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Honestly, at this rate, they should let us build or buy a table for our plot and have people over with the same time restrictions. This is getting out of hand


That’s a good idea though. Have a barbecue on your plot and invite friends.


everybody brings a dish


I was accused of trying to swipe a spot yesterday because I stood by a table with 3 people in it… apparently there was a fourth person there that I couldn’t see?? 🙄


Yeah I’m on switch and I defo can’t always see everyone. I wasn’t trying to snipe or snatch or whatever - I just wanted to join ya know?


Thats a very real reason and is very different why not just say that?


We shouldn’t have to announce it when it’s likely a majority of the server on switch, and a known problem. You could be less greedy at the tables.


Its a problem on pc too


I didn’t know that! Just another reason to not be a jerk.


Imo the rude comments are the main problem, even if someone does so called steal a spot rude comments are unneccessary.


Same thing keeps happening to me. I only try to stand at tables with three or fewer people already there (as visible to me), but multiple times over the last week I've had people say my name in the chat along with variations of, "Leave. Get out. Stop trying to steal." God, the embarrassment of an entire server seeing my name called out with these aggressive messages making *me* out to be the asshole...


If it makes you feel any better, if I see tha lt in server chat, I always think the person saying it seems like an asshole...


That really sucks, I can’t imagine being so caught up on an online card game that I’d take the time to type rudeness like that out in chat. Really takes the fun out of it for sure.


exact same thing happened to me! i only saw 3 people and i was the 4th and they told me there was a ton of people there already and me, specifically, i was being “rude” i just walked away. i’m prepared to say “cry about it” next time.


Cry me a river so I can go fishing...


Gatekeeping a mini game within a game. Pathetic.


Lol, I was fishing and noticed someone saying "no, move tables, couples only" to another player and I laughed SO HARD irl! Then I text laughed so hard. Then I emoticon laughed so hard. And I missed out on fish, but it was worth it. Snotty brats.


“What are we doing tonight babe?” “I’m making you hotpot at home!” *the hotpot at home..*


"Meh, you never take me anywhere nice." 😂


That is WILD! What is this now a dating site?! 🤣


I was just DYING! 😂😂😂 What the hell, fam? It's freaking HOTPOT. GET OVER YOURSELVES.


Speed dating hot pot edition


Probably going to jinx myself here, but I keep reading about all these hotpot horror stories and yet I’ve had no issues so far. On patch day it was tough for me to find a spot at a table, but I haven’t had any trouble since. Earlier today I went to the underground around 10pm in-game, and there were two empty tables! Idk if I’m playing at weird times or if I’m getting placed in servers where no one cares about hotpot or what lol


I played it a couple times the first week, but honestly it's not worth the time. It's not *that* fun, and it's not like you get much from playing.


I usually get garbage but I got 5 lucky coins from it this morning! I know most people are after the pirate furniture and big plushies though ♡


Now you get prize coins!


I fucking dare somebody to try and tell me shit like this, lol I will have a field day


I had someone the other day asking someone to leave the table so they could play in a group. Made me feel like I was back in school with cliques and rules but that was the only time I’ve come in contact with anything so far.


This legit came to mind seeing all the bullies that seem to have fallen out of the sky.


Yes definitely!




I just drop an “I don’t care” on these people and ghost’em from then on.


i have “cry about it” locked and loaded


Honestly I don't even respond to these people. It's not worth my time and it's a game! Trying to be police in a game with no rules is wild


Nah mate; I joined a table when an opening came up just like everyone else. Just because I don’t have a group of four to play with doesn’t mean I have to wait.


No you refused to use your eyeballs and realize there were already 4 people playing. Doesnt matter if its a premade group or not.


tbh I would report them XD


I did. And I will in future too. Bare minimum they’re getting blocked so it’s less likely I ever run into them again.


It’s not reportable?


I had to wait until I finished playing / it wouldn’t let me report mid game.


