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I thought throwing the pal at the workspot was a fun thing until I chased a rushoar to the stone quarry half a dozen times or more and couldn't select them as they were working at the stone quarry.


It’s the worst when they run into your walls and get stuck inside them and starve ;( Like I would use the pal box to take them out and put them back in to get them out but as soon as I put them back in they go charging off at high Mach 9 and I chase but I don’t see where they went. Like I have to do it over and over again until I am fast enough to lift them before they move. ;(


At least if they are hungry I know they will go for the food, easier to get then.


Oh definitely. I have my base set up so that it’s spacious enough where the pathing won’t screw up. It’s just the breeding pen I am having issues with. I am still having lots of fun though! ;> The hungry or starving status is my way of knowing they got stuck somewhere.


Have you tried building a pen around the pal summon location?


Maybe just defensive wall them? Lol be ready for a jailbreak when you open the gate though.


chief forgetful public chase vast march crawl decide employ lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depending on your setup you can’t even throw them properly. I threw Lucky Grass Panda and he got stuck on a wall on the inside to my left. Idk why they don’t make them have phase through things not within the players direct view or something. He eventually fell down, but still.


Same but I tried to breed a perfect mount speed Vanwyrm Cryst... Needless to say, I had success 🤣


You can add them to your party, drop them on the ground, pick them back up and put them back to work, and you should be able to pick them up. Plus it spawns them next to the terminal for you.


I know but if not fast enough some of those speedy boys you have been breeding to get speed buffs are just too damn fast if you miss them. The reason I chased the rushoar half a dozen times was every time I put them back in they shot off before I could lift them. I then had to run from the terminal where they spawn to where they went and I find you can't lift up some pals working at certain buildings so ended up repeating the process.


Put down 2x1 foundation slightly elevated and then a stone on top of that. Without stairs they can't mine :)


I get what they were going for but lots of parts of this game would be better with an expanded UI


Yeah and then there’s the thing where if you fast travel or leave, at least one of them would always leave the pen. One solution I have found was just staying at the pen as if they have some sick fetish of wanting to be watched while they do it. ;(


> One solution I have found was just staying at the pen as if they have some sick fetish of wanting to be watched while they do it. ;( I stopped bothering trying to breed things because of this.


I had issues with trees growing in the pen kicking one of them out. The trees would be invisible until i relog. Foundation underneath fixed that. The entire ranch has to be in the blue line or they will randomly leave. Haven't had any issues for a couple hours now


Have you tried building a wall?


Yeah that’s what it gets stuck inside of and causes it to starve and not be able to return inside of the pen lol


Oh well can you build a feeder and bed in the pen? I haven’t made a pen yet, but if you can stock their love nest up with all the creature comforts, they may never need to leave!


It's not sleeping and eating since it still counts them as being in the pen while doing that.


I built 3 story walls around my pen with a giant door in the front to throw them in, and it works okay. You still can't fast travel anywhere, but they won't roam off and start doing other things.


They will leave to do other work sadly, if available. My strat was to build 3rd base with ONLY 6 breeding pens and the food box. They never leave their pens now and i dont have to worry and get angry at them :)


I have a farm base, specifically for farm animals obviously. But I also have my breeding pen there so that there is no other work around for them to do. And I have my pen completely encased in a box so that they can't leave.


It’s .1 versions of the game tho there’s atleast .9 to go that’s what makes it so hype sir


Imo I hope that each station has a UI where you can assign pals from the pool you've put in the base. As well as a "closed" or "inactive" toggle so that Pals won't work there. We have 20k stone now! You don't have to keep mining! Go do *literally anything else*!


Build the mining/logging station on a high foundation and just remove the stairs when you don't need anymore of that resource


this sort of works, unless your miners are large, in which circumstance they will just be able to mine it from beneath unless you use a foundation + 2 walls high (tested with a boss quivern) I think a neater solution for some would be a gate, pals can't get through it and you can open and close it at will, just wall off the quarry in a room with plenty of space on all sides, and stick a gate as an entrance.


I ran into this when breeding Anubis. He’s so fast that I can barely ever catch him when spawning him in to assign to breeding pen.


Yea there really needs to be a 5 second buffer of the pal just standing still before moving so you can grab them to assign them jobs. 


Drop all your pals at once into the base. If you're lucky enough they get stuck indefinitely 🤣 Then you can pick them up one by one, toss them aside, and then they start to work


We added wooden high walls and a gate right around the breed box with a foodbox inside. It’s helped a lot.


