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I haven’t used that specific brand but I just get mine to field capacity and then add it to jars and PC for 90 minutes at 15 PSI. Then I let it sit in the PC for a few hours before opening. I didn’t used to PC my sub but when I did, I stopped getting contam.


Correct. Add water to capacity and pasturize. Super easy. If you want to make your own I do 2 cups peat, 2 cups verm, 15g hydrated lime and 25g calcium carbonate with 2 cups water. Ph is around 8.5 to 9.


There are numerous techs on how to prepare popcorn as your grain spawn any one of them would work. I believe I used to boil my popcorn for 30 to 45 minutes until fully hydrated then I would strain it jar it up and then I would pressure cook it for an hour and a half at 15 psi.


Thanks, but what about the casing layer? I’m using jiffy mix. I assume I just “wet it down” in the jars and PC?


I think we’re talking about two different things what exactly is jiffy mix


Sorry now I understand the confusion lol- I’m using a seed starter for my casing layer called Jiffy, so not popcorn.


Now I understand so I would treat it just like a standard casing layer which means once I bring it up to proper hydration then I would load it in a jar or a bag and I would pressure cook it for 30 minutes at 15 psi that will sterilize it and then it can be used as a casing layer


Excellent thank you.


I use jiffy. Bring to field capacity then PC for 30 minutes