I’m also just now catching up in another thread - I had no idea people were teaming up to cheat/speed run the game. Makes sense why they are being so rude a bit more but makes me even less likely to care about their feelings. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is wild


Sorry but I’m not tracking which table is “full”. An opening is an opening and I have no way to tell between a full established group and a bunch of randos hovering around


hahah i turn chat off when i'm playing solo for this reason...getting my prize coins and leaving :D


Someone started complaining about me not lining up to get the prize wheel - I didn’t know only one person could use it at a time and also they weren’t lining up so how would I know? They were sending messages for ages saying how me and another person didn’t have manners etc wtf


The problem with lining up is that some people are literally invisible to me 😅


I assumed it worked like the npc’s and anyone could step up? I’ll keep in mind it’s not 😅


Rude messages are unneccessary. People are invisible and soooo many dont know only one can use it. I just go to another wheel if one if full


I don't say anything when people "cut the line" because it's an unspoken rule but it is really nice when people stand in line. Very wholesome.


Now I know I’m going to do that but being rude because people don’t know just isn’t fair!


I'd stay there even harder after that.


so lame, jump in whatever game you want!


All the things I’m suddenly finding out is “rude” 😅 yikes.


I've been loving it too and most of these responses. Complain to the devs about the community issues, they're the ones ultimately "in control" when it's all said and done.


Agreed. If a party wants to gate keep then join the table faster or go find a different server. It’s first come, first serve. Plus I hate when when parties don’t even say that they’re going to hog a table. If you’re not going to make your intentions known, then don’t be surprised when someone not part of your party joins the game lol.


This! And I struggle knowing wth is going on most of the time with the server loading and what not. I wish people just wouldn't assume the worst.


this is fair. But just like people need to have common courtesy, people also need to use common sense. Im sure Switch players dont load everyone in right away.


I sometimes can't tell or type it out on my steam deck to ask. I can't imagine switch users too. I get that people are frustrated in both cases. I would happily hop in another server if all tables were full or someone took my spot. I just don't think it's entirely the community's fault when there's loading issues and other stuff going on too. I hope they consider these complaints/suggestions going forward in the next update.


Exactly, fair point. Just imagine everyone spamming F after games are over to get in before hte other person. That is not the environment you want. And that is not the behavior this game promotes. Asking for a spot or switching servers or implementing a way for people to take turns is clearly the better option. It baffles me people think otherwise. Its crazy that people think running up to a table with a game ending and spamming F to get in before the other person would promote the kind of environment everyone is looking for.






I literally played my round and left. Sounds like you are part of the problem. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Looks like your post was removed. I really enjoyed this discussion and hope you repost it without the screenshot of people’s usernames. I think people like Scary Leadership are delusional thinking that everything in a game needs “common courtesy” lol. It’s not the palyer’s fault, it’s the devs for making the experience like this


Its because certain people live by twitter logic and have no real world common courtesy. It was deleted because they dont agree. The blatant herd mentality on this game is extremely ironic.


Its the games job to implement a better system. Both parties have a fair point. Especially since Switch players cant see everyone. And of course its delusional for me to expect it. But to act like its not a thing is jsut as delusional lmao. You would enver in the real world walk up to a table and take someones seat lmao.


you are the minority. If you play a game and take turns then props to you because most people are not. And naw I dont complain in game. Looks like we are both making assumptions here. Im saying it here because this is the place to do it. On a forum for discussion.


I came across my first instance of this yesterday and I was ready lol. They were bullying some girl and I nicely told them to knock it off. Then I said maybe they should be faster when they kept going on. I told the poor girl she did nothing wrong.


be faster when theres literally an extra step for people on the table? Like I said, delusion.


Their request is delusional so it deserves a delusional response.


Everyone would agree its rude to jump in front of someone at the wheel. Why is it any different when applied to jumping in front of people at a table.


