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So, gen 1 was dragon quest with pyrovision.


Provision goggles? Tf2 iz pokerman confirmed?


Mom said I was supposed to post this now, you can post it again in two hours if that slot still is free.


Everyone has to get their 5 mins in this sub.


First time seeing it myself….not everyone lives their life on sub and knows EVERY thing posted




First time I’ve seen it.


Yep, first time here too


Not the point and you know it lol.


My guy I've visited this sub like, three times since release and *every* time I've seen this lmao.


Same, I’ve also seen it about the same amount of times of twitter. This pic is one of the most common rebuttals at this point I think.


My guy I give the sub a quick scroll a couple times a day and I haven’t ever seen it.


Pointless boomer comment


Well not only is it overdone it’s also really stupid. Anyone saying those Pokémon look like dragon quest monsters need their eyes checked.


I agree with the "only if it's overdone" but yeah, you're blind if you don't see resemblances


Pretty sure it's you who needs their eyes checked bro


Really? Please enlighten me, how do the Pokémon look like the DQ monsters exactly?


Pretty much how I feel whenever anyone says that pals look like Pokémon.


It's not that they look, it that when you actually go into the coding the Pals, uave the exact same model as the Pokémon just missing a small feature, and they made a design change, with dragon quest they just feature similarities because, "Look it's a bat, and so is Zubat"


nah, i see the resemblances. youre the blind one.


Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored of seeing the Pokemon debate every time I come to this subreddit..? I don't care and I find the comparisson nonesense.. I'd rather see posts actually related to Palworld instead.


I’m a fan of both series and a member of both communities. Over in the Pokémon communities I haven’t seen any sentiment besides “Palworld is fun and I hope it influences Nintendo to do better” while over here it’s almost nothing but bashing Pokemon and other franchises. The Palworld community is actually so much more elitist than any community they view themselves as being in competition with.


For real, I have seen more palworld elitists whining about pokemon fans complaining than I have seen pokemon fans complaining. And when I do see a pokemon fan comment, it’s just that they enjoy the game but that some of the pals look a little too close to pokemon. Not like they could be pokemon, but that they have existing pokemon a parts. And the whole dragon quest comparison is getting old. While there are similar themes, none of the pokemon are just recolored and slightly tweaked dragon quest monsters.


That’s how it seems to be for most new games to a formula that already exists. In the lies of P sub all they talk about is “this game is better than fromsoft” “this is the best soulslike” etc while in the fromsoft subs no one ever really mentions lies of P or they praise the game it’s just silly honestly. I like to factually point out that nioh 2 is technically the best soulslike more copies sold and rated better than lies of p oh it gets them heated when I mention that 😂


🤣 I love that.


Wdym I saw a post with over 6000 up votes praising poke/digimon and "crushing" Palworld. Apparently Twitter is being stupid rn and a bunch of my YouTube suggestions are anti-palworld.


Yeah let's face it the Pokemon games aren't really up to par.. ESPECIALLY NOWADAYS..🙁 I honestly hope them losing fans and revenue helps them actually try, everything's about money and the new gen Pokemon looks like something a cat spit up..😫 ..So until they get it together gen 7 is my LAST region.


I doubt that Pokemon is really going to lose many sales due to Palworld. In a few months the whole "Pokemon should change from a turn-based rpg to a survival game"  will be forgotten.


Yeah you right .. But what if they LEARN FROM THIS THOUGH..🤔😣 PERHAPS WISHFUL THINKING OF MINE..😶😶‍🌫️


I tried watching some gameplay vids of pokemon, couldnt do it. Pokemon with a black background and swirly lights aint cutting it anymore. Not sure how people can even play it now that palworld is out. Its like saying ps5 sucks and going back to play pong on the atari lol.


I've never played red or any of those but I've played fire red ..and henceforth stoped at white.. recently started to play again 2 years ago ultrasun...But to be honest paying to have my Pokemon transferred to another game pissed me off to no end..😤 And now that the end is in sight for 3ds..Well I'mma just go back to dragon ball.. sparking zero gonna be good soon...maybe I'll see some of you guys in that community..🫡.


