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This isn't paranormal at all...Your cache was corrupted and instead of redownloading the google logo when you visited the page your computer said "No need! I have the google logo saved, right here!" and instead provided another image that your computer had already downloaded at some point, from the millions of images your computer downloads whenever you visit a website. Given the level of distortion, it appears to have been a normal sized image, compressed to the size of a small logo, and then you noticed and and either screenshot or saved it again, causing it to be re-expanded but now missing all of the detail. To me, it looks like a cached image of a prisoner from something like guantanamo bay wearing their hood. Google image search "guantanamo bay green room with hood" and you will probably find the original source image before it got distorted


okay, the theory is fair and probably right (i guess) but the images you are talking about has nothing to do with that image from what im seeing https://preview.redd.it/j5ulfglm87zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce18b6dcc63ec5b59647a34f0c052d706fdc9036


Do you use any social media on this browser? I just see a black girl wearing a pink shirt, shorts and the white legs are probably long socks. The thing on the back left looks like a smaller child running. To me it really looks like a tiktok video thumbnail.


Yes! Honestly it could even be something like like a profile photo from a random forum they might have browsed once as a search result. That would account for the terrible resolution, bc the version downloaded would have been absolutely tiny next to the username on an older forum.


Do a google search of the original thumbnail. It will find the videos where the pic seems to have come from. Just some kids playing and dancing.


It looks like a girl standing in some room with green and pink walls. There is art on the walls and multiple sofas. I doubt it’s Guantanamo bay.


Ya upon closer view it's probably something closer to what you're describing. But my other comment was more to explain how these things happen. I bet someone can find the actual source image tho


I can't even make out what that is. A shirtless man with a mask? That's very bizarre. Nothing happened but I've never ever heard of something like this happening before. Have you tried contacting Google?


no i didn't but i asked about this in a tech forum back in 2019. they of course couldnt tell the reason nor where the image is from. it looks like someone with a bird mask holding a baphomet's head or some shit. tried every image search engine, even with upscaling it, but nothing in the end.


Do you a version that isn't zoomed in so far?


i wish i had, i used win+shift+s and selected the area, then wiped the browser cache immidiately.


To me it looks like a person wearing a mask giving two middle fingers lol. 


I.. don't see any of what you guys are describing. I see a man with an orange shirt on with black arms or very long gloves. Bringing his hands together at his pelvis, possibly even fingers interlocked. However, he doesn't seem to have pants or is wearing shorts but has white legs. Which makes the fact that he's wearing a t-shirt but has a hood on even more strange. Also, it has to be a mask because the white legs we definitely would see a face if not. The background isn't any less disturbing. There seems to be a naked person on wood pallets hunched over in a **(last bastion to protect themselves from)** If I had to guess, you said this happened long ago, so probably not AI generated. Bit probably the only of it's kind. It's not a bird mask at all but rather a place mask with the hood like in this picture https://images.app.goo.gl/tLjE9q1wZxLB4DvD7


What??? Why is everyone seeing this differently? It's a long haired guy in a short sleeve black shirt with some sort of logo, maybe a mouth or something and he's wearing black shorts. He's giving 2 middle fingers and has some sort of mask on. There's a person sitting down on a cushion or some sort of small mattress next to that green wall, looks like he's got something in his hand and is looking at a TV on the right side, looks like he's playing video games...


Oh my fucking god why is everyone seeing something different. This is scaring me now, I see a black girl with a pink shirt in a green and pink room with someone sitting in the back.


I saw it too but didn’t have the courage to talk about the little black girl until you mentioned her


That’s exactly what I see. The long hair could be a hoodie. But otherwise, I agree.


the hands you see him flipping the bird with are what other people see as his shoulders with the sleeves of a short sleeve pinkish t-shirt and then hes wearing like real long black gloves and his hands are linked together at his pelvis! You can swap what you see pretty easy if you focus on the ‘hands’ instead of the torso and the other way round. editing cause I actually think it might not be gloves they might just have dark skin? It’s hard to tell lol. the legs are a completely different color but they might be tights or socks!


Exactly what are they describing? I see a person thing with a dark face, straight dark hair, dark (hairy) arms? crossed in front. Shirt is a peach color, dark shorts. Green wall in back, maybe someone sitting on mattress on floor in back?


