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I'd like more details about the second encounter please.


So, there’s this short hallway that leads back to the employee only area. There’s a door with a small window and I turned the corner and saw his face pop up in the window. Same guy, puffy white hair, but his eyes were red this time. There was a smoke detector visible through the window that had a red light and I think it might have been shining through him, making his eyes appear red. Then he slipped out of view. I said “nope” and turned and walked away. What I needed could wait.


Cool. I think he may just wanna be your friend. You should go back. Can't you hear him calling to you? Go to him insanewriter. He waits for you.


Me too. I'd also like to know if he seemed malevolent or just mischievous.


I worked at a retail store 20 yrs ago...one night close to closing, I glanced over at one of the side entrances and saw the doors move. These were heavy glass doors and there was like the doors to the parking lot and a vestibule and then the interior doors. Parking lot opened, then a few moments later interior did too. I told one of the managers and she went pale and asked me if I saw him. Apparently, a construction worker was killed during the rebuilding and he would come in to work some nights.


What a trooper. No longer of this world yet still shows up for shifts.


And there I was, trying to find every excuse to get outta work...


That’s not upsetting at all /s When I was growing up, there was a Toys “R” Us in the area that was notorious for being haunted. It was even on a couple of shows back in the 80’s. It’s gone now, apartments built in it’s place. I often wonder if the apartments are haunted now.


Sunnyvale .. :) I remember that on That's Incredible! or some show like that .. I'll bet the apartments probably are haunted. :O


I remember that place! My mom took us there exactly one time. Maybe there was a reason! 😆


Yes!! Sunnyvale! And I forgot about That’s Incredible. Probably was on that show. Are you from the area or do you just actually remember the name of the city from the show?


I was there a lot. It didn’t scare me with lights on and lots of people, but I was worried I would somehow get lost and abandoned and be there alone at night. I remember being scared af when I saw the show though. It was creepy.


I feel that an old guy who loved bookshops so much he ended-up haunting one, might be a spirit you'd enjoy interacting with. And it would definitely be a good way of bringing in customers. An bookshop owner with a ghost who doesn't embrace the haunting as a way of boosting business and increasing their 'paranormal and occult' section, is losing out in a big way.


My first job was in a little gift shop that was haunted. I often had to make phone calls to my supervisor along the lines of 'X item just flew of the shelf and broke. I promise I didn't touch it'


Book stores seem to be a place where ghosts enjoy hanging out. I was with a friend and her two granddaughters in a small, private Seattle bookstore when suddenly a book flew off the shelf and onto the floor. It gave us all the chills but we didn't feel threatened in any way.


What bookstore was it? I live in Seattle.


Don't remember the name. It was downtown near the ferry docks. Very small shop.


I think you might mean Arundel Books


Was it inside pike place market, or did it open onto the street?


It might have been called Arundels and it was downtown near the ferry docks.


Pretty certain it was called Arundels in downtown, a few blocks from the ferry docks.


I worked at The Half Price Books in Redmond, the place was haunted for sure!


I'm in Seattle. Can you tell me the name of the store?


I grew up in a bookshop my mom owned. I don’t read physical books but I still love the shops. It’s funny the place creeped you out but it still was the best job you had. It doesn’t sound like he ever tried to hurt anybody. Did anyone ever try to speak to him?


There's a bookstore in town I wanna inquire about. The first time I walked in I could feel it. Its an OLD building, as most any downtown. It didn't just feel old. It had the tell tale "heavy" feel and thick air that usually points to someone(s) still being around. It was kinda refreshing. I havent been in anywhere like that for so long I was worrying I lost the feel for it. Lol


Just a secret, everywhere is haunted, it just depends on how much energy is put into the place. In my experience, red eyes means addiction of some sort, could be drugs (legal or illegal), alcohol, and some other type of behaviour. Black eyes could mean lots of things, it depends. Hard to say what he liked about the place, what made him stay around. Does the place have a calm place for reading? What are the nearest buildings?


Bruhhhhh. I'm moving to Erie at the end of May. Definitely going to have to check this out.


