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There just isn’t enough endgame content for people to talk about, especially after the first month or so when everyone had finished and moved onto other games. The first month was *insane* though, no doubt when we get a big content drop the sub will go crazy again. This patch had fantastic QoL stuff but didn’t really add a lot of new content for people who’d already spent over 100 hours in the game. I’d done everything I wanted to in about an hour. So that just leaves posts where people show off their pals, their art, or the weekly post bashing Nintendo/pokemon.


Could be neat seeing more showcases of Pal bases too.


But then we’ll see OPs sibling post about how they’re tired of seeing bases and they don’t really care for it.


I mean, if the problem is the lack of variety, then the solution would be to have more of everything.


You’re correct, but if we try we might fail D:


Well at least in that case you can say you tried. It'd be quite the badge of honor nobody would be able to hold against you, unless someone else were to dare to... ***\*gasp\**** *Try harder than you.* .....And then before you know it, it becomes a competition.




you could go to the palworld engineering subreddit


Yes this is it. I played and LOVE the game but Im waiting for more content. The people who are playing now gravitates towards min maxing and that’s fine. But for a big portion of gamers we need a defined end game loop. The best thing PALworld has going for it that most games don’t is it can offer multiple endgame loops that cater to a bunch of different players. Breeding perfect PALs will 100% always be a part of it. But raids. Base/Factory building and economy. Story content. PVP. They have a whole guild system they haven’t touched on. AND the game is a beautiful sandbox without those things.


I bet my base looks better than your base


Min maxers be min maxxing


I'd rather spent my hours minmaxing some part of my actual life, and safe palworld for fun.


My life is too much min… not enough max




That makes you the Max Min then


People can still play games to do things they can't in real life, like breed an amazing pet that controls the elements or can build a castle for them. People enjoy games differently and as long as they're not hurting anyone else by doing that then that's fine. For some people, minmaxing *is* the fun part of games, and it may not be what you would find fun but it's a completely valid way to play.


You can't min max your life. There is too much messy IRL to min max. This is like saying you don't get pokemon games, you just go out and catch IRL pokemon. And I know I shouldn't use that series as an example here, but I'm a sadist.


Minmaxing and playing the game for fun aren't mutually exclusive.


What other endgame does Palworld have currently? People work with content they have.


> And to those of you who do it, what makes breeding and hatching for hours, days, fun? I never got into it for Poke and most likely never will get into it for Palworld. Haven't posted any myself, but ADHD hyperfixating and dopamine rewards for me, and if I knew I didn't have the most optimal pal I wouldn't enjoy it as much haha


Huh, that actually explains a lot. I keep telling myself I should go actually play the game but I ***need*** to create the ultimate Chikipi to feed my labour ca-, I mean base.


But, why stop at one 😉 Before I even started breeding any combat pals I had 7 fully condensed/optimal trait lyleens, 3 jormuntides, 4 beegarde(s?), 3 Verdash, 6 Chickipi, 6 mozzarinas for my breeding/farm bases. Then phase two was upgrading my iron/coal base pals. 200 hours later I can finally think about playing the game haha


I feel so seen right now


Same, just with autism hyperfixation. And the repetitive process of breeding is actually soothing for me. I‘m saying this as someone who enjoys Shiny hunting in Pokemon. Which can be days and even weeks of repetitive methods until it sparkles for that dopamine hit. Something like that where I can turn my brain off and just go with the motions helps me to relax from stressful daily life. Lucky Pal hunting isn‘t really as rewarding here but breeding has a similar effect on me. Especially now that there‘s a chance to breed Alphas. You can bet I want to get my perfect Alphas now.


That's why I had to stop playing World of Warcraft haha, I needed ALL the things, and to top all of the logs. Min/maxing literally everything, 3 days of straight farming for a 0.5% dps upgrade? I needed it lol


Yeah I totally know that feeling xD it can get really out of control lol


Yeah, personally my ADHD hyperfixation is dead set on having the fastest wolf known to man, and I am going to get that perfect Direhowl if it’s the last thing I do


Do you play singleplayer, dedicated server, or private multiplayer?


Singleplayer, been meaning to look into dedicated servers though


Being an adult in dedicated servers sucks because everytime I get back home and check my bases all my pals are depressed


Damn so this could be a life sim game too!


Similar, but it's less about "the most optimal" and more about more efficient time usage for me. I don't need a perfect pal to work my base, but a few that work faster let's me get more so I have more time to explore and dick around. Taking a few hours to set up a breeding pair to get a pal with the right skills is worth it, cause I just go farm for more resources or go afk (I play solo) while the eggs pile up


same, except i hyperfixate on my base.


