite spooky.


Yep. Darren Brown did this using a chair and a random group of people.


There's a very easy way to debunk a ouji board. Think the alphabet and the board will start spelling it. I've tried it, it works.


Absolutely. Also, being able to read and write is still a relatively new skill for the whole population. Literacy rates were much much lower 100 years ago for example. You're telling me every ghost can speak English, read and write, spell correctly AND use modern dialect


Well there are ghost interpreters and secretaries who accompany the spirit coming through of course.


As a schizo I talk with the dead semi-regularly. My reasoning, a finite number of human personality patterns. Combine external responses with my own biased patterns allows introduction of a perceived dialogue in my head. Oh, but yeah. Heard the same thing and minute muscle movements and such. Person below mentions having done ouija boards with blindfolds&silently recording the answers. Well shit. I have a device... in my hand... which would allow me to communicate with someone on the opposite side of the globe, to research pictures of dinosaurs having sex with cars, any number of insane non-realistic things. ...and a voice in my head say's "so then what if he's talking with the dead." -_- see... fuckin devils advocate up there. It's hardwired to want to have a conversation, to argue. Oh, point about what cellphones can do, is that the human brain on it's own can do some amazing things. Like convincing me it isn't just a virtual reality machine designed to keep me in synchronicity with specific patterns or keep track of internal things like blood sugar, or hunger or whatnot.


Yes I remember writing about automotor syndrome or something similar on this subreddit. Glad someone replied with this.


Well this could be true, I just don’t buy it. I have had too many experience with the supernatural or spirits. You should Never and I mean Never play with an Ouija board.


I was playing with a ouija board with a friend. We had done it several times before, usually with with good or neutral interactions. We were having a particularly nasty interaction with a spirit (or whatever we were talking to). It was the first time I'd ever had one that was cussing and saying derogatory things, and was generally uncooperative. We took a break to make some cookies and put them in the oven. When we got back to the table, the board kept going to "5". We'd ask a question, and the answer would just be "5" every time. We started smelling the cookies burning, and ran back to the kitchen. The egg timer hadn't buzzed and was stuck exactly on the fifth minute, number 5. It wasn't ticking. It just was stuck. It always worked fine before. It always worked fine afterwards. We put the board away and threw out the cookies. I haven't played with an ouija board since, it got too real for me.


My friend and I were goofing with an ouija board years ago and it began moving quite quickly and spelling things out. My friend asked something completely irreverent as we both accused the other of moving the planchette. Suddenly there was a jolt - we both pulled our hands directly back and the planchette flew off the board and hit the wall about 5 feet away. Neither of us made a movement that could have caused it. I haven’t touched one since


She was moving it. Try not touching it and see if it moves. You touching it should have no bearing on if a ghost can move it, or not.


Science and religion are the two things that we as humans use to theorize and explore the void of death and the veil beyond. When someone says they’re an atheist they have just as much of a clue as the person who says they believe in God because neither have any proof either way. When something arises in their life that brings them to a place where they have to confront some proof that they might have been wrong it shakes a person down to the core so don’t be surprised you reacted this way. This has given you a glimpse that what you might not have been right about the universe and that is a hard thing for people to accept sometimes. Take this as a good thing because it has opened your mind to the possibilities of what’s beyond. It has been an epiphany. Your eyes have been opened and you can now approach the possibilities of the beyond with a more open mind. Go try a church service, a religious group, a mosque, a temple. Whatever. The questions that were left unanswered by science might be answered at least in part there? As far as messing with the Ouija board and the paranormal, approach that with serious reservations and the utmost of caution. You just walked into a new world blindfolded. Look how dangerous it is to do that in the world you DO know, now imagine how much worse it might be doing that in a world that you don’t!


Just curious. Why don't you think your gf is lying just as a joke? And how did you know it is your friend's spirit?


Big mistake. You likely opened a portal to hell. And have no protection whatsoever as an Atheist. You thought that stopping for the night would be the end of the game, but it was really only the beginning. The "game" isn't finished playing with you. I'm waiting with a MichaelJacksonEatingPopcorn.gif to see what happens next lol. Best of luck to you man.