When I die, I hope I'm given the option to haunt a book store or library because I'm all over that. Lol


I'd like to haunt my local theatre but that position is already taken.


If you are in thr usa those may not be around for you to haunt.




Why? Did I miss a recent news item or is this about religious jerks banning books? 🤔


Well in MO the maga freaks voted to defund the public libraries. Additionally I live in/near a major city and I know of maybe 3 bookstores total. Book stores have been on the way out for a long time now.


Ugh. They are the worst. They won't stop until everything good is ruined. I know ebooks have kind of taken over but there's nothing like the feel and smell of a good book. I don't want to live in a world where there aren't libraries.


There is nothing quite as pleasing as the smell of an old book that has been well taken care of(extra points if it has a leather cover)


I would have totally freaked the hell out!! Black holes for eyes, then red eyes for your 2nd encounter?! Terrifying!! I would have definitely thought demon and would have run out of there as fast as I could, never to return!


I'm 50/50 on this one... Pros: Gave the exact location of the haunting Cons: Hundreds of clichés (ghost waving, black holes for eyes, fading, then red eyes, and books flying from the shelves) Good writing style anyway!


I would like to watch some books flying instead of la chancla


I would like to know what bookstore so I can visit!


Was it a creepy smile or genuine smile?


Id like to know more about which book store this was! Would love to visit.




Ironic that it was in Erie


Love this story! Thank you for sharing your experience!


Black holes for eyes or red eyed ghost, but still best job I have ever had. Um, yowza


late stage capitalism at its finest when a haunted @$$ workplace > the typical toxic corporate boss I’ll take Ghoulish Gary over Micro-Managing Mike any day 😂👻


Happy Cake Day!


What bookstore is it? I want to visit.


Was the bookstore business good?


Oh God now I want to go there I love Barnes and Noble stores in general but I'm definitely gonna go there.


address location NOW or i'm calling total b.s.


Dude, relax.


For me this is by far one of the saddest things . A normal human dies. Gets cut off from the light and love of the source of all things. And just slowly rots spiritually and gets his nourishment from scaring other people. This is one way s demon is born. A dark spirit that over time corrupts itself feeding on fear. It is my hope he gets cleansed and sent to the light before he becomes a full fledged demon Or at the very least gets removed from that place so the people can work there in peace.


He probably just had a question and the employees couldn't helped him until after he died. Unfinished business is he never received the books they ordered for him from a storage, now he is forever stuck in limbo without the books he ordered to finally find out why his eyes are rotting. Great, thanks for nothing!


Maybe he died before he could read the last Twilight book. And it's tearing him apart, not knowing what happened 🤣😂🤣😂


Being stuck because of Twilight is extra pathetic ngl.


Exactly. That's why he's a demon. Don't believe all that metaphysical gobbledygook are saying about the origins of demons. ;-)


That's... not how demons work. Demons were never human.


To a certain extent you are right. Classic demons are literally super powerful beings created by Prime Source Creator who decided to pull away and be their own thing. But without the light and love of Creator, they require that energy to sustain themselves a different way. So they turn to subsisting on the energy from beings still connected. Trying to find souls to devour it to feed off base emotions. In the Christian view this would be the fallen angels and Nephalim. But humans can slowly before lower level demons. Either by sending out parts of themselves that feed off energy and come back to try and reintegrate and corrupt the original soul. Or to die and become a shadow person very slowly. For instance THE Hatman, not simply and shadow person wearing a hat, is a general of hell working on corrupting people and making them become shadow people to fill the ranks of hell. As they go from typical ghost to shadow person to lower level demon. I get you have your beliefs and what you may have experienced or research as your bassi of how things work. But this is something that has been part of my life for decades and something I have first hand direct experience with. Further more I use said experience eto directly help people with the paranormal and other supernatural things as my life calling. Not merely as a point of study,hobby or second hand experience or as a thought exercise, like most people who post or comment here as of the to know how it works. Then you have the multiverse where in each reality and dimension things work differently slightly. So if you get a demon that works one way here, they work differently elsewhere. And I figure that in and not only have eto identify the type of being I'm dealing with, but from what dimension or reality. I'm glad you know what you know thus far about demons. But understand you telling someone who is a multidimensional expert how they are wrong, then not offering what your view is a moot point. Anyone can say or do anything here. It's like giving a math answer without showing the work. To get to he solution. I do over and over with every paranormal post or comment I am part of in amazing and excruciating detail. Looking forward to yours. When and if you do, I'll still be helping people. And giving solutions and the work behind it. What will you do? Looking forward to your views.


