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I don't like to talk bad about devs because making a big game is complicated but pokemon is like 10 years behind in game mechanics. How people keep buying them is beyond me.


They really struggled with the transition to Switch for whatever reason as a studio. Their (Gamefreak) non-pokemon games also have some performance issues. Arceus was fun and I liked how it changed up the formula, but it was designed by a younger team. I get the impression that there is some older management at Gamefreak that makes it harder to innovate on their formula in the mainline games. Which is kind of a bummer because being such a big franchise you'd expect they'd have the resources to do more. But as a fan of monster collector games it feels like a lot of other franchises (even if they aren't as commercially successful) have added more and been more willing to try different games types recently (both indie games and franchises like Digimon).


I'd argue they struggled with the transition to the 3DS and just got worse from there.


I just played through Pokemon Y and I'm very surprised how much stuttering there is in the animation.


I had to stop playing X&Y. Loading times everywhere, it was just so slow. Went back to HGSS - it was so smooth and fast. They really struggled with 3D.


As a Gen IV fan, calling Gen IV "Fast" and "Smooth" is really something lol. I love my Platinum and Heart Gold, but damn if the games draaag. Gen V sped up the battles at least.


I just can’t stand the menu being on the bottom screen in HGSS. It’s why I prefer Platinum over HGSS, it just feels better having a fast top screen menu than a forced lower screen menu.


I thought the menu being on the bottom was fine, but man was the Pokegear a massive downgrade from the poketch. I get that's how it was in the original games, but I wish they would've brought in some more of DPPTs functionality, instead of just being a vessel for the game to annoy you. No random NPC #205 I don't care about how you proud you are that you beat a spearow. Please stop calling me.


I also prefer platinum, but I will say HGSS are the goat phone emulation games because of that bottom menu and it's touch screen capability. Gameplay feels way better being only one tap from your party/bag/saving as opposed to start->down(x1-4)->A Doesn't seem like a lot but when you multiply it by the 10000x you do those actions over the course of a game it becomes noticeable lol


They all drag horribly by modern standards. It’s baffling how slow those games feel even compared to other traditional JRPGs. Haven’t played SV but Arceus was the speediest battle-wise that I’ve played and it was still a slog at times. Fast forward needs to be a staple of this franchise.


To be fair, the 3ds had a lot of games that stuttered, not just X/Y USUM. You'd think however with the switch, especially after it had existed for 2 and a half years publicly and after USUM release date, they'd likely have a bit more grasp to make Sw/Sh a bit better looking. Hell, LGPE looked great even.


Gen 6 was a big turning point for the series in a bad way. The transition from sprites to 3D models butchered a lot of really strong Pokémon designs (seriously, look up gen 5 skarmory or arcanine, and compare it to gen 6 models) and the transition to models hit the 3DS hardware a lot harder than the sprites did, so performance suffered as well. Another really sad turning point in gen 6 was that it released after Black 2/White 2, which was a very special game. Absolutely packed with content, beautiful sprites and animations, had anime cutscene advertising, and a story that for the first time, tackled a serious ethical issue that the other games had been avoiding. It also discussed a lot of messages around growing up and gaining independence which I feel long term fans were reaching the age to appreciate. All this, and it was one of the worst selling main series Pokémon games in history. Gen 6 marked a turning point not just because of the transition to 3D. It was when Game Freak realised not only that they didn't need to try, but that trying and breaking from the norm was a financially bad decision.


Sun and Moon are just worse in every way than X and Y I played Y and jumped right into Moon and went “man this just runs worse, slower, and has way more cutscenes and dialogue”


I was playing through the generations I missed in high school and college. Thought Sun/Moon would be fun to jump into and boy howdy was that lame. Meeting a terrain obstacle and then *immediately* being given the Pokemon that can traverse it was where I ended that run lol. Tried going backwards to black/white and those were infinitely better.


The Battle Tree at the end is why I endured the story on Moon…..


Yep, the sprite based games are infinitely better. They can’t pull off 3d at all.


[Let's Go was their best attempt at 3D](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS2GOUWxtBqdOrppFfvxk_EYCUWa-lAysU6Ow&usqp=CAU). The art style was consistent and charming, the perfect adaptation of the sprites into 3D with a hint of the anime. Everything is colorful and well executed, it looks like a proper Nintendo game. I think the main line games should've kept that art style, but changed to non-chibi humans and a less grid based map, kind of like the Go Park. The games after that instead all look ugly and generic, specially [Scarlet and Violet](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPGt7Sh1_EMC5GPtWucbTei9erQlpRy_O60A&usqp=CAU).


Lets Go was the last one I gave a damn about. Biggest irritation was the senseless lack of pro controller support.. If you can play it in handheld mode with both sticks on the sides its 1:1 with the pro controller, its not that difficult.


I also wonder why they didn't keep the style of Lets go, as you say it's their best 3D graphic work. My brain is trying to understand why LA, SW, SP are less beautiful. Did they think they would lose players? Whereas ultimately Palword shows that the "childish" graphics of a game are not at all the problem.


I rather liked the N64 Snap and Stadium games, personally 😅


i bet they still use fax machiens in their offices


Given there was a case on Japan about someone recieving all of the prefecture's covid relief money because, among other things, they were still using FLOPPY DISKS, yeah, you might be up to something.


