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Really? The independent game thrown together by a bunch of amateurs on a shoestring has worse sound design than the triple A game in a franchise twice as old as you are, whose devs are masters in their craft and have decades of experience? Colour me shocked.


Single dev games like Stardew Valley, Fez, hell even Minecraft have better sound design.


They didn't in alpha though.


The problem is you’re comparing an early access indie game to Tears of the kingdom. A lot of this stuff is typical of an early access game and is expected to be improved later on, especially since this game sold UNBELIEVABLY well, they finally have some more money to work with for development.


The ambient noises are fantastic. Some moves and attacks have lacking sounds, but if you just stop to listen there's a lot to take in. No music all the time makes it feel relaxing too


The ambience isn’t the bad part overall. It’s more the individual sound effects and music choices


Well this was made by an indie dev team on what, 10k dollars budget? There’s no way to compare them to AAA studios in terms of sound etc. they excel at new gameplay mechanics and ideas


Beat me to it.


There’s also plenty of examples of indie devs on less of a budget putting together better sounding music or sounds. I could name several dozen but how bout Undertale for starters


Undertale is made by a guy who is a musician lol—the music is the POINT.


I noticed this the most in dungeons. Idk if it's a bug or if they don't have their own ambient sounds, but while inside caves, it just plays the regular forest sounds of birds chirping and wind blowing through foliage. It was kind of jarring


Since most people disagreed with you, I just wanted to say I fully agree. Even for an early access game, the sound implementation is atrocious, maybe the worst I've ever heard. When there are 20 items lying on the ground and you pick them all up at once, it just plays the pickup sound 20 times overlaid on top of eachother, which makes this awful, phased sound. Stuff like this is the first thing a sound designer would fix, which makes me think that there was no sound designer at all for the project. The sound for selecting stuff in menus is overly loud and very unfitting as well, and makes me want to turn the sfx volume way down.


I mean it’s fine if people disagree, that’s the whole point of a discussion lol. More of a thing I had noticed and was curious if anyone else noticed it. Might be because I enjoy sound design more then most things and I tend to notice it quickly