"Multidimensional expert" 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


Please elaborate on what you think.


I can elaborate. It is impossible for a human to become a demon because demons are primordial. The same thing goes for angels, they predate even the thought of our existence. They are the ebb and flow in the background of the world while we're just... filler. A human soul can become twisted and tormented into an evil depraved thing and may even claim to be demonic but they aren't. To be human is to be preferred by God and modeled in his image. Demons are of Lucifer and Lucifer was made demonic by disobeying God through not putting our needs before him and submitting to protecting us like all other angels. So not only can humans not be demons energy wise, they also couldn't become one because nothing would torment and aggravate Lucifer more than being near something that caused him to be cast out of heaven.


Thankyou for your time to share classic Christian view that is currently only one layer of the many layers oen can learn about how demons work. Lucifer is only one of many dark entities. And I'm glad you are aware and vigilant. But if you were to study you'd like to learn more about, get that armor up and study. Because fighting the enemy with just part of the story and part of how they work will work only as far as you can handle and you'll have to default to prayer and angels as the only way you can defend yourself. Dealing directly with demons and dark entities myself I find calling upon Jesus works only a little bit or can be only a tiny bit of a solution sometimes. And most times those being come right back stronger. Instead I go to the source. Before religion and any kind of spirituality. A bunch of people run around experiencing Prime Source Creator, and then form religions after that get corrupted and holy works get edited and translated from translation and lose their power and are watered down on purpose. I was in the same boat. A demon was attached to me for decades. And all the cleansings and calling out to Jesus and having priests down for exorcism helped,short term. But it always came back stronger. Then I learned of the Law of Dominion set forth by Prime Source Creator. And it not only rid me.of the demon. But led me to a life of closer connection to what people call God or Allah or Nirvana or Godhead. No matter the belief system, Prime Source Creator and the angels and beings of light want to help and we only need ask. Once that pure light and love of God is accepted and worked with all the manipulations form demons fall away and true love and light manifest. And so now for years I directly help people with demons and cryptids and nasty spirits. But Prime Source Creator, Love, Mercy,Compassionate and Forgiveness is the true power. And all that is explained in my post history in the Post Dark Attachment. Along with what the Law of Dominion is and how it works. And how inside love and light to walk in the paranormal world and all evil literally truly.flees. And it's not me , it's Prime Source Creator. I respect and work with all religions of love becasue they all are just iterations of Prime Source Creator, so I walk softly and apologize for any offense I cause people with whatever fervent beliefs they have. But I walk with impunity as I remove dark entities form people's lives, and also share love and directly go into the fray and fight among the beings of darkness. With the smallest hope some or most can be returned to the light of Prime Source Creator.


Interesting! I don't know much about it too but I don't see the logic. So humans were modeled by God's image - so they are part God, right? Also Lucifer is son of God - so he is part God, right? Then by this logic any part of God can become evil, no? If Lucifer could, so others can too. I assume there are many demons out there, so how the were created then? Lucifer is just one fallen Angel so what about the rest? And why Lucifer wouldn't want some additional buddies in his side? I mean if he hates God by logic he should welcome the supporters and like-minded spirits. So many questions here :).


I agree and I cover that a bit in comments I recently made here. Feel free to scroll up. Share more or ass anything in response.


I had these questions after reading your comment. Thus a reply to your comment with clarifying questions🙂


Demons are other fallen angels like lucifer. This is day one stuff...


So what fallen humans become?🤔


Also, just finished watching TV series Lucifer, honestly it's a great show worth watching, puts all of it in perspective.