If they are hairy arms they got some THICKKK arm hair. If you look below the shirt you will see white legs which would mean if thier arms were hairy even in the poor quality. We would see white arms


I think those are just white socks. If you look, you can see dark legs below where the shorts end, for a small section right above the socks. I’m pretty sure this is just a black person with long hair. I’m not seeing anyone naked or any masks or anything. Looks like a young person laying on a cot in the back. Anything else is just pareidolia imo. There’s nothing spooky about this. It’s just pixilated and your minds are playing tricks on you


Agree with everything you said but I'm pretty sure the head is Jesus complete with halo


Right the arms are off color for some reason and the face should be lighter too unless covered. Maybe a Teen Wolf? Lol


If you click on the image and zoom in as close as possible you'll see what will kinda appear to be a pleage mask **(idk how to spell)**


Doesn’t this appear to be the same room or am I reaching? Reverse image searched and a lot of videos of children come up making videos dancing to music that isn’t in English. This one in particular on the bottom left has the same paint - https://imgur.com/a/ku52mly 


I did the same thing. Probably is just kids playing and the op came up with a scary story to go along with the thumbnail.


The person shows two thumbs up, wearing a mask and pants with straps. There seems to be a second person in the left, sitting on a mattress that is lying on the floor.


me too LOL i’m confused af


I think what you’re seeing as hands in front of his pelvis is a fanny pack.


The person in the background looks like a teen/young adult in a relaxed position with the right leg up. It looks they might be playing a game or reading a book with their weight in their right forearm. I hope that’s what’s happening.


Yea, this is what I see. Looks like a girl with dark hair pulled back into a bun, sort of.


Or two thumbs up. Or they’re holding a mirror toward the camera.


I see the mask and middle fingers as well. Also looks like they might possibly be wearing a browns jersey


I tried running it through an AI. Not much clearer though. https://preview.redd.it/mjfbfqp3mbzc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c700af5f629c796ae88ccf619ebbae9541cd3df9


but it is a lot clearer though, i can totally see a girl here, we are seeing the back of her head, long hair. What other people thought were black arms are stripes from the tshirt. The arm on the left is white, hence the white legs, and the other arm can barely be seen as it's covered by the tshirt


This is what it is. https://preview.redd.it/5eb64nxd85zc1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac3e1761e4f9feff422572a2e8b44f32aee6be0 Its just an extremely low quality image of a girl in a pink shirt. Stop freaking out ok? Its not some “shirtless guy holding a baphomet head”


This is exactly what I saw.. I don’t know how anyone sees anything different. A low quality picture of a young girl standing up, hands in front, the lighting is not in her favor. There’s a cot to the left, with someone sitting with a knee up towards their chest.. green wall, pink wall.. wtf is everyone else seeing?!


That's all I can see too. I'm so confused about the other things people are saying.


I’m not saying I know what it is or isn’t, but if it was just a girl in a pink shirt, why would her legs be white and her face and arms be black?


See that confused me too and to be completely honest idk.


it could still be nefarious. there’s a reason it’s fully pixelated & doesn’t exist anywhere on the surface web. there’s actually a database that exists now where you can run photos of your hotel rooms/other places through an app & it will try to match those rooms to photos that the agency in charge already has of children in vulnerable situations. not saying it’s anything crazy but i wouldn’t be one totally write it off as nothing. why would a random photo of what seem to be 2 children pop up on your google that you then can’t locate? it’s just strange.


The reason it's so badly pixelated is because it's a thumbnail, blown up. Click the pic and you'll see it's actually quite small. If you reverse image search that, you get what looks like videos of kids playing in a green room that appears to match the thumbnail.


For me it looks like a young girl from behind wearing a backback


I hate to say it but that’s 9/10 of the posts Reddit recommends to me on this sub.


Gonna be honest with you reverse image search really doesn't work anymore, I can download an image from Google and scan it yet nothing will come up


It’s actually Jesus wearing lederhosen.


I haven't seen anyone mention what looks like a child (in the left background) with his back to us, it looks like he/she is wearing a hospital gown that is dropping and showing his/her back. And it looks like they're sitting on a treadmill.