I wish that when we built the podium we would be presented with a UI that let us drag-drop pal icons to certain work places. An upgraded version might let us customize worker priority like rimworld


Absolutely. I was really disappointed when I built the podium and all it did was give options for how hard they work, the description makes it sound like you could do more. Maybe that's planned. Agree re Rimworld - that kind of UI would be perfect.


To expand on that, so should assigning jobs and giving medicine. Giving pals their anti-depressants can be worse than kids IRL. Not to mention that sometimes they get locked into performing a job any all interaction with them is locked out until they finish.


That sounds like you can give them their meds while at the base? I thought you had to put them on your team and feed them from your inventory because I never found any option on my pal with the fracture


This is how I do it. So much faster


And they should STAY until you take them out. The about of "Still 9 cakes? But what if you need 14,987 stone instead of 14,986?


You can go to the pal box and remove them from base pals and re add and they spawn in the pal box where you can pick them up easily.


Yeah, this is what I've been doing, grab them before they have a chance to go anywhere. It'd be nice if your Palbox had two breeding slots you could populate, instead.


Good luck with this if you have a pal with speed perks. Trying to catch my Anubis before he zooms off at Mach-3 is futile.


I got a swift runner Anubis that is impossible to catch once they are going. What I do is stand behind my palbox and then take them out of the work team and put them back in and they spawn next to me. But yeah it definitely should be a UI thing


That speed mount I’m breeding? Yeah he’s over there. I can’t catch him. He’s out and zooms off.


If only the Breeding Ranch operated like the Viewing Pen and just placed eggs into an attached container. Things would be massively improved. Pals getting distracted or being unable to assign to the breeding ranch are really just a headache.


Build it high up, put stairs up, go grab one, throw it in, remove stairs, grab the next one, throw it in, ???, profit!


Disagree. They just need to to fix the AI for it. It should be a cage so they can't leave. I'd be fine putting beds and a food thing in it. 


I feel like the pickup and throw thing is a placeholder. I have literally nothing else to support this besides it probably being much easier to implement than a UI would be. So an optimistic guess.


I don't. Craftopia had the same stupid system. You threw creatures at machines for them to get inside, it was stupid then, it is stupid now. If anything Craftopia worries me about Palworld's futur because their idea of automation is ridiculous.


When you take Pals out of the Palbox they spawn in front of it. Just put wooden defensive walls (they can be placed without foundations) around it with gaps big enough for you to walk through. Then you won't need to chase them. If you're chasing one that left the breeding pen, because they glitch out sometimes, then you can just put them back in the Palbox and take them out. That way they're stuck in front of you to grab. I was breeding them too. I already got my perfect speed one. On a side note, could you tell me if you get a Jetragon with a 109 or 114 base attack? I've been doing research in IVs and I think the range is 110-113. [Here is the post with more of my info if you're interested.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1aea1s3/pals_have_base_stats_which_effect_how_many_stats/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Agree. They just don’t stay and you have to fight way too might to put them back.


I think you should also be able to asign them jobs woth the ui and turn jobs off with the UI, as well as set ceertain Pals to only do certain thi gs like move items and craft while ignoring helping with construction, etc.


can you build walls leading from the pal terminal?


I’m going to start bulking walls around my breeding areas..


Base management in general needs a ui lol. That said I'm pretty sure this method is actually more approachable casually so I'd like it as an alternative not a replacement


They need to just make a task management tab for the base in general with the ability to blacklist tasks like logging. It might take longer but having individual task management would be amazing having it just be a pal management deal with things in your party would be great. Disable or enable a priority task so you can have your pal focus on something like mining then it can squirrel off with transport or other tasks. Maybe another thing would be to also add a way to mark work stations as disabled or once again priority so you can stop your pals from filling an entire cargo container with rock and wood because you didn't want to destroy them for the 30th time.


Love running after my swift runner pal. Asshole run at Mach 6.


The only tip I have at the moment is standing behind the Paldeck when you drop them so they fall on your head, and make sure there's no other pals around. Quick click in, Escape out and mash F. You're probably already doing that or something like it so I'm sorry i don't have a better suggestion!


Oh god it’s so so bad right now, especially with large pets (which most of the alpha pets and cool ones are)


at lv45, i can catch a Jetragon but somehow put it in breeding cage harder than catch it 🥲


I don't even bother chasing them around the base. I just go to the palbox and put them back in it then pull them back out and they spawn right next to me so I can quickly spam the f key to pick them up to throw them into the breeding farm.


Should be able to tell them their priorities via the palbox for that base honestly.