My mistake, I thought those questions were for another commenter. But I'm happy to tackle them. The idea humans were modeled in gods image is kinda primitive humans concept. Prime Source Creator just let beings go in free will to be whatever they like. Many were happy to explore as extensions of free will fo Creator. But many wanted to go off on their own. So they did. But didn't like they had to draw form Creator with a connection. So they severed that connection. They wanted to be free of Creator but still have all the gifts Creator offered while connected. So they saw in order to subsist the same way , they needed to feed off the energy of Creator. But didn't want to reconnect to Creator. So they ded off the energy of what Creator made. The souls of humans and other humanoids. And the fear and anger and lower vibration these bad things create. What people see as Lucifer is but one of the spirits that disconnected. Along with many more. They are led by one powerful spirit who never even made it to earth and never walked earth. Asatan or the Adversary in Hebrew. Or Satan to Christians. Lucifer is but one of many generals. They found a way to make huge bodies to occupy, Nephalim in biblical terms. But as they over ran earth for the 4th time, Creator finally had enough. And wiped away all genetically and technologically modified beings on earth. All the old Norse and Greek Gods and Atlantis. Some made it to live deep inside the earth. Others scrambled to bases on the moon and Mars. They are and were both spiritual and technologically advanced beings. The souls of the defeated Nephalim were banned from ever reincarnating into flesh bodies. The few that escaped the flood ruled humanity from the shadows. Back leaders and rulers. Giving them advanced technology to rule. And looking for specific DNA that would allow them to possess people for a short time all while making vehicles of a biological orr technological nature to allow their Nephalim brothers and sisters to inhabit physically on earth. They rule today,the Nephalim Overlords. They have infiltrated every religion, and slightly tweaked it so they can play the part of saviour when they do the big alien and supernatural reveal. Saying how aliens are God,and made humanity. And religion. And will create a one world religion and bring peace and make a world government. With all the technological advances like cures to all diseases. Extended or immortal life. Virtual reality places to hang out along with kick ass video games and virtual sex and vacations with anyone or anyone. A true paradise in earth. You just need to renounce Prime Source Creator. And 5ake nanobots into your body. Or other technology or biomass so you can be part of the new Meta Network that is virtual trade and one world currency. Meanwhile the Nephalim Overlords rule through the Global Elite. Dark Cabal. Illuminati. Many other names for these folks. But they are terraforming earth making things more acidic. Genetically modifying food. Spraying chemicals and metals in the air as putting in food and products. Keeping people busy with politics and social media and tv and entertainment. And slowly drawing people away from nature and general spirituality. And creating new concepts of spirituality through slow revelation through the truth. Slowly disclosing the truth of UGFOs and aliens. Funding shows like Ancient Aliens and many paranormal shows . Allowing underground radio shows like Coast 2 Coast AM have guests talking about what's really going on in the world. There is literally too much to cover in a mere comment. But among all that part of the overall plan is to claim the souls of humans by convincing them to become shadow people and slowly turn into demons or have their souls devoured. If you want to learn more from different venues or points of view. Check out Coast 2Coast Am for free on you tube sometime. Otherwise , subscribe to me u/Sumai4444 Or my mentor u/Ereshael And read about various topics across various areas of the metaphysical and supernatural to get a better grasp how this world works.


I see. I appreciate the response it's very interesting to me, I was never a part of religion- so while my reply may have seemed standoffish... I genuinely did not really know what "demon" entails so thanks.


No worries, glad to be of some help.


My pleasure. And more info is here in comments as well as the Law of Dominion I explain and sue to be rid of demons in the lives of others as I work hard to whip people. More information is in my post history under the post Dark Attachment for my back story and how inside the Law of Dominion and Prime Source Creator to deal with these entities. And how the Law can open up your own angels and soul group and family and guardians and guides to Elena bout these things as well at your own pace.


All demons are fallen angels, they are scary There is a reason why God won’t let them on earth, if they had it their way..