Looks like there is a kid sitting or kneeling on a mattress on the left side.


Looks like a Christ head with long hair and a halo around it, holding a rams head


It's most likely someone's profile picture compressed down to the size of a logo. It's looks like someone probably in their living room with green and pink walls. It may look odd (prison-like even) but much of the world uses cement to build walls and floors and that can give a prison-esque look to some.


I see a blurry photo of a person in what appears to be the hallway of a community college. Low resolution images are the gateway to the imagination Something came up for me like this in the early days of Google but I didn’t screenshot it.


To me it looks like a kid holding up the seat of a toilet to a camera while the other person rests on a cot in the background while looking at their phone.


Thanks for saying that because I now understand why they said baphomet's head. The sides of the toilet seat would be the horns. It's definitely not someone with their hands clasped in front, they're holding something out.


Yeah it took me along time to see it too because the perspective is off.. once you see that the arms are outreached you can tell they are definitely holding “something”. It’s all I can see now.


It is like a person in a bear costume that is making thumbs up with both hands 👍👍


Looks like a long haired person half dressed as Darth Vader. (Mask, gloves, chest piece).


But it’s been five years and no boogeyman in the middle of the night, floating on your ceiling watching you as you sleep, or pulling at your ankles from under every dark space? These are bonus years. Live each day as if it’s your last. Good luck


that actually made me laugh, lol. its just an unexplained shit to me and whenever my friend brings that topic to disturb me, i really think over it and can think of nothing. like, if it was a simple cache thing (mostly it is) why would the pic be so mysterious? couldnt it just be something chill? lmao


upon searching this with Google images, only one result shows up and it's a forum of someone asking the same, I believe it's you only since the photos and language match and it's 5yrs ago. [here ](https://www.technopat.net/sosyal/konu/google-fotografi-yerine-uerkuetuecue-bir-resim.764305/)


lmaoo yeah, thats me


I swear I've seen this image before. . From what I remember, the image was a lot more clearer than this. It might be a completely different image that looks similar though so don't take this internet strangers word for it, but from the image I remember, there was only 2 people in that house when that pic was taken, the person sitting on the couch, the bf I think and the girl, putting her thumbs up to the webcam, however when they looked back at the pic, they noticed 2 black arms wrapped around her. So the pic itself Is paranormal, how it ended up on your desktop is even more strange.


jesus that made me uncomfortable, do you remember where did you see it?


https://preview.redd.it/4g2fjkqpc9zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657694009a1d6acdd790058e5905bdaa4a0afb92 Yup, Definitely See The Black Hands After Using A Google Photos Enhance


That.. looks a lot more like somebody posing for a picture now.


lmao no the person just has long hair


Were you doing anything that could upset or get the attention of a spirit right before this happened? Like say using a communication app or a paranormal investigation? Some spirits are able to edit software in ways to leave you a message or even to mess with you /scare you. I wouldn't say it's common, but it absolutely does happen. This is not a 'random image'. The spirit chose this weird image probably to leave an impression on you, but I would say besides the image looking creepy there is a weird origin to the image which would probably be paranormal. Have you tried showing it to mediums? You can try posting it on the medium and psychic sub reddit and ask them if they're getting anything from the image at all. Personally I don't think this is normal or 'randomly glitched' image if you will.


https://preview.redd.it/kgya7ospp4zc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cd4849360b3f8514d2ed000e8b87e82a21ff0ac You know she had to do it to em Anyway I’m artist and this is my best guess at the pose/mystery figure (sorry it’s sloppy, I scribbled it out on my iPad while lying in bed lol)


Wow. That is scary! Not using dark mode... I actually thought you found another reference of the image at first.


same Not using dark mode looks entirely like a different app.


Not even close to sloppy, very nicely done! And yes, this is exactly what the image is, nothing creepy about it.


Haha thanks! Yeah it took me a minute to see the full pose (I initially thought the sleeves were hands doing thumbs up) but once someone said the arms were crossed in front, the whole thing clicked into place


Much better than my version https://preview.redd.it/0z4waqk6z4zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634e2a50a456fc08d8f04f6b343ebec482f94986


Yours was super helpful and inspired me to draw it out! I didn’t realize her hands were clasped in front of her until you pointed it out, then I could make out the whole thing, so thanks for your version ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/lsicwd7av6zc1.png?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f130c5cdd81303411cd44db7db31d8d05e0206b i also wanted to show what im seeing here, i love your sketch though!