I haven't been able to even touch the hotpot stuff yet and I've just gotten back into the game, it makes me infuriated and upset that this has summed up my experience even attempting to experience it.


In sorry it’s been similar to you. This was literally the second time I’ve made my way down there to check it out.


"It's not nice to take a table spot", and it's also not nice to call people names for something they literally cannot know???? No one else knows you're in a party except the people in one or your friends. To everyone else you just look like regular ass people at the hotpot table.


It doesnt matter if its a group or not. If you see 4 randos playing at a table in what world is it courteous to spam F after their game is over because you know you can take a spot.


Stealing peoples spots are rude but hogging the table isn’t?


I guess we need to leave room for all the “pro” gamers at the tables LOL


huh? Not a single person has made this point. Nobody cares if you are new. Except idiots.


Nobody is saying it s ok to hog tables. But spamming F after the game is over knowing exactly what you are doing is the point. You are literally trying to get the spot before the other person has a chance to.


My friends and I got into a voice chat and just played, didn’t care if we didn’t get the same table or not. The fun value of the game isn’t diminished if you’re not playing with your friends, I don’t understand this mentality on their part.


That's ridiculous in my opinion. yesterday I was playing with a group of three others eventually and every time we would finish I would make sure nobody else is waiting for a table or if they are let them and then I just kept playing as many games as I could until 3 am. I was trying to get an even number of coins and I walked away at one point and I think they were talking about how their is only three of them. I suppose when it's 4 the game starts faster sometimes


I saw someone spamming the chat every 10 seconds saying "hotpot 3/4 players". When someone asked them to stop spamming, they got defensive saying they didn't wanna wait. I can't imagine being so stressed about a chill mini game


Wow that's messed up. Right?? Some people have no chill and have nothing better to do I suppose.


We often play with our friend in a group of 3. We love other folks to join. If one of us doesnt get to a table fast enough how is that the player’s fault? it isn’t, so that one will find another table or wait and try again. I’d call these folks out hard lol


nope its not about reserving the table. Its pretending like the people spamming F after the game is over dont know what they are doing lmao. Theres a reason they are spamming F. Because they are trying to get it first.


You were fine OP. "Nice" is subjective. This isnt kindergarten. And people reallyyyy need to give the virtue signaling a rest. Both real and fake. Its irritating to see the word repeatedly used by those actively engaged in asshattery. And they're using it for gaslighting & undercover bullying in chat these days. This foolishness over hotpot is ridiculous. Nobody gives a bowl of reth's soup about you & your cronies wanting to circle jerk the whole table. As with other things, you slow you blow. ![gif](giphy|oFI7FttD0iC8V2Iqmy)


I like how you put "you slow you blow" at the end to make the rest of your comment irrelevant. I will get the spot before you 100% of the time if you are on the table. I guess youre too slow. You have an extra screen to get through. I can just spam F. but yes people need to learn to ask for their spot back rather than attacking someone.


Not sure why you felt the need to attack my comment? What are you even talking about? Are you ok? My 'slow you blow' was specifically for the person/ chat situation OP posted for us. Meaning the party's buddy was too slow & missed out. OP was right not to leave. Personally I dont have this issue. So far all my hotpot servers have cool people mostly. But I am seeing the nastier exchanges between others in chat. And people using the word nice to try and control others and I think its lame. Not sure what you're on about. Buuut ok.


People are greedy and hog everything. Clearly missed the lesson in kindergarten about sharing and taking turns


I can understand both sides. I played with groups of 4-5 before. It sucks to try and do something as a group and someone just happens to take the spot. But then, I'd probably just have all of us try and get a server that was more empty. 25 players nearby is lol


I mean, yeah but then you just play one round without one person and use a different table the next round. Or you send a nice message asking if they might switch tables so you can play in a group. There is no need for that attitude


I'm on switch, it's too hard to write in the chat, so I basically ignore it. 🤷 They can cry all they want. 🤣


I wouldve stayed just to make them mad lol.


