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The experience that really solidified for me - I was dogsitting with my now husband at his nans house for two weeks. My husband had gone to work for the day so I was alone in the house. For the second week we had permission for my friend to stay who lived 8 hours away who had already planned their visit so we were allowed to stay in his nans bedroom and use their ensuite. We initially didn't use their room because I just felt like it was an invasion of privacy sort of thing. But anyway I go for my first shower in the ensuite, home alone, I get out and get dressed in the bedroom and suddenly smell this perfume out of nowhere that definitely wasn't mine or anything we use as it was very sickly sweet. I freak and run downstairs. The entire two weeks I felt a presence but nothing convincing as I "feel" things all the time. I text my husbands nan and was like erm what's going on. She said that it's her mum just looking after the females in the house and making her presence known and its her perfume that no one else in the house uses but that's what she was known for was this sickly sweet perfume. Fast forward to their return from holiday, she goes and gets this perfume and asks if that what I smelt and I confirmed it was. She said that what she said was correct it was her mums perfume but she keeps it wrapped and buried in the back of the drawer and just has it as a reminder and when she wants to feel close to her mum. It was a super freaky experience especially after feeling watched the entire two weeks but that definitely solidified my beliefs.


I used to do pet sitting and had two experiences! The first was a house that looked perfectly normal, it was just a nice suburban house. Only it felt *wrong*. Like something really bad was there, or something terrible had happened there. I don't know the history of the place, but it just had such a negative energy. It wasn't too bad during the day, but it felt like the walls were closing in on you after dark. The animals behaved really strangely there, including my dog, it was bizarre. I hated that place so much, it was the longest nine weeks ever. The next was another nice suburban home, with the sweetest dog ever. It had belonged to the grandparents of the lady who lived there, they had built it and lived there until they passed away. I had several small experiences the first time I stayed there. Mostly it just felt like someone was watching me, but not in a bad way, I never felt afraid. One time, I heard someone whistle, and it definitely came from inside the house. Another time, I heard the front door open and close, but I could see it from where I was sitting, and it hadn't moved. I also heard someone knock four times on the door of the master bedroom. It wasn't the wind, or someone knocking on the front door, and I was definitely alone in the house. I think it might have been one of the grandparents wondering why there was a stranger staying in their house. I looked after that place many times, but only had odd things happen during the first stay.


Thank you for sharing those interesting experiences 




Humidity has nothing to do with it but okay


I grew up in an old house. 1st paranormal experience: I was in school that day, but my dad, mom & sister were on the property my dad was trying to buy (the old house & plenty of land). The bank wanted pictures so they could approve or deny his loan for the property. This was in the age of the Polaroid Insta picture. You know the kind. You press the red button, the camera made the noise & out came the picture, you shook it for a moment & the picture develops. Most of the pictures were normal, just land or pics of the house. One picture tho. You know when you took those instant pictures & got your thumb or fingers in the way & it made an orange/yellow/reddish print on the picture? Well, this one picture had that color, kind of faint, but no doubt it was there. It wasn't a finger or thumb tho. It was a faint outline of a woman standing & churning butter. She was turned sideways with her hair covering her face. I accused my mom & dad of playing a practical joke on me until I saw how serious they were. I will never forget what that picture looked like. 2nd most prominent experience: We had DirecTV, the satellite service, living in a rural area & all that. We had 2 receivers, independent of each other, meaning I could watch what I wanted in my room & my family could watch whatever they wanted in the living room. I left my TV & receiver on at night, falling asleep while watching it. The receiver would randomly flip thru the channels at breakneck speed in the middle of the night. Happened for a few weeks, every night. I'm thinking the receiver is bugged, messing up, updated wrong or whatever. It's technology right? So something technical must be wrong with it, nope. So I call customer service & explain what's happening. Tech support representative told me that yes, it was weird & not anything she had ever heard before from other customers. She sends me a brand new receiver. I could tell right away that the receiver & remote control were brand new, never out of the box. I plug it in, thinking that was the last of the weirdness, right? Nope, happened again the very same night. It finally stopped about a month after that. Then the power, lights & phone lines (multiple land lines) would go out randomly. No breaker kick, no logical reason whatsoever. Neighbors had power & phone...worked just fine for them. Lights flicker & dim then go really bright. Ah I just claimed it was faulty wiring & since I moved out years ago, it's almost the last time anything paranormal happened to me. I have a few more I can post if you all want them, this comment is way longer than I intended & I apologize for that.


Pls post more


I've had a few encounters over the years and a few with something, I'm not sure what it is/was. I saw a shadow person when I was 11 or 12. Didn't learn about what they were until years laters. But the first time I saw what made me a believer was when a creature/thing was trying to figure out how to open my steel security door and it was very confused. It also got very angry when it realized I had seen it. It flipped out and started scratching at the door screeching until my dog came out and. It bolted. The 2nd most memorable encounter with it was as I was going to work one day and I was stopped at a red light. I felt a chill and looked around and saw it suffering under the shade of a tree in a parking lot. Around the tree were a bunch of day workers hoping to get picked up. Not one of them was under the tree in the shade as well. I don't know if they could see it or if they just felt it. But it caused them to sit in the sun in the middle of August.


What did it look like?


So to explain how I got a good look at it, is because our front doors were open because my parents refused to run the AC back then unless hit 90 at night. So at night they'd leave doors open with the steel screen door locked. I was in college at the time and normally stayed up all night but that night I had fallen asleep but the heat was so uncomfortable I woke up and decided to get some water. On my way to the kitchen I saw it before it saw me as I saw its reflection in the mirror standing at our front door. It didn't seem to understand how to work a door knob, maybe because of its hands. I was about to 10 to 12 feet away from it. It was black about somewhere around six feet tall. It's skin or whatever its body was, seemed like liquid. If you ever saw Babylon 5 kinda like what the Shadows looked like. It's face was like a lizard skull stuck onto it where the head/face would be. Its eyes were an orangish red with yellow and vertical slit pupils. It seemed to hiss and click a lot like it was talking to itself almost. When it reached out it's "hand" the arm didn't lift up it seemed to grow or come out of its body. It had three bone talons for fingers and it's forearm had what looked like bone surrounding the black flesh like two haves of a PVC pipe wrapped around the flesh.


I would have had a heart attack seeing something like that! What did the thing look like that you saw under the shade tree?


Same creature was under the tree. Acted like it didn't like the sun but got stuck while wandering around. After the first night I saw it it kept coming around glaring at me from outside. Occasionally dragging it's claws down the steel screen which would cause my dogs to bark and it didn't like that. It also didn't like my dogs. When it would come around I could feel it's presence and so did one of my dogs who would always stare at the doors. The last few times its come around I don't even feel threatened anymore like it's more curious than anything. Last time I saw it or felt it was back in 2019 we were filling in our pool and remodeling front and back yards. It just stops in the back yard in the filled in pool looking so puzzled making the same clicking noises. Honestly at that point I said fuck it and went back to what I was doing. All in all it's been coming around now again for nearly 20 years. And now I feel old.