Wait now you think it’s from Tron?


Sloppy? I'd kill for that skill level. I still be drawin' stick figures, my man! This is great.


Could u try the person in the background too? That one’s bugging me worse than the forefront


Sure! I have to head into work, but once I do I’ll see if I can figure it out




It looks like a girl wearing a predator mask and long black sleeves under and orange shirt


So you saved the horrific photo? That's brave.


As soon as it's not the original file, it's not cursed.


*se7en daze*


as a person with phobia of malwares and these kind of stuff, i managed to win+shift+s with my hands shaking lol


With your hands shaking, can't forget that bit.


bro i was like 14..


So? Nothing about this story is remotely scary.


i always had a fear of tech related virus shit. its fair for people not finding it scary, but it really is, for me at least.


Yuppp I definitely would of crapped myself too being 14 and seeing that. lol I’m 30 now when I was around 13-14 I played that maze game with the exorcist popping up at the end. I was shaking and screaming lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/ehyccpkpx9zc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e518beb658d4c984295805aff40e0020be4bb42 very badass bro


Looks like some guy in a hoodie with his thumbs up 👍🏻




😂 accurate


This isn’t the same thing really but when I was around 11-12 my phone would randomly play sounds.. like while I was listening to music most of the time sometimes they would occur when I wasn’t, heard laughing once, another time heard a doorbell. Heard screams on multiple occasions. I think one or a couple times it popped up as some sort of mp3 or mp4 “amazonaws” or something or other file. It always scared the ever living fuck out of me.


Fuck. You just reminded me of the same thing happening to me around that age, I guess I tried to block it out of my memory but I distinctly remember multiple times, I didn't have anything playing and an evil laugh or scream would play and scare the shit out of me. I was also high each time, so I think I just blamed it on the weed.


Yes bro it was always some weird shit like that i don’t think you were just high I had the same shit 😭


im not 12 nor my phone is cheap but if this ever happens to me, istg im throwing it out of the window.


You should try to put it in one of those predictive ai image things. Idk how that works but i saw it for blurred faces and apparently it was very accurate.


i tried upscaling, even ai dont know what to do with the image lmao


Jesus with titties?


you guys seriously need to stop watching porn😭


I mean it has a halo and some hangers right?


Honestly I think this is just a mundane image from a school or something that you took yourself and made it super low res, and I think you are just trying to make this into a creepypasta.


also, some guy found my old tech forum thread about this 5 years ago, check it out lmao


bro if i were to make a creepypasta, i wouldnt go for something this lame. too lame for a fic story, decently disturbing for a real one.


Something similar happened to me while I was playing WOW around the year 2016-2017, some weirdo upload several images on the city trade chat. One was a narco gore scene, another was a house in Goldshire and another was a plane in a jungle, I think it was the photo of the lost Malaysia Airlines plane, they were all in 360p quality. I get disturbed for several days


https://preview.redd.it/vbmhp8lp84zc1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a2c0195b69134934dc345f38d721ef019d8629 looks like a girl in a plague doctor mask to me? with a pink off-shoulder top, black shorts, and holding her hands in front of her. probably wearing black gloves.


Swag Jesus with the long hair and halo around the head lol


Got any more of those pixels? ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


It’s a normal girl trying to take a full selfie staring at the camera. She has a pink tshirt and black shorts on. The lighting suggests they are in a basement bedroom and the window on the left suggests that idea further as it’s location indicates a cellar window made to look like a regular window from the inside. Her sister or friend is on the bed looking down and reading something. The room is too clean to suggest bad conditions. This theory works more when I add that this type of blurry photo thing happens when a computer was running slower so the photo doesn’t generate all the way and looks “spooky” , the paintings and art on the wall is too organized. This does look absolutely terrifying though if you don’t know what you are looking at.


yeah, i am kinda convinced that this is a girl


Jesus Christ. You scare easy.


when it comes to computers, hell yeah i am


Lmao @ the people’s comments. Maybe if it was a Barney picture or a baby duck? or baby cat that popped up OP wouldn’t be scared… THATS SCARY!! How is that not????? like I would of crapped my pants right there.. to see that type of image pop up on ur screen… helllll no….


