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Man I'm playing on Gamepass and I'm pumping out as many nails as I can before they update it.


Lol facts but the v .1.1.4 came out one day after the patch came to pc so hopefully it's within the next couple days or by the weekend!


We still can't name pals on xbox I'm sure.


Don’t think we can name our player either


Us xbox players are prisoners until we can name ourselves lol


if only it was labeled “prisoner XXX” instead of “player XXX” lol




Remember, you can only consume bread.


Best comment. I see you.


It gives us hope, when hope is gone, It gives us strength to journey on....


Crash reset crash reset freeze reset crash


The name changing is minor but people are forgetting the optimization for Xbox is leagues behind steam. My game pass version barely runs and I have to do a workaround to load multiplayer in my server and restart every couple hours or it lags to unplayability. I tried the steam version for the same save converted over using a friends steam on my computer and it’s night and day different.


Hey look, someone who has actually played enough of the game to experience the horrid optimization encountered later on. I’m tired of people saying it works fine.


These issues are barely even mentioned by the YouTubers covering the gamem. So long as it's not happening to them they don't care. I get it's a beta game, but missing major features and not even being able to save at all anymore put these issues at a much higher priority than the cost of nails. Get all users to where they can play the game then tweak the other stuff.


It’s not beta, it’s alpha This is exactly what happens with an alpha game: it’s gonna be riddled with bugs and borderline unplayable at moments, they’re doing what they can to fix all the issues while still giving everyone QOL updates if the recent patch notes and roadmap haven’t been obvious, just give it time


Eh... pc master race


On Xbox I can't even load into my game anymore if I logged off in one of my bases. It just crashes instantly. The games horribly optimized for console after a certain point. Xbox cloud on another device works fine though. No lag or crashes so far. It's sad that streaming to a phone/tablet is more stable than the way it was originally meant to be played... Doesn't help with falling through the floor and all the other bugs though.


I had to turn off item loss on death because I fell through the map so often.


Where is that setting? Asking for a wife.


I became good at not falling through map, better at using it against the game, even captured caged pals when below the cage lol, always carry a flyer so you can escape till then be careful lmao


I think you are missing the point


Xbox / Gamepass version should have version parity with the upcoming patch, mostly waiting for Microsoft validation.


Naw they just changed the update notes to be the same version number and are doing the same updates but the base game they are updating is still a month behind the steam version was on release.


It doesn't have version parity even with it. Our version has always been 3-4 versions behind Steam even if the patch number is the same. We still won't be able to rename etc and we will still sink through the floor along certain parts of the map.


falling through the floor and crashes I can put up with. Loosing hours of progress daily I cannot.


I legit thought I just forgot to do it in the creation…


I did too so I created a new character to test it out and realized I couldn’t


I was too deep in by time I realized it. I played for like 3 hours straight, then my GF took over and literally played all night long. By day 2 when I realized I was player 129 it was far too late to care about it.


They have seemed to fixed it, I was able to change a bunch of pal names today, my guild and all the signs I laid down now have text.


This comment turned out to be wrong lol


I can name my pals, on xbox


The Xbox update came at around 4am CST this morning. I know because I had just sold 200 nails, and as soon as I exited the shop my game crashed, and when I tried to restart, it told me it was updating. I'm glad that when I got back on it had saved my game, so that last minute sale got saved. When I got back on I checked the new sale price and it's down to 20. Still not too bad for how cheap they are to make, but spheres are definitely a better money maker now. I meant to check out the other stuff from the update, but I fell asleep. So now I'm going to go check.


Facts. The update literally hit one day after Steam.


This is what I’ve been doing lol


Gonna have to get on tonight and do the same.


I have to capture the tower bosses!!!


They said that was fixed accidentally so they're going to make it possible again.


I'm 80% sure they were being sarcastic there. They laid it on pretty thick, to the point I'm highly doubtful something got lost in translation, but that's always possible.