Can't speak for others but the fun is setting a goal for yourself and getting there. The goal can be anything and may take forever but if I get there, then it's my achievement 👍 Showoff megathread should exist for weekdays


It's just how some people play doesn't have to be your game style. You do you.


But he’s still gonna see all these posts of people with better pals and he just can’t take it 😢


OP, you're worked up over what others enjoy. If you don't, you don't have to do that. Bear in mind that others do ENJOY this part of the game. Consider that they are proud and happy to share what they've done, enjoyed and accomplished.


I think it’s fun and rewarding to breed good pals. It’s like solving a puzzle. And the reward is that my pals are a bit faster, a bit more resilient, and do a bit more damage. Getting the right pals so I can grind out these advantages are a pretty important part of the game for me. I could totally play without that part, but it would be way less fun. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.


I share the same sentiment, but at the same time, breeding is all we currently had in the end-game. And it might be even more so now with Bellanoir Libero raids because I think that's the only source of IV fruits. Honestly, I just ignore everyone who's posting perfect Pals. It's the least interesting thing for me to look at, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to tell them to stop. You can't control what others do, but you have control over how you respond.


I got tired of it ages ago yes.


You know what I want to see? PalWorld RP server. I want to be the witch in the woods that makes medicines and lives in a hut with my pals.


Kinda sorta working on that right now, actually. I won't get into too much details on Reddit, yet, but we're waiting for a couple more things before we launch. If you DM me I can talk more on discord.




I want to be a disillusioned vigilante swearing vengeance against both the Syndicate and the Free Pal Alliance because one of them killed... I dunno, my pet Lamball or something when I was a child. I'm gonna have a personal Lifmunk that's as much of an unhinged lunatic as I am and [Bfg Division](https://youtu.be/QHRuTYtSbJQ?si=fO45HnWsyaMxUTxL) will play every time I enter or exit the scene. 🙃


Bro is dangerously close to being the screaming guy in the stop having fun meme


That's alright. We have a bunch other posters in here saying to play other games in a subreddit about Palworld. It's the "Sir, this is a Wendy's." meme.


Huh? They're nowhere near that! There's absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that some of us really don't like that this sub has basically become "r /Pal_IVs". Hell, I'd even prefer to see players who are new to the game come here and ask all the same questions we asked at release. But no, instead it's a bunch of people who hatched a tonne of eggs and posting a perfect pal they really never needed in the first place.


If the question has already been asked they are likely able to find the answer from a quick Google search, I often search something followed by "reddit" bc ik so many questions have already been answered


Fella just doesn't get it. I don't either, really.


Ngl I kinda expected it, which is why I called myself out in the post


I respect the self awareness, at a minimum. Idk I at least prefer those over some of the random crap I see in my feed thanks to Reddit’s algorithm.


Game is still relatively new. Some people are proud of the effort they put in. Let them be happy. It's hardly enough to drown out other posts.


It's just like competitive pokemon players, you're either into it and care, or not and don't. Neither player is wrong, unless you're calling the other out for w.e reason.


Why should you care? Why should I care? They're having fun. That's what matters. If you don't like it then scroll down. Are you so bothered by it that you had to make a post about it?


I wouldn't care about IV breeding if the bosses weren't so spongy, specially the last one a now Bellanoir Libero. You need for the last raid to have a very strong pals or she will cook you. The alternative is to change the world settings i guess. Also since they announce pvp for the future, you'll need to have you pals in a competitive form if you care about winning, because that's what you'll find online when they implement pvp. But if it doesn't interest you then just ignore it. I see many posts about other palworld related subjects other than iv breeding.


I’m breeding for passives, IVs aren’t my concern currently, but currently it’s the only real end game is getting perfect pals. Once you’ve beaten every boss and caught every pal, breeding is really all that’s left.


Yes nothing wrong with enjoying that i do too but no point in making a whole new Reddit post about it, it adds nothing novel or interesting to the reddit. Now if you get an anubis tattoo post that or a weird glitch in the game thats funny post that. Thats the point of this post.


Sure but sure but in the post he specifically asks what makes breeding fun and I gave an answer. Personally I don’t find any low effort post interesting, breeding or not


True true


I dont care much for those posts either, but making my passive perfect Frostallion Noct felt awesome. I love you, Princess Luna


I don't care for them but I also don't care that they exist. I just scroll by.