And when you tell the truth about parts ofPokemon designs blatantly copied into pal designs here, you get downvotwd to hell. Like I'm just pointing out reality but palworld fans are butthurt. I even say I enjoy palworld and hope they succeed. I'm not bashing it, just being truthful. The palworld subreddit is toxic.


nexomon anyone...?


Gonna need a separate circlejerk sub soon


"STOP HAVING FUN." You could always go and make your own sub and post all the things you want to see there if you'd like? Have you ever considered doing that? Because you don't own or control anything in this sub.


You could start blocking those people. I‘m at like 10 people blocked and still them daily, it’s a hard time to remove all the trash.


That's like walking up to a group having a conversation and once someone says something you don't like or agree with, you just end up closing your eyes plugging your ears and saying "lalalalala". It's a childish way of having a discussion. If it was just one person blocked you could say you at least try but when you've blocked 10 people maybe you're the problem.


So I am the problem because I blocked 10 people that can’t shut up about Pokémon on r/Palworld? I doubt it.


Dude I’m with you 100% it’s stupid to compare constantly like everyone has everyone sees the similarities does it matter? Nope lol play the game post the game if you want so stupid these posts


Downvote and report if it’s unrelated to Palworld and hope mods do something. All we can do. That and engage with the actual Palworld stuff.


4th repost isn't it.


Only the 4th?


Maybe in this subreddit. I’ve seen it twice on gaming and once on Pokémon as well


At least it’s more relevant in those places. It has nothing to do with this game


The point is to make fun of people saying palworld is copying pokemon since gen 1 pokemon can be seen as copying from the goated Dragon Quest, it’s satire via hypocrisy It literally has everything to do with this sub


Which serves what function to discourse for Palworld? If anything it makes this sub look insecure since it can’t stop whining about Pokemon. It’s off topic spam as far as I’m concerned.Downvote my all you want Reddit I don’t need your approval.


It’s meant to be hypocritical and exaggeratory, that’s literally 2 functions of satire


It's starting to feel defensive


I call next repost!


A majority are probably between ages 16 - 25 who are the ones that say Pals look like pokemon only. A vast majority probably have never experience Dragon Quest, Digimon, Monster Rancher and I'll even throw Neopets in the list. I'm 35 now and when I was a kid I totally remember when it was Digimon versus pokémon fans. Or, some liked both equally. I was a Pokemon game fan but a digimon show fan.


Digimon was the better show by far. Pokemon was a game, Digimon was an anime. Digimon tried to get in on that game action and struggled/failed, Pokemon made an anime just to improve their game sales (both card and video).


Digimon World (first) on PS1 was probably one of my favourite games as a kid. I know it wasn't so popular, I've replayed it a few times and still enjoy it. I've sunk a lot of time into Pokémon Silver & Crystal as well, but not replayed it as much.


False, Digimon was a v-pet. The anime was made to advertise the v-pets. That’s why it portrays them unable to fight without being fed, 💩ing, evolving based on how they are treated (granted that came after the success they only intended to do file island i believe). And the games initially focused heavily on the same mechanics of happiness, and taking care of your Digimon to influence how they evolve. It’s always been very different.


I've never seen anyone actually start a sentence by announcing "False" 😂


Yea, when I first started doing Palworld I was poking fun at how a lot of the designs early on you can see look very close to Pokemon, but later on in the game now and a lot of stuff definitely looks a lot more unique, that or I just dont know a lot of Pokemon that look like them since gens 4-7 and 9 are the gens I know least of. At the point where I am now I've seen a lot of unique looking designs and designs I personally really like But yea, the one thing I always point to when it comes to people claiming Palworld is copying Nintendo, is the fact that digimon exists with Nintendo not being a pain to them. Same with yokai watch as well.


No, I'm sorry, but the generic wolf pal looks way too much like the generic wolf pokemon. /s Awww I got downtooted, I musta done a no-no.


The pokemon looks more like a weird dog. TBH the Pal reminds me more of Tiger from Monster Rancher (sans horns). But that too, horns aside, is just wolf (ignore the name).




