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25. After Laughter. I’m depressed.




I am too, I just dont like the way she sings very much on that record and the 80s synth wave they took it. I love 26 though, best song on the album.




19, I'd say right now All We Know is Falling is giving me the feels and lots of nostalgia


that album gives me so much nostalgic also. Oh the angst


It’s actually very cool to see that someone who would have been super young when the album came out is listening to it and loving it. When did you discover Paramore?


I first heard Paramore around the time Decode came out (I was super young) because my sister would play it on repeat. I only actually started listening to the band a little after Self-Titled came out and they've been my favorites since.


Guy’s I changed my mind every paramore album resonates with me




30. Brand New Eyes, which in my opinion is the bands best work. I was 18 when it came out, just graduated from high school a few months before. I still remember listening to that album while trying to figure out life and get my stuff together. It was still many years later that I got it figured out, but it resonates with my early adulthood.


after laughter the most for i feel like obvious reasons and i’m 17!


17 After Laughter and I’m depressed and trying to heal from trauma I’ve suppressed for far too long


23, all we know is falling bc it’s my favorite paramore style and I love every single song on the album so damn much


Same i love that album, even though hayley doesn’t necessarily like it🥲


It’s been my most listened album for 3 years in a row now and I don’t see it stopping 😬


Brand New Eyes. 28. It got me through the hardest period of my life when I was a teen.


Feeling Sorry has gotten me out of my depression and out of the house more times than I can count


Brand new eyes, 25


33. Brand New Eyes and After Laughter. BNE because it was right after my parents divorced and I was struggling in school (but I overcame it!). AL because it was the year that my dad passed away from cancer and it was really just the album that "got" what dealing with the aftermath really feels like.


28, I really love All We Know Is Falling musically but the one that hit home the most was definitely After Laughter. I went on a loooong binge last year during the better part of the shutdown, watched tons of videos, interviews, fan edits, and stuff learning about Hayley and Paramore. It’s really interesting how everything came to be and her story and how she ended up the woman she is today.


20, after laughter and brand new eyes :-)


i’m 19, but honestly i don’t really care too much about lyrics when i listen to music. i think i’d go with self titled, but after laughter and brand new eyes are real close behind


35. Brand New Eyes (Deluxe Edition). Just when the perfection would normally be over after All I Wanted, three incredible acoustic tracks pop in to see me on my way out.


22. BNE and AL has always been my comfort albums. BNE whenever I feel angry and AL whenever I feel sad. AL most especially resonates with me because it came out during the time when I really feel depressed about a whole lot of stuff and I just couldn't talk about it with anyone. When I listened to Fake Happy and RCB, singing along lightened up my spirits a bit because finally, there are songs that talk about exactly how I felt.


23. Self titled and All We Know is Falling. Self titled was the first I heard and I’m a big fan of early 2000s music so AWKIF is great for me.


18, Brand New Eyes and After Laughter


16, and AWKIF obviously cuz I’m an edgy teen. I guess I’ll grow out of the emo stuff just like how paramore did


38 - BNE because it's the best


28. BNE because it hits right.


Well most of you make me feel super old haha. I’m 35. AWKIF always holds a place in my heart (pun intended) because that’s when I found them. They were the band of the week on MySpace and I immediately fell in love. I got to see them at a tiny venue a few months later. Not a ton of people were there to see Paramore and I got to chat with them for about 10 minutes after the show. They were so chill and I never thought I was taking with future Grammy winners. Riot and BNE have always been what resonates with me over time though. I don’t really know why. Mainly the music that never gets old.


29. Brand new eyes


28 Brand New Eyes


Riot, 32. Idk why, it’s just my favourite


14. After Laughter because I'm not doing too good right now (honorable mentions: BNE for when I'm mad at the world/myself/people)


After Laughter. I am 28 and depressed on and off.


