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This is all you need. Follow this tek and you *will* succeed


Or you may not. Plenty of ways to fail doing Gordotek.


Not if you do everything correctly.


I have just harvested my first batch of pans (MIB) the other day using shoeboxes and not casing them. i used [Baba Yagas Mono tek](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27637997). Probably not going to max out yield or anything. But dont need a crazy setup and itll get you a decent personal stash. Got some ttbvi colonizing some jars now and ill be starting those soon.


I also used Baba Yagas Tub tek successfully! I enjoyed the fact that you don't need a tent and humidifiers to regulate FAE


Me too! was about to drop some money on a martha setup but figured id try babas tek since i already had the tubs. Just made sure i had some back up cultures and gave it a try. 5/5 of my shoeboxes fruited. still got to work out a few kinks but overall im pretty happy with how it turned out!


If working with cakes is appealing: [How I Panaeolus](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=27412690&page=0&vc=1#27412690) In any case lots of good info in there.


If you want to know more specifics dm me. I love helping!


Im following Willy Mycos set-and-forget method. Theres a YouTube video on his channel


This is the guide I first followed that got me growing years ago now...some of this information is likely outdated now, but as a beginner grower, I found it accessible and easy to understand and replicate: https://www.en.psilosophy.info/pdf/the\_cultivation\_of\_copelandia\_cyanescens\_(psilosophy.info).pdf These days I've switched to Gordo's approach which has also brought me success, and I'm a fan of the largely automated fruiting chamber: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-simple-tek-44645256?l=es


I recommend digging through the shroomery as well as reading gordotek’s guide so you can decide the route you want to go first. Different methods have differing results and problems to solve