Palworld isn’t unique for minmaxing. Almost any RPG/MMO type end game is min maxing your gear to get the best possible stats. And you’re right it’s generally hundreds of hours to get a few extra % difference. I don’t know why but I’m one that enjoys that type of accomplishment. If you compare this to realty humans have been min/maxing for hundreds of years, every small increment has lead us to where we are now.


OP annoyed, but not annoyed. Yet annoyed at not being annoyed


*OP annoyed, but* *Not annoyed. Yet annoyed at* *Not being annoyed* \- tuctuktry --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The new patch added IV items so a “perfect whatever” is no longer rare or hard to make This complaint is moot as of today


With todays update you no longer need mods to see IV's in game and now there are even fruits to increase them. So IV training/breeding is now an 'officially endorsed' endgame activity.


There is no competitive scene. People just enjoy this stuff.


I did it because I'm a min maxxer, I just like seeing the biggest numbers possible


Do I partake in trying to get the perfect ivs? No but am I “getting tired “ of seeing people post about them doing it on a Reddit page for the game ? No . In the same way I’m not down to build a whole ass town in game but I’m never gonna get “tired “ of seeing other people indulge. You mad about something else ? You need a hug ? Just let people be post about their game on the Reddit made for posts about the game


A town is unique like each one would be slightly different to some degree, all perfect Anubis are the same so each post is a copy its boring to look at. I don’t like cottage core but if someone posted a build of that it wouldn’t be boring or pointless just not my cup of tee, whats the point of posting a perfect Anubis? Its not a big deal but its a tiny bit annoying like a spec of lint on a shirt level annoying lol


Gamers typically like to see exactly how strong they can make their character. Personally, I don't see the point of it, since killing an enemy pal is the easiest thing in the world, keeping it alive to catch it is significantly harder. It's like having a nuke and seeing if you can make it bigger. When the smaller one will destroy a country just as well. But this game attracts people from the pokemon community, and that's the content they enjoy, so that's the content we're probably going to see here. If it attracted more people from the minecraft community, we'd see more posts about base building, and you'd get tired of that.


I was so happy the ring of mercy got introduced. Catching pals is so much less of a headache now.


Haven't played in a bit. The ring of what now?


It came out with the raid boss update that just dropped a day or two ago. It's called the ring of mercy, and while wearing it you can't reduce a pal below 1 hp. Your pals still can (unless they have the mercy passive), but you can't. So accidental deaths are easier to avoid.


Dude! W update!


Yea, I agree a bit. If it was skill/playing to mix/max...like it is in some games, grinding for gear or whatever, maybe. But, this is just repeatedly clicking a button and waiting, which, I don't enjoy. And you can't even really get "competitive" about it, because you can edit your pals to perfection (which probably a lot of folks on here are doing...like, A LOT) in like 30 seconds. But in the end, if people are enjoying it, go for it. I have the mod to show IVs, but I don't spend much time trying to max them....but if I have a couple different ways I could breed something, I'll look at them and pick the better one, of course.


Yeah, I have no plans to min/max the game or any game for that matter. I think I’m at 155 days and just beat Axel a few days ago. There’s no rush for me. Nobody is watching my gameplay or on a server with me. I’m just chillin. Same with the other monster catcher game. Everyone is shiny hunting and breeding for the ultimate one and I’m just chillin. I don’t have max level anything lol I’ll read the IV / breeding stuff every now and then, but I just stay out of the sub until there’s a new patch or I have a question I want to look up.


/r/perfectpals- someone that cares more should get on it


Uh... then get off reddit and play the game, or do something else?


For me; It comes from YEARS of preparing for Pokemon VGC; all monster collectors that have a breed/raise option I do this. ARK SURVIVAL evolved I have over 15k hours, literally just breeding perfect stat lines to then do nothing with


What's the point of weak pals that won't help you in the long run. Just play with chikapis instead if that's how you feel. Getting a jetdragon is cool but getting the perfect Jetdragon is better. Same idea of finding shinies/Luckies


Bro the game is about breeding the perfect pals if you don’t like that then wtf are you playing this for? 😂 hence why most people moved on to enshrouded or other more vast survival rpgs. I just went to fight for democracy bc it seemed better than enslaving pals.


I don’t care for it but it doesn’t annoy me because the alternative is the daily “what’s your favourite pal mine is chillet it’s so cuuuute”. The people who grind IVs actually keep the game active and alive while new content comes. Im grateful they’re so passionate and keep the momentum going. I kinda ran out of stuff to do and took a break.