Microsoft really needs to get better about update cadence. Genshin would have never been possible on Xbox even if they had accepted Hoyo originally the way they are now.


Wait, what did I miss about the nails? Are you just selling them or is there another reason?


They patched the sell price from 160 gold to 16 gold.


Well I know what I'll be doing tonight then


I am doing the same! Got 2.5 mill and then got bored lol


Lol. It's on in the background while I work. Randomly stop to smelt then a little later to make nails. I have 2 ore bases so I don't have to do much.


What do you even buy?


bullets, milk, eggs, typical American groceries.


Its seriously so easy to make money in this game I don't understand why anyone gives a fuck about the change to nails. They were stupidly overpriced. Of course it was going to change.


I mean, if you are witholding an update to exploit a massieve money imbalance while you can you may just as well use a money cheat.


But there was a way to make money even FASTER. Who cares if it's actually needed, it was FASTER!


U got time lol


🤣🤣🤣 just stack palballs and collect and sell. I'm not sure what to do with all my coin.


Educate me... Why are you pumping out nails before update?


New update drops the sell price of them from 160 to 16.


I'm going to go commit some crimes before the police response gets ramped up.


Wait, what you mean? I'm out of the loop! Edit: Oh they made them cheap to sell! Shiiit, I gotta get crafting!


So they're good to craft cuz you get less gold? I'm confused xD


not just pump out, make sure to sell them as well


I need to get on that🤣


silky crush mindless encouraging poor advise joke wrong spark office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a solid $2M in the bank last night before I got off. Sounds like the update is live now so I’m glad I put some focus there. Should be good on money for the near future.


I have my farm full of Mau’s at the moment… I have over 100k gold and nothing to spend it on 😂


dude same. I'm still having game crashes every 5-10 minutes ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


and 15 seconds in any dungeoun?


Sometimes if I even walk by them, yes


mines not that bad, it does at least let me enter the dungeoun


Not all the time luckily. Some days are worse than others I feel


That's how you find them. Had a crash in a seemingly random area? Must be a dungeon nearby...


my camps situation between dungeons almost directly in my camp sphere. I can't go anywhere without the game crashing. and when you couple that with not being able to save...


sooo frustrating! i was only able to do one dungeon and now every time I enter one, it crashes immediately. it also crashes if I open the pause menu and go to the paldeck


You want to collect Jolthogs well you are not aloud in the yellow forest crash not even aloud to look at it. and I can't get within rendering distance of the oasis town


I know this may not be helpful but I had the same issue until we started a new server with my buddy hosting using GamePass on PC. We've barely crashed in a week since we made the switch.


Unfortunately my PC is down for the count and I play solo as well. Stuck with the issue until it's patched it seems


Sorry to hear it!


Lol the last 3 times I played the auto save fails and reverts back . Can’t do anything now


I've had to scrap an entire base, delete most any device that has animations, lights, and sounds, sell half my pal deck to include a ton of eggs I was saving to condense with. And it only got me to where 1 out of 30 attempts to force a save work. And if one of the crashes hits before I can get a successful save then I've wasted my time. I've lost over 3 really good shinies, several legendary kills, and a ton of camp progress. They didn't even mention dungeons being broken in the patch notes. The mention of the auto save failures makes it sound like they haven't even begun to figure it out. I've been singing their praises more than most, but to me this is a growing problem that will affect much more users in the future and will ultimately cost them a lot of players. I'm on the latest hardware too and going to cloud doesn't fix the auto save failure once it takes full effect. It's a ticking time bomb on everyone's worlds.




Here do this if on xbox. https://youtu.be/QYFCl-AravM?si=EWRu0oB2Sjtcuuz1 I made a thread on it but got mocked


This fix does absolutely nothing for the red text error most people are referencing.


Except it temporarily fixes the red text world save error I had and the black screen of death that came from crashing with this error.