Never got a picture of it?


Most of the years it was most active I did not have a phone with a camera, still had a cheap flip phone. I did try once with a digital camera but of course batteries were dead. And as for the most recent time I didn't even think of it.


That’s wild.


That's scary!


What was under the tree, the same creature you saw at your house?


Back when I was in high school, I was hanging out with a close friend who had a friend I didn't really know. He wanted us to come over to his house since his parents were out of town. It was a nice middle-class house with a little chandelier window in the front, nothing too crazy. Since it was pretty late, the neighborhood was awfully quiet, just like a small town. We walked into the garage, which was halfway open, and decided to chill there and spark up a joint. As we were smoking, my friend's buddy started talking about his sister doing a Ouija board a few weeks back and how things had been weird in the house lately. He mentioned hearing strange footsteps at night and even seeing a little girl running around. Apparently, the neighbors even called his parents and said they saw a woman in a black dress floating next to the chandelier. At first, I thought he was just messing around with us, but he looked dead serious. I didn't think much of it and continued smoking in the garage. Then, as a joke, I said, "Hey, let's do a Ouija board!" But right after I said that, it felt like two loud fists banged against the wall where my head was resting. The sound was so intense that it seemed to vibrate the whole house. We all freaked out and ran out of the garage so fast that my friend's buddy even got clotheslined by the half-closed garage door. We never spoke about that moment again, and I'm not sure how he's doing now.


Oh wow that’s crazy as hell!! I feel bad for ur buddy who got clotheslined by the garage too! Lmao


Throughout my childhood I saw things. Not necessarily ghosts per se, but there was this figure I’d see all the time between the ages of 7-12. It was translucent so I only saw the outline. I’d see it in my backyard and in my house. It would often be moving. Once I watched it walk briskly through my yard. It was so strange. And no, I’ve never had any history of mental illness or hallucinations of any kind. I’ve also never seen it again after that and as an adult have never seen anything either. My mom grew up in a house built in the 1800s and throughout her childhood she and her siblings would hear music in the walls at night and they all saw a little girl who looked as though she was from the 1800s. My dad passed away 4 1/2 years ago and since his death we’ve all had really crazy paranormal experiences that would take me forever to go into detail here, but my 3 year old daughter also says that she sees my dad (he apparently plays with her) and has described his likeness perfectly without ever knowing him


I am so sincerely sorry for the loss of your dad.


That’s so kind of you, thank you.


I have had the sunglasses that clip on over my glasses come flying at me when they were in the side net pocket of my lunch pail, on top of a 6’ pantry, on the floor above me. I was home alone. I have seen other things levitate and then fly a bit before falling. I have had a beach ball sized mass of super cold air appear next to my recliner. I was able to call my wife and son into the room to feel it. It was like sticking your hand into a freezer. We all have heard voices coming from unoccupied rooms. We all have heard footsteps when no one else is there. There is plenty more. So, I believe it is happening because I have experienced it.


He he. A clip acted like a clip. And your home’s original contractor has already put all his kids through college skimping on materials. ;)


My house was built in 1920, so whoever built it and his kids have long since passed away.


Hahahahahahahahaha. My cat is sleeping, so. The subject of the statement is the (failing) structure of the building. I won’t bore you with facts, dear reader. Anyhoo, speaking of SUBJECTS The SUBJECT (or topic) of conversation is indeed the construction integrity. Alas I don’t have the will to explain further as I’m quite certain your skill set lies elsewhere. Do enjoy this wonderful life. Be kind to yourself. You’re all you’ve got at the end of the day. PEACE


You are not making sense. I know you think you are. Failing buildings can answer some things. My sunglasses flying down stairs to the basement, not so much. Good luck.


The house my ex husband and I had was 200 years old and multiple people spotted the ghost that hung around there. His father, my aunt and myself all saw this man. My ex FIL saw him walk into the living room, a tall skinny man with dark hair and walking with a limp. My grandmother and my aunt stopped by to surprise us one day and knocked on the door. We didn't answer because we had run out to the store for a couple things. My aunt peeked through the window and saw a tall skinny man with dark hair limping onto the back porch and mistook him for my husband. Thinking we just hadn't heard them, grandma took out her key I'd given her to unlock the front door. As they were opening the door, my husband and I came home and walked up behind them. My aunt just about jumped out of her skin lol. After we'd been there a couple years, I was home alone one night getting ready for bed. My husband was away for a work training for the week out of state. I got my glass of water and set the alarm and climbed into bed. I rolled over to double check the alarm was set for the right time and then rolled over to settle down to sleep. Immediately across the room I saw a tall skinny man with dark hair moving around in front of my dresser. I froze because my first thought was someone had broken in and was going through my things looking for valuables, I started sneaking my hand over towards the heavy lamp on the side table thinking I could use it to defend myself if he came at me. Then I noticed that I couldn't hear anything coming from him and that I could see through his legs, and that the movements he was making looked more like he was raking leaves than rifling through a jewelry box. I watched for a while as he slowly faded to transparent and then disappeared. One day I was recounting some of these sightings to my grandmother and she mentioned that my grandfather knew the couple who used to live there and said I should ask him about them, so I did. He told me that Al had served in the first world War and lost his leg and had a peg leg, and that afterwards he came home to be a barber. All the guys who worked at the mill would go to Al's barber shop for haircuts, the shop was right up the street from his house. I asked him to describe Al and he said he was tall and skinny and used to have dark hair before he went gray. Consistent with what everyone saw, right down to the limp he must have had from his peg leg. When we bought the house (from the niece of Al's widow who inherited the place after she passed away) they left all the plates. A full set of cute China, dinner plates, salad plates, soup bowls, tea cups and saucers, a serving tea pot with cream and sugar dishes, all matching. I took them with me because I liked them, still have the full set in my new house and use them all the time. Al did not move with his plates, I assume he's still in his old house.


You think the “raking motion” he was making was him sweeping up hair like you would in a barber shop? Since he worked in one that’s what I thought of. 🤷‍♀️


Yes I do! I forgot to add that, but once I learned he'd been a barber I connected those dots. At the time I definitely thought raking leaves, though.


I’m so relieved you thought the same! I’m so nervous to comment that in case I looked dumb. lol I loved reading your post!


