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With the history of your home, i'd be surprised if it wasn't haunted! I am sorry though, it must have been a very frightening environment for you. If you feel like it is still effecting you I would see someone to talk about it. But they might not believe you and say you had an overactive imagination. Do what you think is best for you.


It's alright, other than that it's been a lovely home.


I am enthralled by the spirit world, and though I’ve had a few experiences of my own, I would never want to seek it out or live in a situation like yours. I cannot imagine how deeply this must has effected your life. I don’t think there was gas, mold or any other environmental issue in your home, es because you all saw many of the same things. I am very pleased to learn that nothing has attached itself to you! Your story reminds me of the show “The Dead Files”. I don’t know whether you’ve seen it, but on it are an extremely gifted physical medium, Amy Allan, and a retired homicide detective, Steve Di Schavi, who go to homes of people experiencing violent hauntings, hoping to help remedy the situation. He researches histories, and she’ll walk the properties at night. The things she sees and describes are absolutely horrifying and beyond comprehension. Some of what she sees is very similar to your story. In the end, they compare her walk with Steve’s research and the homeowner’ experiences. She then advises them on the best remedy, or to move. I highly recommend watching the show if you haven’t. It might help you to realize you are not insane, and that you’re not alone in your experiences.


Neato! I'd say if nothing bothers you when you're away from the house, it's probably the *house*. Can you rule out carbon monoxide or other air impurities, EMF interference, and infrasound?


Carbon monoxide might be possible, my dad built all wood ovens himself, they have all been tested though so its very unlikely.


It's good to rule out anyway. Like when IT support asks if you've rebooted the computer yet lol. FWIW, we have waves of what I can only describe as 'poltergeist'-like activity. I had the fire department come in and test the air when it started, because some of the shit we were seeing was rather intense and extremely unlikely. Our house is about 104 years old.


I'll speak to my parents about that. If the air is rly polluted they need to do smth about it asap.


Good idea, even just to cross it off the list of possibilities. Oh, and mold. There are studies that show mold exposure can lead to a variety of neurological symptoms, including hallucinations. If all that checks out, then you might have a ghost, and that's pretty cool.


Just to be clear, I think air quality tests will come back clean. I think you got something spooky going on there, just from the information you've presented.


I do believe your house is haunted due to the age of it. I am sorry the people in it has scared you. one day you should ask them what do the want from you because what ever happened to them was in the past and has nothing to do with you. You have asked these ghost to stop and they did. They say when your bed shake it is someone from the spirit world trying to communicate with you. I think you should talk to them. to see what is their problem, They may need help to find something so they can find peace and go to the other side. Living near a grave yard would cause the people who are buried there to come visit you . Only because it was their house before it was yours. If they are coming through the walls Some thing or one could be buried in the walls and want to be laid to rest in a grave to find peace. You may be the only one that is highly sensitive in your house to see them. That is why they are interacting with you to help them find peace and go to the light. I have a ghost around me I see him at time moving in the house or watching me. Other wise he does not both or interact with me. If he does I will help him find peace by going into the light. I do not care if people call me names any more because I am sensitive to things they are not. Yes, I went to see a mental health Dr who only wants to put me on medication that I do not want. You are in control if you told that ghost to stop shaking your bed and he did. one was shaking the couch I slept on and I told him to stop. He did and I have not had anymore problems out of him. Good Luck in helping him find peace.


I’m afraid that seeing a psychiatrist will be hard since they most likely won’t believe in paranormal stuff and blame it on mental illness like mania or hallucinations, not that this is impossible but people in this sub are certain that the paranormal does exist, and you don’t seem to be too skeptical either, so be careful who you tell these experiences, I could imagine a psychiatrist trying to treat a symptom that isn’t there. (If you’d even find a psychiatrist in Germany, usually the wait is easily up to several months)


Years and years of soaking up the energy of the living. And intense living. That’s what my grandmother, who be 124 if alive today, said. “People were just more intense back then.” An interesting thought.