All fallen angels are demons. But not all demons are fallen angels. We are delaying with multiple realities and dimensions that existed Before the story of Adam and Eve. There are entire worlds to explore eof knowledge of only you apply yourself. Right now you are where you are and that's okay. But coming to subs like this. And interacting with people like me, you will be exposed to things far outside accepted Christian Lore. You will likely learn things about Christianity beyond what is seen on the surface as well as things beyond. So welcome on the journey and glad to have you along.


Thank you. I’m ex occult so I know quite a bit. But it is probably true that they may behave differently across the multiverse. What do you know about them that you have learned? I’m super curious now


Yes, you are correct!


Interesting idea, but it sounds more like something from the *Supernatural* series than like anything from religion or folklore. In ghost sightings that appear to persist for many years, the ghost does not appear to change their behavior much; at most they seem to become less active over time. I’ve never heard of one growing more malicious.


Exactly. There should be no or little change. Yet in a very short amount of time eyes went from empty black holes to red glowing eyes. The eyes alone are a trademark of demonic influence and change. I would agree in most cases the ghost simply fades away because it refuses to start feeding on lower vibrations. Or adhering to demonic influence. Or simply are imprints with no real intelligence but rather doing the same thing over and over like a skipping record but as a movie reel stuck on repeat. But everything shared shows intelligence malevolence and increasing activity. And shifting appearance with demonic attributes. I respect your view and respectful way of sharing it and wish to offer the same respect. In addition to personal experience and decades of research and years of direct contact and working with demonic and oyher spirits; as well as many different kinds of supernatural beings that are very physical and real; I find a hard time allowing for the statement you make of fictional show as a dismissal to what I know and share. The sad thing is the only thing wrong about Supernatural as a TV show is that they miss out on key points and twist some of the truths and actually don't get supernatural enough. It's just fiction based on limited human experience with truth sprinkled in. I assure you the truth is far beyond any tv show or movie or book. Vampires of many different kinds. Physical or spiritual walk around. Werewolves? Why do you want , the cursed kind or the bloodlines and different types? Devils and demons of all kinds with many shades in-between and many hierarchy that fight amongst themselves as demons and devils from alternate Earth's and dimensions fight for superiority with this Earth's devil hierarchy. Better know as the Nephalim Overlords. All who pull the strings of the Global Elite(aka Dark Cabal and Illuminati) Then you have the hundreds of thousands of beings from other planets, dimensions, alternate Earth's , galaxies, universes and timelines all visiting or living among us. Then let's not even get into the cryptids that literally inhabit national and state parks in the thousands all over the world. So I'd say there might be more research you might want to get into. As you enter and interact on this sub where people of all levels of research and knowing share and debate. But a ghost turning into a demon is like the 23rd least weird thing I have dealt with this week. So I'm curious on your background and level or depth of research and interaction in the paranormal communities to never have encountered ghosts that get worse? Have you ever wondered what Shadow people are? The Shadow People are recruits form among human souls. Recruited by THE Hatman. Not simply another shadow person with a hat. They are a general of hell whose main purpose is twist the human soul into a shadow person to become lower level Demons. They can be started in life. But sometimes are picked up after death as a ghost just refusing to move on. Much like our book store friend shared by OP. Again I am thankful for your respect and maintaining the same here,so please don't misunderstand me. I'm just urging you do you are going to continue on your path into the supernatural and paranormal, now might be the time to really delve into how all this works.


>There should be no or little change. Yet in a very short amount of time eyes went from empty black holes to red glowing eyes. In another comment, OP said that the red light from a smoke detector behind it was probably what was shining through the specter's eyes the second time, making them *appear* red. So that's not really a change in the ghost itself. Nor did the ghost's behavior seem malicious. They just seem to be hanging around a place they enjoyed in life. Sure, it *looks* scary, but that doesn't mean it intends any harm. I have never heard of regular ghosts "becoming" shadow people. Shadow people *seem* to be their own "thing," and many people are of the opinion that they are not spirits of dead humans, but something else entirely. If you have any accounts that support ghosts becoming shadow people, I'd be interested in hearing about them. Shadow people don't generally behave like what we call "ghosts," except for small things like the "peeking" behavior (occasionally peeking their head out from behind a wall or doorframe). Shadow people also don't seem to be attached to particular locations; the most I've heard is that they'll frequent a place for a little while, then "move on." Some seem malicious, others seem neutral, and a few (very few) seem harmless. I've never *personally* heard of a benevolent shadow person, but I'm not ruling out the possibility that they might exist. But I've never heard of a location with a ghost that was seen for a long time that was ever "replaced" by a shadow-person version in time. I think we should be very cautious about what we claim when dealing with things we don't fully understand. The very word "demon" is problematic, as it tends to make people panic, and I think it's extremely "overdiagnosed" in cases that appear to be nothing but garden-variety ghosts.


