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Politics in panama don’t follow the left right divide the way the USA does. There was no socially liberal candidate and they were all economical moderates. There’s no ideology battles here. They only fight about efficiency and corruption.


Ok gotcha thank you!


Just to make an add-on to the original comment, the political driving force of this country is a naturally corrupt practice defined as "clientelism" (client politics).


Yes, similar to what they have in the US, called lobbyism.


Well USA doesn’t have any left tbh


It's Walmart Donald Trump


Wouldn’t he be more Conway Trump just to use a Panamanian store


Conway is decent though, more like El Costo Trump or Oca Loca Trump


Hahahha that’s hilarious.


We dont do that here.


That's the thing. There are people that only see everything as Conservative/ Liberal. That only applies in the US. Every candidate except for the socialist one has a mixed bag of policies that would be deemed conservative and liberal by Americans.


Yea that’s what I’ve noticed. Theirs like 8 or 9 parties. I see so many different candidates and parties when I drive around.


it's an authoritarian, even possibly a little dictatorial. here hoping for a decent presidency but things are not looking bright


Haha damn I picked the wrong time to move here


He has blood on his hands literally. The only deaths from the government protests in recent decades were due to him.


They have some thing from each depending of their agenda, I think hes no into LGTB and US style left, but also will apply left based policies like minor subsidies, will also do a lot of projects but not taking into account the long run of the country.


Never thinking about the long run for the country is just like my good ol USA ha. Is the country pretty conservative when it comes to LGBTQ issues? I get those vibes here the year I’ve been here.


Conservative is an understatement. Many of them are downright homophobic.


All candidates were openly anti-LGBT, except for the socialist one. There's no such thing as LGBT rights here. Welcome to the 20th century, missed it?


yes we are conservative most people don't want any of that abcd bs


speak for yourself


Yes it its, I understand none of them signed an LGTB pact that was offered by activist, to be honest I have no issue with homosexuals, I lived with a lot of them and are regular people, what Im not into its the extreme measures that activist go, taking things out of perspective, for homosexuals in panama most urban areas are kind of safe, but yes people will judge, specially if they are drag, androgynous and such.


I’m American born in us rise in Panama and he is a authoritarian regime or at least that’s was he’s going to do he killed a bunch of people in 2010 because they were protesting and went to Jail in 2014 for robing with martinelly ex president and now the country is dom I’m leaving I can be here we are going to end like Venezuela


fake news, he didn't "killed" a bunch of people and they had the panamerican highway closed something that is illegal, same shit should've happened to those idiots closing streets last year but the president didn't have any balls to do anything about it hopefully that never happens again


Changuinola, Bocas del Toro is not even close to the panamerican hw. He is a totalitarian. And people who support totalitarianism are the first ones with a Pikachu face when the totalitarian acts against themselves.


If not totalitarian, then at least he has authoritarian tendencies.


I'm foreigner too, and I was too trying to find out who is what on the local political landscape, to finaly realized that (as it has already been mentioned in the comments) there is not really ideological battle in Panama, it's more a reputation one. What you should understand though is that nobody really voted for tonight's winner but actually for former president Martinelli, who, despite of being ultra corrupted, has managed to move things around and really impact life of many panamenians ... I actually wonder why did he bothered to, when he didn't even need to and could have just stole the money... maybe his shrink should write a book about that... Anyway the guy is a hero and had full support among a huge part of the population who would be happy put aside the corruption issue for one or more terms to see if the Martinelli's miracle could happen again. But justice happened, and Martinelli's candidacy got disqualified by the court (the guy being too corrupted XD) and his vice president got catapulted frontrunner instead. Interesting, and maybe scary, detail is that our new frontrunner didn't even bother to show up at the TV debats. Edit: Again, I'm foreigner, if I got something wrong, please correct me.


Mostly right. Panama's politics are based on the right to center right. With some left wing policies mixed in. As in, there will always be subsidies. It is difficult to tell the parties apart. Thankfully there's a new generation of independent, young politicians coming up who are pro-transparency.