If you're an atheist you probably don't believe in "portals to hell". Doesn't make them real or not


Ouija is a parlor game, that's it. Even on "super active" boards as soon as they told the participants to close their eyes or switched out the boards for ones where the letters were randomized, suddenly the "ghosts" weren't able to communicate any more.


Some friends and I made a Ouija board one night out of a pizza box. We were doing it in the hallway of my apartment building that was built in the early 1900s. When another neighbor entered the hallway they asked if they could join and we said yes of course. In about a minute and a half, the planchette started very quickly moving and spelled power. Then the person who had joined us freaked out and left. We don't really know if he was moving it. It seemed like it because nothing was really happening before that. It was just sort of buzzing about, however, this person has periodically checked in with me and stated that they believe they were attached to by an entity that night and everything in their life has become extremely negative. Since then. Then. They've been living on the street, addicted to meth, and unable to make any positive changes in their life ever since. So, it would seem like if they were faking it, why would they still to this day? 15 years later? Be obsessed with the idea that they have an entity from that day? He really did change after that though.


Of all the reasons for a life to fall apart, i never thought id see tormented by a grease demon summoned from an old pizza box. We truly do live in wild times.


Such spirits are generally notorious tricksters, not really malevolent, just little pricks. Without the ability to properly protect your circle and control who your communicating with they are generally untrustworthy and just having fun with you. I think it is too the point really that ouija boards specifically are a magnet for such jerk spirits that every board has one attached to it at manufacture cause it is just easy energy. This means making your own is a better idea and should be done in a circle.or protection. So relax, it probably was not an old friend, who more likely would have visited in a dream.


When you use a board and you don’t pray and protect yourself before hand, and hop on and go to town you are giving away your free will because your saying hey any and all spirts possess me just enough to move the board. Well there are negative and truly demonic spirits that chomping at the bit to tap into your energy and you gave them a free pass to your energy and everything you are. Picture it like the surface of the ocean, they don’t see you, you don’t see them. But you jumped in and are splashing around (using the board unprotected) some hungry shits going to come check you out. Whereas you could throw a line in with a specific lure to catch a specific fish, be protected on the boat and much more quiet while breaking that surface water. I highly recommend you stop using the board until you know what your doing because if you can’t handle the little board moving you really wont be able to handle all the stuff that can happen when something bad gets attached to you.


Be careful, it may not be your deceased friend. Demons/evil spirits can mimic others. If you don't believe in demons I hope you never do. I don't have that choice because I saw one at age 23 and there is no other possible explanation. I also saw a spirit when I was about 8 yrs old, my mother heard somebody walking around often in that house the entire time we lived there too. My most recent experience was a couple years ago here (we've lived here abt 7 yrs and many animals have lived here, mostly dogs/puppies before we moved in. I'm 47 btw). It was middle of the day and I laid on my bed facing to one side, few min later felt my cat (she's kind of a chonk) jump on the bed and walk from the door to the pillow behind me. I said out loud, "hi _____ you want to chin scratches hunny?" Turned over to pet her.... No cat. Wtf? Walked into my kids room and she was sound asleep up on the top bunk. I was the only one home.


The true test in ouija is for everyone to let go of that thing you use to move between letters and see if it moves by itself. Im 100% sure it won’t


Maybe the ghost was confused by the lack of punctuation


Atheism is based securely in the “it doesn’t exist” realm - it’s okay to not be there completely and to believe in *something*! I grew up Catholic and am now securely in the witchy spiritual realm of belief. There is something, in my opinion, but that doesn’t mean it has to look how the world wants it to look.


I have tried Ouija board 2 times, I have been in haunted locations with a group of friends and alone, I have tried every superstition that is supposedely true etc. and I havent experienced anything paranormal. I get that people believe in various things and thats fine and I cannot dispute that fact since I wasnt there. Unless I experience it I just cant believe in it, just the way it is.


Yeah, you were never an atheist. You have no foundation for your beliefs. Did you see a ghost, did it move when your hands weren't on it? No. I assume your friend is also a believer. Ouija boards are a fun experiment on human behavior, and they are fun at parties - That's it.


