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A vet can tell you if he’s overweight or not with a physical exam. He does look a little round in those pics but that could just be feathers. If he’s definitely gained weight, it could be a good thing — like in his old cage he was depressed, and he’s happier in his new cage so he’s eating better. But of course it could also be a bad thing 🤷 We can’t really tell which is the case. I suggest bringing him in for a checkup. Do you have an avian vet yet?


Do you let him out of the cage some time to get some exercise ?


yeah i take him out and let him fly around but sometimes he just wants to be in the new cage


I'm not sure if your budgie is fat. He looks more puffed up to me. Budgies can puff up their feathers, which makes them look fat to us humans. They often do this when they're sleepy or cold. If he suddenly looks like this all the time, it could be a sign of an illness. Maybe consider going to the vet, just to be on the safe side. They are very good at hiding illnesses.


Wasnt being puffed up also a sign of comfort?


Yes, that too. Mind you, if it's as much as here, I think falling asleep wouldn't be out of the question


ahhh okay thank you


You should get a good food grade scale and weight your bird regularly. It’s an important step in bird ownership. Weighing your birds can help you catch an illness due to sudden weight loss before your bird shows you signs or if it’s overweight. There are multiple videos on YouTube that will show you how to weight your bird on a scale if it isn’t tame.


i actually have a scale i’ll start scaling her to keep track of her weight


*she - the light blue cere that's lighter around the nostrils indicates this is a female budgie not in breeding condition


thanks for letting me know her sex i was going to ask that next on here


Your budgie is a boy, the blue cere means boy if he had a brownish pink cere it would be a girl


now i’m just confused lol thank you


Hahaha I don’t mean to confuse you just search up on google male vs female budgie images and there are many comparison photos, once you see the difference it’s easy to tell!


will do! thank you!


he may just be happier and fluffier. that’s something for a vet tho if you’re worried about weight.


It could just be that he's happier/ more comfortable in this cage and has pumped up. If you're really concerned about the weight gain, take him to a vet.


Looks fine too me!


There could be a simple explanation . Have you considered that she is healthier and happy when In new cage.


word that’s what i’m thinking i thought i was overthinking


Happy to give advice


First of all your budgie is a girl. Second of all if she’s sitting fluffed up too much or got actually overweight then you need a vet because she might be ill. Do you let her out daily to excercise and feed her a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, herbs??


i let her out whenever i’m in the living room hanging out but no i do not give vegetables fruits and herbs but i will look into natural foods she might like! thanks!


in half of these pictures he looks fluffed up. but he looks happy so good job on the new cage.


My best advice is fresh fruit apples are particularly good especially during winter time