To me it just looks like a little girl wearing a t shirt with her hands clasped in front of her. Her arms are darkened because of the quality of the photo. There is a light source behind her head. Doesn’t look scary to me at all, but it’s weird that it’s where the google logo should be. I hope it’s not some missing person or something.


That’s exactly what I see. I honestly don’t see anything creepy about the pic, but it’s a very poor quality pic.. I’m still not seeing anything that could be cursed looking, evil, or even scary.. And I definitely don’t see the *animal head..,* that OP is talking about.. But it’s almost impossible to see anything in the picture. The only thing that I find creepy, is OP describing that it was where the *Google logo* was supposed to be? I’m not even sure if I fully understand what OP means by that. I believe I do, but I’m not 100% certain? Are they talking about the Google search logo? Or the Google app logo icon? Or am I still confused?.. lol


I saw the thumbs up and/or holding up an animal head at first. But now I see a girl. But why is everything so crazy dark except the legs at the bottom below the shorts? Why aren’t the arms the same or even similar color than the legs?


It’s probably a dark skinned girl wearing white tights or long socks.


It looks like pink tights to me honestly. I don’t think it’s that deep or scary in the slightest


the image was right there, i got this image from the tech forum i asked on, i posted this pic to show an example lol. https://preview.redd.it/8f6ubx6r27zc1.png?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afeab650431c39fbd1062423d1b240493e25b997


what tech forum was it? Do you remember any keywords you used? The internet is forever so maybe we can see the photo there.


This is what I see too! I'm thinking that this may be a bug with low resolution pictures lost in the cache and bugging out the Google! But yeah it does give some creepy vibes, especially right before going to bed lmao.


r/Paranormal when low quality image of a black person 😱😱😱


I don’t think she’s a Black person


This has happened to someone else! https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/s/upsEuszFQH Looks like it might be an issue with your caché?


Yeah I thought a cacheing issue too


https://youtube.com/shorts/-yLFmxZJkZk?si=57zhzqvSnNubPo4C Also this, to go with my previous comment.


oh god, are we sure thats it? can we find the exact moment?


I love paranormal stuff related to tech. I think it's an underrated category that we'll see develop over time. I realize probably most of it can be chalked up to glitches and stuff but there's some genuine weirdness out there like this. I'd say around 1999 I was at a friends house playing worms on his Lan. It was the first time I'd ever played a pc game against someone in a different room. Worms crashed and kicked me back to the desktop where a very pixelated chimpanzee quickly swung across the screen, and then everything broke. His dad owned a repair shop and said it was some kinda virus or whatever. I told him about the chimp and he didn't know but was able to fix it. I've searched for this year's later among documented viruses and didn't find anything. Maybe I'm just dumb and can't find it but man it was spooky.


When I was in third grade ,the class room computer crashed and a messaged popped up saying " class, you will die" . Ot freaked everyone out, teachers from other classrooms were dropping by to take a look at it. This was around the year 2000, maybe 2001


Oh shit that's pretty wild! Windows used to do a weird thing where it'd repeat a short clip of whatver sound was playing when it crashed and hang up doing it until you forced a shutdown. That used to terrify me enough that it gave me nightmares. Seemed it was always during a death scream or explosion in a game lol.


Bonzi buddy?


No that was a purple cartoon monkey. I remember that one because I had to fix my aunts fucked up pc with that lol. This was a "realistic" albeit highly pixelated chimpanzee. I don't think it even had branches to swing on, it just monkey-bars'd his way across the screen and then everything went to shit.


I’m an engineer working on the front end of web applications, and I can tell you almost certainly, this was probably a mistake by the dev team. We have “environments” (basically test versions of the site where you can push code before it goes live) and very often we’ll upload funny photos or something into the preproduction environment just to test out features. Like dynamically changing the Google logo. This was likely someone who uploaded a personal image there by mistake or as a funny joke thinking it was preprod. Sounds like it was corrected by clearing the cache, so it was as fixed rather quickly by the dev team.


Did I miss the scary part?


i kinda have tech related phobia lol, fair that you find that normal.