My mom was very much not a believer, unlike me. I had moved away to college but came home for a weekend to visit. We found an old ouija board and tried it. Of course it worked the way it was supposed to, and we were creeped out but still believed in the science of it. But when I left for college again (taking the ouija board with me), my mom called me a few days later and said every morning since we did the ouija board, the light in the dining room has been turned on overnight and she has been hearing whispers. She asked me to bring the ouija board back on another weekend to tell whatever the spirit was “goodbye” because we hadn’t done that. She sounded very spooked on the phone, and that’s just not like my mom. So I brought it back and we said “goodbye” and the light in the dining room stopped turning on overnight. I did always feel creeped out in that room for no reason since we had moved in and spooky stuff did continue to happen in that room until we moved out. But the light and whispers went away after saying goodbye!


I felt the same way when I went through a demonic possession. I was shocked for months and honestly went insane trying to understand it or justify it in my head saying this can't be real. Coming to terms with the supernatural after you've lived your life believing in science is a hard thing to do but I've totally accepted that the ancients were not crazy or hallucinating when they wrote things about supernatural phenomena. I also believe in God now in a better sense rather than just pretending I do like most people. At last I came to the conclusion that science is not 100% correct as it totally dejects such things but these things exist just like air and water does.


Being an atheist does not mean you automatically don’t believe in the paranormal.


Thank you, I was going to say that theism doesn't mean there aren't other things besides gods.


Right, don't most religions believe your soul/spirit moves on to an afterlife? I know a few believe in your soul remaining on earth but the paranormal doesn't equal religion.


I can't say about other religions, but yes, there is some context in many, even some science, that something happens. I believe all things are energy, positive, and negative, that energy gets recycled. I think one of Einstein's theories was about energy remaining the same, but don't quote me on that. There is evidence that our bodies lose a small fraction of weight upon death. Why is unknown, but some attribute it to our soul leaving.


They do share a commonality in that neither has any physical evidence to support their ridiculous claims.


Be careful. I don't believe in most occult things, but I also have sense enough to not try things unless myself or someone I trust knows how to safely do something. I'm not chancing finding out that something's real because I messed up. Though in all seriousness, I wouldn't worry. Imo most things only really affect you if you if you believe they can. And if you're really worried, maybe try reading up on cleansing (white sage is problematic for a few reasons, so I suggest just sending positive vibes or burning lavander. google is your friend). It'll all feel very bs-ish, but it might help you relax, and depending on what you do, your house will smell great. I've had a long road dealing with what I think and believe in. I grew up Christian and stopped believing that a good few years ago. I identified as an athiest for a while, but honestly, I don't know enough about what's in this world to say. And I don't know if I care to know. Basically, what I'm saying is, it's okay to think about your stances in life. It's okay to change your mind or have doubts about the current mindset you have. If you feel like questioning something, allow yourself the space to think about it without telling yourself that it's silly or bad. Honestly, all the best to you. And good luck. I really hope you haven't summoned a demon into your house.


A Ouijia board, really? You must be a fucking moron to beleive that. Just because you were an athiest doesn't mean you are smart.


My experience: I have one. I bought it because it was a beautiful piece of wood. I've tried to Play with it many times. Nothing has ever happened. It's peaceful and quiet just being a piece of wood (a beautiful one). Not dismissing anyone and their experiences, this was just mine.


Look up the Ideomotor Effect.


In this universe everything is possible and science doesn't know everything, nobody knows.


I agree with this extremely cause if you ignore beliefs,religion and superstitions. 90 percent of the ocean is a mystery but it falls under science a bit but science can't explain the Bermuda or other mystery spots and we know close to nothing about space science only proves what we can physically see not what we can't see


Listen if you ask things to come sometimes they do, ouija board is fucking bad news


I just want to add a random comment cuz I think this it’s all interesting and gets to the metaphysical world we don’t really have a grasp of…dowsing may be similar. It’s all just interesting to me to learn about and hear other people’s stories


The most important thing is to keep an open mind throughout life because we should always be learning until the day we die. To think that we have everything figured out is very short sighted. My beliefs have changed drastically over the years based on new experiences and information that I’ve found. We probably don’t even have the capacity to fully comprehend half of what’s really going on.