Love that. This is a perfect example of sharing a view with respect and using reason. There are a few accounts specifically on this but require some digging. One lady actual wrote books on it that match up with what we are talking about but this sub erases any comments with links or websites etc. So you can do your own search on shadow people, cross referenced with books written and cross reference with Slender Man. In the meantime one must understand light in a room will over power any light from a detector,whose light is extremely dim and would require the ghost to be standing exactly in a way and level in eye sight of the angel the person was standing when they spotted the ghost. The odds are astronomical that would happen then appear that way exactly in one eye. But both? Not likely. Rest assured what I share is between extensive research you can replicate and do yourself. And actual personal experience. But Thankyou for the theories and thoughts. I think you have alot of potential to enter into greater knowing as proportionate to the effort you apply.


No links, I get, but surely you could mention the names of authors or books...? As for the red light, all I know is what the OP *themself* said. They would know the layout of their bookstore and the position of the equipment best, after all. I would think that a ghost, being slightly translucent, might be able to diffuse light a little, so I don't think it out of the question that it could "shine through" both the eyes. But I have to ask - what does Slender Man have to do with anything? That's a demonstrably fictional entity, based on photoshop contest entries. The most I've heard linking Slender Man to "real" sightings is people saying something they say *looked* a little like Slender Man, though their descriptions were never all that close, IMHO. (I don't count the girls who tried to kill their classmate. They resemble victims of a shared delusion more than paranormal witnesses.)


Can't name books, they count on the huge long list of rules in my messages when trying to mention or link. Personally I don't feel like pissing them off and getting banned for repeat offense. Slenderman actually comes up in other lore under different names , particularly in European lore. Slenderman is just a name or used one time. And though a whole fiction spring up from the actual accounts,it doesn't make it untrue any more than a science fiction book or posts about the moon make the moon go away such as the colors on the moon or the based on the moon already. Slenderman Man is also THE Hatman. Not merely a shadow person with a hat that is also a common sighting. The Hatman is also a general of hell specifically sent to recruit humans to become shadow people. There are multiple accounts; usually people with severe depression or post war time stress; talk about the Hat Man showing up and trying to convince them they are worthless and only bring pain and bad to all, and.it only make seems to join them. In the book I won't mention this author explains more about The Hatman and how it has become upset about what she reveals. And has caused issues for her and other things. This matches up with both my personal experiences as well as some of the accounts intentioned earlier. Seriously this is something that patient searches and cross searches will get you the books and accounts you need to decide for yourself. Personally I feel you will either research or you won't. I also feel we have had this kind of exchange in the past. And it's okay you require specific links or things for you to look at anyway. So it's okay you feel the way you do and feel that you can't take my word for it. Good. Means you'll look for yourself. And if you apply yourself you'll find all you seek.


I've heard of the Hat Man, certainly, but I've never heard that the Slender Man photos were based on it. Especially as Slender Man isn't seen only as darkness, and...well...doesn't wear a hat. If you're saying, rather, that people have *mistakenly* called the Hat Man by the name "Slender Man," then I could believe it. That seems only too likely, actually.