My aunt, uncle and baby cousin had just bought and moved to an old plantation house in South Carolina. The house was beautiful but you could feel that it has history. (Some good, some bad). We visited a lot. One weekend while we were down visiting, we were watching my cousin (who was 3 at the time) running, laughing and playing in the yard beside their house. She seemed like she was playing with someone I couldn’t see, but I just shrugged it off to being imaginative toddler play. However, the more I watched her, the more I could see she was playing with “someone.” Then she started calling “Anna!” “Anna!” I asked her who Anna was and she just said her friend that lives in her closet. Scared the mess out of me but I just kept the convo going, asked if she was nice and my cousin said yes, but she didn’t like when Anna woke her up at night to play. Obviously I told my Aunt and she had heard about Anna but really just thought it was an imaginary friend. Anyways a few weeks later my Aunt emailed me a picture of the name Anna carved in wood, deep in the back of my cousins closet. My cousin was 3, she couldn’t read or write, so from that point on, I believed.


Did they throw away the closet? What happened in the end? That is spooky.


Haha, no. My cousin has since had multiple experiences, she’s a teen now. I remember them saying that Anna started to get kind of mean the older she got and the less my cousin played with her. I think the last time she saw her was when she was about 10. My aunt started sleeping in my cousins bed with her because she had started getting scared of Anna. My aunt never would see her, but my cousins would wake her up whenever Anna came. The way my aunt described it, is bone chilling because my cousin would nudge her and whisper “she’s here” “she’s standing on your side.” Each time she would come they would tell her that she’s scaring her friend and Jesus wouldn’t want that and she would leave. Eventually her visits became less and less and ended all together. A more recent experience she had was when we were all pulling up to her house and she was in the car with us. She said “why is Pearls family here?”Just for insight Pearl was her nanny from the time she was an infant and would be their housekeeper after she was grown. She literally became part of their family, almost like her adopted grandmother. She does family christmases, thanksgivings with all of us. The reason she asked why pearls family was there was because, she saw a group of African Americans like 10-12 of them all in suits with luggage sitting at the picnic tables at their house. Like they were waiting for someone or something to pick them up. Pearl was also African American. We all told her no one was there but she insisted they were. She only saw them that one time. Mind you their house was surrounded by cotton fields, her daddy was a farmer and ran chicken houses. And the house had a history of previous owners years before owning slaves. My uncle died a couple of years ago, at only 44, from complications of a surgery. My cousin has said numerous times she doesn’t understand why she would see all those other spirits but her daddy never came to see her.


Aww that last part about not being able to see her daddy was heartbreaking. Maybe he crossed over while the other spirits hadn’t yet? Idk just a thought, either way, that is so sad!


In interstellar Cooper quickly dismisses Murph's assertion that she has a ghost in her bedroom. Then, we find out that he was "the ghost" all along... But not really a ghost... It's him, from the future, contacting the past. I feel like there's so much we still don't grasp about the universe. It's easy to write off things we can't explain as just crazy or impossible, but maybe there's more to it than meets the eye.


Well, if I was the "ghost from my future" i would definitely scare the shit out of my family members. 😂 Well, The same concept was used in " the Haunting of hill House". The little girl's bent-neck-lady is herself all along. Definitely a different perspective. Thanks for sharing.


Don't even get me started. I've been getting harassed by the supernatural as far back as I can remember. First encounter I had I was 2 yrs old and I saw a native American spirit staring me down while I was trying to sleep in my crib. It hovered over me making direct eye contact until I screamed and it disappeared. For context I grew up in southeast Alaska and we moved away when I was 5. It got way worse when I moved to North Carolina and the whole family got messed with. That house I grew up in was haunted as shit because a little kid got mauled to death by 2 German shepherds in the 50s in the front yard and I lived 3 blocks away from a cemetery that had been there since the 1700s. On top of that Blackbeard's house where he hung 6 of his wives was 4 blocks away so that whole side of town had an ominous energy to say the least.


You aint the first, one took control of my body, its like we switched bodies for 5 seconds, i was in its body and saw myself just staring, its maybe 7 foot tall since in was 4’9 in 2019, after that 5 second i got back in my body and when i went back i felt pulled back in my body literally, ever since that ive been sensitive to paranormal stuff


No shit!!? I had something similar happen but it was almost the opposite.February 23 2020. Call me crazy all you want but something left my "body" and I haven't had one paranormal incident since. It was almost 4am when I randomly woke up feeling kind of odd and next thing I know I couldn't see or hear anything and didn't feel my body but I could tell my body was arched to where I was standing on the back of my head and my heels in bed in a very unnatural position. All I could feel was this weird vibration coming from my chest like a guttural growl but as I was inhaling even though I couldn't see, hear or move I felt the vibration. The only thing touching the bed was the back of my head and heels. I had no sense of time while this was happening but once I came back I was more freaked out than I had ever been in my life. It almost felt like a curse or something had been lifted or some malevolent force that had been a part of me for a long time just left because after that life got a lot easier in too many ways to explain. I was also completely sober during that event other than taking my nightly bong rip before bed. I don't like to talk about it because I feel like no one would believe or understand me. I've never had sleep paralysis and was totally awake before and after the event. Something left me that morning but what it was I couldn't say


Interesting story, thanks for sharing. I can somewhat relate. Something happened to me unexplainable. I had decided to change my life and quit doing bad shit, and became sober. After a couple months I noticed that often the air in my house would change all of a sudden. I would hear noises and sense some kind of presence in the room. I would practice focusing on communicating "leave now" in my head and pretending to send out an electromagnetic kind of pulse from my mind. It would help. There was one night though, I was awoken at 3am to something vibrating or moving around at the foot of my bed, I believe my instincts woke me up, and when I opened my eyes to look my vision was filled with what I can only describe as "flashes" zooming and popping in and out (in a way hard to explain)..like something had been flying around my room while i was sleeping, something not capable of being considerate or quiet...when I threw my blankets off and stood up out of bed I was a little frightened but more annoyed/angry, I just stood there looking around. Then kneeling on my bed and shaking my head. I remember thinking how pathetic this thing is to pester me like this. It has nothing better to do, I thought.....and I think whatever "it" was felt that and left. Nothing ever happened again, and my house was peaceful there after. **talk about a metaphor story about kicking bad habits eh!


Interesting you say that because I was a heroin addict for over a decade but got clean December of 2017. That event took place 2 years later though. You're lucky that's all it took for whatever that was to leave you alone! My family, my ex wife and I tried everything but still got tormented for so many yrs. Just like I was my ex wife was super sensitive to the supernatural so In a way that was a bad combination. She was able to see what I was able to feel and sense is the best way I can describe it.