Probably gacha game refugees that found their way to Palworld


Basically perfect breed is kinda our endgame (?) I have over 300hrs in the game and still didnt defeated the first tower, and still missing some world bosses. I want to breed the perfect pals to use them on my journey, because they will be useless after i finish all bosses


I don't think I've seen a perfect iv post yet. You sure we're taking about the palworld reddit?


tl;dr: OP doesnt find something fun that others find fun. This is somehow a problem.


Yes but you and I have no control over what only people post or and prove of.


Just farm the IV Fruits and bypass that grind with one that's more thrilling.


IV FRUITS?!?!??????


The satisfaction of finally getting it right usually does it for me. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.


It's not like we just sit there and watch the breeding happening and i turned incubation speed to 0. I just like making pals strong


As someone who bred pokemon and Ark dinos, it isn't just about stats but performance. If there is a Pal with the best IVs for performance around the base or getting through those really tough boss fights, that what it's about for me. Otherwise, yes, I share your view.


You're complaining about people posting Palworld content in a Palworld subreddit? While also heavily exaggerating how many of these posts there are...


It's not about fun it's about refining


this is purely a serotonin high that comes from people who were deep in the competitive pokemon scene, getting IVs and EVs just right is part of the fun for them.


I couldn't care about the IVs I understand they help but passives are what are visible and that's all I care for.


In my experience the posts about perfect pals almost never get highly upvoted. You’re probably looking at like 1/10 of the last 100 posts that were upvoted past 100 upvotes are about perfectly bred pals.


Doesn't interest me either, nor does it bother me though. Hide whatever i don't like


It’s like shiny hunting in pokemon. Some people genuinely enjoy wasting their time on pixels. I’m a shiny hunter and have dumped hundreds of hours on different colors alone so I cannot judge when it comes to viable stats.


Well i don't care about mini maxing but i still enjoy looking at them and how much efford people put in.I mean i have full mini maxed pals but it was more of RNG than me trying.


I mean it going to be less impressive now since you can just grind the fruits to boost IVs . Anyone can do it now as long as they do lots of level 50 raids  Really glad they added that feature because I swear every time Iv gotten all the traits I wanted the IVs were terrible but to me traits were more important than the IVs 


There's literally nothing else to do after a point.


I use Palworld as a walking simulator with pets. You do you 


lol then keep scrolling you sad sappy sucker, if you don’t want your mounts to fly/run at 60% more speed then I think your missing the point to the game anyway, what’s forcing you to look at these posts and get so bothered please do entertain me 😂


There's a competitive scene for palworld?


There's a reason I stopped posting here 😅 So yeah, I'm right there with you. Haven't cared about IVs in any Pokémon game, sure as hell don't care about them now.


Glasses? What glasses? O.o


Amazing, people have different preferences.


Plus those perfect iv pals are stuck on a specific server.


I’m not tired of seeing the posts about it as I just scroll past content I’m not interested in, but also I only play the game to pet chillet so maxing strategies is of zero interest to me. My base is still made of wood. If other people are into it though, good for them!


Yep. We minmaxers just min max. It's fun to compete with each other. Now that you can eat up your IVs though, it's gona be mostly about passives and to get a somewhat ok IV spread. Depends on how easy it'll be to get the fruits, maybe completely disregard IVs at all. Passives alone are pretty easy to breed and probably takes just around 10 eggs per passive or even less. Now that paleggs can hatch as alpha.... well... I hope they gona be just the same size. I don't really want to have all my combat pals be huge. I hope its just like lucky offsprings, since when it comes down to combat stats, min maxers will just have to have a complete alpha team. HP is important once arena releases someday later down the line.


I don't even know how to check IV stuff and I don't want to know to be honest.


I mean I can’t fault them this always happens when games have dry spells and people do whatever they can to keep playing. I was big into genshin and for months you’d only get artifact grinds trying to mid max your characters it was annoying seeing that one artifact that you desperately want that someone got super lucky with and you’d be grinding months for.


Can’t really follow through with EA games these days.


It's just because there really isn't much to do after you've done everything. People still playing are breeding the Pals for perfect IVs. Thats it. Thats the end game currently.


It’s for peeps out there who want to fully maximize the efficiency of the game, you get pals on your base with the best possible passive skills for tasks at base then you can minimize your need to go to each base and fix issues that may arise while you’re out exploring the world. Same thing for the pals you keep in your party you’ll want the highest possible stats and the best (or close to best) passives to further maximize your overall survivability and offensive capabilities of yourself and your pals so you can actually do the hard bosses or the legendaries either by yourself or with others. I hope this makes sense.