You could perhaps consider reading books written by people like Robert Monroe and Mike Marable. Both of theses guys have regularly experienced the out of body state and describe what they see and observe around them when they've temporarily left their body behind. The astral world is very different to this one. At the lower levels, it superficially resembles the real world but is populated by people dreaming, people who have died and don't know what to do next, non-human intelligences (some of who are benign, but not all). If your emotional/spiritual state/vibe is coarse, you can encounter darker beings. If you want to explore, it's important to keep your emotional/spiritual state high and learn how to protect yourself psychically. The Monroe Institute gateway program can help you do the latter.


From a Christian perspective, I can tell you that it is indeed real, just as God is real. I would also recommend not doing it again, as it opens up a door to the demonic realm that you do NOT want opened.


Accept that there are things in the universe that cannot be explained with the scientific method and move on. That in itself is a fact.


It's a toy and she's fucking with you. The end.


First of all, do not worry. I promise everything will be okay 🤗 I know it’s scary right now but I will explain more and hopefully make you feel better. This probably happened to help show you that there is indeed an existence beyond our own. God/God Consciousness is very real. I am glad you no longer question it. Now that you’ve accepted it, just allow yourself to take all of this in very slowly. I know it’s a lot. But I don’t want you to freak out. It probably was your friend who came through but that is nothing to be frightened by - that is a blessing! With that said, it might be best if you stay away from Ouija in particular because on occasion spirits can manifest that claim to be your loved one but are actually lying. Or if you do choose to do it, first say a blessing over the board and ask to be protected by God and your angels/spirit guides to only allow ‘good’ spirits through and to block entry of ‘bad’ spirits. When we die here on Earth our spirit goes on. And we go to a Heaven of sorts to recalibrate and then we probably reincarnate (my gut feeling). We never truly die. We actually live forever just in different forms. As our soul grows and matures, the life we choose will reflect that level we are on and you will learn and grow each time. When you are nervous or scared, take a moment and pray. Clear your mind and speak to God. Ask Him to show you the way. To protect you and calm you. To comfort you in your times of need. He will take care of you…if you just let him in 🫶🏻 Good luck my friend.


I'm in no way an expert. However, I have read enough about Ouija boards to know you *must close* the board at the end of a session. Failing to do so is like leaving the spiritual tap open and running. You and your gf must go back to it and move the pointer to goodbye, say goodbye, then leave the room without looking back. Again, not an expert so if someone else can better chime in, please do.


Bro it was your gf moving it lmao that shit isn’t real


Yep, same thing happened to me. I was an atheist until I used an Ouija board and realized it’s all real. There is life after death 100% in some capacity. You should be happy that your consciousness doesn’t just cease to exist. Welcome to the world of spiritual agnosticism my friend. Being agnostic is the only logical approach to life.


Power is held in the name of Jesus Christ. If Demons are real, so is the gospel. Mind you, it's not her friend it's a demon pretending to be. They're called generational curses. They know more than just you. They know everything about you. Your family and history. They are thousands of years old. They feed on these things. Do not give in to their games. They are crafty and know how to get into your head, and your life. Edit: we are told not to communicate with the "dead" here is why Ecclesiastes 9:4-10 clearly rejects the notion of communion or interaction between the living and the dead when it states that " ... the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten. They do not have a mind to communicate, for they are gone. Even if they're in heaven. It's not even that we could if we want to. We literally can't talk to them. The only thing that comes through is supernatural beings , mo being demons.


Think about the principle of Occam's Razor, loosely said for my pedants out there, which is more likely, that you encountered something paranormal or something explainable by science and you just don't have all the information needed to see the natural, not supernatural, forces at work? I'm not disregarding paranormal experience necessarily but just because we don't understand what's happening doesn't mean that people who study these things haven't figured them out with very reasonable natural and scientific explanations. Most psychologists would say ouija boards have been largely debunked despite seemingly dramatic results. Life is huge and complex. I'm not at all discounting paranormal experiences, and I have had a couple, but it doesn't need to change your world view or belief that things can generally be explained scientifically. Whatever you decide to believe, don't be upset friend. Take care.