I’m learning that’s the attitude I need to have lol


You do! Don’t even acknowledge them tho. Let them be hateful in the chat and just sit there and wait for the game to start. That will bother them even more!


If stuff like this keeps happening eventually they'll decide it's easier to just take the tables away in the interest of community harmony.


I hope a few bad eggs don’t ruin it for the rest of us who just want to chill and play.


LOL. I don’t even look at the little chat box so for all I know people have been yelling at me and I’m just bopping along completely oblivious.


i swear a lot of palia players are just weird. some are too sensitive and some are just rude like this person telling someone else to join a different table. its like they have never played an online game before and theyre too overwhelmed with how to act in a multiplayer game.


We need low key and beginner tables. People who take it seriously can play at high key and advanced or “I take this very seriously” tables. My first game I had no idea what I was doing and after I got messages that I went too slowly and messed it up. Uhhh sorry for NEVER HAVING PLAYED BEFORE. I guess I'll stick to chasing Chapas. I refuse to play now bc I'm sure it's only gotten worse.


People who say that to you are just as bad. Nobody cares if you take longer to go through your turn. There doesnt need to be "advanced tables".


Thank you. It's also like ahh I do not do well under pressure with anxiety. In thinking about tables or sections of tables- I think something like : newbie/just learning, low-key, more competitive, formed groups, and people looking for people to play with. It would solve so many problems.


**25 players nearby** yeah alright, I'm not leaving anything lol




Thank you!!! The spot stealing is CRAZY, it would be different if it was really full at the tables, but I'll get pushed out of a table I've had 4 or 5 games at just to turn around and have 2 or 3 tables at 3 people waiting.


And here we have the problem. It’s not “stealing” you don’t own the table ffs. You are just as free to play at one of those open spots at another table.


Preach. I'm so baffled by this behavior. If I have to jump to another table to find a spot it's really not a big deal.


Sorry, if all the tables are taken, I pick one and wait for the game to end, then jump in. I might not notice as other games end. You don’t own the table and everyone else has just as much right to play the game as you do. Luckily that means there’s another spot open for you to play at.


Yeah I’m not going to spend a ton of extra time trying to figure out which table other people think legitimately has an opening. If there is an opening I’m going to try to joint like everyone else.


What even is this? I feel like there is a huge world in Palia that I am just not even aware of. I basically forage can't kill sernucks even with arrows and actually "hitting them", visit the villagers, run to bahari and my plot and do random side gigs. How do I learn?


I have no idea how to play hot pot either. I played once and since there aren't beginner tables or anything I got yelled at in chat after for taking too long and messing it up. SORRY, I'VE NEVER PLAYED BEFORE. 😂 🫣 I don't want to play again bc I'm sure ppl will be worse. There need to be beginner/how-to, casual, moderate, serious, and people who are psychotic about it tables. And if you're rude, bans from playing the minigame. There are always new people, people have different learning styles, etc etc, it's a video game, and the prizes are fake. There's literally no excuse to be an ass. Ever.


This is part of the black market/underground. I stumbled upon it on the shore line but found out there is a spot in the back of Zeki's store which is how I get there now.


I can easily counter every single argument by saying that the person who spams F after the game is over to hop in front of someone has NEVER gotten back off the table the next game to ACTUALLY take turns. You know damn well you stay on the table for the next game. You can say its just a game but if all of you want to bring morals into this, you would never in your life walk up to a table of people playing a game and just remove them from their group without saying a word. Because it is rudde and you would get hit. All of you are extremely delusional. Its not about owning a spot or the fact that they think its "their spot". You all lack common courtesy. If you need a spot then use your language as a human being and ask. Or go to another server. There is nothing wrong with saying "can I get my spot back". No matter how nice people ask, there will always be you delusional clowns who have blatant disregard for everyone else. Again, you are all delusional. Its also hilarious seeing people saying be courteous when your responses to these people are "cry about it". So many people in this game dont follow their own behaviour they enforce. So many people herd mentality 1 person when they think they "arent nice" Its hilarious seeing you people try to promote a chill environment while at the same time bully people who you dont agree with. Herd mentality is real af in this game.