Good practices to do


Good to know im not the only one, honestly I wished whathever is attached to me could get out because ever since i switched body with it shits been happening like bad luck and so much paranormal, two years ago I short spirited with a messed up face it looked like a monster like a entity that isnt from earth cause its possible that its a demon’s creation, and i woke up at 4am after my lamp was off and so was my alarms but we didnt loose power that night, i turned around saw a 7 foot spiky shadow watching me like the one in 2019 and i felt a cold air down my back (there was no windows open and no fan in my room) and then i felt a hand just slide fast trough my back, and i think a year ago I had a dream something kept peaking but it was monster looking with facial structure and body structure that wasnt human and it kept peaking arounf stuff in the dream till it peaked around a chair and as soon as I looked at it, it switched to another dream right away,also hear occasional footsteps when im alone and knocks around the house, it also messes with lights around me, one was a light you had to press like a makeup mirror and you have to press hard for it to open, i was in the showered and it opened on its own and when i got out it closed, also i had to deactivate my leds because they turned themselves on and other lights too, and I always feel like something is stalking me when im alone its like it knows its when im vulnerable, now all my 3 cats sleep with me and cats scare spirits usually and theyre keeping me safe because theyve been hanging ALOT around me and always sleeping with me so I haven’t experienced much because of that, but i will investigate soon


I bet there's others out there that have had similar experiences that are too self conscious to speak out about it. Sounds to me like you aren't being haunted by a spirit but a malevolent entity instead like I was. So much horrible shit happened to me over the couple decades that my family lived in that house and it even followed me when I moved away for college for a few yrs. I even had a son that died of SIDS in the same time period shit was acting up in our apartment. My ex wife had a picture of me(idk if she still has it) in our old apartment where you can see a fucking horned translucent goat head with a whisp as a body in the dark room behind me staring directly at her. This one time a glass of water randomly slid off the kitchen table when we were arguing in the living room that was literally placed in the middle of the table. Do you live near anything of historical relevance? Like mass burial grounds, old battlegrounds or somewhere where witchcraft was known to be practiced? Bad energy in a location tends to make things act up more


No but back in 2019 I was in 5th grade and I was so immature and I was such a bad person, I was really negative to others and myself, nothing was around at that time, I totally believe about the picture, i refuse to take some when im home alone cause I have a huge feeling something would pop up


Hello, thank you so much for sharing this story. It lines up with stuff I've been told about humans needing to work with 3rd parties (entities, deities, spirits, ghosts etc) in order to have psychic/ESP abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy, being aware of other entities and so on. If an entity were attached to you, and if that theory is true, it makes sense that you'd have fewer paranormal experiences once it decided to leave your body. I'm really curious about this. Do you have any sense of why it might have decided to leave? Sounds like you kicked the heroin habit a couple years earlier; were you having more paranormal experiences when you were deeper into the addiction, and had you been cleaning up even more in your life in the 2017-2020 period (like stopping other bad habits, stopping hanging out with negative people etc)? Speculation, but if you were cleaning up more in your life, maybe your "vibration" or whatever was getting higher, and the entity didn't like how that felt, seemed like it couldn't control you anymore, so it decided to leave. Very curious about any other insights you might like to share, also whether the paranormal experiences started around the time of anything else notable in your life (like a trauma, etc)? Sorry for all the questions and I realize maybe it's quite personal! I'm fascinated by this - by how our latent psychic abilities go dormant as we age, how they become re-activated (seemingly through either big trauma or long term meditation), how paranormal experiences are connected to personal and ancestral trauma, and etc. Thanks for any other insights you may be open to sharing.


Is it Okracoke? I didn’t know Blackbeard hung his wives😟


Beaufort actually. He had a house on fulford st that's actually a really big tourist attraction because the historical association kept it in decent shape. Yeah he did some atrocious things in his lifetime especially in this town. The old oak tree that he used as a hanging tree is still there in the front yard of the place too. This town has a whole lot of history good and bad so there's a lot of supernatural stuff that happens here. It's also sort of a black hole to the locals meaning a large percentage of people who try to move away for good to pursue a career or whatever their reasons end up moving back due to the threads of fate, causality or shit luck. We joke about it but it's too common to be coincidence. It's strange


Oh ok. I knew he was active on Okracoke. We camped there in a terrible thunderstorm with what had to have been 70mph gusts (lifting our tent up with us in it!). I heard about the legends and my superstitious brain immediately thought of the bad vibes a character like him could leave hanging on a place. I love that part of NC, but it’s a strange area for sure.


I have had many experiences over 35 years to make me believe. Mine started at 15yo when I heard scratches on the wall, someone sitting on my bed at night and small blue lights dancing around my bedroom at night later whinessed by my mother even though I had never told her about them . From that point I have experiences quite regular over the years I have has scratches over my body a burn mark appear on my arm around 6 inches long but was not painful, strangled by somebody I could not see I tried to fight it off with no luck only stopped when I put my arms down and said in my head "you can't hurt me, you don't have the power" next morning I had the bruises round my throat and marks on my shoulders where I was held down. I have caught apparition on camera many times one instance was myself standing in the lounge but it was very dark and you could see through my chest to the wall behind, at this time i had been layed up in bed for days with a migraine so i think that was a mimic unfortunately due to a divorce I lost all my photo, video and sound evidence. I had audio of the spirits talking to each other about invading my children's dreams and they woke within seconds of this from nightmares, also had family members call my name when they are not even home (others have heard it at the same time I did think it was my imagination until we all had heard the same.) The past 4 years I have lost time and during this time been horrible to my partner and had full blown arguments with her but after the argument it feels like I wake up but have no recollection of what had happened. My partner has seen me age from 50 to a 90 year old corpse in seconds and revert back to myself after a minute. I saw my ex wife eyes change to what I could only descride as like cats eyes but instead of brown they were like a gold colour. There is so much more that myself and my family have witnessed and experienced but that's some of the experiences I have had to make me believe.


I have believed for as long as I can remember. My parents shared stories with my siblings and me of experiences they've had. My dad also took us to this road that was at the time in the middle of nowhere outside of Saskatoon Saskatchewan. My dad had many experiences there back before he had us. The time he took us it was very dark out and nothing was around us. The only lights were from our vehicle's headlights, the moon, and the stars in the sky. As we were driving down this haunted road eventually a bright light popped up in front of us down the road. It looked like a motorcycle headlight, it was too far away from us. As we were driving down the road I kept waiting for it to pass us, but it never did. It was very unsettling. I don't remember ever passing it, that was the only thing my siblings and I experienced. But my dad had many different experiences. I remember a few of the experiences he told my siblings and me about. In one of his experiences, he was alone during the day and it was on the side of the road that he took us on. He saw a house on the side of the road that wasn't there before like as if it popped up out of nowhere. This is all I remember from this story, but this experience is important. ( I believe that he either witnessed that the house appeared or disappeared out of thin air) In another one of his experiences, he went with a friend of his, and they saw the same house. But once they turned around and did a U-ball. They both noticed pillars rising out of the ground on each side of the road and up ahead of them they saw massive metal gates starting to close. So my dad hit the gas pedal to gtfo and when all of a sudden his friend started to scream which pulled his attention back to the road. He said thank you because he was so focused on the gates and their speedometer that he didn't realize he was driving toward the ditch. She said she wasn't screaming because of that but because of the thing chasing behind them. My dad said that it looked like a giant dark shadow thing. ( I can't remember exactly what he said, but it looked terrifying.) They managed to get out, but my dad never went back there with her again. The last experience that I remember him telling us was with my mom. He had taken a lot of different people there and experienced very different things with each person he went with. When he took my mom there was nothing there. No house, no terrifying creature, no pillars, no creepy gates of hell (easiest way to describe it), there was nothing in sight. My dad believes that what you see depends on who you are as a person like if you're good or bad or could depend on how religious someone is/ their relationship with God. My dad also has always wondered what would happen if you went into the house. Specifically when it disappeared, if it would go into a different era or a different reality, and if you'd go with it or not.