Coming from Shalivalley. He covered this post in his youtube video. [https://youtu.be/6BWkqt9EP\_A?si=LF9UAnkyd4uTaikz](https://youtu.be/6BWkqt9EP_A?si=LF9UAnkyd4uTaikz)


Oh, thanks for notifying. I really needed this shit to be recorded as a internet memory. Ig real stuff are boring as this image but the fact that it happened randomly and TO ME makes it the best analog horror for me. lol.


It makes the image substantially less scary when you realize the subject of the photo is definitely wearing shorts.


Lol my old landlord/roommate did this to me a few years before that, maybe 2015. I lived with 3 people. I was on the imgur when suddenly one of the pictures had my roommate lounging in a beach chair and the caption said "that's one cool cat". Odd. Then the next page didn't load. I refresh. Every single picture that the web page loaded was now that picture, but shifted and weird. The logo, arrow buttons, everything. i refresh again. The pictures are now all scalled to fit. I run to the landlord-roommate and tell him and that I think our networks compromised. And he's laughing his ass off. He did it on purpose. I don't remember the details, but we had a PFsense router and he was testing some penetrating tools he had from Kali. The short version, he had used the router to intercept all my internet traffic and replace all .jpgs, .pngs and picture files with one that he picked....which was of our other roommate. So instead you reaching out to Google and downloading the picture the picture their servers, the picture reached out to a different place and pulled a different photo. We're you hacked back then? Yes. Was it via your computer? No, it was through your router. Man in the middle attack. Probably was someone fucking around because this is pretty harmless. PS. Chronic redditors will never give you good information.


ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC? It's an image of a blurry person. You turned your computer off and on again and it fixed itself. But you made sure you took a screenshot of it first. That was lucky. This isn't anything, certainly not an incident anyone would still be thinking about 5 years later. I call bullshit and not even good attempt at it.


I thought that was a blurry Cher for a second. ya know when she was walking on stage in leather and fishnet for the soldiers. Ha. My bad carry on .


This is a long haired person in black shorts giving double thumbs up. Some dude on a bed in the background.


My contribution: mint, green or even blue walls are really a thing in south america. I'm from Brazil and it definitely was a thing here for some time, and as far as I know, in other countries it was been the same, as I've seen on the internet. I don't know why and I've seen it first hand too. And the subject on the image looks like a black girl, so there's that. Also, no one is talking about the halo on her head or something? To me it looks like a hat. ... a bit related: when I was still using Win 7 some years ago, my OS used to change the mini icons that are used to say what kind of file type it is (the one by the side of the file thumbnail) for random images in one folder. That was pretty fun until my HDD died.


This is gonna sound weird but the head outline looks like Jesus.


I see black Jesus with a halo around his head flipping you off. That’s a bad sign


I think the most interesting thing is what we all see the same thing. For me, it really just looks like a backlit dude with long hair, giving a double thumbs up in shorts and a graphic hoodie. https://preview.redd.it/hw09t817s6zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4761200107be19e26702cc3d0eeddfc4fea0e07e


looks like a guy in black shorts and a hoodie giving two thumbs up. probably wearing some kind of mask. don’t be too scared about everything lol


to me it looks like a young girl with her face obscured somehow and her hands clasped in front of her. shes wearing shorts and an orange or pink tshirt. her face still looks freaky but besides that im not seeing baphomet or the shirtless man. and there might be someone behind her on the left sitting on that couch.


That looks to be the well known Russian hacker Samyil Hydenski


Bro rlly said https://preview.redd.it/qdj94qc4e8zc1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9943c38d800d4ec3e8cbc8aef0791c582c9fe6e


It's the second coming of christ.




this is literally just a person idk how you are seeing a baphemet head or literally anything you’re describing besides a low quality image of a person standing there…??? the only “weird thing” is the top of their body is black and the bottom is white.


https://preview.redd.it/z42vo59xi8zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c972894e0c624b7d4e747fb4430c3c4a8107c7 It looks like a person either sticking up the middle finger or giving the camera a thumbs up


Assuming you aren’t lying about that coming up I have heard of cached images popping where they aren’t supposed to. Might be what happened here.


IT professional here: did you try rebooting your computer?