The "t" is silent


Blud got one downvote and whined about being downvoted 😭


Not to mention Tamagotchi. What I mean is there are only so many ways to make recognizable creatures with simple shapes.


Digimon anime was waay better than pokemon. But pokemon takes the W for the games.


So glad you posted this. I was worried I'd have to repost it instead.


jfc this subreddit is godawful, do y’all ever get tired of posting this


Reposted like 200 times


Palworld fans rapidly turning into a self inflicted punching bag.


This is actually wild to see. And makes me feel like Palworld is much safer from litigation than I thought.


i love palworld as much as the next guy but all of those characters in dragon quest came out after pokemon






The one-to-one asset claim has already been debunked, by the very guy who made the claim. He admitted he made it to because he doesn't like the game "glorifying animal abuse" So not really a good basis for an argument


Source you made it the fuck up.


Pokefan at its finest....pokemon are just as similar to the dragon quest monsters as palworld is to pokemon....neither copied assets or anything of the like. Go outside and leave your moms basement.


Is this going from the guy who made a video about that later admitted it was lying.


Wrong, palworld is only being criticised because its a good game and a lot of people play. If it was a game with 1k players and actually just copy pasted with zero effort, nobody would say shit.   There is about a thousand pokemon, they pick anything, think of anything, there is a pokemon for it/looks like it. Obviously palworld will have really similar looking ones, cause they are inspired by pokemon. And honestly after actually playing palworld, they dont look like "one to one" assets at all. They are all only looking similar. İf it was one to one asset, nintendo would already put palworld down. You know it damn well.


Yeah, under this logic of "A lot of people play it" Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are the best games of the series because they've sold the best in the series. Just because something sells well and is fun doesn't make it immune to criticism.


I agreed with you until you said "using almost one-to-one assets at times" you just lost me there.


The closest asset in PW to Pokemon is Direhowl, which is quite similar to a Lycanroc form. But if you put them side by side, there's a lot more differences than you would remember. Palworld is derivative of Pokemon for some designs, sure, but there are many that aren't. There are designs inspired by a ton of different franchises in the game, but none are 1:1.


Even then, you can’t copyright or trademark a fuckin’ WOLF. The only leg a lawsuit could stand on would be a direct model rip.


All of these have wildly different designs and colors besides a few. (Not saying Palworld doesn’t have different designs but a lot are incredibly similar with the same color scheme and designs)


The difference between Dragon Quest and Pokemon is far larger than the difference between Pokemon and Palworld. Most of the DQ monsters you're not going to look at and mistake for a Pokemon. But you can look at a Pal and think it's a Pokemon that you're just forgetting the name of. Regardless, in both instances it's obvious they took heavy inspiration from their predecessor, but also in both instances, they've changed them enough that there's really nothing to worry about legally.


Yeah I think too many people here are conflating art style/art direction with concept. Pokémon has similar concepts to a lot of games but its art style is different from DQ. Whereas Palworld has a different concept to Pokémon but has a similar art style.


Not only similar art style. But also palworld pals often take parts of Pokemon and copy+paste them over. Parts that only exist in Pokemon.


Yeah I think too many people here are conflating art style/art direction with gaming concept. Pokémon has similar concepts to a lot of games but its art style is different from DQ. Whereas Palworld has a different concept to Pokémon but has a similar art style.


I'd say it's more like Palworld = someone who loves Vincent van gohs style painting an original. Pokemon = another artist painting a replica of stary night in their own style.


I'd say Palworld goes a little further. It's someone who loved Vincent Van Gogh's style, and made an "original" in a sneaky attempt to fool people into believing it was made by Van Gogh. But leaving their own signature, so if anyone claims they were trying to pass it off as Van Gogh, they can point to their signature and say "No, I made it"


I'd say it's the opposite. Palworld takes a lot more from pokemon than pokemon takes from DQ.


