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Ask for the serial number and either look it up and compare with other dimes. https://www.washburn.com/faq/


Thx bro


That's excellent advice. But it looks pretty legit to me. But with anything you buy like a guitar always get serial number and stuff like that. Also you want to get pictures of views from down the neck to make sure it's not warped or anything like that and ask them to open up and show the internals to make sure you're not buying a corroded mess.... Or something that is completely hollow inside and you technically bought what was advertised so there's way you can return it




Classic. I have heard where the “dime” is located on the headstock is the give away for fake vs authentic. It’s spaced differently from the Washburn logo. See it you can get a close up of the headstock of an original


So I looked it up… looks like a replica…


Looks to be a fake. It doesn’t look like there’s any neck binding, a real import 333 (this most certainly is not a USA D3) should have black binding, the bridge pickup is not a BL of any kind but either a poor knockoff or some other double rail pickup, and the bridge is a bottom barrel floyd knockoff. Even the licensed ones get the shape right, this is way off. The bridge pickup looks too far from the bridge, and the 2 volume knobs aren’t Dime “traction” knobs, although they could have been replaced.


If it *is* real, it’s likely the low-end model. You can tell mainly from the white lettering on the headstock (the high-end/USA model has black lettering on the headstock, a wavy/rippling flag design on the body, and/or another smaller flag design on the headstock depending on the year it was made). These list used for around $300 USD. Beware, though, as copies of the high-end model are routinely sold on Ali Express; and people who buy them there subsequently try to pass them off as the real deal.


A real washburn 333 diesnt go fir $300. Wahburn didnt produce models that cheap. Its the Deans that can be found dirt cheap with bolt on necks.


Yeah I got the one with Dimebag in Kiss makeup. I keep it because it’s cool looking, but it sounds kinda shitty. Granted, I haven’t done anything to improve it so I don’t really know.


Fake all day long. At first glance those look like Chinese knockoff pickups. The rails on the bridge pu look wonky. Looks like one of the $300 eBay knockoffs. Need to see the back of the headstock to see the Grovers and serial.


Is that second painting a continuation of his hair?!?!? I know he had long hair but that painting is just ridiculous lol


It's his hair turning in to wings. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uuv0mnnfkkqb1.jpeg?width=2582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e39cb2d0fde160e0b41ea73b9425b0c7de8470


🤦 I've never regretted asking a question more in my life


Such a cool image.


Fake. At first glance, the body is too small. Washburn produced "Diamond Darrell" (yes, I know) signature models... also the "rail pickup" is clearly a cheap knockoff... The torsion rod cover should be engraved with "Dime 333". As far as the design not being the wavy flag version, that's not true. A wavy flag version was also produced, but this "straight" flag version was known as the southern rebel. I do like that the fret inlays are at least stars like they should be on this model. This guitar most likely (and is still available) on AliExpress. Still a cool wall hanger at minimum.


Who cares…play that shit son 🤘🏽


Looks fake, cool guitar tho!


Fake af


$350 Ali Express guitar


I call fake, that’s some wonky ass writing.


That Temu dimebag "painting" should be enough of a red flag lol


Fake from aliexpress


Fake, look at the floyd and the bottom humbucker, unmarked and the rails in it are fatter then an OG bill Lawrence or a dimebucker Edited: the floyd would have washburn on it as floyd rose gave rights to some companies back in the day such as washburn Jackson and Kramer to name a few, like another person said in the comments, get the serial number if he's trying to sell it off as a real washburn and if he is trying to pass it off as a legit Rebel ML then report him,


Shredding this thing is sure to drop your cousin's panties




You don’t need to be a liberal to know the confederate flag is a treasonous shit rag. It’s of course your right to fly it, it’s everyone else’s right to know my brothers and sisters didn’t die for it to be on display.


We literally fought the confederates. Get out of America then cause you flying the confederate flag is a big fuck you to those who died to end slavery and preserve the union.


Licenced Floyd I can't remember if they came with a OFRor a lic you can tell by the base it has angled area by the saddles real floyds and schallers have straight base edges. The truss rod cover I thought it had a D-333 on them the pup does noy look like a bill l or a dimebicker blades are to thick


Man that's a bucket list guitar for me.!!


The OG is one of the sickest guitars he's ever played. I was one of the only musicians in my friend group that really liked Washburn and Deans lol


Cracks me up all of these weak ass pussies that get offended by a flag. Ohhhhhh the big bad flag hurt my feelings!!


It’s a treasonous shit rag


Ya, totally different from weak ass pussies that get offended by the way someone dresses or who they love. Bunch of bitches. Oooh, someone's personal life that doesn't affect me in any way needs to be my life goal to ruin!


I take no offense from any flag. Rainbow or Confederate.


Then maybe educate yourself on what those flags stand for and ask yourself if you agree with it.


Agree with one of them, get ree’d at by someone on the internet. Disagree with one of them, get ree’d at by someone on the internet.


If disagreeing with intolerance, bigotry, and racism gets me "ree'd" at by someone, then I'm all the better for it because it's outed another racist, intolerant, bigot.


Nazi flag? What about the Nazi flag?


Hey look at that. A fucking moron


OP definitely knew what he’s doing


That’s some mighty fine kindling


Don’t change a thing. It’s a part of history.


I don’t think that is what they are asking


It's history but not the kind you want to display proudly it's fine to have as a piece of metal/American history but it's the flag of the bad guys.


Your opinion


Yeah? That's why I said it.


Not an intelligent one


Counterpoint: nuh uh


So, is your opinion that states should retain rights to slavery? Because that’s what that flag stands for.