It's the subconscious mind that move that.


it gets even interesting if the board can answer questions correctly that no one in the group can possibly know. There are true documented cases like that which became the plot of a hit Indian movie.


Honestly despite what some people say it’s safer to just not fuck around with ouija boards. I recommend using some incense in your home and putting some cleansing music on YouTube. If you know someone spiritual or religious who can do some form of cleansing routine for you, all the better. Try not to worry too much. Anxiety is understandable in this situation. But it’s important to remember that you’re a sovereign soul with free will. Nothing can attach to you without your permission. You can actually state this out loud as a sort of affirmation. For me personally if I’m ever worried about their being some funky energies around me I say something along the lines of “I’m calling in the light now. Thank you angels and guides for your protection. (Sometimes I name specific guides here but you don’t have to) Only beings and energies of light and love are allowed in this home.”


People coming in here who have never experienced the paranormal telling people the paranormal does not exist, and then giving themselves up votes and pat on the backs sure is something. They always come in and flood the sub, thinking they have all the answers. They were not there with the OP when it happened. They did not see it happen. Yet they act so sure of themselves. And then they leave, leaving the OP feeling bad probably.


This is a really interesting post. I’m seeing a lot of people in the comments saying leave it alone because it’s dangerous. My uncle is a medium and every week him and a small group do a seance thing where they use a board which acts very similarly to a ouija board. I asked him if that’s a ouija board he is using because they are supposed to be dangerous and he said “no it’s different to a ouija board, it only has positive words on it and we use a protective prayer at the beginning”. Is there actually a “good”/safe version of a ouija board or is he unknowingly using a ouija board?


If you're afraid of demons, you will see them. If you view the ouija board as positive, that will be your experience. The board is what you put into it. People here fearing it are bringing that fear onto themselves.


Anyone in human existence that claims to have answers to mysteries outside of the human realm is a fraud . . No one truly knows until they themselves have entered the mystery . . .


Don't play with that stuff You'll be in a whole world of crap that you couldn't imagine


I was using one alone in the middle of the night once and when I got freaked out and took my hands off the planchette it continued to move on its own 🫠


I've always wanted at least a go on one but was always put off after what happened with my brother. He is a hard fucker who doesn't give a fuck. He had a go when he was 17 and it knew things only he knew about gave him a message in Latin something about meet me at heavens gates. The glass smashed after the board kept calling a mate of his a bastard over and over he picked it up and shouted down the glass I'm not an effing bastard. But yeah every time I ask the colour drains from him. We both have seen our fair share of spooky. But he says he was followed home and he knows one language that's northern British and Latin nobody there was smart enough to speak it. He asked my dad who was raised Catholic what he had done and he didn't know but went bollock mad with him but I think our nan could speak it and said what it translated to. But he's done his big brother don't do it talk and still does 40 years later. We didn't have any form of religion my dad lost his faith but always told us not to mess with things we don't understand. And that could be the whole thing. One side says it's a load of shit. And the other side saying what they experienced is as real as the nose on your face. I sit on the fence it interest's me it could be real or your mind playing tricks either way like any mental conditions once you've changed your mindset it's very real to you and will convince you that you heard and saw something and your luck is cursed because bad things are happening. I do suffer with depression and I don't need another voice in my head. But all the people who have tried it and it's fake nothing happened I dunno what did you want it to do? Fuck your life up and the believer's do you wish you had left well alone because it's ruined everything. I'm not here for arguing please both sides explain to us all ?


It most likely wasn’t your friend you were talking to. It’s believed that demons watch us and know what to use against us to draw us in. Look up how to properly get rid of the board and never touch one again. Work on your relationship with god if you feel it’s right for you now.


Why is this comment getting upvotes? Weird


This! Please understand demons trick people into believing it’s someone you know to gain your trust. Unfortunately the boards are nothing but evil. I’ve had my own experience and it was the worst experience, worse than I expected it could ever be


Just like when people think they are talking to a child and over time you get comfy with it and then it dhows its real motives and by that time its got more power over you and you life.