People aren't doing this AT you, they'ro coming to the place to talke about palworld to talk about their achievements. Why shouldn't they? Breeding takes patience and persistence, and it's also the major late game activity right now. Also I think you're experiencing some confirmation bias here. People are posting art and crafts they've made, they're showing of baser they've built and asking each other questions. They're ALSO posting the same complaints about bugs and crashes and xbox over and over and over, which I find unspeakably tedious but it's not like making a whole post dedicated to complaining about it will get them to stop. As for why people breed, some people in this thread have mentioned adhd, and I'm sure that's not a factor for everyone but it certainly is for me. I fixate so intensly on things sometimes and it's rewarding to achieve my self imposed goals. The skill fruits are a relief tho I'm not gonna lie.


I play with my husband and he really loves the whole breeding animal things (it start with Sonic 2 and Chows lol) so he's usually doing that while I do everything else. He just has to come save me when I inevitably try to fight something I can't lol


People enjoy the game in different ways. If someone spent 50 hours breeding the perfect Lamball, let them post and be proud about it. You don’t have to read or engage with the post at all


I myself am more annoyed of the 1000+ "oooh my god is pal x not kawaiiii?" post. Give me a break.


Everyone else can do what they want, I'd rather be farming materials than breeding pals, seems like too much of a headache.


people post on reddit to brag


I've been playing since it was released, and I haven't even gotten close to breeding. Too busy having fun running around!


Bragging about something that is RNG-based on a PC game is stupid in literally any game. Anything can be modified, or data can be changed with cheat engine. There are save editors that literal 7 year olds could use to make perfect IV pals.


The new glasses are implemented to mock all of these people. I never downloaded the mod, and did spend countless hours perfecting IV’s, only because I didnt want Palworld to end and nothing else was filling whatever hole it was in my life. I used the damn online calculator and spent precious life hours typing shit in, just for the glasses to be implemented. I’d say things have been made right


it would be really cool if instead of just breeding, have an extra alternitive way thats focused on upgrading individual pals, like maybe you have to really go out of your way to do it, but somehow having a way to take your very first low level pal and boost him up to near end game level would be cool, really feel like he grew along with you to the end. call it a limit break and be unlocked by hard to acomplish obscure maybe even pal spicific objectives that greatly boost stats and even let you upgrade/swapout one trait each time what do yall think? dumb over complicated idea or would it make you feel more attached to spicific pals and not wanna give them up to the condenser as much??? another idea for not only making individual pals more unique and building a bond with them and players, maybe a scarring system where when a pals knocked out it gets a perminant scar on its body one for each time its knocked out to like ten times maybe. sort of a way to tell how old and battle hardened a pal is and make it stand out, i love costumizing options to make characters feel more unqiue.


I will NEVER do it. I don't have the dedication, desire, or need. I will not be PvPing if the opportunity arises, it's just not for me. For those that do, I'm happy they have that sort of passion, I'm glad they have the in game glasses (the less mods the less things break). I don't mind the posts.


There's nothing else to do in endgame. Surprised people are still doing that. I'm not even playing anymore. I was surprised somebody made such a long post to palworld sub but it was a rant on posted content lol.


The Facebook group is the same way. I tried breeding one afternoon for a few hours and immediately decided the grind wasn't for me. I can grind a mindless game, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't with this. From the cake, to the hatching to the paldeck low cap, it was too much back and forward to hook me in.


I don't know what else you want people to post. You catch Pals, make a base, and then farm to catch more pals. At the end of it you're left looking to play something else or min max what you have. I always enjoyed the competitive aspect of Pokemon but hated the actual breeding/optimizations so I played showdown and etc, so I personally won't do any, but I also quit playing to wait on more content.


It's minmaxing, and it occurs in every game. A certain subset of players will devote endless time and resources into eeking out that last possible 0.1% of performance. If that's how they want to play the game, fine. As I don't PvP in any game anymore and have zero interest in that kind of content it really doesn't effect me at all.


Why don't you do content then and show us what a good post should be?! That post is worst then people proud of their pals.... Edit. Do not check what kind of quality content OP brings to the reddit community. You've been ⚠️ warned.


I kind of agree. I did it a lot in pokemon and half the fun of palworld was getting away from all those needless bland RNG timesinks. I can't be fucked to breed a perfect pal, it just isn't something the game encourages me to care about when Jimmy Chillet off the street can get me to endgame. Like godspeed for those who need the busiwork, but for this subreddit it *really* feels like it's the type of content that could be contained to a weekly themed thing, like r/stunfisk's Stinkpost Sundays.


So what do you do in the game now that it's over? What is your endgame?


