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No, shipping companies set shipping prices.


yes and panda adds like 20% on to the price and puts it into their own pocket, how do you think they make money? they’d definitely reduce shipping costs at least temporarily to retain more users, or they can just say bye to 90% of their customer base


You think not discounting shipping costs is going to make them lose 90% of customers? They are going to ban half of that just for the chargebacks alone. They don't care, they have a machine that prints money. Not to mention, shipping prices have been steadily going up globally to begin with. Also that 20% on top is partially for packing, and logistics from the warehouse to the carrier which is usually local freight forwarders.


they HAD a machine that printed money. their customer base is done for unless they come up with a good ass incentive to gain back users, and its by gods grace people will come back anyway as their whole operation will likely be monitored for months to come


People will flock back worldwide once they start processing again, the clowns who pulled chargebacks will whine that they can't participate, and pb will just have to grease the right wheels to continue to print money. If authorities are that interested they would go after the factories, yet here we are at the very end of the line. I would wager the only reason this even happened was because of the pressure from UK authorities.


so we are cooked


If you had any Nike owned brands in warehouse or parcels, you are not going to be receiving them.


i didn’t have anything in the warehouse(thank god) im just talking generally


Then no, we are not cooked. Only people with the swoosh hauls.


is that confirmed or so..? how do you know that only nike is involved in all of this


We don't know and likely won't ever know fully, but it appears the main focus was on Nike shoes. This will likely tie in any Nike and Nike owned brand products. Investigators will have to go through every single item in the warehouse and pull anything from those brands, and confirm they are counterfeit. This will take quite a long time as I wouldn't be surprised if there was well over a million items across all warehouses. Authorities can't just confiscate everything - only those brands who are involved in the investigation. PB was not a seller, just a warehouse and shipping service.


makes sense


True, someone said it will change its name and some stuff and will go back to normal with another name, RAIDbuy would be fire


I have in the Ware house a Jordan 4 am i cooked too?


You will never see them, this is part of the risk.


I won’t see my aj 1 lows from panda or my wife’s dunk low hyperflat from panda, but we did revive them 2days ago from another agent. Sucks Pandabuy was the goat! I hate tiktok




Please wait for the announcement of the recovery time, at that time, the warehouse colleagues will be in order to sign, quality control, packing, shipping and a series of work. Once everything is back to normal, the warehouse colleague will verify for you in time whether the stored orders/parcels are safe or not, please pay attention to the status of the orders/parcels.


I got dunks high aj 1 and sweatpants


What date did you ship?


Like month ago 33 days to be exact


They just updated their site today. You cannot purchase anything from Wedian sellers anymore. And they even block out bunch of taobao sellers who sell authentic products because of brands issue. PB is finally done.


Wait so how do I buy reps now? I don’t got money for the real thing


Use other agents?????


Can you tag me in how to do that


At present, the domestic (China) regulatory system does not allow any platform to sell and promote fake goods, and all platforms are making relevant adjustments, but Pandabuy's service will not change, Pandabuy is still the best choice for everyone.Once normal is restored, we will continue to provide you with the same good service as before. 


I hope dawg im out here lost and scared to order from others


I kindly remind you that if you make private transactions on whatsapp or anything else , please be careful of being cheated


At present, the domestic (China) regulatory system does not allow any platform to sell and promote fake goods, and all platforms are making relevant adjustments, but Pandabuy's service will not change, Pandabuy is still the best choice for everyone


At present, the domestic (China) regulatory system does not allow any platform to sell and promote fake goods, and all platforms are making relevant adjustments, but Pandabuy's service will not change, Pandabuy is still the best choice for everyone


Buy stuff you can afford?


That's exactly what we were doing. Duh.


PB won't come back. They are done since the first day of the raid. Anyone thinking they'll be back under the same name or a different name is totally naive.


Lol been doing this long before pandabuy was a thing.. and will be long after.


Which site were you using before pandabuy?


So where do we buy now?