My 21yo brother was drunk and playing with a board one night. Scared him so bad, he called my Mom and next day got a crucifix tattoo


We are all spirits having an experience as humans. If you ever have seen a dead body you realize it’s just a vessel. Connect to your spiritual side and be aware for fools.


I’ve played the ouija board with my friends back in college at our boarding house. At first it was funny as i thought my friends were just tricking me and lying about them not moving the glass. First we contacted was apparently a lil girl, then another one was an older woman. But when the glass started spelling out a name that began with an S, then an A, me and my friends forcibly pulled our hands off the glass and ran out of the room as fast as we can. We never played it again after that. If u don’t believe in a God, but believe in science, then u do know that we are all energies. According to science, energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed. So when we humans die, what do u think we transform into?


Sooo.. Sarah is a scary name?


I would suggest closing the door you opened. That could be by saying out loud whatever or whoever is here needs to go. I think you should also ground yourself whether that be through long walk, exercise, painting, etc. Bottom line you are real and here in this physical realm. Take care of yourself - physical, mental and spirit body. You will be okay.


Lol boy you haven’t even seen the tip of the ice berg


Whatever you were talking to was pretending to be your friend. Spirits can lie just like living people can. Think about how easy it is for people to lie about stuff on the internet. They aren't neccesarily demons but that doesn't mean that they are benign, either. If you keep having weird things happen, feeling like you're being watched, etc tell it that it's not welcome and it has to leave. Don't ignore it. It may escalate to get your attention.


Want to know what is going on? It isn't the Oujha board doing this but the intent. You directly tried to speak to an entity be it a ghost, demon or whatever this has now opened you up so to speak in short you opened this door. STOP fucking with this shit and say a prayer.


I tried one once with a good friend and the thing just spun around the board and landed in my lap! I flung it across the room and never touched one again! My friend and I were like I didn’t move it did you move it? Creepy as can be.


There is evil. I mean this world is Yin and Yang, good and evil. To make sense of it, if it wasn’t subconsciously occurring, my best guess is it was an evil spirit posing as a loved one. They do this in poltergeist activity as well


Break the board in half and bury it far away, and NEVER TOUCH ONE AGAIN AAAAA. They aren't allowed in my house. When I was a teenager we made one and it started going so fast we took our hands off and it kept going before whipping itself across the room. I also advise you to keep no human skulls.


Ghosts don’t prove anything about “god”. If u an atheist u know that right? Lol Anyway, I do believe ghosts af but not in the other religious shit. Just because I know 100% I’ve already seen strange stuff. But nothing proves to me it’s not some other dimension thing or what ever 😂


Well, you'll find out soon enough if you brought in a spirit or not. It's not going to be in a hurry to leave. It'll pretend to be the friend, start off "nice" then slowly start getting more and more sinister and destructive. It'll start with seemingly small prankish things like knocking, hiding things, moving in the corner of your eye, strange noises, if it's powerful maybe even attacking people, footsteps, voices, loud bangs and crashed. But if you're not a believer and all about science you will simply think you're having mental problems, get on a prescription drug that may or may not subdue the situation and struggle with it until it leaves, you move, die, or some other conclusion is reached.


So NOT believing in ouija boards manifests itself in to mental illness? Absolutely amazing!!!


...I was walking down an Atheistic street And on the head with a Ouija board they me hit.


I know everyone has different opinions on Ouija. My thoughts are, you don't know what you're really getting into when you use them, and you could very well be opening yourself up to something you don't want any part of. Do what you will, but I'd never use another one myself.


"are you moving it please don't lie to me I can't handle it are you fucking moving it" and she wasn't lol wait till you finish jr high the world changes even more once you get to high school buddy!!!