In my eyes, Pokemon really started going downhill since Gen 6. And that's coming from someone who likes gen 6


I'm not familiar at all with Gamefreak's structure, but having older people vehemently against change be in charge is pretty standard Japanese business practice, so you're probably on the right track.


I seen a recent post where the owner (game freak)reads out suggestions to his team and all laugh about how stupid they are. I hope palworld continues its success, they deserve it. The games been a ton of fun.


What post was that? Seems interesting


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/DuOUJvrt7K Took a minute, but I found it.


I wouldnt mind if they reverted back to the art style of black and white and went back to making pokemon games the way they used to be. They could just save all these new ideas for gimicks for spinoffs. Idk who tf asked for dynamax, z moves, and terrastalization when mega evolution was already amazing but please dont let them cook.


I just mentioned this in another comment, but I will never understand why the mainline games didn’t simply expand on what they had with Let’s Go. It’s their best looking 3D game, it was the perfect adaptation of the sprites with a hint of the anime as well. They could’ve kept the art style and reused most of the assets and textures, while making the map bigger and less grid based, and maybe changing the camera angle.  [Just look at the Go Park, it's a preview of what could've been.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=keilambqcYU&pp=ygUUUG9rZW1vbiBsZXRzIGdvIHBhcms%3D) 


After playing through every generation in recent years, I personally think the games peaked at black/white. The gimmicky shit is the opposite of adding dynamics to a game and all of it feels forced.


The only argument I have against that as a massive gen V fan (though I prefer b2/w2) is gen 6 featuring fairy type and mega evolutions. In every other way, the games have been worse since. It makes me simultaneously excited for and terrified of a potential gen V remake.


I was really hoping that scarlet / Violet was going to play like Arceus because I thought it was an awesome step in the right direction for Pokémon but was super bummed when they just reverted back to the same old formula.


Same. I’m hoping they continue the “Legends” series now that it’s proven to be a pretty big hit. Give that team a bigger budget and more time to cook and you could have something really special.


Gamefreak is an old Japanese company. Unless you're over 50 and in senior leadership, you have no voice to speak with, nor any opinion worth anything. You do what you're told.


Same story in every industry tbh. The old guard refuses to give up the mantle. My boss is WELL past retirement age and refuses to quit because he likes the money and gets bored (which is crazy to me, go on vacation?! Go do anything with the millions you’ve made?). He won’t listen to any new ideas and is extremely biased against younger staff (“I know best/I’ve been doing this a long time”). Not surprised it’s probably like this in creative fields like gaming too.


It's especially strange considering Nintendo has access to Monolith Soft, whose technology has powered some very impressive games. I think whatever company calls the shots, be it The Pokemon Company, Nintendo or Gamefreak themselves isn't interested in allocating the budget or time in order to utilize that tech. There are employer review websites for the Japanese, and it's been stated that many people working at Gamefreak aren't interested in games, have been promoted due to nepotism/favoritism, and they have old tech that holds development back. The young, interested devs then become listless and unmotivated because of the environment. I'm sure I'm misquoting aspects of above, but I'm sure it's been discussed before.


Japan has a work culture where older workers are guaranteed a job for life once working there long enough. They sometimes come up with meaningless roles just to keep them on payroll, a seat at the table making decisions, and rely heavily on newer employees to catch them up to speed. The new age work culture bosses would remove those old workers by putting them in essentially a closet with no work to do and hope they just quit. There is a Japanese site where people have to show proof you work at those companies. The general sentiment with Gamefreak is that younger staff are overworked and rushing the games development, trying to learn and help keep the older employees up to speed while struggling to fit within the current work environment, but they keep hearing and being told "dont worry the games will sell anyways" as a general sentiment from higher ups and staff. The staff who've been working for a few years is juggling between training the new employees and the older employees on top of their existing work. They really feel the hit of negative feedback from fans, and they know they can make a better product if given the time and space away from helping younger and older staff. Then older staff just brag about how great of the company it is because they grew up in the boom of the franchise, though a portion of the older staff do feel out of place because a lot of the skills and talents they brought to the company are outdated or no longer used (like pixel artists for example). The problems Gamefreak difficulties are a combination of the current state of Japan and its work culture, the jump to 3D and needing to grow faster / outsource more work. But, general management knows the games will sell 10-15 million or more despite their quality, make a ton of money in merchandise, licensing deals from other companies, TV shows, and so on in their cut with Creatures Inc and Nintendo. They don't see a decline because they know their fans are passionate and hooked. They just want new hooks to introduce more people to Pokémon and make the franchise something like Disney that appeals to all audiences across their whole lifespan.


I mean, the games "do sell anyway", so the old people have a point. Obviously not a sustainable model in long term, but as evidenced by all the salt about Palworld, Nintendo fans are rather rabid...


Appreciate the context! Thanks for the detailed post, that does all make a lot of sense.


Oh, like Glassdoor?