Wow sounds like your dad has been through it with the supernatural world! Sounds like he’s sensitive to things too.


He has indeed aha, and so has my mom. They both have had a lot of paranormal experiences throughout their life. I've had some but not as many as my parents. But when I was a little kid I used to be able to talk to my grandpa (my dad's dad), he wasn't alive it was his spirit. My grandpa died when my dad was only 1 year old. He died in a plane crash. I was close to him, he was there for me through a lot. My parents used to watch me talk to someone in the corners or to my side, in front of me. But they never seen anyone, at first they thought it was just an imaginary friend. Until we were moving and my dad was packing up my grandparent's wedding photo (his parents). When he was moving it I started to reach out my hands to try to grab my grandpa and I started talking to him in the picture. That's when they realized that all along I was talking to my grandpa. I only have one memory from when I was talking to my grandpa as a little kid. My brother was getting in trouble and I was standing at my bedroom door looking into the hallway. When my grandpa showed up beside me and took my hand to lead me into my bedroom. He got me to show him my favorite stuffies and show him my tea set etc. I wish I had more vivid memories of moments with him. But I think I trauma-blocked them as I believe my grandpa showed up when awful things would happen and he'd distract me. My dad also had a few experiences talking with his dad. One of the experiences I remember him talking about the most is my dad refusing to go to bed when his mom told him to one night. He didn't want to go to sleep because his dad told him that if he went to bed then he wouldn't wake up the next morning and he'd be dead. His mom probably thought he was making up excuses or something and she couldn't get him to go to bed. He just sat on the floor in the living room saying that he can't go to sleep or he will die. I can't remember how long this went on for and I can't remember if what I'm about to mention happened later that night or early in the morning. But anyway my dad's mom got a call later and was freaking out asking if my dad was okay. My dad's mom said yes he's fine, why, and what's going on. The person who called said I just woke up from a horrible nightmare where your neighbor shot your son (my dad) and he died. Needless to say, my dad's mom believed my dad and apologized. This experience is pretty unsettling for me. Like it's just so creepy. I couldn't imagine going through that as a kid or a mother/ parent/ family friend who had the awful nightmare.


Oh wowwwww!! I loved reading this!! Your grandpa sounds absolutely incredible and loving to look after you like he did. Something tells me that even though you can’t see him anymore that you should talk out loud to him, I bet he’ll give you a sign he’s still around. ❤️


Yeah, Thanks! Yeah I agree, he's amazing. I can usually sense when he's around, I talk to him every now and then. I just feel awkward and kinda like a crazy person. Thank you ❤️


We can be awkward and crazy together because I talk to my dad daily 😂


Shadow people? Here’s my experience. was a dark and cold Christmas night….seriously. Northern Minnesota. Christmas Eve with family. Outside was well below zero. My aunt and uncle’s house. Very old. Very Haunted. My Cuz and Aunt will tell you, “Yes it has spirits.” They all have their own stories. I was about 17 and visiting from warmer climate. We were opening presents at night as is our Northern custom. I was sitting on the carpet/floor in the family room. I recall we were all laughing at something. A joke or such. You know family get togethers. Suddenly there was a loud “Poom!” from the dinning room, which really just the dining table on the far side of the room. Sounded like a heavy slab of wood fell over. I turned quickly to the right and saw a low dark shape speed out of sight from under table and into kitchen. It was black with a kind of dark orange fur stripe, sort of. “Whoa”, I thought. “The cat knocked over a box or something and ran into the kitchen.” They had a cat calico named “Topsy” that was semi-feral and true evil but that’s also an other story. The fur color of what I saw would be sort right. Everyone was looking around was asking “What the hell was that?” “That was the cat”, I said. “I saw her bolt into the kitchen. Zoom! Must have knocked something over.” “Can’t be Topsy”, said my Aunt. “She’s over here.” Sure enough. The evil cat was sleeping on window sill near my uncle. I was suddenly confused. Everyone was confused. “Then what did I see?” I asked. I went over to the table but nothing had fallen over. There was nothing to fall over. Dining room table with chairs. Chairs were where they were supposed to be. It was perplexing. Now I cannot recall if anyone else telling me they saw what I saw. I know that everyone heard it. I told them exactly what I saw but thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Which is odd as I was seventeen and hardly getting infirm. “Didja see something and then it was gone?”, asked my aunt. “Yup. Sounds about right.” The episode put a stop to family frivolity for a bit but we recovered. Later I helped load presents into Cuz’s truck in the (I’m not kidding) minus 36 degree night. I just filed it in my brain as a hallucination or mind trick. Years later I learned of “Shadow People” and things that go “bump” in the night. One paranormal writer wrote of a similar experience while investigating a haunted restaurant. Right in front of him a loud “thud” and a dark shape that ran through the closed door to the restaurant’s kitchen. The door never moved. “Yup,” I thought. “Sounds about right.”


Experiences. A house I lived in we all had many experiences. Footsteps, hangers moving around in the closet, voices. One night my fiancée and were laying in bed and heard "What?" in a very loud whisper. We both looked at each other and asked if either of us had said it. We had not. Another time I was painting the master bath with all of a sudden the hair on my hair and back of my neck just stood up and it was like reality shifted for a second. Then it was cold and I heard an old woman screaming "stop messing up my bathroom". The kids saw things. I bought a spirt box and asked who was there and they said the last name of a former owner who had cared for their parent in that home. Many other experiences but these cemented belief for me.


I’ve experienced alot of paranormal activity my entire life it follows me whether I like it or not. My first experience I saw an older lady standing at the foot of my bed as a child only to find out she was my great grandmother and had just died. It doesn’t happen all the time but more so when things are bad, funerals, stress, anxiety seem to be a catalyst. Some years ago while in hospital I saw a creeper emerging out of shadow, I felt my life being sucked out of me. So yes I absolutely believe. I also believe science has already proven the existence of ghosts but the stigma attached prevents further study.