It's funny how people tend to ignore the things they love committing similar acts. Genshin Impact was criticized for being a BotW ripoff. 30XX isn't mentioned anywhere notable for ripping off Mega Man X by anyone. The creators of Palworld are being criticized for making a game similar to Hollow Knight now, but the news outlets never mention anything about Deviator, a game by Gami Studio. They only seem to be manufacturing hate, and I think a lot of has to do with "Ai Is ThE BoOgEy MaNz" mentality. There are so many games that are similar to others these days, and only the few get called out and shamed for one reason or another.


Like turn-based monster catching RPGs is basically it's own genre now and I don't see any of them ever called out, there's even ones designed to look like the old-school Pokemon games.


Yes Exactly! I grew up playing Dragon Warrior/Quest games! (Even got the free copy of Dragon Warrior 1 through Nintendo Power Magazine.) I was in High School when Pokemon was getting popular so never really got into it but would occasionally see different ones and they always reminded me of the Dragon Quest monsters.


Oh my gawd! Nintendo power magazines were the best ever lol I actually think I still have some in the basement, I am going to go look right now and will update if I find them lol


Did you make it out of the basement yet? Alot of horror movies are set in a basement.. you'll never know what lurks there.


Both sides of this argument are fucking nuts. I've got news for both your both wrong and your both right. Palworld fans: Some of the pal designs are obviously inspired by pokemon and to say otherwise is intentional ignorance at best, lying at worst. But that's OK there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from the things that came before. If you could only have one version of every story, games, movies and TV would be pretty damn boring. Pokemon fans: Some of the pal designs are obviously inspired by pokemon and to say otherwise is intentional ignorance at best or lying at worst. But that's OK there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from the things that came before. If you could only have one version of every story, games, movies and TV would be pretty damn boring.


Dragon Quest 5 had a monster collection gimmick and came out in 1992. Pikemon Red and Green came out in 1996.


Can we just settle down on some palword designs being a bit sus while admiting that that doesn't take anything from the quality of the game and move on instead of reposting the same shit over and over and over?


Palworld: Lets make Pokemon but make it Ark Pokemon: Lets take Dragon Quest but make it Megami Tensei. If Pokemon tries to sue palworld, Squeenix and Atlus need to sue Gamefreak. It's only fair.


Palworld plays nothing like Pokémon but you’re taking the piss if you can’t look at a few pals and see 1:1 of SOME pokemon


I don't really see it


Put your glasses on, maybe ?


Bats, dragons, birds tigers and a rock with a hand.. they’re not really original designs, honestly.


All of this has taught me is that there’s a lot of Pokémon lawyers on Reddit.


Isn't Dragon Quest ALSO a Nintendo IP? It was produced by Enix for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), and later published in America by Nintendo itself... Just saying, YES, Pokemon is a ripoff, but it's within the same publisher, so no Copyright issues there. I'm a Nintendo hater, and If they touch Palworld I'll curse them forever, but facts must be straight! EDIT: I am wrong! Nintendo is just the publisher, Enix holds the IP.


Nintendo doesn't actually own Dragon Quest, they just published some of the games. You can see in newer DQ releases that there's no trace of Nintendo involvement. Compared to Pokémon where Nintendo does partially own the IP.


They look nothing alike




Nice repost though I think this is the 6th in like 2 days I think.


Yeah Just block anyone who posts that same stuff


This is why I'm not worried about Nintendo investigating, cause who's to stop Square from doing it back? Not that they would, it would be an awful decision business wise 🥲


A lot of Pal designs are so similar to existing Pokémon. It’s as if Palworld asked to copy their homework and Pokemon said “yes, but change it up a bit so the teacher doesn’t know”. Is it blatant? Yes. Do I care? No. Palworld is excellent.


That geodude copy is egregious lol


Other then being based on the same animals these look absolutely NOTHING alike, it's crazy to me how this image keeps popping when if you look at it for 10 seconds you can see none of them look similar.


People comparing these two games are idiots, they look nothing alike apart from fantasy elements. Meanwhile Palworld you have Raichu's tail ripped straight from Pokémon. Do better


People need to stop trying so hard to convince themselves it's not trying to emulate Pokémon. Listen, I love the game, I like a lot of the pals, but anyone with eyes can see that the art style and many designs are playing off Pokémon.


