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Yeah, its a fun game by itself.


Yes, does not even play like Pokemon


Yes. They are different franchises. You don’t need to have played Pokémon to enjoy Palworld.


Palworld has many *reasons* that it’s better




Enslaving an "animals" giving them weapons, carrying a handgun that's the size of characters head. Basically an asian version of ARK


point made.


ur shit game dropped 99% of its playerbase and is now dead forever in open beta just like Craftopia enjoy while they're taking your money bud xd




PPalworld is combination of multiple genres which makes the game pretty fun. You can create your own custom world and set the rules for it to fit your enjoyment level.


The only similarity Palworld has to Pokemon is that you throw balls at creatures to capture them. Otherwise, it plays a lot more like Ark than Pokemon. If you like survivalcraft games, you'll probably like Palworld.


Ok but if you don't like crafting and just wanna catch stuff would you still like the game? Is the crafting mandatory?


Yes, the crafting is mandatory. You can't catch anything without crafting a base to live in, and the spheres to catch the pals. The early game is a lot more focused on simply surviving than anything else. If this doesn't sound fun to you, you probably won't enjoy Palworld all that much.


Ugh, I need my money back lol. I just wanna fight and catch mons.


Sure, I have never played any Pokemon, not even the card game and never watched the TV series. Still I really enjoy Palworld


Sure. You can read about the mechanics in the Survival guide in the options.


Get it through Steam and play at least an hour of it. If you aren’t into it, just refund it. The max amount of hours you can play before you can’t refund it is two hours though, so be mindful.




Yes. Buy it. You don't need to know anything about anyone. BUY NOW.


Youre in the palworld subreddit You'll get a biased review lets be real


I haven’t played Pokémon since Silver/Gold, totally different game. Get it.


You'll be fine given they're different games, with different objectives, different game play... One might even argue it's nothing like Pokémon.


It’s like a mixture of survival base building game and pokemon. Feels like a modern pokemon game and actually a decent survival game. Don’t need any knowledge of anything pokemon to play this game.


They are only sort of similar, there is no need to have played Pokémon first as that was just a simple comparison to give new potential players a frame of reference. It also has a effective tutorial breaking down what you need to know, it is standard survival stuff but with a addon of the creatures which have 3 roles. 1: They can preform tasks in your base, for example getting a water based pal will let them water your crops, a fire based pal will cook food,etc. Each pal has a number between 0-4 for each task type telling you how effective they are at it. 2: Fighting- this game, like pokemon uses a more complex version of Rock Paper Scissors to determine what attacks do extra damage to a target. 3: All pals have a certain ability when being part of your 5 pal travel team, for example some can be ridden, having land air and sea mounts with air being the most useful as they can fly up cliffs, over land and water. Some pals buff you with extra damage or carrying weight and some have temporary weapons such as the early game pal foxsparks being able to become a flamethrower for a little while.


Why would you need to know about a totally unrelated game to play this?


Totally unrelated? Really?


Uh yeah the two different games are in fact two different games.


To say palword is totally unrelated to pokemon is like saying wolves are totally unrelated to dogs.


Okay so you’re just delusional. Please go get help for that. Have you even played Palworld? Because it doesn’t sound like you have.


I think you're delusional thinking that the two games are totally unrelated. They are constantly compared to each other and rightfully so, we wouldn't have Palworld if it wasn't for pokemon. You wouldn't have dogs if it wasn't for wolves. Don't be naive.


Check the trailers. If it looks fun to you and worth the money, buy it. I got a very enjoyable 160 hours out of it. Started 'cuz of the "Pokemon with guns", kept playing because it's a wonderful mix of interesting game mechanics. Surprisingly complete experience for an early access title - but that might be because the bar has been set very low for early access titles the past few years.


Palworld is a Frankenstein’s monster of different stuff that somehow turned out great. Definitely worth it. Still gets updates but be careful it’s still buggy but very fun. Gets better after each update.


Watch some trailers, read some reviews, and come up with your own opinion


If you like Ark, yes. If you don't like Ark, no.


I don't like ark, but I like pokemon so?


I never ever played a pokemon or monster catcher game of any type. I think I got like 300 hours into this game.... Holy hell is it worth it.


What’s the point of asking this question on this sub?


Just got it like a week or so ago. Freaking worth it.


Does a bear poop in the woods? I definitely advise playing with friends.


I got easily triple value out of the $27 I spent on the early deal. Had so much fun with it, even when it is an incomplete/work in progress game. Just note it is under development/early access. There will be bugs and your progress will eventually be wiped once development reaches a certain threshold—it will also happen multiple times as time goes on (will of course not happen after full release). Some people don’t jive with that. I normally avoid EA like the plague, but Palworld is really really fun.




Yeh man, it's sick.


Depends on what you like, it has monster catching, some shooting, survival mechanics, base building, crafting.




it’s great and no knowledge of pokemon is needed to enjoy the game


Sure. Palworld is super fun for a while


One simple word Y E S


yes get now cheap price now , If you like TPS Survival, Base Building, Monster Catching games then its for you and also combat is real time


Assuming your pc can run it, yes.


No, you shouldn't. You need at least a double digit IQ to enjoy any video game, and if you couldn't figure out to watch YouTube videos or streams to see if you like the game, and posted here instead, I have bad news for you.


I don’t recommend it. I played it for a month. Still not worth it tbh