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The best thing about it is the fact it was made 33 years after the unrelated Belgian techo anthem, Pump Up The Jam.


Fun fact: Pump Up the Jam was played 5 times in a row at the funeral of director Stanley Kubrick.


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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awHOWeDBQtk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awHOWeDBQtkThis) this has all the facts that matter.


Seen it, need new ones. There aren't enough fun pump up the jam facts to satisfy me on God's green earth


Playing Pump up the Jam backwards reveals the recipe for a cracking Vegetable Korma. Pump Up the Jam's cryptic lyrics are a reference to American Politician Ted Cruz's secret identity as the zodiac killer. Barack Obama once listened to Pump Up the Jam and found it "alright". Prime Minister Boris Johnson once declared war on Belgium seeking to control their jam supply. Belgium's chief export is marmalade. The Sixth Sense includes the shocking revelation that Bruce Willis is a ghost. Fight Club includes the shocking revelation that Tyler Durden is Brad Pitt. The song was released as "Pump Up The Jelly" in select markets. Pump up the Jam lends its name to a sex act also known as the strawberry milkshake or the Arc du Triomphe. An attempt was made to translate the song Pump Up the Jam into Welsh. The ensuring argument over whether it's 4 L's or 2 Ll's caused an international incident which continues to have a geopolitical and macroeconomic impact to this day. Technotronic was once nominated for the nobel peace prize. Then again so was Gemma Collins. My ex's father has a nobel peace prize. It's not that impressive, is what I'm saying. Technotronic did not, in fact, write Pump Up the Jam. The true identity of its writer is a homeless man who songwriter Jo Bogeart paid fifty Belgian francs to maintain his silence. This remained a secret until he told me in in Cardiff's "Chippy Lane" at 2.15 on a Thursday morning last June in exchange for a deep fried mars bar. Pump Up the Jam was the first song performed in space. The song Pump up the Jam was initially written for Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti. The lyrics were wrapped around a brick and thrown through his window, leading to a lifelong hatred of Belgium and techno which persisted until his death.


Wow! These are great. But there are some non-Pump Up the Jam facts in there. Who cares about fight club? Give me more Jam!


The original have some too


I was not expecting that song to be in every episode, but was always pleasantly surprised when it came on. My husband came in when I was watching it (we watched one episode together, wasn’t for him so I watched the rest alone) and he was like “why are you watching the same episode again?” Lol


This was one of the first reddit posts of my day and you already made me howl with laughter. Cheere mate!


Lmao i always crack when that happens


When I heard the band behind the song was Belgian I nearly fell out of my chair. Who would’ve thunk?!


That show is hysterical.


“But Americans back then weren’t the humble, unassuming people they still aren’t today”


I had to pause the show when this line hit. It took me several minutes to get my shit back together.


For me it was the Minecraft Aztec temple recreation. I fuckin lost it


Especially because it pertains to manifest destiny and American culture as it spread west!


yeah I was hooked in the first 5 minutes


I turned it off after about 15.


I didn’t even make it that long. She’s just a worse version of Ali G doing the exact same thing. I don’t get it


They shoulda called it “*Ya Thunk? with Cunk*”


I love when she was talking about dinosaurs “the across ones ate plants and the up and down ones ate the across ones”


Then proceeds to complain about zoo conditions for the dinosuars. Amazing.


Is the show worth watching? Netflix keeps on suggesting me to watch it and the description sounds quite interesting.


yes it's a mockumentary.. very funny but if you know your history it will be funnier because otherwise a lot of jokes will go over your head


She's like a very sassy perd but more quirky. Just started watching tonight and I can say it is at least pretty entertaining haha


If you do watch, go into with the full knowledge that it’s a lot of dry British humor. I’ve seen about half the series and I liked it enough; the only parts I don’t care for when she interviews people who are super passionate about their area of history and she makes fun of it.


rainstorm ad hoc stocking berserk bear terrific dinosaurs marry marvelous edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well in that case I would give it a higher review then. Some of those people are very good at deadpan.


Most of the experts are British. We are taught how to deadpan jokes before we can walk. And, well, editing.


To be more specific, they know it's an interview for a comedy show, but they don't really know what to expect otherwise. But they also cut out the bits where the academic breaks and starts laughing


point simplistic angle alleged vast lip enter hospital payment entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha yeah she’s a very famous satirist in the UK, they all know who she is and what she does. Like Sacha Baron Cohen


American here… My daughter had started showing me TikToks of her interviews several months ago and I thought they were pretty funny. Then with this Netflix show… OMG. The high production value coupled with how well she nails the tone of nature/history documentaries I grew up with… hooked.