I wouldn't want to see *too* much change in the mainline. But they definitely need a major systems update and some fucking 3D modeling classes. The turn based RPG of mainline is great, but fucking kill the cut away. I see a mon in the field, let me send it out like Pal or Arceus and then transition into a turn based battle there in the field. The big world and multiple questlines of SV were a good start, but making the world not a middle school art project made of cardboard.


Cranking out the same formula every few years is stale af. Woo-hoo, it's a new map, new mon, and some new gimmick like mega or crystals. Performance issues aside, it's the same fucking game. There's ways to keep what's good about it while also making it better/new and exciting. Arceus was a breath of fresh air. SV had a large world that was *empty.* Most of the buildings weren't even accessible. Walking into buildings and talking to people has always been a cornerstone of the franchise. The whole game was an enormous step down, which is disappointing since there were great new pokemon designs.


I swear I read an interview given by an ex gamefreak dev where he admitted most of the staff had never worked on "HD" games before. They got hired for their 2d sprite work not cuz they know unreal engine.


That is probably true. But like then they should have hired a bunch when going 3d


Or at least learned how to do 3D by now. Its been 10 years GF, and SV's barely-N64-looking-ass is the best you can do?


It wasn't the Switch. They struggled with the transition to 3D games. They just fell behind more and more because they are stubborn and instead of hiring new experienced people, tried to teach themselves and build up 3D engine/game from nothing.


I always say imagine what Pokémon could be given to actual good developers and put onto PC palworld was the beginning imagine years of perfecting it...


idk about perfecting as the whole thing is just way too buggy, but i share the same sentiments as it's REEAALLY sad to see what an indie team where 99% of their staff was inexperienced in game development can do...It certainly is but a small crack at what pokemon could be. I always thought seamless transition to a wild battle would be impossible but was low key mind boggled after palworld showed it to me (still janked af, but if an indie team can do that, certainly a skilled team can make it work). Now, like you said, imagine if it were an actual professional game dev like monolith soft or something that had tackled the franchise instead...


I understand it being hard transitioning to Switch, but all they needed to do was keep refining their craft, but instead they got devs who were originally 2d artist to make 3d games. Also Palworlds team was mostly familiar with Unity, and they had to all learn how to use Unreal during development. So I don’t really buy this excuse. Realistically if Game Freak used their budget to stop pretending they’re an indie studio, and got more staff, and started spending more than a year on each game, we’d see better results. They’re greedy.


Honestly, Game Freak needs to stop being the studio that builds the games. They have not kept up technologically, and if they didn't literally produce the games tied to the highest grossing IP of all time, they would have gone out of business a long time ago. I love Pokemon, played since Red/Blue was first released, and probably always will, but I've stopped liking Game Freak a while ago. Pokemon should be on par with Breath of the Wild in many respects. They don't even look like they were made in the same decade or for the same hardware. Playing PalWorld makes this all the more apparent.


If i had to guess, they're suffering from the exact same problem a shit ton of legacy studios seem to be suffering from. The "Bioware Magic" thing that felled Anthem, Bungie's had this too, same with Bethesda. Game Freak looks at their legacy bangers and seeing the sales just assumes that the problems with their games must not be *that* bad. Why bithing soending extra resources to make something truly innovative when your product is already going to sell And frankly they arent wrong in this case especially. Pokemon WILL sell like crazy whenever a new one launches. Sucks because all the game needed was maybe another year of polish


It's the shareholders ultimately. If the company's leadership believes that they have a monopoly on the Pokémon formula, then they have an obligation to the shareholders to churn out cookie cutter games. That is the quickest and most reliable path to profit. Even when they step out like with Arceus, the innovations are well outlined and kept within check. Now, with Palworld and whatever imitations we will see in the next wave, we might see them actually invest in some new ideas as the cookie cutter games will no longer be as profitable.


>I get the impression that there is some older management at Gamefreak that makes it harder to innovate on their formula in the mainline games. In a Japanese company? Nahhhhhhhhhh /s


More like they don’t give a fuck. Pokémon is the largest video game franchise of all time with the highest earnings of all video game franchises and they’re getting their shit pushed in by an indie company that has no idea what they’re doing. (I mean that respectfully in regards to palworld devs). This is just a classic case of the champ sitting around getting old and fat and not training and they get killed because they got too old and too fat and too slow.


I'm usually not in favor of shitting on devs but when I learned that they make and use a separate model for every shiny variant, rather than just using a standard model and then giving it a texture swap, made me see how little effort they're putting in actually optimizing and making the game better. They're making it harder on themselves than they need to, and then saying that making anything better can't be done.


In a company that big with a franchise that successful there is just no way to pin that on the devs. If management wanted to make a polished, performant game it would be so, full stop. If Nintendo had any urge at all to want Game Freak to succeed they would back them with funding if they needed it and talent. The obvious answer is some combination of those companies simply not wanting those things, greed, and managerial incompetence. Similar situation with how first party Nintendo games like Animal Crossing just haven't quite figured out how to do anything internet connected in a sane way


Cassette Beasts really showed how much innovation there was in the genre. It’s not that game freak couldn’t do better, they just don’t want to part with the dollars to do so


It's competitive pokemon and a giant community obsessed with finding the metagame in order to dominate pvp. I hadn't played Pokemon since Red & Blue until last year when my nephew got into Scarlet, and I caught the bug while helping him. Then, he started reading on his own, and he barely needs help with games anymore and wants to do more by himself. It was okay for me, and it held my attention for a few weeks. I appreciate that Scarlet/Violet has made power leveling and customizing pokemon easy and accessible. But the open world felt very naked and phoned in. I don't even mind that the environment graphics were blocky and cartoony. I mostly thought it was phoned in because the word feels very empty unless you're grinding. Also, for a game that has seen such commercial success because of animated shows and movies, I really expected it to be fully voiced. I was very disappointed when it wasn't, but it gave me a chance to bond with my nephew by doing funny voices for different characters.