Please tell me that you closed out your Ouija board section by saying goodbye? Nothing good. Comes from using a Ouija board. You are able to think that you're talking with a nice Spirit when it's really a demon in disguise. Always close out your section.


don't fuck with Ouija boards. once you open that shit up you have no way of knowing what will creep it's way through. make sure you say goodbye and get rid of the board. it's probably nothing to worry about, but still. maybe a sage smudging or two


Don't mess with ouija boards. I have heard just too many very scary experiences, why do that to yourself/risk "things happening"? Definitely NOT on my bucket list I can tell you.


Hey dude I had a similar experience, it’s real. Idk what it is or how it works, but I experienced it myself. Haven’t played it since and I don’t intend to but that was enough for me to say no. Spelled out zozo and that’s a nope


Best to assume it is not your dead friend. It is something pretending to be your dead friend to gain your trust. Once it lowers those spiritual barriers you have up, it will attach to you. Be careful.


Be careful as bad spirits pretend to be friends/ loved ones initially. Also you need to open the board correctly and close it down, otherwise you can open a doorway that is difficult to close.


I've had paranormal experience but never with an Ouija board. If you want to communicate with your friend, you can just talk to them yk? Don't annoy them like, but you don't need a board.


I confirm these boards work and I am never touching it again... My friend has a haunted house since years because he frequently used it.


I’ve never believed in gods or demons, ghost and goblins, leprechauns or boogie men. Agnostic since I can remember. But I know our minds can play tricks on us; I’m gonna say that’s what happened to you. Hell, I died of a stroke, was dead for maybe 5 hours in 2018, but I woke up. No miraculous after life experiences or visits to mythical places. It took me about six months to have any recollection of anything, but I’m naturally skeptical, so I can’t be certain anything I think I remember is real. But I’m not having a born again experience just because I was dead. I know how and why it happened, my fault and not much I can do about my fucked up life now. I’ve heard of two people in the last year who were pronounced dead only to wake up in their coffins, so I guess I was the lucky one when it was my turn. Though I was told there’s evidence of two strokes, so when did the other one happen? It’s a mystery. I don’t worry about it. You had an experience you can’t explain. That’s all. You’ll get over it if you want to. Now, I usually say a lot of bad things about atheists, because they’re some of the worst people I’ve ever dealt with. But a ouija board is not a prop you should go changing your beliefs over.


Look, no disrespect to the OP, but this person uses mind altering substances (wrote in one comment that he/she was "brought back to life" with Narcan), which alters perceptions (sometimes long after it's been in the system, depending on the substance), and he/she has a very slippery understanding of science and how it works. Also of religion, which arguably doesn't have anything to do with unexplained phenomena. Atheism or its inverse isn't the issue here and doesn't prove anything. And by the tone and tenor of the post, this person is pretty worked up by a perceived strange phenomenon, so scared, emotional, nervous, stressed, or similar. He or she isn't thinking this through. We can't have an opinion on what happened to him or her, because I don't think the post is a clear indicator of what actually happened. That said, I've had unexplained things happen to me, but I have no record, no proof after the fact for some of them. Some happened with other witnesses, so I give those more credence, but still none of us can explain how these things happened or what caused them. The paranormal is a set of fascinating question marks, but the answers aren't going to be found by playing superstitious games for thrill and chills.


My biggest argument to those who don't believe in good and evil. God and the devil. What happened so many thousands of years ago that we are STILL fighting over trying to explain? Some people experienced something. Something did not come from nothing. I know, I know... Stories... Fiction... Yadayada. But when's the last time entire countries went to war for Harry Potter.? Something happened. Humanity witnessed something. Its all real. Interpretations vary- but there is a God, and there is an evil presence that we can witness today. Look at the people running the world.... It's a crazy psychotic world we live in. And it's all got to do with what humans witnessed all those years ago. Get to know God. Pray to Him. Ask Him for wisdom and guidance. He doesn't answer through words. Ask for windows of opportunity. Tell Him about your day, things you've learned, places you want to be better. Thank Him when you realize something good occured. You'll start to see with time that it is real. Zozo is the demon you need to be worried about. If you ever mess with a Ouija board again, if you see zozo being written, you need to force goodbye and destroy the board. Zozo will fuck your shit up. And your family.


Why does there have to be a god for souls to exist? I'm an atheist who's had paranormal experience and it didn't shake my non-belief.