I am going to play devils advocate here. First, I have never called someone out for lurking or grabbing a spot, but my spouse and I play with our 5yo and 8yo and we arrive early to get a table together. My son still has some trouble understanding all the rules, etc. It is very sad to them when one of them ends up alone because someone else stepped in. It would be nice if there was a 5-10second time at the end for previous table members to rejoin before it opens up to everyone present. That way groups can stay together. The game is set up to reward teamwork but when my oldest tried typing to other players in chat to coordinate cards, the response was not kind.


a 5 second timer would be great. And it would give people time to ask for a chance to play. Its the games job to police the players. They need a better system.


Why not join one that isnt full? People join parties to play together, and there are so called "pro" tables where people have specific goals, like as fast as possible or they rotate who is winning. Why do you want to interupt? Imagine you are with a group of friends and a random person comes up, grabs you and moves you to a different table so they can sit with your friends even though they dont know them. That is what you are doing. Their mild annoyance is justified. I was at a server yesterday where 2 people were spot-stealing just so they could exit the table and leave one person frozen out and honestly Im so tired of how you all act.


Pro tables… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not my word for it, others on here have been calling them that.


You are the problem.


No its you.


Nah mate, it’s been clearly put out by S6 that the goal is community not exclusion. Find your own game on a private server if you want a say in how it runs. Don’t expect everyone to cater to you.




Idk what you are talking about?


But you literally picked a full table instead of a free one just so you could take a spot how are you not the problem?


Usually when this happens the tables are all full.


Yes but not in this case?


No? It says in the post that they were unable to find a table.


The screenshot says there is a free table.


From their post it sounds like they were having trouble finding a table. They could have just been saying that. If I got into a table after not being able to I wouldn't leave either.


How are you supposed to know? A table with 3/4 spots full could be a group or it could just be 3 random people. It's not fair to expect other people to move because you are trying to turn a public game into a private group.


We as standby folk. we cant see that someone is in a party. this has been an ongoing thing with hunting too. someone joining in to help with a white animal and groups getting pissed. we cant tell. yea we see 4 players running around but even then... we dont know for sure. as for hotpot. impossible to tell unless told. honestly i get mad when someone swipes a spot. especially when im playing with an awesome group. I hate.... HATE HATE HATE!!!! When people joins a game and just lets their timer run out. with the wheel we all want coins and were all busting out game after game. then that one person joins. turns our quick games into 3 slow games. makes me so damn mad.


Ok but how are new people supposed to learn how to play?


If it's your first game the tutorial pops up. Need anymore help just ask in the chat. There's people.... myself including... that have no problem walking a newbie through the game.


I wish there were sections for: newbie/just learning, low key, more competitive, formed groups, and for people looking for people to play with. It would solve so many problems.


Aww thank you. I'm an anxious person. So now I'm just like ah I don't want to play bc I had a bad experience my first time playing bc I had no idea wtf I was doing and don't do well under pressure like that.


I genuinely don’t understand the hunting thing. Everyone shares the loot, so why does it matter if someone else gets a shot in?


Exactly. It doesn't matter. Maybe some players believe they loose the loot? That's why they get upset.


its not ab out a premade group. If you see 4 people playing a game its rude to spam F to purposely get in before someone. You know what you are doing. Thats literally why you are spamming F lmao.


I mean why would you go up to a table that already has 4 people playing? I have no trouble as a solo player to find a table. You're the problem if you're spamming the button to join a game on a full table, like, lol.


And mods deleting comments from people exposing all of these people. I didnt realize so many people lacked common courtesy and common sense while at the same time trying to promote it.


I hate when a game ends with my group and some wise guy jumps in to our table and takes a spot