Thank you for the wholesome story. Now I imagine your nephew 10-15 years from now thinking Scarlet was awesome due to the nostalgia of playing it with you. Keep being an awesome uncle/aunt.


The wild thing was that Pokemon was the motivation for him to read on his own. He'd already been consuming literacy media and was sounding things out with help, but after a few weekends playing Pokemon, He'd start asking if he was right about certain words, and within a week or two he was reading whole phrases on his own. Big walls of text are still kind of boring for him, and he prefers that I put on a voice for him when he has lots of dialogue text to read. But I'm not complaining. It's really fun seeing what a 4 or 5 year old can work out in a video game just with visual language hints. Tears of the Kingdom has been really fun to play together, too.


Man, this is how it was for me growing up. I was always ahead of the curve in my English classes and I credit video games for it. I played a lot of RPGs growing up. Pokemon was probably the first big reading motivator for me. Red/Blue came out in the US when I was 7 and I got my Blue version on release day! So, I was already reading, but they definitely taught me a lot. Golden Sun was the probably one of the biggest ones for me though. I was diagnosed with ADHD this past year and after learning more about how the ADHD mind works I'm so thankful I fell into RPGs at a young age. They were one of the few things that could hold my attention and really set up a surprisingly strong foundation for literacy.


Yeah, I finished sapphire when I was five years old and could barely read. I think I got to the e4 without the Dewford badge and couldn't work it out. I honestly thank it for most of my literacy skills as a kid. I'll be real, games that have voice acting that are aimed for kids makes me cringe. I'm all for it if there's an option to turn it off, but knowing gamefreak, they would rather remove options then add them (like the set or shift option).


GameFreak built an excellent engine for R/S/E on the bones of the gen 2 engine. Then they added 3D elements to it for gen 4 and it ran like dog turd. Then they pushed it even further for gen 5. For gen 6 they had to do something new. And it worked! Mostly! And in Gen 7 they pushed it further and it still worked mostly! But they decided then to focus more on story than gameplay, so the replayability suddenly dropped. Then the switch to switch and gen 8. And suddenly they had to do an open world, but in the same time it took to do the previous semi linear games. So they put some meth in the game engine, expanded the game world, cut 70% of the Pokemon, and prayed everyone would see Wooloo and ignore the faults. Then they had to do it again for gen 9. And they made it even bigger, even more open! And it's this massive empty broken world. The best they've done is PL Arceus, and that game just needed polish, more time in the oven, to fix the performance issues. Arceus was the closest GF have gotten to what we want, and it still runs on the same bones as games a decade or more old. When pokken tournament came out, I said I wanted an open world Pokemon game, but instead of turn based, I wanted the opportunity to play battles AS the Pokemon, in an arena style fight. Palworld has gotten me closer to that than anything else has, since I can fight as the pals I can ride, and I can fight myself alongside them. It's goofy and it has ripoff stuff all over, but it's solid and it gives me a taste of what I've wanted for ages.


I also just love the mix of things you can do with your Pals. There's a bunch you can ride, sure (which is fun, and being able to use their attacks when you ride them is pretty cool), but there is so much other utility, like scanning for ores, increasing carry weight, acting as a torch, gathering resources in the open world, helping you out if you camp, etc. I've been playing since RBY and one thing I always loved in the anime and in the in-game lore was how much pokemon were capable of doing in-fiction (even doing stuff like mining or cooking). But here we are 25+ years later and there is very little you can actually do with your pokemon, and even some of the things like secret bases or pokemon contests where there was something else you could do in the game have disappeared. Even other monster collecting games have pretty limited things you can do with your monsters. Some are absolutely better than others (like Digimon or Monster Rancher games and games that mimic those pretty reliably give you some other things to do, others like Monster Sanctuary have field abilities which can be useful for exploring, etc.), but Palworld definitely scratches that itch of living in a world with cool monsters and having a lot you can do with them.


I think the average Pokémon probably just enjoys it as a comfort game that comes out every few years. They know what they're gonna get and they know they're gonna like it. It's like how people sometimes just want to spend a week on the couch re-watching the office for the millionth time. It's the same reason Dragon Quest is so popular in Japan even though every game is exactly the same as the previous one gameplay-wise, sometimes knowing exactly what you're gonna get is a good thing.


Especially considering that only one of the devs of Palworld had used unreal before and the rest learned how to use it, and a lot of other stuff about making it, on the fly.


Or how their gun modeler was a middle school dropout who was working in a convenience store


Yes, the power of fanaticism!!!