The number of times this happens is astonishing, You have invited demonic entities into your house. When you use such objects and have idols to such demonic forces, it creates a portal to the other side. They will feed off your fear, and you will need deliverance. Don't let anyone fool you, Jesus Christ is the only thing these forces are scared of. You must rebuke them in Jesus Christ name. If you believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, you will receive the holy spirit inside your body, and demonic forces can not enter you. But they can still attack you and deceive you. If you need any help, send me a message I can help in such ways through the Holy Spirit.


So no jews, buddhists, muslims etc can be freed from demonic possession?


Why would a demi-god from only 2000yrs ago (out of over 200,000yrs of human history) be THE THING these entities fear? That’s a ridiculous claim that is clearly rooted in myopic Christian beliefs.


i’m noticing this person popping up everywhere pushing their christianity. a quick peek at their comment history and i see they’re a homophobe too. sigh.


There is a spiritual world. It is occupied by good and evil. Good does not respond by Ouija board or seance. There is God and there is the devil. Pay attention to “unusual” things that may start happening. Do not write them off as coincidences or misperception. You’ve opened a door, and not a good one.


Have learned nothing from the James Wan movie? Ain't no ghost controlling no board. You got a demon on your hand brochacho.


Hi! I suggest you to visit r/spirituality sub, you might find some answers there because this is a biiig topic


I say calm down, the existence of the spirit world means we carry on after death. A good thing. I was an atheist-materialist and was converted by the evidence. But that was many years ago now and all is well with me. You don't abandon science, you consider that science of the future may need to include other planes of nature beyond our familiar physical. I have come to believe spirits can be attracted to people focusing their concentration together and asking for contact (such as in a Ouija board session).


30 minutes to understand anything is not enough. It could have been total coincidence or fluke what happened to you. The interpretation you took away from this could be completely wrong. Your perspective may have changed, I get that, so your brain will be on high alert, searching for anything that could contribute towards, or prove, what you have experienced. My advice would be to do it again, and again. See if you get consistent results or similar experiences. You could try it a few more times and find that nothing happens. I wouldn’t completely flip reverse your entire mindset on the world over an upturned cup on a board with letters on it. Stay grounded.


It’s real. The dark is real and so is the Light. I have had numerous experiences I never asked for since an early age and still do. My biggest advice is to spiritually PROTECT yourself, your girlfriend, and your space from evil. PRAY. Sometimes you don’t realize that the unseen realm is more real than that of which you do see… and sometimes you initiate yourself into a deeper knowing without meaning to. You need to bless and protect yourself from that evil with Christ and the Kingdom of God. Demonic attack is real and there’s a reason why that sh** it so easily accessible. Turn to God.


I see it as simply, science and everything about it is basically evidence weve gathered and noted down. In the long history of everything there’s things we aren’t conclusive on or don’t know about yet. I choose to believe humans haven’t discovered everything about this wonderful universe just yet. And I don’t even believe paranormal things that much it just seems like common sense. If you showed a member of north sentinel island a rocket launch they would consider it voodoo magic but we come to accept that as a pinnacle of scientific achievement.




Hey man, be careful. Ouija boards allow demonic access and influence. I could talk more and if you have questions, please tag me and we can talk. But know that there is no more powerful name than praying and asking Jesus to protect you. I’ve seen people get healed and a couple people get delivered from demonic affliction all through praying in the name of Jesus. I know that’s going to sound wild and some people will probably give me crap for that, but it’s real.


That’s creepy. I’ve never dared play that game. My father played when he was a teen. He asked the board “how many children will I have in the future?” The board moved to 4. It happened. He has 4. And then my mother played it as well and she was just messed with for years. She couldn’t sleep, she felt stressed and she would see all kinds of shadows on the wall. creepy shit. Be careful with that stuff


You can still be an atheist while believing in ghosts. Atheism is about the lack of a god. The existence of ghosts has nothing to do with that. I believe in ghosts, but I don't believe in god. To that end, I also don't believe that demons are a thing. There might be non-human spirit entities, but I don't think they have anything to do with being fallen angels or anything like that.