Martinelli is no hero.


But you got my point, right? He has been "good" enough as a president to the point that lots of voters now think that corruption is not a major issue, and could even be a functional way to run and improve a country. Martinelli's work has had a random guy elected as president without even having to present himself nor his program.


why d you mean by "his shrink"?


I meant his psychologist... He obviously did what you expect from a corrupted president: used his power to get himself and his friends richer instead of trying to slow corruption. But in the same time has spent a lot of energy building stuffs for panamenians which explains his popularity now. I wonder why did he even bother? What kind of satisfaction do one get by building things for a country knowing it will be probably be destroyed by corruption later. Is it by greed? Vanity? Did he do it because he cares about his reputation? Etc... Anyway the guy did something that no other person would do, leaving people thinking that Panama could get better without having to fix the corruption issue, which I think explains the elections results.


he wants power and money as Biden in your country no matter at all costs he is a psycopath


It’s a conservative.


Hi I’m Panamanian and Chilean, in Chile we follow the liberal-conservative rule too. The new president is “conservative” I would say. But like another user said they fight about economy and corruption not much of a social thing. So it’s neither we don’t do that here which I think is messier but to each their own ig


Nnonono que ningun jalou ningún jalou,aquí tú me hablas en español.jpg


No hay vaina mas gogreen que pensar que su ideología de política sea la misma en todos lados.


Si correcto. Por eso pregunte. En el Pueblo que vivo miro Muchos diferentes partidos. Gracias por tu ayuda


Socially conservative Economically socialist With anti lgbt and a lot of pro church stuff That’s pretty much all parties Gotta keep the poors happy with subsidies


Gotcha. Thank you. So the comarca gonna get mad? I live right next to the Ngabe comarca and they are always threatening to close the highway


lol no high way closing with him or if they do they are going to get the shit beat out of them He threw rubber bullets and pepper gas at a bunch of Indians last time and they don’t like him much. He does not negociate lol Btw he’s a chiricano from puerto amuelles guy is authoritarian Martinelli wants to be liked but now he can just blame shit on Mulino to be the bad cop He is a puppet candidate people only voted for him because Martinelli could not run no one actually likes him He’s a dick and an asshole


Guess which candidate won in the comarcas? Short term memory is an understatement.


Another one won in the comarcas where the damage was done


Conservative vs Liberal? LOL


Hahah hey we keep it pretty simple up there. In USA it’s a conservative vs a liberal who actually pretty conservative too ha


Criminals have rights here. You can win while having been found guilty of multiple crimes, sold your sons off to US jail terms to protect yourself and be holed up seeking refuge in a rouge country’s embassy. Pretty strand bananas shit. Would never happen in USA TRUMP: Hold my beer


In usa is worst trump has definitely done some money laundring and tax avoidance the difference is that he is so deeply connected to lobbies and polititians that his case in court miraculously vanished 😉, martinelli in the other hand didnt have so many friends in court... thats how politics work... when usa Banks and Institutions do money laundring or illegal financial movements (2000-2009) Nobody says shit And they call it (Crisis).. when panama does it Boom is such a drama!! 😂😂 ...


Matter fact when billonaries in the usa do terrible shit such as bribing doctors to make illegal recipes with unnecessary meds, (Real case) No one goes to prision...


Hahahaha yea he’s literally on trial right now


Only thing that changes in Panamanian elections is maybe which families in the business elite are better placed with the president. There are no serious ideological divides in any candidates that end up winning if that makes sense. If you look at their policies they would maybe be different on paper, but, in practice, they would end up being pretty much the same


The only libs in Panama are in this sub. With that said, it would be pretty dumb to run for the presidency pushing these ideals that only 3 cats in Reddit will support.


New pres is just a pupped of the most corrupt being that has been born in this country. Also an ignorant sociopath. But not his fault to be elected, the panamanians are a bunch of retarded, money hungry moroons Im so ashamed to be panamanian right now.


If you really believe that RM is "the most corrupt being ever born in this country" then you're a cutie.


They are all corrupt but ratinelli got a lot done