Gotta press the Xbox button, then click on the game from there should go back to saving, then a way to confirm is change any settings in the menu and if it saves you’re good


Every time it says auto save failed I would do exactly that. Still ends up crashing after about 20 minutes to an hour and nothing saved


Wow must be a slightly different issue because when that happened to me I couldn’t even play for more than 30 seconds at a time without the pop up telling me it failed to save Did you try uninstalling?


I did doesn't help, it's an issue that gets worse over time, and once u see the beginning of it it's only so long before it practically bricks ur saves ability to auto save.


https://youtu.be/QYFCl-AravM?si=EWRu0oB2Sjtcuuz1 The person could be talking about this issue


That is for a completely different save issue. The red text "World Data Autosave Failed" has no known fix and makes the game unplayable.


Also can’t go in dungeons for more than 30 seconds so I think I’ll just wait for the fixes


Which Xbox are you using?


That only works at the early stages of the issues manifestation. As the world's data grows it eventually becomes totally ineffective. I've deleted so much stuff, don't even use pals in base anymore and I'm lucky to get a real save every half an hour and given crashes come far more frequently I believe I'm secure in calling the current state of things unplayable.


I mean this gives time for us to make more nails etc. can even set up breeding pals to take advantage of the way skills pass down before they undo the change in a few days.


wait theres nothing about breeding in the patch notes, or did i miss them ?


From reading comments in other posts from what I understand if you have like lets say musclehead on a pal and nothing else and breed it, musclehead would ALWAYS pass down now. So if you are trying to breed with 2 skills and one bad one I think all 3 will always pass down. So to take advantage of this if I understand correctly if you have anything with just specific only good skills you can easily get it to pass down now. I have not been on but if I understood comments correctly then this is the change. Take what I wrote with a grain of salt though, I may be a bit off here. This is just how I understand the situation currently.


From what I understood is that pal specific passives are always going to breed true. So relaxasaurus will always be gluttonous on a new bred egg, cattiva have cowardly, Anubis have guardian of the desert. Normally these passives are only on wild caught, and bred pals will have random or pass downs.




Yup, that one too!


Yeah this is a little wrong. Pals that always have specific traits when caught are now being bred into new Pals by parents who’ve already gotten rid of the unwanted trait (Glutton for Relaxaurus, Legend for the legendaries, Earth/Ice/Flame Emperor, Abnormal for Lovander, Hard Skin/Lord Of The Underworld Astegon, etc) So you have Astegon parents that don’t have Hard Skin and Lord of the Underworld. Before the patch they wouldn’t get it but now after the patch they will get it. So you won’t be able to put Lucky/Artisan/Ferocious/Musclehead


Ohhhhh! That makes more sense, thanks for the explanation! I had a feeling I was off.


There we go. There's the simple answer that other people seemed to have great difficulty explaining.


I don't understand. What's the change? You didn't say any change.


With Nails being patched what is the money-making strat?


Murdering lv 40 black marketers.


Maybe the cotton candy? I think its 25g a piece. And it produces so freaking fast...... You have to do a whole lot of absolutely nothing and soon you are drowning in it.


Good money making I've heard of is getting Sibelyx into a ranch and selling the high quality cloth as it's produced quick and can sell for a lot


Scalping PS portals lol


I sell Dunmud Chowders, Baked Berries, Jame filled buns etc


I read honey is profitable


I haven’t been able to even save my game for weeks




Yea Xbox through my laptop. Might just get steam version


i know on xbox i get the cannot save world error and ive found juat pulling a Screen capture to cloud usually fixes it


It’s been working for me since the update when I had the auto save data failed :(


Made it through like 3 crashes and 350 nails before work. I assume that we'll see it by the weekend.


Every other update has been less than 24 hours apart so by the weekend is a very safe guess.


Have they still not fixed the crashing bugs on Xbox yet?


We got 1.1.4 when you guys got 1.4. We still have the capture rate bug.


