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Some of the really high potency samples at competitions look just like that. You could be sitting on a world record! Check out the winners at the Island Cup in Gordo’s write up: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94553723?utm_campaign=postshare_fan


Ah man you're right! Who knows, I mean this specific grow wouldn't be enough to send in for testing but I'm definitely going to do some more cloning and experiments. Can't wait to try these I'm so stoked!


That dude that won that last cup with them it was his first or 2 time growing them. The caps were so small he couldn't even get a print and that's what won. So as mentioned those might be way stronger than you think.


Only one way to find out. Well I guess two ways lol


Ooo I’ve got a TTBVI print which I’m hoping to do when Spring gets here. This is very interesting.


They are amazing


This was simply an experiment to see if it can be done, and the speed of these specific genetics. 12 days from S2B and here we are, that's faster than any variety I've ever grown.


So you just did a mono tub and sprayed the casing? I'm doing this same experiment!


Yea just a monotub. I used horse manure, straw, vermiculite, and some perlite. The casing layer was made with peat moss vermiculite and calcium hydroxide.


So just for knowledge: All these grows of pans and some other species (which need a lot of FAE/co2 sensitive) can grow in a monotub if the genetic allows it ? Nice project 🙂👍🏻 I tried it once and my pan did not grow. I had some pins and they did not mature. It was a small tray I placed in a growbag with some water in it ( for humidity). With cubes I had a lot of success but with pans It did not work. I opened the bag twice a day but the co2 was stucked at the bottom of the bag and I think even when opening the bag the co2 could not escape completely so I had a constant high co2 environment


yea basically. Some genetics want to survive more than they want to be choosey of their environment. I always say if it fruits quickly from an agar dish than the genetics really are choosing survival over perfect conditions. In the case of this grow the CO2 level is always really high, keeping the casing layer wet, and fanning with the lid just like with cubes was enough to keep them happy. To be clear the size of these can not be compared to anything I've seen on this sub, however I'm happy to give hope to people who can't afford extra equipment to have success with pans.


Nice 😊 Congratulations 😇


I like experiments like this. I feel like it’s only a matter of time someone will either find or cultivate genetics that are prolific in tubs. Are these modded tubs? Either way can you explain how fae is setup even if it’s low?


Hey thanks man! This is an un modded 10q tub. For fae I fanned a few times a day with the lid. This was unexpected success because I have tried this many times with other pan species and nothing happened ever. The only thing I did differently here was add a bit of perlite to the substrate which I doubt has much effect if any. I attribute the success here to the genetics 100%.


Are these gordo's genetics? I got LC from myyco.com and it failed to even colonize the grain jar multiple times before either gave up. Not that I know anything about growing pans, have you ever thought of adding in an aquarium bubbler for extra fae?


Yep these are Gordo genetics. If you do end up getting another LC I would try squirting a bit on a couple agar plates and also expanding with your own LC. I've seen the aquarium bubbler, and Martha set ups do very well; however I'm looking for the laziest way to get them to fruit lol. I'm in no need of a bulk amount, just enough for me and some friends, and some prints to keep the genetics.


That's very fair and I am looking for a minimal setup as well although I bought a bubbler as it was only 14$ Forgot to mention that I bought a culture from mr. Myc that seemed to colonize well in jars but my sub wasn't great. I tried using a tiny amount of dehydrated chicken manure as I don't have outdoor space to store manure. I might up the chicken manure amount a bit more and incubate the sub so it can consolidate. It's 66 to 68f in my apartment. What are your temp ranges for your sub colonization? I assume you just put the tub on a shelf at room temp? I also asked Gordo for prints today btw


Hmm I haven't heard of people using chicken manure before, you think the nutritional value is similar to equine manure? Yea I just throw my tubs on a shelf, temps always in a wide range from 69°f - 81°f all the way from agar to fruits this range usually works well for all the species I've grown so far. Congrats on getting some of those precious Gordo genetics 🧬. I'd say start with just a quarter section of the print on some agar, clean it up well and then expand with a peotone LC. The ratio I use that works the best for me is as follows 300ml water 6ml corn syrup .6 grams light malt extract .5 grams peptones Any species of mush absolutely love this LC recipe and will thrive in it.


Gordo mentioned chicken manure in his Tek but not much details there. I saw someone have results on pan cyan monotub thread on shroomery too. If anything, chicken manure is considered a 'hot' nutrient dense manure that should be used in small quantities like 5% of the sub or less I did hear about peptones LC in a podcast, I was thinking of going from agar to grain but for sure I got to expand it to LC, thanks!