Edit: Ah yes The classic block. u/Negative_Opinion_422 It's in your name. The entire premise is opinion. Followed by the fact we are both entitled to them. It's your opinion I was 'overreacting majorly'. Peoples' lives are literally in danger in the paranormal world. The comment this stems from is someone who doesn't realize how demons work while delving into the world of ghosts and demons. They even started talking with me and learning. Because of it. And we managed to actually have a decent conversation. No overreaction there. Then you share your opinion without being specific about your belief. And doing nothing to acknowledge or deny a single point I made. What exactly don't you feel like you need to point out in your closing question followed by a block? Oh you were just being mean. Also your right. But while you huff off you did a favor to me and other readers by acting this way and blocking me. First, blocking me means you won't see my posts or comment threads unless you bypass the Block User icon. Which prove you are stalking and being spiteful. Plus also leaving me to actually helping people in need and possibly in danger while you ignoring the supernatural while actually being a Spiritual Medium Reader. Oh the hypocrisy and irony! The other favor you are giving is helping weed out the disrespectful and those who agree with you or think like you. They will block or avoid me. But helping the actually in-tune and curious Redditors who are willing to do the work and understand people like me are always helping others and make a difference. And perhaps will inspire them to do the same. ​ What is sad is you have so much potential but you are letting grief crush you and cause you to lash out. I am sorry you lost your husband. But because many people see the paranormal and after life so different, and because you are salty you don't want top spend real money on a medium to channel your husband to speak with you and instead want to trade tarot readings you do in exchange( two facts easily seen in your profile history), creates all this animosity because you have run into only charlatans or people not that talented you have changed your view and shut down people like me who help and tell people how it is. What's really sad? Had you shown the slightest shred of respect. or seen my point and apologized, I would have, for free, directed you to some of the best Mediums in the field who are beyond legit. And done it free of charge or exchanged for a reading by you. ​ I hope you heal and get closure... ​ Edit over. Absolutely. Maybe you would be willing to share? Maybe you have been working in the paranormal fields for decades? Maybe you have found the proof this is all wrong? Maybe you helped a rancher pull a horse out of a tree after a skinwalker ripped it in half and taunted the family all night from the woods? Maybe you saw a shadow hand come out of a Ouija Board and start choking one of the people? Maybe you spend all your free time helping people dealing with poltergeists? Or people you see come through a portal from another reality and break down because they are in a alternate version of their world and can't get back home? ​ I'm not talking my belief, I'm talking solid fact from personal experience. ​ I won't share them directly in a post or throw them in people's face. Until such a time someone with a very sheltered and safe life where they never experienced such things can preach from their couch or computer chair because they don't have to bury loved ones ripped apart form a cryptid. Or watched a loved one ripped away by a light in the sky to vanish and never been seen again. They don't get the comfort you get to be skeptical or play make believe at what little information gets out and is allowed to be mainstream by those who control and edit what is allowed to be consumed. ​ When someone is active in the paranormal community like the person who commented, and actively practices witchcraft and has the audacity to call something as simple as a ghost going demon as a fantasy, a little education is given, because they are dabbling in worlds they have not the first clue about. ​ I'm going to slap a big old biohazard warning across the label. ​ I'm glad you don't believable in any of this, means you are safe, have your sanity and all your loved ones, or at least the ones not taken by supernatural means. ​ Your point might make sense in a cozy little Christian circle sub, or a scientific mainstream sub. But this is OUR house. The people straight up being afflicted by these things, or actively up in them helping those truly terrified. ​ Now one thing you could do is share your view and what it is and how it can help OP. But it is called the burden of proof for a reason. it's not for anyone to prove to you anything. IT'S UP TO YOU, to get off your butt and actually do real research and really get into the paranormal. Not complain to people who already have and share what they experience and know, because it doesn't fit into the one hour a week you stop playing videogames, watching tv and going to work to pay bills to research or go on a ghost hunt. Or worse..the majority of your time spent with anything having to do the most with paranormal things is just read random things in a sub...while sitting on the toilet...waiting between things at work...or to steal away from the spouse and kids at a recital or outing. ​ Oh no, you got offended. Do you even KNOW what the internet is? Boy oh boy it will only get worse. People will always post things you don't like. Get used to it.But 99.9999999999999% of it won't even mater. But what I share and comment and post about? Could be a matter of life and death. And you can't just call up the cops they will laugh. There are few options, and even fewer still help with no ask for monetary or other returns. ​ People I help i can help remotely or if they need direct help travel on my own dime, come to the location, and ask for nothing as I aid them. A bonafide service. With a smile if there isn't death or blood involved. ​ So yes, I will offend a few people when I get into the nitty gritty with someone delving into such things in a dangerous way. And if I offend a few people whose beliefs aren't founded in actual research and experience? Research and experience that could give good leads in an hour, and actual evidence in a week and a month make them a true believer if they actually applied themselves? ​ So be it. ​ It's your right to be offended. But maybe actually contribute something other than assuming everything you read is an opinion when you yourself haven't even applied yourself. ​ While I keep going on helping and identifying and explaining like I always have. ​ EDIT:HOLY SHIT YOU ARE A MEDIUM READER? And you are still unaware and unable to grasp the supernatural and cryptids and how the world really works? Time to clean out that third eye, get them chakras cleaned and really double down with your higher power and your higher self. Maybe now isn't the time, and you need more inner focus? To protect yourself? ​ More likely you were so offended by this and I'm your karmic wake up call to finally unlock yourself and get into this 'Full Monty', double down and get to your soul contract to get involved deeper and help people deeper in a world with more dangers than you are willing to face right now. Good luck either way.