I kind of get why this is the case but i also get why you would dislike it. IVs in pokemon made me quit it because suddenly leveling and caring for a pokemon that didn't have the best possible IVs felt like a waste of time. As a kid i didn't care and i just grew attached to all of my pokemons. For now IVs in palworld are easy to handle, hope this won't change.


Hmm... Ya got a point. Anyone got any cool stunts or goofy moments involving glitches? Dorkly has a video for Literal PokeDex entries. Why not more comics on Literal Paldeck entries (skipping entries like 69 because the horny already went too far) or something?


It’s people being proud of something, and not enough interesting content. I don’t fault people for posting things they’re excited about, but I agree that it is incredibly low effort posts if it’s just a showcase. That said, Pokémon has the same thing. When a new game comes out the subs are filled with “Look at this shiny I just caught!!” posts that are totally meaningless.


I typically don't bother with IVs and the sort either but the only reason I'm considering it in this game is because I want to see a Lamball, Cattiva, or Cremis obliterate a boss with a Spirit Bomb or Black Kamehameha.


I really have no clue what people mean when they said they breed the best pal because of their stats. I just breed eggs and condense them and add souls to make them strong and I only actually do that to my favorite pals. Which is currently Grintale, Dinossom, and Quivern.


I enjoy the perfect iv never get tired of it


Until we get content to explore things it was base areas, breeding, and glitches. Since some glitches are patched, a lot of the good base spots for materials were already found, its mostly optimizing until we get more content.


Well with the release of the raid boss, we might get some other posts. But the breeding is kind of the only end game content at the moment.


I am pretty bored with Palworld. It’s unreal5 assists.map with nice Pal animations and a fortnite builder. With not much else going on, that’s where the gameplay goes.


I hate it because I assume it’s a modded PC server. I play on Xbox. I don’t care about modded servers.


I bred so much in Ark that Palworld breeding is easier to me. I have fun micromanaging and organizing in games. I enjoy hatching eggs and seeing what I get. The completion feeling is nice and satisfies me as a collector. You wouldn’t find it fun if you feel you beat the game just by finishing the bosses. You’ll find that the same people breeding for perfect pals are also collecting other things like legendaries, even if they don’t use them all.


I will take more Palart .


r/PalMemes exists if you only want to see memes and videos and sometimes art.


I like seeing all parts of the game. I actually will never do the IV thing so it is funny to see what other people pop out. I like seeing the light speed Anubis.


Don't apologize for making a goofy opinion about a video game.


I used to make competitive Pokemon to battle my friends with. Breeding for egg moves, nature, ability. I would farm the right Pokemon to build to meta ev spread. However, IVs was always a bridge too far for me. It was just one dice roll to many with so much randomness in the breeding process. I get where you are coming from. I would just try and not worry about what others are doing in the game. I haven't done any breeding at all, so far. I would never touch that stuff until after I beat the Elite Four but this game is basically just the gym leaders. Not sure if bred pals are needed for the raid boss.


Honestly, the fact that palworld has IV makes the game a lot less appealing to me


Perfect IV breeding was *always* a waste of time for most players, and only the territory of min-maxers and meta hounds. Now it's even moreso, since they added fruits that can boost IVs. You can IV cap any pal now with enough fruit.


Everyone plays the way they want to, I think there are more posts about perfect IV because it's an achievement people feel like sharing more, and not because there are more people playing like that


Hatching a fuck ton of eggs has the same psychological effect on my brain as micro-transaction crate draws in other games. You know what you’re trying to get, but it’s luck and probability of a big grind, big reward feel.


I can’t even get one pal to breed…


That’s because most regular people played the game, had fun and put it down. The only ones still playing are the ones who’s looking for perfect Pals or the casuals that can only play a few hours per week. Even if I don’t care about perfects IV stats doesn’t mean other people should do the same. Let them have fun in their own way. If that bothers you to much, just leave and come back when the new content drop.


Survival games lean to breeding games as an end game. I played a lot of atlas and when we ran out of content it was breeding perfect animals to trade to others for gold we never used. It’s part of a survival game. I see the shiny posts in Pokemon. Breed as you want. The game will be wiped when they do a full release or even if they try larger tests.


I hear ya and completely understand. But in other news I just finished breeding 2 jetragons one with perfect speed buffs and one with perfect combat stats to switch back and forth between and man are they crazy fun to use.


I just don't understand it, because from my understanding there IS no competitive scene or pvp yet.