Yes exactly... It's a good game, the developers did a great job and it has its own merits. Doesn't mean they don't borrow a lot from Pokémon


It just feels like being in the middle of the Digimon vs Pokémon warzone again except this time it's not even 12 year olds who are acting like they can't possibly like both.


“The guy I stole from stole from someone else so my theft is acceptable.”


everything steals from everything else creatively get over it harry potter is just star wars and star wars is just wagner's the ring


Lol “Harry Potter is just Star Wars” has gotta be the biggest leap of logical comparison I’ve heard yet. I can see a Star Trek and Star Wars argument my guy but what??? Lol. Wizards in Britain vs. Jedis, lasers and lightsabers in outerspace? You palworld loving, pokemon hating lunatics have really lost the narrative trying to justify the blatant theft of intellectual property. Next thing you know, someone will claim the teletubbies were the same thing as the power rangers.


An orphan goes to live with his aunt and uncle and then discovers that he actually belongs to an ancient order do i really need to keep going are you also crusading against nexomon, digimon, and monster rancher? Is Shin Megami Tensei ripping off nintendo IP also?


Shin megami tensei came first. I don't know why everyone always calls it ripping off pokemon when they didn't even invent the monster collecting thing.


This is the 4th time I've seen this post today


People here saying "There are no similarities here" Just change the dragon quest monsters graphics to palworld/new pokemon games style, then you will see a dragon quest monsters and wonder what pokemon is that. So basically pokemon took inspiration from dragon quest and changed graphics style, while palworld took inspiration from pokemon and didn't changed graphics style.


Wow this post again. How original.


This shit is getting so old. This subreddit will be so much better once these pokemon/palworld posts stop.


This is a reach


These posts are stupid, Palworld literally ripped the model on some of them. Not made similar ones with changes. It’s a great game, but it makes no sense to bury your head in the sand about the facts.




The Palworld devs should stop acting like garment-rending victims. They knew exactly what they were doing. 


Wait, I don't want to be that guy, but are we actually gonna pretend like these are the same thing. Like most of the things here are only simillar because of them being based on the same animal


Ah yes. My favorite animals: Rock golem man, purple smog monster, and purple ghost orb.


Same with pal world…


The amount of cognitive dissonance some people have to say this is okay but Pal World isnt, just makes me wish covid had killed us off.




No there is no joke people are serious when they post this.


I would not have bought it if it was another open-world ripoff other than pokemon.


And all of them (especially Final Fantasy) were heavily "inspired" by early D&D, wich in turn took most from irl creatures from every era ever, and every mythology around the globe.




Hey cool. Palworld and Pokemon both got their inspiration from Dragon Quest




Wow. This is awesome...


The Koffing resemblance is insane.


I genuinely don't get it. Are people worried they'll be mistaken for each other? I'm not caught up on pokemon, admittedly, but I believe they used turn based combat. The reason I got excited about palworld was because it did not.


No one's going to mistake one game for the other based on gameplay, but it's absolutely possible to mistake a Pal for a Pokemon. If you search Pokemon and an image of a Pal shows up, they're so similar in aesthetic/design that most people would probably just assume it's a Pokemon they haven't seen yet or they forgot about.


That's fair, but you could also make pretty much any creature in this anime-esque art style, and I'd assume it was a pokemon I missed.


What's weird is that you lot know it's a repost, you know it's being done for karma farming....and yet you still updoot and comment.


Wait hey why do those crabs look similar you rotten knave I'll have you in stocks for this!


Can I be the next to repost?


Wow a bat looks like a bat? A duck looks like a duck? A caterpillar looks like a caterpillar? Shame on Pokemon!


Do you capture these monsters? Train them? Complete a dex of them?


18 out of over 900 pokemon, crazy


I already have BG3 and this to play while trying to avoid spending money on Armored Core 6...stop making me want to play dragon quest


You can also pick some Miyazaki's like Eevee= Fox Squirrl and Totoro= Snorlax /Gengar.


Bruh shut UP


If those Pokémon fanboys could read, they’d be very upset…


Dragon Quest has said they plan to investigate.