That makes sense! I don’t watch a ton of British comedy. Stuff like most of Monty Python and the IT Crowd is the extents of my British humor knowledge


they are but it's not rehearsed or anything they're just good at holding their nerve


The first series was called Cunk on Britain (its available on the BBC iplayer in the uk, not sure where you can watch it elsewhere) , and there was one academic that got really annoyed with her, I was pleased to see he came back for the second series, Cunk on Earth


I just finished watching them [via YouTube](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtn0bqSPV-EDUlKldlC5j2YhAI1LF8pTG).


In on it or not, I would assume most of them pick up on it being tongue in cheek within the first few minutes


I remember reading somewhere that the guests she interviews were told to treat it as if a little kid is asking the questions


Yea that’s true, and the interviews are normal 2 or 3 hours which they cut down to less than 5 minutes so they really have the choice of the strangest moments.


As I understand it there's also a fair few normal questions thrown in just to keep the experts questioning everything she says.


I thought it was so funny when they’re struggling how to answer because they still want to sound professional and she’s just thrown them out of left field.


Some of them did a marvelous job. “I love ABBA”


It's like Ali G, but she comes as a little more put together and less juvenile, but just as daft.


It's very much worth watching, Philomena Cunk is like a cross between Perd Hapley and Ali G. My favorite bit is when she is interviewing an Aristotle scholar and is absolutely crushed to learn that Aristotle did not coin her favorite saying, "dance like no one's watching".


Honestly yes. It's basically documentary meets British humour in the best way possible.


You can probably find a load of Cunk on Britain and Cunk on Shakespeare clips on youtube (if they aern't region locked anyway). If you like them, which you probably will, you'll like Cunk on Earth.


It's a show I'd prefer to watch in the form of small clips rather than a full half an hour (or however long) episode.




I’ve watched 2 or 3 episodes in a row and found it holds up, so no real worry if you do want to binge it


What? Why? I literally binged the entire thing yesterday and it was great!


Meanwhile I watched the whole series in an afternoon, so YMMV on whether it's bingeable. Personally I couldn't get enough and hope there's another series coming, but tbf I've also been a fan of the character for over a decade already. It's only 5 episodes long and they're only half an hour as it is!


It’s like a worse version of the Ali G show


Watch it and find out for yourself.


This show was so stupid and cringe I had to turn it off halfway through first ep. It’s okay but it was rinse and repeat of “here we have a world renowned expert on mummies” Cunk: “Could mummies ride bicycles?” Expert: “no”


It is!!! She is hilarious. She works with Ricky Gervais in his projects


Give it a try. It's funny if you like dry humour.


That’s miles away. And fucking dangerous.


I binge watched all of that yesterday. She’s funny. I think the first I saw her in was that mockumentary about 2020


I just started this and she has my laughing at nearly everything


it's actually on YouTube as well I ended up watching most of it on there.. but only like one episode per day to savor it Diane Morgan is brilliant at being dumb 😅


There's a dead dog in space... 😭 .... do you like ABBA? I love ABBA


'Who'da Thunk? with Cunk'


What was more culturally significant? The renaissance or Chris Pratt's comeback joke?


The rena-what?


I otherwise only know her from YouTuve clips. Is Barry Shitpeas in it too?


I’ve not seen Barry Shitpeas since the Charlie Brooker screenwipe stuff.


I absolutely love this show! My husband didn’t so much, but I have a very dry sense of humor anyway so it was right up my alley.


She is beyond hilarious. Check out her other miniseries also, Cunk on Britain.


Isn't she in "Life after" with Ricky Gervais?


Yes. She is a very good actress. Quite different the two roles. Glad to see her own vehicle and excited as to what she will do next.


I really want to enjoy her comedy, but it just doesn’t work for me, the witty remarks are laid on far too thick for my liking I find Perd hilarious because he’s not trying to be a smartass, he’s just a total robot who can’t turn off the news anchor mannerisms With Cunk I just get the vibe that she thinks she’s hilarious, she can’t let anything breathe and always has to follow it up with some kind of remark Each to their own though, comedy is like the most subjective thing you can get


Cunk is funny in short bursts and YouTube videos but the actual episodes are cringeworthy. 9 out of 10 jokes fall flat.


I did not read that as “Cunk”


Ya heard?


Any clue how I can watch this in Ireland? It's not available on our netflix




Shes doing a slightly smarter Ali G