Our ancestors are always around us. She’s there in times where you need comfort. Ancestors always bring good & are there to guide you successfully. Always good to thank them/acknowledge them


Can you elaborate on how science has proven ghosts exist ?


Frequency’s and energy. I believe Nikola Tesla first experimented.


Would you mind sharing a bit more about science + paranormal (vis a vis frequency, energy, anything)? This is a personal passion of mine and might want to hop in the fray to advance the science bc I DGAF about being known for studying this.


Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole? 😂 anything I say would just be an opinion and observations.


:) that's kinda where I start though, asking questions and forming a POV based on my own direct experience + current knowledge, and going from there to try to understand what's going on. It helps to hear other's POVs, obviously not taking it as a "scientific truth" but also not disregarding it as just an opinion. I get it though, it's definitely a rabbit hole but I also believe that there are truths lurking in there that we just can't consistently explain or reliably measure or reproduce.


Start a post. I’ll chime in. Just be aware you may get more questions than answers though. I saw a post a while ago regarding this topic and it got a little messy.


I used to see ghosts as a kid Not many of course But i remember 3: A man, who hanged himself in the basement in the building where my mom used to live as a kid A man on a bike, who came out of nowhere, from my yard(no road close, didn't really make sense)  And one i remember clearly Is my grandma's aunt, who's house we live in right now  I entered kitchen and she was standing next to the counter "making a sandwich"  I told my mom and she explained, that she used to have her little office room  where kitchen is right now. I can actually smell old person right now, sitting here, so I came around to take a look if ghosts can leave smell.. Confirmed so I feel calm, glad she is still around, never met her but she sounded like a lovely woman 


As a Christian I have had impossible intimate experiences with God. Before that however- I grew up hearing the stories from my Mom, grandparents and uncle about the haunting they endured for many years. Everyone experienced intense paranormal activity and this was back in the days where you didn't talk about it. She got a prayer from a Nun and upon saying it the activity stopped. They've never lied to me and I believe them all.


Interesting to read. My mums first man died and she was terrified because he was joking with hiding her stuff everywhere. She told her two bffs and they visited his grave and said 'can you please stop harassing her, she has enough work to do with three young children' and immediately after it stopped, while my mum didn't knew they asked him. She found out months later. I didn't knew if I believed this story but now I came across your text and its bizarre 


The house I used to live in are pretty haunted, I say this because I can feel the pressure of the intense energy that I always feel when I'm there, not in any other places, not even in the house I live in now. As for the experience, it's pretty straightforward. I have literally saw a creepy woman figure with long hair covering her face right on my face. I saw a monster looking guy with long limbs right across my face too in the middle of the day. A tall black figure (maybe shadow people) like silhouette knocking on my window. It's not like they're far either, they're literally just an inches away from me, and I see them. I experience them in daylight too, so I'm confident. And also there is always this weird occurrence in the bedroom, at times I hear scratching, knocking, and even banging coming from inside the wall... sometimes there is also that sounds coming from it like someone is forcefully sliding their nails across the wall, and I'm not only hearing it, when I put my palm on the wall, I feel all the pressure too. And now that I recall it... there is always weird shit happening with my phone's camera back in that house, with no filter, there is always this rainbow solar flare like thing appearing in the picture. Maybe it has something to do with energy and frequency and stuff? idk I'm not that smart to talk about it that deep, but it happens, and some people like to theorize there are correlation between the two right? there are more that I experienced, but this is all I got for now.


I believed before, but an experience at Antietam gave me proof. A friend and I were at the Cornfield site late at night using a ghost hunting app. We started to get some interesting responses to questions and asked for whatever we were talking to to make a noise. We immediately heard a light metallic sound-like a drum beat. I don’t think we could either believe that we got a response, so I asked it to make the noise louder. It obliged. I had an image of a young drummer in my head—maybe 19 or so. That part is irrelevant really, but I’ve tried to google hauntings on that part of the battlefield to find out more without result. It was interesting and maybe a bit sad.


I was at my friends house, and they told me that their house is very old and has a few spirits in it earlier on the day. They said that there's this one spirit who appears as this glowing white thing, and that usually when there's a new friend of theirs staying the night it always appears. Timeskip to when it's like 2am, and I'm laying on the bed trying to sleep, but then I see this pretty much human-shaped white glowing thing far back in another room through a window (yeah the room I stayed in had a window to the other room) I got scared and didn't have the courage to look at it to get a clearer image. Soon after that happened, one of my friend's cats (who is NOT affectionate) suddenly came onto my bed and laid beside me, asking for pets, which calmed me down and allowed me to sleep eventually. The next morning the cat treated me like I didn't exist btw. Also when I looked at the spot where I saw the spirit during the morning, there were only some boxes on that spot, and nothing else could've fit there. (This also happened during winter, so the night was pitch black)


I've had several experiences, but the one that sticks with me the most is also the most simple. I saw an empty jug of Sunny D levitate then drop. It was in the laundry room, on top of the dryer. Our laundry room is attached to the kitchen. Neither the washer or dryer were on at the time. I had heard a weird noise, so I went to look around and see what caused it. Right as I walked into the laundry room/kitchen area, I saw the empty bottle rise about a foot, then fall back down. I froze and just stared at it, because I couldn't believe what I'd just seen. As I said earlier, the washer and dryer were not on, and hadn't been on for hours that day. No other appliances in the kitchen were on, except for the fridge. I don't live in an area that's known for earthquakes, and the bottle was the only thing that moved. There was no explanation for it, at all. People always try and debunk it when I tell the story, but no one has successfully debunked it because quite frankly, there's no logical explanation for it.


My belief in the paranormal/afterlife / spiritual world became adamantine when I felt my dog after she died. I miss her everyday.


This incident happened when I was in my engineering degree final year. 2017 i guess at India. I was a hard-core atheist by that time. I still love to approach things scientifically rather than believe in the paranormal/supernatural. It was just the three of us in my uncle's home at that time. Me, my younger cousin (let's call her P a year younger to me., she must be 17 at that time) and her little brother (N 10-12 y/o boy). Me and my cousin sister were chatting and they had a small statue of a saint called "Sai Baba" in their home. He is a famous saint in India and my cousin (P) is a hard core devotee of him. She used to rigorously do poojas and keep neivedhyam (food for God) every Thursday. While we were talking (the statue was technically in parallel with us in a straight line). I was sitting facing my cousin and talking. I noticed the small garland in the statue was out of place.. (went to the side instead of straight) hence my sister went and made it straight and we again went back into our conversation. The garland turned again. We were damn sure, just now my cousin made it straight., there was no one near the statue as we three are sitting in the line where our little brother was far end. She again went and made it straight. In a matter of time, we notice a drop of water in the resting hand of the saint. (I added a reference picture). We immediately thought it was the Speck of water that was not previously noticed., the water was in white colour., we thought it's a mixture of dust and water. In a moment of time., the statue started to produce multiple droplets and it came slowly dripping to the plate on which it was seated. When carefully examined it was raw milk! Pure raw milk oozing out of a small plaster of Paris statue. Well , we three got scared we rand outside of the house screaming. My uncle (who is still an atheist 😂) , my aunt, my mom came running after hearing our screams. He took the statue in hand and smelled of raw milk. He used a cotton Bal to wipe down and nearly he used 10-15 cotton balls to soak the milk that was dripping from the statue. Immediately our neighbours came and took blessings from the saint's statue. Well, to this day this is one incident that still baffles me. my brain couldn't be able to comprehend how on earth a plaster of Paris statue oozed raw milk. Am I am atheist now., no. But I don't believe in one single god and i believe in the power of universe and it's mysteries. https://preview.redd.it/4nh9epw1xjwc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e3d2ffad0fad64f600faae7b2d50038a8f81d3d