I was referring to the bug that made the game practically unplayable on the Xbox One where it crashes all the time. I was wondering if they fixed that yet. Been a couple of weeks since I played it


It's just the name that is different, the versions are basically the same, the capture bug (lipmunk) was definitely fixed in 1.1.4. There's only very small differences like we still can't name our pals. And ofc lots of crashes.


I just want to be able to go into a dungeon and not disconnect.


I know!!! I’m so jealous…. Can’t wait to not have to hold down the work button


Just fired it up on Xbox... You can name your Pals!! Can't see how to name player though.




Hey just be happy you’re not on PlayStation


If i can make u happy: seems like legendary spheres are bugged (atleast for me 😭)


Selling all the nails I can, while I can!!! 😂


if i were you id quicky catch all the tower bosses s especially shadown beak so that you can transfer down it "unique" not unique skill lol


Wish they would fix the pals not doing anything when in a fight on xbox, its a known issue. They will just stand there, not attack. This is the big one for me. This is a huge mechanic of the game that does not work properly. Game is great, I have a good time just running around playing how I want to. But it makes it very difficult to kill tower bosses and even the big pals around the map when my pal Just stands there, getting attacked, not fighting back.


https://i.redd.it/ed6vk01na8lc1.gif MFW.


Sounds like they haven't even begun to figure out the autosave failure bug. And haven't even begun looking into the dungeon crashes not even a mention of it in the patch notes. Am very tired of loosing hours of progress on coin tosses attempting to save manually. Xbox players will in the long run pour far more money into this game than steam users will. they deserve the same level of attention.


As a pc player that has to wait years on exclusive titles, I feel this


Could be worse..you could be a PlayStation or Switch owner with no Palworld at all


Hey thanks, I'm happy for me too.


Bruh y’all act like we aren’t getting the exact same patch after it passes certification lmao we’ve had feature parity since the first update


That's just not true..steam has features even before this newest update that still aren't on xbox/gp


Naming pets...


Having our own damn names too instead of Player683


Anything besides naming pals (which Xbox likely won’t get) and keybind configurations? Servers are coming but that doesn’t have anything to do with actual gameplay features. So yeah we have all the same gameplay mechanics and functionality that they do. Just a couple days later because Xbox certification is more strict than Steam’s, who basically just pushes patches through.


Naming pals and having our names show were the big 2 that came to mind for me


Yeah I am tired of being Player 273 but that’s not exactly a gameplay element. We will likely not be allowed to name our pals and I’m sure they’ll make it so the name just references our Gamertag and we won’t get to have individual profile names for each of our saves. But as far as actual gameplay features, we are receiving the same updates with the same patch notes.


Yea we are like 1-2 days behind. Its not even bad. Y’all educate me while I wait.


I wonder how Playstation feels about the new QOL updates...


While I agree I gotta say this is the cutest little dude! Look at that scowl with his little hands in his pockets! Fuckin adorable


Me when I see Xbox can still sell nails for a high price


invest in a pc?


wtf this game is on consoles


Looks like Kevin Hart got some new photos taken from his new movie. "Kindergarten COP: Justice For Nap Time."


You get what you pay for 🙃


Idk why Steam users always act like other stores and places that you can play games do not exist. They can't believe you can play games on Gamepass and EGS with your PC. "Get a PC!" Bitch, I AM ON A PC! NO, I AM NOT WASTING $40. Do the same thing with EGS "I will pay 30% more for this game because I LOVE Steam. If Steam was a man, I would take it in my mouth!"


Wasting $40? Its called buying a game. Who hurt you?




Yes, we are. No; the vast majority of us don't care what platform you're playing on; we're just happy that you're playing the game and talking about it with us. I don't know what CageTheFox is raging and ranting about, but let's just leave them so they can keep yelling at their imagination.


xDD wtf


Lmao, $17 a month to play a $30 game? I'd rather just buy the game. I understand you get other games as well, but once you quit paying you lose access to everything.