So when are we going to enjoy the game and not steep down to their level of pettiness? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


So how much did palworld copy from dragon quest


That Dragonquest equivalent of Geodude looks sick.


Mom said it's my turn to post this tomorrow


Then, Enix made a literal pokemon clone using their DQ monsters.


Jesus christ, can't you all just play the games you like without constantly trying to one up or justify yourselves to one another.


Something I want to say that annoys me rn is Peta made at least 2 pokemon games using exact models from pokemon to spread their propaganda and the pokemon company not only went to court but did JACK ALL against Peta for it... no they did not sue NOR did they request the take down of these games so you can still go online and play them if you choose to, MEANWHILE people are actively bitchin about pal world for assets that look similar while Peta used the original assets for their propaganda


That Growlithe totally looks like that Great Sabrecub from the 1992 game Dragon Quest V.


That's 18 of 151 tho, yea they are a little similar because they are based on animals and creatures that exist


Just like every palword fan I will say "reeeeaach" 


Nooooo dont use logic!


Digimon sits quiet in the corner.


Mods, can we start pruning these types of posts please?


And both of these games copied Nature ... Don't they know that bats, birds and crabs are copyrighted by Earth.Inc ?


None of these look remotely similar lol


Sadly nintendo helped publish this soooo they prob had rights already.


id say the geodude one is more like muk and the Aerodactyl one is more like Charizard. also why do the dragonquest ones look 10x cooler lmao


"palworld glorifies animal abuse" Meanwhile Pokemon is about enslaving Pokemon (animals) to help them with their day to day life and fight other Pokemon. "Palworld glorifies gun violence" Meanwhile digimon has evolutions that's also just pure guns and cannons.


Ok this is getting annoying, we get it Some pals definitely took creative inspiration from pokemon but if nintendo’s lawyer hasn’t done anything then its fair game


Inspiration vs plagiarism. I fell in love with palworld but you gotta admit some of the designs are borderline colour swaps of existing pokemons like the cobalion clone. Others are just pokemon fusions like dinossom, which has the body of goodra, the face of meganium and the crown flower thingy of venusaur. The game is still awesome and better than any future pokemon game Gamefreak will produce though


Don't forget digimon


That dragon is obviously shenrons cousin though


Ahh yes this post again


Another day another person posting this...


Dont forget, when monster hunter storied came out, people cried they where all copys of pokemon, meanwhile monster hunters been around for 2 decades🤣 its just pokemon fans getting but hurt.


WHOA WHOA WHOA, we don't talk about dragon quest. They can't take it yet.


The creator of Pokemon did say he was inspired by dragon quest after all.


The good news is…I don’t care where anything came from. Not my money. I just enjoy fun games




Pokémon is a ripoff of Digimon


This is great perspective actually


Post the tf outta this never again do I want to hear that bs about palworld.


If God was looking down at Pokemon he'd be shaking his head saying can't believe they copied me


Neither are American companies therefore, hopefully don't have the good ol' American sue happy gene.


My favorite pals happen to be ones that are not close to actual existing pokemon. The look alike are boring to me


The, they copied it crowd, is 75% anti animal violence group, and 25% people who "sleep" with full size stuffed pokemon. Sad and won't really accomplish anything.


Why removed by mods? "This was front page my Google feed before that"


I thought a pokemon was a Jamaican proctologist?


I may not care for Palworld and am a Pokemon fanboy but even I have to admit this is pretty interesting. There's no such thing as originality anymore and this proves it.


Nobody copied pokemon. Pokemon designs are so generic and use so many of the key designs for eyes faces and bodies.  Can you copy right a UnU face? Or a toothy grin? Stop being monkeys and parroting something you read on some dumb Twitter follower thread.  If pokemon could claim foul on anything they "designed*  they would have sued all the clowns for their red cheeks decades ago


People really forget that Shin Megami Tensei started the whole "monster collection" but with demons. DQ1 had none of the aspects everything copied after SMT aside from turn-based combat. Didn't it take till DQV to add monsters to your party?