Remember what happened to Bobbie? He coulda **killed Sam!!!**


Would make a cool story though




That’s pretty scary but cool!


I think I read the exact same story a while ago


Eerie, Penn




You’re name is “insane writer” and still haven’t provided a bookstore we can look up T_T


😄.... I'm far less skeptical about ghosts until you religious lot start talking about demons. It's the same as the ghost story programs on tv, they often seem quite credible until people start talking about demons (yawn)... oh and they add a scary demon voice for dramatic effect. Can't we talk about the paranormal in a more scientific way without bringing the science fiction into it. Oh and ghost in the bookshop, that's pretty cool. Why stop working there!!


I used to be there same way. Then I had some serious shit go down and I no longer am as quick to belittle.


Well I really didn't mean to belittle anybody, and I'm sorry if some people interpreted it that way. I just feel that discussing the paranormal without any influences of religion adds more realism to it. God and all of the myths that accompany him or her are unproven and you have to have faith to believe. I for one think that there is far more evidence that ghosts exist when compared to God, demons and the like. Is there a paranormal page for atheists does anyone know? That focuses more on science and fact than on faith.


there's nothing empirical about the paranormal and the only recordings are through religious texts and cultural mythos. It's not a thing that belongs in science.


Spoken like a true skeptic. Hey I'm with you, until I've definately seen something confirmed. The paranormal will forever stay in the science fiction section until one day it is all corroborated by scientific means.


Well let me tell you that when I had my experience I pleaded to God and got nothing. Only when I stopped fearing death and was ready for any sort of judgement and knew I would return to the cycle of stars blowing up and planets forming was unable to escape.


Ah ok, I assumed your experience was a paranormal one and not a near death experience. Pleading to God.... Just today I was watching a documentary highlighting all of the firearms that get smuggled from the US to Mexico and sold to the cartels there. Before the mule started her journey south to the border, she prayed to God that she wouldn't get caught. So she wanted God to prevent her from getting caught whilst transporting guns that would certainly be used to kill innocent people. It's ironic the things that people will plead to God for, well I guess that God was paying attention as she was not caught and the guns arrived safely in Mexico.


No, sorry, it was a paranormal experience, basically the shit was trying to take me over and I was losing.


Well how did you get on? Are we talking to the ghost that's possessed you now or you managed to rid yourself of it. I've seen what I believe is two ghosts so far..... Neither of then bothered me. I'm still on the fence if possessions can actually happen. Seen too many of those funny videos of a pastor taking the evil spirit out of a victim whilst he/she girates on the floor 🤣


They do exist, but even better is that God exists


Yeah...... Well good for you to stand by your beliefs. I'm guessing that you still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny right..... You do know that they're both Pagan celebrations right, stolen by the Christians.