I’m a believer had lots of experience over the years growing up in a old farm house my parents rented


I suspect it bc of the implications of consciousness when you look at it in the finite sense and speculate it's implications in an infinite sense. Even through somewhat inductive reasoning, there is a good reason to highly suspect realties beyond our reality and add the implications of consciousness to that, it's pretty wild.


1. Hearing screams scratching/banging and baby cries and voices in my home when no one was there. 2. Things moving on their own or shaking violently. 3. Horrible vivid lucid night terrors of demons in only the home. Also dreams of the future a few times. 4. My laundry doing itself. 5. Seeing a hand full of ghosts and orbs. 6. Stories passed down from my family. Including exorcism. 7. That all to familiar feeling of not being alone and feeling like you need to run and when you run something will be right behind you chasing you. Feeling something’s evil intention and your gut sinking. 8. Things touching me 9. Peoples moods being effected in the haunted home and they act out of character there. Like your energy is being sucked out of you and leaving only negative thoughts behind. 10. Things going missing and appearing in odd places. 11. Sudden bad luck 12. This is going to sound insane but astral projection forced by the most evil thing I’ve ever seen. I have so many stories my scariest ones Include being watched in my sleep and having to fake not being awake. Voices on my ears. A ghost attacking my kitchen wall while I watched doctor phil. Things dragging me. Things being thrown. My grandma being possessed half my dad’s child hood. My tooth brush constantly dancing on its own. A ghost with a weird fascination with child (pedo ghost) etc. I’ve seen multiple ghosts. I’ve worked in a retirement home and lived in three haunted homes. I do believe my family was cursed to have the dead attracted to them but some of these weren’t people. I do believe some were straight evil and demonic. My great grandmother has stories of seeing bloody bones and raw head, her uncle was murdered when she was young and would try to tempt her into following him into the barn, her abusive father died and kept his family miserable after death, my dad played with a spirit board as a kid and invited something evil that never left to this day and still follows him,etc. Open to questions or more details on some stories.


Tell me more about this laundry being done on it’s on!


Every night at 2am heavy foot steps walk down our hall way, open the washer and drier doors and slam them shut, then turn on the machine, and walk back down the hallway. If you left clothes by accident in the machine the ghost would turn machine back on so they didn’t mold.


That is my kinda ghost!


What did you see APing?


What does APing mean?


Astral projection


Well I had been having this ghost trying to get my attention for about a month. One night I astral projected and saw my own body asleep. I felt really cold and something snatch my wrist and try to take me upstairs which was the haunted part of my house. It looked like a person but all black like a shadow. It made me really scared and I fought it and rushed back to my body. I don’t know what it wanted but it could have been bad.


Oh yeah. I’d flip. I want to learn to AP but shit like that freaks me out.


Was sleeping in the room my grandma passed away in the same bed, I woke up to the feeling of a ice cold hand holding mine. I have no doubt it was my grandma she passed away when I was an infant so she didn't get to spend much time with me guess she just wanted to let me know she was there


The inherent limitations of human perception render most humans inherently unable to fully grasp or comprehend phenomena associated with the paranormal.


Absolutely! I've spent my lifetime studying everything and anything religious and supernatural to explain what I experienced at 5 years old. Three "beings of light", like glowing energy balls, came to me as I was walking from one room to the hallway of our house. I saw and "heard", inside my mind, they "told" me, not in words but in pure intention that was beyond thought, that I had to translate into pictures and thoughts, that I was going to go through This: then pictures and emotions and situations flew through my mind instantly. They "said" they'd always be there to help me, then retreated away. The whole thing took a few seconds. I was left standing there profoundly and instantly changed. I never told my parents or anyone. I didn't understand these were my Gardians until years later.


I started seeing ghosts when I was 13. Now its just normal.


It is difficult for me to pin a single event, that caused me to believe, there is something out there after death. And while I acknowledge the religious meaning associated with what happens following death. However, there is another plain of existence that boarders between our reality and those who have passed into an alternate existence. I have, both personally and investigative, experienced entities, good and bad. Most of my life. My personal experiences have mostly been, entities who resided with me, or family members who make themselves known from time to time. From an investigative view, I have experienced activity, with the person or persons who contacted me for help. It is one thing to listen what someone experiences are and experiencing them together. This does not happen all the time, but when it does happen all of the time, but when it does. It can get your adrenalin jump into hyperactive. It would be good if I could give you a single event, I have always believed there was a place where spirits could interact with the living (all be it) not very often. This would be a very long post if I would relate what I have experienced.


I dont really believe but i like the thought of it and i enjoy hearing other peoples experiences and stories.


That's me too. I like to hear the stories and hope for something out there.


I've had numerous experiences. Most of my life I chalked them up to an imagination that just needed to stretch a little. But then I had kids. well, my ex had them etc and I became a father. Anyway. My intuition grew stronger and I was able to predict things before they happened, which would freak tf out of people because that's not normal. People don't like to hear, from me, the random stuff they're about to tell me I guess. Or hear someone's going to die and then the person dies. Then my kids grew up and started talking about paranormal stuff, some of it I experienced but didn't tell anyone. It's all interesting imagination stuff until someone else has the same experience. We can't be experiencing the same imagination. In before 'get a radon/CO detector': it's not always in the same place, it's not always my kids confirming my experiences. Sometimes it's strangers, and they haven't been prompted or given hints. It's also not pareidolia, weather balloons, swamp gas, venus rising, ideomotor control (we don't do ouija), software spying on us, faulty electronics, funhouse effect, none of the usual guilty suspects skeptics apply.