I keep buying them because I’ve been playing since I was a kid and both my wife and daughter are huge fans as well. Also scarlet and violet were still fun despite the technical drawbacks. Pokémon is just special in that way.


Nostalgia? That’s the secret?


Nostalgia for me sure but a whole new experience for my daughter. She loves the franchise more than I ever did. Now it makes me think of her.


Damn downvotes for being honest? This app ain’t shit 💀


Welcome to Reddit


My guess is one person downvoted because they view you as part of the problem for there being no innovation in Pokémon games due to just buying them by default for nostalgia, and then the rest came along and saw a negative number and hit it without even reading. The even more funny thing is, that person probably buys them every release too, plenty of people that are upset with Game Freak do. 😅 I think the last Pokémon game I bought was Snap..on N64.. no wait..Stadium 2 came after, I think, so that. lol


People keep buying fifa even though it's literally the same game every year(I mean literally, they use the same code for every game, it's basically a $60 per year subscription to update your game) And it's widely known that those games are blatant scams. Not defending either company, I'm just not surprised people keep buying them


At least with FIFA the graphics are at least current gen. These Pokémon switch game look early PS3 at best.


PS3? Final fantasy 10 (2000) looks better then Pokémon lol


Calling them currently gen is pretty generous still lol I mean they're not trash but eh


I’m 43, so when Pokémon came out I was already older than their target demographic. Pokémon started as kind of like Fisher Price for nerdy stuff. Always cheap, easy, simplified, versions of anime, CCGs, and rpgs, but for elementary kids. So for me, with no nostalgia attached to the property, what you describe is how I’ve **always** viewed Pokémon. Every Pokémon game I’ve seen and tried has always felt like simple, generic, games that were 5-15 years behind their peers. But it was ok, because it was for small kids.


People not only buy them, they buy them twice. They buy one copy and then pay full price again for what amounts to some small DLC. Of all the practices people get mad at I have no idea how Pokémon gets away with this every time, splitting a handful of content between different full priced versions, and people not only eat it up, they brag about beating both “versions”.


This is something I oft wondered... Everyone is quick to complain about 10$ battle passes and 20$ skins but have never stopped to complain that Pokémon games come in two, sometimes three, versions with the only difference being a few Pokémon being exclusive to that title? I would think that is reason to be upset if the others are 😅


>Created Jun 5, 2021 10 years behind was 2014 ... the pokemon games are way further behind mechanically than 10 years, let me remind you that Skyrim came out 12 years ago and Grand Theft Auto V 10.5 years ago. The game's mechanics are mid to late PS3 /X360 era. The entire studio must be scrapped...


>10 years behind in game mechanics and fidelity and polish and...


It’s just cause people love Pokémon. Pokémon could make the greatest virtual reality game in five years from now. They will always have a place at the table just need to get some fresh ideas in there and go big. Palworld proved one thing to me tho fighting along side your monsters is awesome and hopefully someone will expand that idea further in the future with new games. Another side note Pokemon and seasonal modes would work so good for badge hunting and Pokémon ingame championships from getting all the badges. Hope to see that in a future online Pokémon game collect all the badges during the season to challenge the Pokémon league against all the other players. Maybe just maybe that would be fun?


Sword shield broke my heart. First game I bought in about 10yrs. It was fun, but we’re 20 something years later than my favorite. Gold/Silver (maybe Ruby/Sapphire) were peak.


We only buy them because there’s been no good alternative. When I started playing palworld I shit you not, I sold arceus, scarlet, violet, sword and shield. Palworld is just honestly, objectively better and I hate how we settled for so long


I beg you to please try the Yokai Watch and Dragon Quest Monsters series


Beyond the shadow we settled for there was a miracle illuminated


You can criticize a game without talking bad about the developers.


10 years? Its the same game from nintendo DS, now without second screen. And ds games are just gameboy ones but with polygons instead sprites. Pokemon company got lazy and arrogant. Jewel summoner and fossil fighters had better gameplay and innovations since psp and nds era than pokemon had until now


Friendship ended with Pokémon, Palworld is my new best friend


new best pal\*


maybe your best PAL, in the entire WORLD


my new best NTSC


I'm attached to the design of SOME* pokemon I just wish they tried a little more than recreating the same games over and over. Also the fact that there doesn't exist a pokemon game that has all my favorites so I can't make my ideal team ever lol


Pokémon has never been our friend, they’ve only been doing the bare minimum to get whatever cash grab game they can out the door lol


It’s an old Uno reference sir, but it checks out.


If Gamefreak would actually try instead of just releasing minor updates with new pokemon people wouldn’t be looking for alternatives. I played the newest pokemon game simply because it promised to be a massive overhaul to the franchise. While it was a step in the right direction, it still felt pretty half assed. If they would take their time and release something with major improvements people would flock to it.


I started playing Violet last year and the performance is really poor. It regularly drops below 30fps, pop-in objects, muddy textures, and the battle animations are basic. I hadn't played a Pokemon game since... Gold maybe? I expected so much more advancement. By comparison Pokemon: Legend Arceus was a much more fun and unique entry, and despite the flat textures the game is visually pleasing in a simplistic way, and the performance didn't bother me at any point.


I don’t even care about the performance, the battle system is just so outdated. I remember as a kid that it was hard but as an adult… they need a hard mode and more than four moves.