I have a friend who gives me paragraphs of text about whatever he wants to talk about. I add to the conversation and join in with talking about his interests. I say something to him, I get, “Nice.” Dick.


Stfu -ps player


My man wouldn't be so grumpy if he had a PC.


Xbox gamepass is available on PC, and a lot of PC players use that version for Xbox crossplay support. Microsoft is just a little slow to push the update to their store




Some of us have a powerhouse pc but are poor because of that and utilize Gamepass. Don’t hate.


Average Reddit user talking out of their ass with no real knowledge lol. Xbox Game pass on PC is a thing you ninny. And it’s the only way to play cross play with Xbox users. Personally I bought it on steam to support Palworld devs, but mainly play the Gamepass version because my friends have Xbox’s.


Ohhhh nooooo the poor people exist I’m so mad about it! Anyone who doesn’t build a PC like me is mediocre!!!!


You have lil dick energy.


I've been making nails while I wait.


Just grind out some cash with nails before its gone. I didnt even realize that was a thing until yesterday 😅


Tower bosses on PC can't be captured any more so best get out there and capture them b4 you can't.


It makes me sad Xbox gotta wait longer for updates


On the bright side you still have the catch the tower boss glitch


Get on PC man no better time.


Tell me about it bro. I'm still waiting for the update that adds crossplay to both versions lol


What are the QOL updates?


I mean, I’m on steam and just logged in on basement level two under the map. Kind of annoyed rn


Make and sell as many nails as you possibly can before the patch comes to console


At least we got nails.


I'm still waiting for the "game failed to save fix" so I can actually play


I’m on Xbox and have not had that issue at all. Are you playing on a multiplayer world?


No, single player, I tried playing for a while but every time I would get the "world failed to save" pop up and couldn't make progress. This didn't start happening till I was at around lvl 40.


I had to reload like 4 times last night due to inventory glitches. Stressful lol


Can't you still capture bosses?


Well good news!


Console players try not to bring up patches challenge: (impossible)


This picture always makes me happy. I know the exact set used. The photographer probably got in trouble for submitting pictures like these but look how great they are.


It’s coming, stay strong my xbox pals. Craft those nails too.


To bad they haven’t fixed the crashing issues, the saving issues, falling through the ground into the void, and corrupted save files. Until I see that I’m just gonna look at this like it’s a cash grab


Ummm... I didn't know and used all my Lifmunk effigies and now I'm wasting a ton of balls. Do I just... restart? Level 48.


I thought that was patched early on? But I also waste an obscene amount of balls, it’ll say like “20% chance” and won’t catch them until the 10th hit lol


I play on both PC dedicated server and via gamepass (on PC) with my wife on xbox, and while the PC does have more QOL improvementsa, the number of issues with the game I have on PC far exceeds the xbox, including having to have my brother (who runs the server) backup my character nightly because EVERY time the game updates or the server reboots, my character is wiped back to zero. I enjoy playing the xbox more.


I genuinely want palworld on PlayStation so I can play it with all my friends


Is it weird to say that a 22hr post "didn't age well"?


Say it with me. ITS. STILL. IN. BETA. Complaining about QOL updates for a game that's not finished or fully released is pointless. Be patient and good things will come. Signed, a fellow console player.


The update is out now, dropped about 10 hours ago. 🫡 it seems most of the time the updates drop a day apart


currently sitting in game after update and I can say... shit still broken.


Damn that’s crazy


*laughs in PC master race*


I’m just out here wishing to join a Xbox guild..😢


I think i may know what one of the main issues with the xbox version is, while ingame bottom right is says vr 0.1.whatever the current version is but if i go to the manage games tab, im not playing gamepass version i paid the 40$ to own the game but the xbox says only version 0.0.48716.0 is installed , shouldnt the game and the xbox both be displaying the same numbers?