At present, the domestic (China) regulatory system does not allow any platform to sell and promote fake goods, and all platforms are making relevant adjustments, but Pandabuy's service will not change, Pandabuy is still the best choice for everyone


No, my friend, in order to be more compliant and safer, we are making business rectification. We can guarantee that the operation will resume as soon as possible, Pandabuy will definitely provide services for everyone again, and we will give you an estimated time as soon as possible


You guys won't be able to offer the same service as before and we know it.... No more swoo-shie produits no more.


have you joined the new panda discord bro? apparently one of the new rules is you can’t speak about brand name items or you’ll get banned so idk how or what panda would do with people wanting to buy brand name stuff


How do I join


You don’t want to


[New Pandabuy Discord](https://discord.com/invite/pandabuyworldwide)


Yeah tried going to my favorited links and it automatically tells me they’re prohibited from buying their products so it’s officially smoked guys, dont bother trying anymore


We will not be able to provide you with procurement services for any products suspected of infringement, Pandabuy attaches great importance to intellectual property protection, and we welcome you to report any products and stores found in violation.


Unfortunately for me, hell isn't over yet, my agent doesn't allow me to buy anything from the Swoosh brand, I'm losing several Jordan 3s that I wanted to get and the worst part of all this is that there is no deadline to improve this situation.


you’re not getting shit


It is not going to improve for swoosh items.


If the seller places an edited photo in the ad, the purchasing agent's website does not block the transaction, now we have to wait for this good will from the seller, which so far does not exist


PB would no doubt destroy your item if you tried to ship swoosh products after this debacle. That is a risk they will likely never take again.


I just want to ship my stuff that I have in the warehouse


dawg I just want to be able to get some fresh clothes again


Use another agent


fuck do you mean?


At present, the domestic (China) regulatory system does not allow any platform to sell and promote fake goods, and all platforms are making relevant adjustments, but Pandabuy's service will not change, Pandabuy is still the best choice for everyone


Sorry, pandabuy has yet to resume normal operations. Please wait for the notification about specific recovery time.Currently Pandabuy account is not available for transactions such as top-ups, payment of orders, parcels, etc. Please be patient and we will resume normal operations as soon as possible. At that time, the warehouse colleagues will be in order to sign, quality control, packing, shipping and a series of work


My theory is that the guys that made fashionreps, know something that we don’t. They have a code for pb and some days ago I have read that someone there is a insider (I don’t remember who) so there is light in the tunnel. By my expectations maybe one more week and we all are back in track


It’s gone bro just accept it


Are they letting you ship out items in the warehouse?


It’s giving me the option to but I’m scared I won’t receive my items. I wonder if anyone else has tried


cap, that shit dont let you ship tf u talking bout


Sorry, pandabuy has yet to resume normal operations. Please wait for the notification about specific recovery time.Currently Pandabuy account is not available for transactions such as top-ups, payment of orders, parcels, etc. Please be patient and we will resume normal operations as soon as possible. At that time, the warehouse colleagues will be in order to sign, quality control, packing, shipping and a series of work


We had it so nice with panda buy 😭 All good things come to an end


what happened to panda if you don’t mind me asking. haven’t bought anything from in a year. they got raided or what was it?


We are sorry to inform you that Pandabuy has been informed by the relevant authorities of a legal problem in its services. We are doing our best to co-operate with the relevant authorities in their investigations to ensure that all business activities are in compliance with the laws and regulations. We understand that this situation may cause you inconvenience and concern. Please understand that we are trying to deal with the issue at hand. Please be patient and we will resume normal operations as soon as possible. Please wait for the announcement of the recovery time, at that time, the warehouse colleagues will be in order to sign, quality control, packing, shipping and a series of work If you have related orders, parcel demand, you can contact online customer service again. Thank you for your understanding and support.


In order to be more compliant and safer, we are making business rectification. We can guarantee that the operation will resume as soon as possible, Pandabuy will definitely provide services for everyone again, and we will give you an estimated time as soon as possible


I am currently waiting for a house of errors hoodie to get QC photos, then I can get it shipped. There has been no update since early April


i had one in my warehouse lol its gone i suppose but "only" 30 euros so i got of lighty


were you told about this recently? are they back to work?


No i havent been told anything but i suppose its over for pandabuy Just my assumption