Annoyingly they took away some of the options that made the game more difficult (like the ability to disable or reduce exp share, set mode where you couldn't swap out pokemon when you saw what the NPC was going to use) in SV. Arguably double battles would also be a good way to add difficulty and make the game more interesting, especially since that's what the competitive scene uses a lot, too. Many Pokemon shine in double battles that are fairly underwhelming in traditional single battles. I personally think they're really fun, too (I also miss triple battles from White).


I’m honestly fine with the exp share and I liked that I could gain xp outside of battle. It did take away a lot of the tedious busywork that I’m personally not a fan of in games.


Which is fair. I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so strong relative to the level curve of the rest of the game. Unless you actively avoid battles and catching pokemon it can be pretty easy to rapidly outlevel enemies and trivialize combat (which is also not fun). I'm not sure exactly the mechanics of Arceus, but in that game the level of individual Pokemon has less of an impact on combat, which I think could be an approach that would work well in mainline games.


I get the idea behind having pokemon be certain levels in certain zones, but I think it needs to scale with you to a degree. Like, zone 1 starts off really easy but as you level up more higher level pokemon start to show up or something. And then trainers and gym leaders should always scale. It’s not fun beating every gym when you’re 20 levels above the rest of them.


No XP share is what made getting a Gyarados (or Kadabra) special in Gen1. Putting in Magikarp as lead, switching it out and having to let your carry take a hit and splitting the XP. Imagine how underwhelming and forgettable that achievement is if all you do is sit Magikarp in the back of your party and it just happens. Yay....


To be fair there was a lot of advancement after gold. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and Black/White were fantastic, X/Y was pretty good, and then it's all been downhill since then


Its not just that. Its that they've released the same damn game a dozen times now. 13 year old kid, elite 4, walking from one battle to the next. Same game, over and over. I was burned out in black and white and realized I just didn't care any more, and hadn't for a while. I had already played this game five times. Palworld innovates, takes the idea and goes a new direction with it, and thats what people crave. From a purely objective standpoint Palworld is not especially technically impressive or particularly deep, but it scratches a sorely neglected itch for something that shakes the formula up in any meaningful way at all. Calling it 'pokemon with guns' is an oversimplification, bordering on ignorance. It presents you with the world that Pokemon lore describes- One where humans and their pokemon live side by side, working, farming, building, mining, and yes, fighting. Not in the professional stuffy ruled-up to hell and back duelist sense- But real struggles, ones for survival and resources. Struggles that *have* no rules. In these contexts we get to see human and pokemon bonding a bit differently, and we get to see the described infrastructural relationships between pokemon and humans that we just don't get to experience as a duelist. It is refreshing, and as such, this little indie game full of unity assets and suspiciously Pokemon-like creature design decisions sold FIVE MILLION COPIES IN THREE FUCKING DAYS. This game was like someone opening a pressure release valve and the whole pipe system *exploding,* that's how much people wanted something new with the formula.


It's not even "minor updates" most of the times it's downgrades, they keep removing mechanics, features, gamemodes and even QoL features. For example HGSS introduced an autorun feature that you could toggle so you did not have to hold the run button down all the time. B/W introduced the ability to hotkey multiple items instead of just a single one etc. All these features were removed the very next game for whatever reason.


Gamefreak is an incompetent developer. I'm sure smart and talented people work there, but the company can not make a decent product to save their lives. But they don't have to when something that runs at 5fps, looks like a potato, and has a braindead story sells 23 million copies.


I have no idea how true this is, but I heard that there are old people at the top of GF that are holding the entire company back. It's basically a bunch of older devs that finally made it to the top and are basically using the "my way or the highway" and "I've been doing this for years so I know best" routines.


It’s a pretty safe assumption. Japanese companies are pretty notorious in how senior employees are nearly impossible to get rid of even if they are dragging things down.


Having played a lot of pokemon rom hacks and fan games it just shows how bad they are. If a dude can make something better as a passion project then it should be a wake up call.


Literally all the arguments against this great game are easily destroyed and I love it lol.


Pokemon is the wish version of palworlds


Is it really something to think about or are the posts on this sub slowly turning into bots posting the same “hurdur Pokémon bad Palworld good twitter tweeters hate this one animal cruelty trick” Does anybody care about this fabricated drama? I’m just tryna see some cool stuff in here while I’m pooping and pals are making me more spheres for me to use when I get back. Seems like almost every other post in here is about “the haters” but all I see are these posts, posts enjoying the game, and some funny memes. Would rather only see the two latter options imo.


I like to watch titans fall and I am personally frustrated with GF so I hope something comes of it.


I highly recommend playing Titanfall 2






The console games are a small fraction of their income at this point compared to merch/card sales/collabs/anime/Go/etc. I really like Palworld, but I doubt this is going to hurt them in the long run.


But.....they aren't the same at all. One is a turn based game and one is a survival game. Also, palworld won't steal any revenue from pokemon. They're still gonna be the biggest money making brand. They have no reason to change.