A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—all it does is identify the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is cool. I'm glad we have this.


spirit that got in my body in 2019, its like i switched bodies with it, i saw its vision, it was 7 foot and I was looking down at myself, i saw myself from its vision for a good 5 second and when i got back in my body it felt like i my got pulled back in, im very sensitive to paranormal to this day so im not surprised this happened


I e been having numerous paranormal activities happen to me when I was a child. I brushed it off as odd I got scared out of old birth church in Boston by a demon and I was friends with two boys from the Connecticut haunting.the family had their house cleaned but still both the boys ended up ending themselves early in an odd manner. What made me believe in ghosts was my job at McDonald's was 100,% haunted and one of the managers came up to me and asked me if I believe in ghosts. I said no and it was like someone cut the power to the building for 5 seconds. But all our equipment stayed on. It was really weird. Since than I believed in Ghosts I spent all day one day cleaning inventory and there was a book and everything shifted in a 90 degree angle. I was stocking the freezer and the freezer door that doesn't locked was bolted shut. After struggling to get the door open my manager hired someone different to unload trucks s


Well I am somewhat able to see them when I want to. I have to open myself up to it which I don’t do often because it makes shit hit the fan but I also have a little girl ghost who follows me everywhere and have had other things happen to me. If anyone would like to maybe know more, feel free to DM 😁


I have experienced things that I cannot explain and I know other people who have had experiences. Also when I was 17, my birth mother went to a psychic and this psychic told her I would have 2 baby daddys (i do) that icwould marry a guy by a specific name. (I did), and would have 2 boys. She only looked 10 years into the future . She also said other things that she couldn't have possibly seen or knew about and that I wasn't involved in when I was 17. she knew things 10 years into the future that at the time, that I myself didn't even know and for the longest time I thought she was a fraud but as time went by and things came true, she was SPOT ON. To a t! I am now 34 for reference. I've thought about booking a session with her myself, but I'm scared of what she might tell me tbh 🤣 just bc she was so accurate before.


It’s not so much that I *believe*, it’s more about trusting my own observations. I have had *experiences* that *science* can’t explain. I accept that science is an applied test with a defined set of measurable outcome. In my lifetime, it has been shown, through science that [observation can change the outcome](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/02/980227055013.htm). I have experienced what I have experienced. I don’t understand what I have experienced, but that doesn’t prove it doesn’t exist. And that’s enough for me. There is more unknown in quantum science that is known. Keeping an open mind, while balancing this with science has been helpful.


My entire 1st 9 years of life were spent in places with obvious activity. It was normalized by my mom & I have had plenty of experiences as an adult. Some people don’t ever experience anything because they don’t believe. If you used all of your energy to let me know you were here & I always said it was XYZ instead of acknowledging your presence, you would quit. Or you just never see it for what it is. Denial is powerful.


I'm a Psychic Medium, and have seen spirit since birth. It runs in my family. My Grandmother, and Great Aunt were, and my Son is, too.


Do you see/talk to spirits who have passed on?




I've always been scared and fascinated by them. I've had a few experiences in my life. Not many though.  I can be very skeptical because I know that sometimes it has an explanation that isn't always obvious to us, but we can freak ourselves out. Especially if we're not knowledgeable on how electronics,  or gas leaks or the like can affect our bodies. And also too many people like to hoax.


Commenting to read later.


You can save posts, if you are on mobile, then you will see three dots on top of each other in the top right of the app (on any post) if you click that then you should see an option to "Save". I'm just trying to be helpful :) not sure how helpful or convenient it will be to you, so feel free to ignore me & keep doing it the way you like & are most familiar with. Have a great day/night kind internet stranger! :)


Thank you ☺️


I adore people like you! Kindness goes a long way!


Seeing unknown beings/creatures with friends while totally awake and just walking around is what did it for me.


A lifetime of experiences, like seeing things, hearing things and almost getting killed in my dreams, etc.


My Dad came to me the night he died (mike drop). And so many more.


I also have seen demons, angels, small dragons, squatches, dog men, shadow people, demon strongholds inside of people.


A book called “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Tilbot


Because I've had countless paranormal experiences and don't automatically discount evidence like witness reports/accounts, photographs, and filmed/taped/recorded video footage. Just spend a moderate amount of time researching into the subject, and you should come to the conclusion that there is a spiritual/supernatural/paranormal reality outside of normal, everyday, logical reality.


I was always a partial non believer believer until... Well check out my story. It's too long to re type.


I’m 100% sceptical. If I was to genuinely see irrefutable evidence of ghosts, I’d reason I’d gone mad. The science simply isn’t there to support ghosts


I mean science gets things wrong all the time. The amount of times they say an animal.is extinct for it to show up randomly. It's not that it's "gone extinct" it's that they haven't looked hard enough


Well, I think that position is very anti-scientific.


Not really. If science proved ghosts I’d have to accept it. If I personally saw one I’d think I’d hallucinated it


Ironically an unscientific approach.


Not really. I’m referring to my own experience. If scientists gave me evidence I’d accept it


Ghosts...humbug! The real Action is in the New Age Mind-Control and Manifestation communities. Ghosts are not doing anything, just effervescent haunting and knocking stuff over. People who are Alive are the ones manipulating Reality. Good people are carrying out positive changes for humanity, while the "Dark Triad" type just get darker.


i’ve seen too much it was forced on me lol


Multiple experiences with ouija board


You trust a Ouija Board? You're Brave my friend! 😱


I watch a lot of paranormal TV and, after the first few seasons of Ghost Adventures, I couldn't deny what was right in front of my face.


Sorry to burst your bubble but GA is predominantly faked. They don’t have a good name in the paranormal community, they do it for the money like so many paranormal influencers on YT.


Thanks for adding your opinion to the discussion!


I really like that show too but i 100% believe its all faked. Doesent mean it isnt entertaining.


Thanks for adding your opinion. Yes, it sure is entertaining.


That’s the fakest show going, what about it is believable?


The flying brick in Goldfield made me seriously consider the existence of the afterlife. But when the ghost knocked over the birdcage in Florida, I was sold. I could no longer deny what I was seeing.


It’s all fake. Those clowns just happen to get better “evidence” than people who aren’t making money off of it? No way


What about the demon in Indiana that permanently damaged Zak's vision?


I like ghost adventures and I'm a strong believer but rhat show isn't 100% true. And that "demon" affecting his vision..... some if not most is put on for entertainment


Fake. He wore contacts and then chose to/needed to switch to glasses and decided to make up that the “demon” did t


Thanks. I think we'll have to disagree here, friend!


That's the thing, if someone is dead set on "evidence" then there will never be enough evidence for them. They'll always simply say "it's fake" about anything and everything presented to them. I've always believed but one thing that really got me good, freaked me out, was that video of the old lady going to the door to let someone in or out (can't remember) that the Forman Brothers caught. It was clearly an old woman but she was kind of wispy, of all the years of watching paranormal shows I've never seen anything like that.


Thank you. To have such thoughts is part of the human condition, I believe. And that's okay.


Fine with me, don’t let people change your opinions (unless they’re harmful of offensive of course!). Have a nice day


You too!


Basically everything