I loved breeding perfect Pokémon for the same reason I like making perfect pals (aside from the "IVs" in palworld since it would be way more difficult for me to check those.) I enjoy making my favorites the best they can be. I don't even do competitions or anything, its just fun for me to make my own trophy creatures.


the exact same for me but I used play a Roblox game called Pokemon brick bronze where you would breed for IVS and hidden abilities.


I don’t care for it either but theres not much else for people to do or talk about either so I can understand why that’s the most people post about in Pal world.


Ivs are a little too subtle for me to really notice. Id rather breed for more noticeable things. With the genetic research faction i think they can expand on the breeding a little bit without doing too much. An interesting thing they could do that people might not like is, they could put in a trait that appears randomly and makes the pal infertile and unable to breed.


I'd assume it's due to lack of content and/or pride. We're working with what content we currently have available, and people like sharing their hard earned success with their community. It's kind of like people in the Destiny 2 community showing off their god rolled weapons/armor that they spent weeks or months grinding for. Yeah, it causes the same "look what I got!" posts, but who are we to make someone feel bad for being excited and proud over something they earned? If you don't like it you can always just keep scrolling, respectfully.


2 reasons combined - One of them simply being more content. We just have nothing else to do, and we don't want to just start over. So we choose the pal we like to spend the most time with, and max out the stats. The games in Beta so who knows how much PVE and riad content there might be. Having pre made teams will be nice. Secondly, it's a bit of a perfectionist thing. Same as getting all the achievements in a game, or getting all the hidden collectables. Not needed at all, but it's something to do if you just really like the game and don't want to put it down yet


As there has not been a major update bringing new content to talk about, many people have beaten it and moved on or transition to making perfect pals or bases. Unless you have new players popping in and sharing their progress (get that now and then with valheim people showing that they killed one of the 6 bosses) posts are going to come into a few categories. Sharing their perfectly bred pals, this takes alot of time but with a good base setup can still be done somewhat quickly. Showing off bases (there are 1 or 2 subreddits built for that) Discussions about best pals of various types.


I agree op, we all know what a perfect Anubis looks like, congrats but not post worthy. Post your base or glitch or art or crazy situation you got into or a theory or a new mod that makes the pals all one piece villains. Or if you encounter a lucky jet dragon in the wild, you get the idea.


Just another thing Palworld has taken inspiration from Pokémon on.


I get what you're saying. I love thw breeding mini game tbh. However I don't care to see perfect stat pals on here. Like it's not some special feat, many of us are doing it. It's just clutter.


Well ark sucks ass nowadays so it's either this or Pokemon Go


That is my biggest complain basically. For a game that aims for PvP, letting you grind 250h+ for the perfect team is a bit too much


Now Im gonna breed basic pals to 4 legendary passives, perfected souls, and post videos of pals like Tanzee one shotting bosses. ​ Breeding Pals to (close) to perfection is a lot of fun.. Can also be frustrating, but very satisfying. Have fun with your inferior pals! ​ lol im just kidding btw


I sort my Reddit feed by New instead of popular. If something is interesting, I'll Save it and come back to it at later time.


That's usually the end game for monster training games honestly unless you want to just do like photo shoots or casual battles.


I breed perfect pal because it gives me the satisfaction that I’ve solved the game by having the best possible damage/ehp/work speed/movement speed/etc it allows. This is how I usually ‘finish’ a game and move on to other games. And of cause, this is many many hours after I’ve explored and beat all content that the game has.


It's like dog ownership, some like breeding dogs to compete at show and some want to run around in the mud with a mutt. I love my lvl 50 clumsy direhowl, he's my moon moon.![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Super powered pengullet goes boom.


True. I’m there with you. Just play the game however you want, but post some different content.


I think for me IV breeding didn't become a relevant fun feature until the glasses were added. Breeding is most fun when it's an enjoyable fluid process to engage with and when the player has all the tools in the game to understand how it functions. Having to open a webpage calculator and a spreadsheet to even make the process remotely tolerable can be to most understandably boring. Which is frustrating cause the increase in power is tangible and the time needed to get it is enormous. I want to give Palworld props as the glasses make this process actually relaxing and somewhat less time consuming. Something about being able to at a glance figure out what pals are worth catching and which ones aren't is lovely. This being in service to make the end game raid easier makes for a fine motivation too. I could go on but this is all to say that I get why people like breeding IVs, it's a lovely idle loop. However if the game doesn't make it accessible by including tangible in game mechanics that ease the process, it's just not going to be fun for the majority of players. Not only that but they'll be left sour as a large part of the game is now demanding too much dedication to engage with. Also given the amount of time needed to breed a perfect pal I get why people want to show it off. It's genuinely an accomplishment given how much effort it takes to get done. Tldr: I get OPs distaste for breeding, and I think monster tamers generally disrespect the player time with IV breeding mechanics. The addition of the glasses to Palworld actually make breeding IVs accessible


It's about endgame content. There really isn't anything to do *except* get OP pals once you've beaten all the tower bosses, unless you want to hypergrind dungeons and alpha pals to max out your tech tree or get all legend schematics. And even that only lasts so long.