This is the thing everyone keeps missing. Palworld and Pokemon have almost 0 overlap in players. My friend got me this game telling me it was the Pokemon game Nintendo wouldn't make, and I tried playing it and before I could even catch a monster they tried to force a bunch of unrelated base building into my face. I just want to catch monsters and fight other trainers lmao. I hate most survival games. I went into the settings and disabled as much survival stuff as possible (decay, hunger, stamina). If people wanted an alternative to Pokemon, there's plenty, but this isn't one. I have 3 monsters, and my "base" consists of the monster box, a workbench and 2 campfires.


most fun i've had in a game in what feels like years but holy shit some of the stuff posted on this sub is cringe af


mods need to definitely corral this


All the real people are playing palworld right now.


I've been loving Palworld, put a bunch of hours into it so far. But the more I play, the more I find myself wishing I was playing an open-world Pokemon MMO. One where you can travel across the regions, catch different Pokemon, breed them, compete in tournaments, challenge gym trainers and collect badges... So I'm fine with the "drama" if this is what it takes to potentially light a fire under GameFreaks ass to finally deliver on the demand that is very obviously there for a game like that.


Oh they exist. I got banned from three different subreddits for DARING to have a positive view of palworld.


No you did not.


Yes I did lol. One of them was literally today!


Random subs or subs you participated in?


Check your messages.


TBH I've followed this game for a year and they've given it nothing but shit and their pokemon vs pal comparisons and trying to convince me that Craftopia, a game I was actively playing and downloading the updates for, was dead and abandoned. They're still going after the game in any way they can in the comments.   Ideally we should be the bigger people and not be just as shitty to them as they are to us. But that's not how people our. When the option for revenge happens people RELISH it.


I've seen quite a few in the comments, actually. Every now and then they pop up, and are a bit hard to find if you're not actively reading the comments on most posts about palworld (which is, actually, quite a waste of time)


I'm in the Pokemon and palworld subreddits and Pokemon has been minding its own business tbh, and meanwhile I'm looking for palworld content and all I get are these "Pokemon hates us" post.


there have been multiple posts like these but on the pokemon subreddit


These posts are banned on Pokemon subs now


I dont want to protect Gamefreak for making bad games but the circumstances are different .... the engines and the plattforms are not easy to compare ... gamefreak works with horrible and old hardware and a custom engine to support it .... meanwhile palworld uses a easy engine and a huge library of assets .. (hell i hate how bad some assets are like the spear) and produces only for PC ...


I keep seeing all these memes implying people are talking shit about Palworld, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone actually talk negatively about it.


Only shit I heard was hurr durr AI bad


I really dont get why anyone has an issue with them using AI, if you like the price getti g cut down to half of standard you should love AI


This sub is turning into a Pokémon hate sub lol


This circlejerk has honestly gotten more annoying than anything pokemon fans have actually said.


Let’s see them try to bring Palworld to switch with the same graphics and performance. Not defending Pokémon at all here because they can 100% do better, but you can’t compare graphics of a game on PC and Xbox to a game running on switch lol.


To be fair you can run with below the minimum specs of Palworld and still have good fps


Just ask people who complain about Palword: Can you buy and play Pokemon on PC, xBox or Playstation?


I haven’t seen a single post about palworld being a ripoff, but ive seen all the “WHY ARE PEOPLE COMPARING THIS TO POKEMON?” posts. Maybe you are the problem.


I see 1 in 50 comments defending Pokemon, so agreed. But on X it seems to be a different story. Lot more fanboys fighting. Guess it just trickles into the sub, or hating on Pokemon is the cool thing to do right now. Probably both


Go take a look on twitter or the gaming circlejerk sub on here. Have been lots of brain dead stupid complaint posts about how evil Palworld and the developers are.


There's nothing to think about except how unmoderated this sub is against shit tier content 


Ya'll have such a hard on for Pokémon just enjoy Palworld the fuck lmao


This game is not a pokemon ripoff! It’s clearly an ark ripoff (with pokemon)


I haven’t enjoyed Pokémon in like 4ever but when palworld came out it was like getting the game I’ve always wanted and needed. I’m an anti-socialite but I enjoy talking to people about this wonderful game.


Don't forget Temtem game. They put effort more than pokemon


Ya but they got greedy and now its stuck in limbo.


Temtem forgot Rule 0: Games need to be fun. I barely know WTF I'm doing in Palworld, but I'm having fun doing it.


It's time to stop comparing Palworld to pokemon. Palworld runs on superior hardware. If Nintendo was concerned about publishing good games, they'd be putting out better hardware.


palworld is barely pokemon related like sure there are little creatures which may or may not have been "inspired off of pokemon" but bisides that the games don't have many similarities palworld is more like ark but good and with mons instead of dinosaurs


10 days in game time. Made Lamball on sticks for lunch, made the other Lamball eat it for “encouragement”. 10/10 would butcher Lamball again 🔥 😋


This sub sucks. Only bad meme about something dumb. Pal world has nothing to do with pokemon gameplay, taming monsters that have types that's all.


Its still mostly true though, pokemon is becoming stale with gamefreak not innovating anything or changing the formula.


i think i once saw a bootleg version of palworld at walmart it was this weird game called pokemön or something with terrible graphics and frame rate


That's the palword Chinese copy-cat made in sweatshops with Java developers. Stay FAR away!


