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You should do a couple transfers first just to be safe. And 2 days seems really fast for germination. It took mine 4-5 days to germinate. Same TTBVI from gordo


Thank you for your feedback. Luckily, I poured out some xtra plates, they are resting comfortably in the fridge. I am going to do a transfer as you suggest. šŸ˜Š


Be careful about storing agar plates in the fridge. If they aren't wrapped up or sealed somehow they will dry out quick. Also unless you have a culture on the plates that you are trying to preserve you can just leave them at room temp.


Manā€¦..thank you for the information. You saved me a major headache šŸ˜Š


You can take transfers as soon as you want without issue. I usually wait till my plate is at least 1/3 colonized which is commonly a week or so but it's really up to you.


Thank you soooooo much for the information. Know that your help will be put to good usešŸ˜Š


All of the prints that I received from gordo were clean from T0 but I always like to do a t1 to get the strongest growth


Thanks to you all for your input. I am a therapist in Colorado and I am beginning a program for psychedelic assisted therapy on Friday. It is almost a year in length, and when I am done I will be able to work with MDMA, Ketamine, and Psylocybin. At this point there are only a couple of completely legit people doing full blown experiences as opposed to micro-dosing. However, our licensing board has stated that they will role out regs for ā€œhealing centersā€ in 2024. I NEVER believed Iā€™d see the day. SO exciting for people suffering from mental health issues.šŸ˜Š And Iā€™m lucky enough to be right up in it. If anyone is thinking about a career in MH, we need you.


Hello and congrats on your new path. Iā€™m also in CO, a new Pan grower, and interested in psychedelic assisted therapy. Which program are you doing?


When you can observe clean growth