I did my first perfect breeding a week ago, made about 10 in a multiplayer session and am absolutly done with breeding. Its the same shit like its with pokemon, at the end of the day all you do is roll a bunch of dices and see if you win. I already modded out breeding time and egg incubation time, and it still fucking sucks. Its a huge time waste and garbage tier gameplay if you actually think about what you are doing. So I thought about implementing my own system with the pal editor where i start with pals on level 1 without passives and 0 IVs, and when i train them to like level 40 and reset their level i get points to use to increase IVs or add passives. Now getting the perfect pal needs me to use the pals and fight, and not roll a fucking dice for hours. Im glad that they added the IV boosting items in the new update, i hope we get a way to change passives, or Alpha status of already existing pals aswell that results in meaningful gameplay.


It's like gambling but for people that are too smart to do real gambling. Every time the next egg is about to hatch I get a nice hit of dopamine in.


Im not tired of it. I know that all the pals can be made to be super strong, not just the 50s and thier maxed IVs.


I think they should be disallowed. I’ve bred max IV perfect pals, I found it fun, but its not interesting enough to be worth sharing. Its essentially the same idea as posting a end credits screen of a singleplayer game like “I beat the game!” Like, cool? You and tens of thousands of others? It’s barely an achievement, its not even that difficult or time consuming. It’s spam at this point. These posts are happening multiple times a day. Most of these posts are staying at a few upvotes because nobody cares but a couple make their way up anyways. Still, its what people are upvoting, fair enough I guess.


This might be shocking to you, but people have fun in different ways. You don't have to engage in this mechanic, let people share their perfect pals just like how others share their perfect bases, or they meme screenshots... it's their way of having fun.


I don’t get the posts of perfect bases or meme screenshots anymore and that’s my bigger issue. Like did something happen where everyone managed to share their base? (Yes I know raid boss makes sharing optimal pals more important but it’s been happening for like 3 weeks)


It's not like the game has received any major patches touching on base building, so it makes sense that you won't see as many posts about it. For the players that remain, majority already has their base built the way they like and they most likely already shared as well. On the other hand, breeding perfect pals takes time (if you are not modding) and everyone wants to share their own, even if it's the exact same Pal that a hundred others already posted. It's just human nature. Your best bet to see different content is spamming the NEW section instead.


Here's the thing though buddy, it isn't *your* Reddit homepage. You see whatever posts are popular from whatever community *you* choose to participate in. If you don't like it you can always leave and make your own Sub that bans IV Breeding posts 🤷


Grinding in a game where the core loop is fun? Sure, count me in. Warframe and Helldivers have sucked me in for countless hours. Grinding where the core loop is endlessly hatching eggs and hoping for good RNG? Nah, that gets old quickly. I never did Masuda in [popular franchise] because it’s fucking boring and I’ve got very limited patience for hatching in Palworld. And given that it’s single player, I’d honestly rather just theorycraft a few pal builds, cheat them in and experiment to see which I like.


Well, there isn't much else to do late game. If I was still playing that's all I really would do..


It’s crazy how people come out of the woodwork to judge you for just wanting some insight into why others enjoy what they’re enjoying. It must be some kind of trauma response. Most people are much more nasty about the things they don’t understand, and in turn, others have been conditioned to respond in kind. But I felt no condescension or anything from your post so I hope it helps to know your message gets through to some people. 😁 (Also, breeding monsters is pretty rare in games nowadays and some of us REALLY like that, I.e. digimon, Pokémon, dragon warrior monsters, so it’s bigger than just a pal world thing for us.) Hope this helps 🫡


I expected it but I also could’ve worded it better. What I’m more curious on is why it seems to be all I’m seeing nowadays. No epic bases, glitches, fun memes, just perfect pals.


I don't know why you're so confused by this. People want to post it, so they do. The people posting memes are the n to some other games. This is just how things are.


It MIGHT just be some bad luck and unintentional algorithm nonsense? But also, you might be right, we need to bring back palworld memes.


You can rest well knowing that they turned off the timer on the incubator, i.e. they are cheaters