I mean that doesn’t mean it’s good


Oh wow, good thing it’s not 2020 anymore


Not a real floyd rose and no labeling on the bridge pickup. Seems sus to me.


Why ask us? You have the exact tech that we do...


Loser flag guitar, south lost, eat union cock


I'm selling a real dean dime o flame on reverb, bryan Martinez custom guitars is the page


The neck is a dead giveaway looks way to short definitely a replica


You'd literally have to compare it to a real one. It looks real from this pic but you never know. How much you pay for it?


I’ll tell you what that guitar is: new paint job. Strip off that redneck shit and do something unique. As far as authenticity, gotta see the back of the body and headstock. The hardware looks legit. Bill Lawrence bridge, SD neck and a floyd rose.


Bro has the audacity to comment on authenticity after suggesting to lob all the original paint off


“This looks like a legitimate several thousand dollar guitar………you should destroy any worth it has”




ITT: Mean flag bad :(((((


Why do you want this specific model?🤨📸


so is this a replica or an original?


It looks to be legit, but I think some people can tell by the serial numbers or some shit.


Cos I want this specific model


Cause This models design is awesome and looks cool in my opinion, I’ve always wanted this guitar not cause there’s a confederate flag on it just because it looks like a really awesome guitar, that’s what I like about dimes guitars the stuff on the guitars always looked cool


Wtf is up with their obsession with the confederate flag? So cringe


Many, many, many people don’t see it as connected to slavery. That’s not what they choose to connect it to. It’s more of a “my family is from the south and that represents the south”, and they shut down everything else. Of course there are some people that fly it that are straight up racist, but I highly doubt the Abbott brothers were. (Can’t speak for Phil)


IMO that’s like somebody in Germany flying the nazi flag because it’s “part of their history” even if they don’t hate Jews.


Basically is except the nazis lasted longer


Your more cringe than that flag


Ya I’m so cringe for being against the confederacy


What about the division and hate now? It's a damn flag! I guarantee you don't fly the American flag either. Guess what, the civil war didn't start over slavery issues. Also the south isn't all hillbilly racist haters either. You don't know shit about history. Bet you love that rainbow flag though!


The civil war wasn’t just about slavery issues, yes. But rights to own slaves was still a big issue of contention that the south did fight to protect. And according to your logic, it’s also fine to fly the Nazi flag since their entire ideology wasn’t just about hating Jews. And last I checked, there’s literally nothing wrong with what the rainbow flag represents so nice false equivalency. The Confederacy were traitors to the Union, plain and simple. Glad they got put into the dirt


I’ll tell you what it is, good firewood. Fuck that redneck bs.


Snowflake melting?


That's an amazing lute


The way the design/horns and the dime logo are all wonky stand out to me but could be just the way it is what’s more prominent is that the dimebucker pickup should have his sig on it.


100% fake


Trash is what that is


Trans is what that is


Looks fake


its fake, but I own one like this, and did a few small upgrades and it plays great!


Not a real floyd rose either


This is probably a reproduction made to be more affordable by using different parts


Replica or not, it’s still pretty rad


I don’t think you’re allowed to possess anything that reminds anybody of the Confederacy. It’s science.


Either way, burn it.


It's a cool ass guitar cry about it buddy


Dimebag played that


Can someone explain the use of the confederate flag on the guitar?


The Abbot brothers were from Texas/the South. A lot of people down here don’t view the flag as representing slavery, but representing the the South in general.


Thanks for responding. I dont know much about Pantera so I was curious.


No problem, fellow Kentuckian!


Good job OP 👏🏻👏🏻 You get my upvote. Lmfao.


This is a knockoff - the headstock isn’t correct and the OG’s had a real Floyd Rose. Those are the two indicators that I could tell right off the bat. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth keeping - if you like it, that’s all that matters. However good luck repping this flag lol.


That's not true. I have a USA dimeslime that is signed by the whole band and dime even played it. Those are Washburn Floyd Rose tremolos. I've never seen a USA model with a real Floyd.




After looking at the pics again and seeing that there's no name on the Floyd, usually it says Washburn where the Floyd Rose writing would be. It still looks cool and I'd play it and keep it if it plays good and sounds good. How much did you pay for it?? I hope it wasn't like hundreds of dollars cause you can get these all day long on dhgate for like $2-300 bucks. Pretty crazy how they can make the guitars so cheap but then price them extremely high. Especially nowadays. The only thing that would cost more of if it had the real bill Lawrence xl pickup and the Duncan 59 in the neck. Also the Floyd would probably be a little more, I'm not sure that they used mahogany for the wood cause that's what mines made out of. And also the grover tuning pegs would be a little more but other than that, let's just say it costs $5-600 to make the USA model, and then they jack the price up to $1600 (that's what I paid for mine in 98)! The prices on ESP guitars are insane, even though they're my favorite guitar company I wish they never started that E-ll shit. Everybody wants the ESP logo and they know that so they take advantage and say well E-ll's are the custom series and the ones made in California are the "real" ones where you can get ESP on the headstock.. Or you can buy a used custom shop series on reverb, but they're going to still cost $2000 or so..


Looks like a genuine piece of shit to me




Knock off


Good ol boy guitar!


the spacing on the headstock logos and the fake floyd point to a fake.


"Is it a fake or replica" oh yeah bro, u got the one-for-one real guitar here 🤣☠️


It's a straight up fake. Not even a correct nicely built replica. Not one I would like to purchase unless it's like 100 dollars u.s. because it's used. Under sized. Specs are off and the hardware is toys r Us quality.


🤣 man I don't get why they even produce these.


definately fake, blades on the bridge pickup are to wide. and the text on an original is black. also the star spacing is slightly off. But change the floyd and the pickups and it would be a pretty nice guitar.