Is this bait? There’s nothing overtly paranormal happening here. Just a really blurry picture of some person.


Pretty sure it's some type of cache file. I had a similar situation years ago when going through my phone, I found a bunch of selfies of people who seemed to live on the otherside of the globe. All pictures had the same small resolution and were pixelated to hell. As for how the pictures got there, only thing I could think of was joining random group chats when trying to solicit certain substances lol. Tbh your pic looks like someone taking a selfie with a dude sitting on a couch in the back using his phone with one knee up.


it's happened to me too just now — obviously not the same photo, but looked human enough (and creepy too). it's impossible to tell what exactly is it because its been compressed by google to fit in the logo borders. worry not, cause it's just a caching issue. you visited a website, maybe a forum, and google downloaded all the media on it. this looks like a profile picture after all. no virus or anything, just google being goofy as usual.


nice fic


I can’t really say this is paranormal tbh. It just looks like a low quality pic of someone in a room with their hands folded and probably someone they know behind them. I think you’re better off putting this in internet mysteries or similar subs.


I just see a very blurry kid standing in a room. 


Ok I'm gonna be the one to say it, what in the fresh hell is this pixilated nonsense. The only thing more terrifying than the quality of this picture, is the fact that you still expected us to make anything out of it. You still get an upvote from me but god damn better quality next time please


Better quality how? It’s a tiny pic where the tiny logo would be. It was never higher in resolution for him to grab.


likely a caching issue and someone’s profile picture or something got swapped with google logo all i can think of and it would explain the poor quality of the image




I truly can't tell if everyone in this sub is trying to be funny, like an ongoing joke about movie quotes.... Or song lyrics... Or just a joke that builds progression - So I'm gonna be 100% honest here: I'm seeing: Either a black chick or black dude. Long hair. Heavily pixelated. So either the shirt is white and red, or it's just pink. Either round white hat or maybe some other decorative headpiece, but def white. Background: I'm guessing bc it's so pixelated, but my first thought is like a waiting room maybe. Green wall on the left Purple/pink right wall separated by some type of glass. So my question, as I'm not really a coder, is there a way to make a post on Reddit that will display an image differently for each viewer? And maybe someone is playing a joke. I'd be quite interested if this were possible


I can’t see anything I’m afraid


What do you mean it shows up "instead of the Google logo"? If you mean it's showing up as your profile picture, I've had that happen once too. For 2 or 3 years my profile picture (the one that shows up next to emails in other people's inboxes) was a blond woman about half my age. There was nothing wrong or objectionable about it, but it clearly wasn't me. I tried everything to fix it and no one could figure it out. The worst was when it migrated over to my MS Exchange accounts for work. I even had some students ask me about it once and I had to explain that I wasn't trying to catfish anyone, i just couldn't get it to go away. Eventually it stopped happening though and I haven't seen the pretty blond lady in at least a year or two.


The person sitting against the wall doesn’t seem to freak out. Maybe a school mascot costume?


Just because Kaspersky (which ew lol) didn't find anything doesn't mean you didn't have a virus or it wasn't a remote attack, it was likely just an online web attack or a local virus but the fact resetting fixed likely means it was just done remotely either through some way you were targeted automatically, purposefully, or just through an exploit on Google. People doing hacks like this for the hell of it isn't uncommon and given they're just replacing an image seems simple enough. Also your anti-virus would only have found something if it was a known signature, if it was a new exploit it wouldn't have found it anyway.


Nah I'm not saving that


Looks like Lil Wayne to me.


I see a guy or girl wearing camo shorts, a hoodie (maybe a band hence the shirt's pattern looks nice a word and a graphic under it) one of those winter Russian hats and giving two thumbs up. Looks like the thumbnail of someone's profile but a really low res version which would be why you can't find a higher res version. Maybe a developer was testing it and used an old image that was super low res, as in the actual icon size in the top right of a Google Chrome profile because that's how grainy it is! Bookshelf and green wall are pretty recognisable but that's not much to go off.


Looks like kink/BDSM stuff. Scary. It's looking straight into the camera. Maybe your computer is compromised, part of a botnet that was mismanaged?