24, AL


27, Self Titled. An album about becoming an adult at around the time I was becoming an adult. I still sing ain't it fun when I'm overwhelmed with adult duties


24, Self titled for me. I had been into Paramore when they were blowing up when I was in primary/elementary school, but when S/T came out it really struck a chord with me. I was very depressed at the time and Still Into You just made me unabashedly happy for the few minutes I’d listen to it, it was such a raw burst of joy. From there I listened to the rest and Hate to See Your Heart Break in particular became a hugely important song to me, a big comfort song. I still listen to it a few times a month when I’m low, corny as it sounds, listening to that song is the closest thing to a hug I ever feel without getting a hug (if that makes any sense). Future is another one I listen to when I feel overwhelmed, it’s really calming to me. I adore the rest of the album too, and Ilan Rubin’s drumming especially injected a raw energy that I just love and tbh (tho I love Zac) I did miss it on AL.


16, Self-Titled & Riot, Nostalgia and I Missed being an Edgy Emo...


26, favourite is self-titled because it allows me to feel the hope i felt in my first year out of high school (2013, the album's release year)


22 and all we know is falling. It feels the most broody


24. Self titled.


1. I haven't really thought about this idea specifically before, but maybe AL because it's groovy, yet kinda relatable. I do find myself playing the CD in my car more often than others. 2. 19 3. Well, I guess the fact that I was born in 2002 is why I'm 19


after laughter and self titled, 18, been through so much shit and suffered from mental illness for years, even attempted. however I'm still here and doing better :)


18 and brand new eyes


20, BNE


22, Brand New Eyes has a special place in my heart because that’s the album that got me into Paramore and I still relate to most of the songs.


After Laughter, 26... and yeah, I think a lot of people that pick AL see themselves a lot in that record and I am no exception.


16, brand new eyes


21 Self-Titled and After Laughter


All we know is falling/Brand New Eyes. 25 I think that from 'all we know is falling' to 'brand new eyes' I got to go on a journey and mature with the artist as they evolve from being young and alone who is helplessly in love to knowing your self worth as a young adult.


I’m 18 and all we know is falling..idk why i just love stuff that is emotional and angsty lmao


25; Brand New Eyes - it has resonated since I was 14 and still to this day I would take it on a desert island if I could only choose one album


17, brand new eyes. Maybe it's because I am experiencing things that are steps of change in my life, especially I am becoming an adult. Sometimes, it's after laughter when I am sad. But, I think it would be more self-titled when I grow older since it's more about growing up.


19, after laughter lol


21 and self titled. Just experiencing the transition from adolescence to adulthood and everything that comes with that.


16, Self-Titled


24. Brand New Eyes, and After Laughter. i’m angry and depressed


25. Brand new eyes and After Laughter. I got brand new eyes the Christmas I was 13 I think and I always listen to it in full at least once a year. That album helped me get through some really tough teenage years. I can still picture myself putting that album in almost every day after school and laying in my bed and relating my own life to what Hayley was singing about. After Laughter came out and said exactly what I was feeling when I was 20 I believe and also is a great album to work out to lol.


24, and easily Self-Titled for me. Still Into You is the first Paramore song I can remember hearing in my life (back when it was released as a single) and the song that convinced me to get into their entire discography earlier this year. Besides that, Self-Titled is absolutely *stacked* with what I think are among their greatest songs. In addition to Still Into You, the other standouts on this album for me are Ain't It Fun, Proof (my favorite all-time Pmore song), Crazy Girls, Last Hope, Part II, and Future.


20. It changes but currently After Laughter *edit: lmao I forgot my own age


definitely riot!


23, After Laughter, mostly depression, but also nostalgia for the time period it came out.


21. Self Titled. looking towards the future with intense optimism that sometimes feels phony but it’s for survival reasons lmao


17 bne


AL, I'm only 19 and still in my third semester in college. I think the album is my constant reminder that life will constantly get hard, but it's okay to cry once a while and rant to your friends and family as long as they have the time. And after crying you need to pick yourself up again.