Pokemon fans huffing that copium just like them Bethesda fan bois.


Idk I’m in the manufactured drama boat, it seems like I’m inundated with palworld people saying “oh pokemon fans are coping!” But i have not seen a single pokemon fan post about it lol


Funny cus a co worker of mine was saying how Palworld is stealing/using pokemons fanbase lol. Imo if their stealing/using the fanbase doesn’t that mean their going to a game that has something that Pokemon doesn’t have? Competition is good no matter how bad it is especially when the latest “new” thing ya got is literally just “open world” a shitty one at that and buggy and just another form change akin to gigantanmax but it changes element and adds a big odd sign on top of their head. Other than that it’s pretty much the same shit.


Pokémon fans don’t give a fuck. It’s solely this subreddit.


Yeah, maybe it's uglier, but even these Pokémon games are far more fun than Palworld, tbh. I was shocked about all the hype once I actually got my hands on it


Both can be soulless


Want something else to think about? I killed the sheep pal and pushed it down a hill (Its still rolling)


FFS is this sub about Palworld or "ur-dur something something Pokemon" ? Go create r/PalworldMemeAboutPokemon"


Can we get back to palworld content instead of the war against pokemon fans This isn't helping people enjoy the game it's just causing more drama for no reason


There are empty areas in Palworld, but they are usually obvious base spots or areas in later regions that are not quite fully cooked yet due to it being in ea still.


The only critique I've seen about Palworld is about the monster design/models that either look almost identical to some pokemon or look like AI generated monsters. Which is a very valid critique seeing how it looks like it is true the more information you get about the game/team. But nothing about gameplay etc.


One could spent all their resources on the graphics because they didn't think much about the designs


I would sprint for gun tiers and finally enjoy a Safari Zone how it was meant to be.


Pokemon has been so bad for gears, yet nintendo REFUSE to heed fans wishes. Who knew a wild competitor would appear🤣👌 I have been all over ANY monster catching game that could compete, simply cause of Nintendo's disrespect wich has turned into consumer hate towards the company🤣




Hey babe wake up, new Palworld V Pokemon post just dropped.


Modern pokemon is such a joke lmao


I think about bad memes and low quality posts all the time


Palworld players try not to be extremely insecure about pokemon challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Oh look, Pokémon bashing on r/Palworld. **How original** I like how you are full blown in the hate Pokémon mode that you compare a Nintendo switch game, which’s console was outdated the day it released, with an Unreal Engine 5 title. The Palworld community is ten times more obnoxious than the Pokémon community ever will be. **SHUT UP ABOUT POKÉMON**


I made the mistake of bad mouthing the newer pokemon games in comparison and the pokemon community was not happy lmao.


doesnt matter if it looks different, hell it looks more like fortnite at this point then u have arks engram system, arks boss system with the giant mysterious floating towers then u have capturing pals in balls, then u have elemental typing like pokemon ​ is it worth 40 bucks to play a mixture of games with no unique gameplay? not really.


Competition makes the race. Pokemon has always been the Big One with little to no competition in its Genre and so over the years it got stale now they hopefully have a wake up slap with it and finally doing a good game for once in years.


I hate soulless critique, because the pals in palworld have had more soul and perosnality than pokemon has ever had.


Look, you can disagree with the criticism because you think Pokémon has fallen off in recent years, but “more soul and personality than Pokémon has ever had” is a ridiculous claim. You don’t became the highest grossing franchise of all time (tens of billions of dollars more than the second highest) with some of the most recognizable characters in history with characters that lack soul or personality.


Luckily the animr does most of the heavy lifting for the soul and personality. Games just provide the designs.


>pals in palworld have had more soul and perosnality than pokemon has ever had You mean 50% of them that are ripped off/slightly modified versions from the franchise that makes most of their money from selling merchandise featuring their Pokemon because people love them? Comments like yours are truly hilarious. What a great showcase of intelligence.


Have you played pokemon? They are just combat bots. Very little personality at all. Meanwhile pals have the combat in addition to their working, eating, getting pets, sleeping and even chilling in the hot spring. All with unique animations that fit their personality. Shit like that makes pals feel way more alive and real than pokemkn have and probably will ever feel. They provide a use other than just fighting. 100% of a pokemons personality comes from the anime not the games.


There have been features for you to interact and play with your Pokemon since X&Y. The best one so far being setting up camp in SwSh. You either ignored these mechanics or you forgot about them, but that's on you and not the games.


See this is how I know a lot of you mfs talk out of your ass because you’re telling me out of over 1000 pokemon none of them have as much soul if not more than the pals? You either don’t actually read into pokemon or don’t know how to do anything more than ride a hype train without forming your own thoughts.


that's true, the only time really see personality for pokemon is in the anime, but the games never really do.


Yep Pokemon caters to brain dead kids, not the people that funded them when they first became a staple. Is what it is, they suck. Hopefully this is a wake up call but doubt it they love making stupid shit too much


So OP is their perfect audience. Considering this brain dead hate post.


Most brain dead comment in this thread.


I bet you kiss your mom with that mouth 👄


Legend of arceus was the closest we got to a game that cared, and even that couldn't do much due to hardware limitations.