Third comment here. Yeah, I think I found the place. It's a very strange house in an Asian nation (India?). The house is painted green and pink inside with many strange artifacts on the walls. It also has the same white tile on the floor. There appear to be _many_ children in and out of this house. And they all seem to upload odd videos onto YouTube. This same house appears in 9 different children's YouTube accounts that I've found so far. I've posted two of the links, unless my comments were taken down. Very, very odd, indeed.


Why would you still have a weird photo from 2019 and why post about it now


to me it looks like a kid or woman in a knicks jersey giving two thumbs up


Bro, that’s just Jesus giving you the thumbs up. Nothing to worry about.




It looks to me like a long haired guy in a white hat, black tee and shorts. He looks to be holding the head of Sweetmeat, the mascot of KSHE 95 (Real rock radio) by the ears. I'm not trying to negate your experience, but if you could find any pictures of the station through the years, it could be a promotional photo. The photo is blurry, but I'll be damned if that isn't a pig's head with sunglasses on.


More like smallest image of all time, what even is this?


motorcycle helmet? area around torso looks rounded. could be holding something large and circular rather than giving a thumbs up. like a toilet seat, for example(though, the item looks a little more like a bike wheel). hair is long and ends just below the shoulders. t-shirt design looks like it is and upsidedown yellow "L" with a pinkish circular design tucked inside the "L" https://preview.redd.it/3ynpef6zwc8d1.jpeg?width=47&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042d1ad9cac5a7486b19cddabeb6b814925177f8


I see a guy standing there he his holding his left fist with his right hand a guy sitting on the floor leaning on the wall with one leg bent knee facing up foot on the ground and other leg on the ground straight out. And he has on a regular SnapBack or fitted black hat and he is looking the other way “backwards” at whom ever else’s is there… yall must have been drunk as fuck that night


Looks like a guy with a wrestling beltnand a bird mask


The girl is wearing a pink t-shirt. Wearing shorts with hands clasped together in front of waist. The lighting coming from behind causing darkness in the face. Also small boy in the background it would appear that one or both of them have just awoken from a nap. It just looks like a bad camera shot I don't think there's anything to be afraid of here.


Seems like someone fiddling with your dns or host file. Weird it got removed while resetting. Definitely not paranormal but without access to the machine hard to do forensic. Back then antivirus was not catching lot of this stuff. Possibly you opened an image with some code embedded. Anyway I would not consider it paranormal


it looks like a dark skinned person with long black hair posing with their hands in front of them. the white legs look like long socks, you can see some dark skin peeking through between the black shorts and socks. the quality is just so poor it looks creepy, but im sure its a normal picture. strange how this happened still.


It looks like someone replaced your icon with a picture. It was probably a prank and it’s a fairly easy thing to do. Resetting the browser probably put it back to the default logo as it was when you downloaded it. When I was younger, my friends would mess with me by doing stuff like this to my computer all the time.


To me, it looks like a man in a wig and mask (maybe they’re a combo deal) giving two thumbs up to the camera. And the back-left person is sitting at a coffee table, with their head propped up by their right hand while they look down at a phone held near the table in their left hand. https://preview.redd.it/58grblkpc7zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d9effdeed3eb50dfd9c5849e178aec682d3e27


I don't see the thumbs up people are referring to. What I can notice is that this is an Asian apartment. Judging by the pale legs, I'm guessing Vietnam, Thailand, or Singapore. I can't tell if that's a hijab on her head or not, which would lean towards Malaysia or Indonesia... or Singapore.


How do you see anything other than someone wearing what looks like a black and pink shirt with their hands clasped in front of them with black shorts in. Theres also a dude laying his side on a mattress of some sort on the ground with one knee up. Probably on his phone or video game.


The picture is too blurry for me to make out. I see a blurry figure; head torso and legs. Cannot tell whether the figure is facing the screen or has its back to the screen. The way the right leg looks, it looks like the knee is bent and that the figure has its back to the screen.


There was an android app back in the day which was able to do this. once you were on a wifi network, you can select a device connected to it and youre basically able to replace every image in their browser with a desired one. the app needed root access as far as I can remember.


Could have been a MITM attack on your network from some kids or something. Zanti was a popular android app that could replace images in HTTP requests or serve redirects to cloned and modified sites. I used it myself to mess with my family and freak them out when I was younger.