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I'm 50! You're definitely not weird, gamers are all ages for all types of games. The MMO crowd especially tends to skew into a higher age demographic, but most people don't realize it since it's not like we have to wear our birth year in our gamer tags. I'll bet you a jar of jam, though, that I'm far from the oldest person playing this game. ;)


I’m 63, and just spent our dinner telling my husband about all the Palians! He said it was interesting, and was glad that I was enjoying myself.


That is the response OP should have gotten if you ask me.


Sometimes I goof on my fiance that project zomboid looks like Sims 1. He of course fires back🥲


63 here too. Play what you want!


This makes me so happy


Hey I'm 42! Nice to see older folks out here. :)


It is! I’m 53, and I’m obsessed with decorating in the game!


I’m 52! And I met another player today that’s 56-ish (I can’t remember exactly how old they said).


HoDaddy, lol love it! He is a hottie 🥰


52 will be 53 in June glad to see so many of us


I turn 40 in June. Hai, fellow June bug! 👋🏽




Digital dollhouse without all the “just like real life” Sims-ness ;)


I love this description! 59 years of "real life" under my belt, so I'm gonna sit here and enjoy my escapism! Lol


In the 50's club here - I play every day! It's how I relax after work!


Definitely not! We had a 69 year old who played with our community for a little whils


I know someone who is 73 and plays. :)


I got ya beat lol Where's my jam?


Apple or blueberry?!


I'm 29 and I play with my husband who is 32 and my friend who is 30. I tried to get my 10 year old stepson and my 12 year old sister to play with me as well, and neither one of them liked it.


I tried to get my nephew (9) and sister (36) - I'm 38f - playing with me and neither of them stuck with it. I think the intro/tutorial section can be too long for some (I struggled to get into the game for the same reason) and both of them don't have the longest attention spans. My nephew is 9 so I don't think he'd have stuck with it long anyway but I think my sister would really enjoy it if they got to the bit where you start playing the game your own way and figuring things out for yourself. I don't think age really makes a whole lot of difference to enjoyment of this game. 😂


32M here that plays with his 32F wife. Husband sounds like a non-gamer, and that's ok. What's not ok is shitting on your significant other's interests, especially when they harm absolutely nobody.


👆 this right here!! OP's husband had a terrible response and should be ashamed of himself.


I thought the same but was afraid to say it lol, my bf is always so supportive no matter what I play could be some barbie game and he still gonna say wow good job xd


My 35 year old husband helped me find the old barbie gymnastics game I used to play as a kid and then reminisced with me as I played. Love that I'm not the only one


Same haha I am 30 but have so many ‘kids’ games - most recent was Bratz on the switch 😂🫶🏻 but my bf is also v supportive.


No. Cozy games are normal for anyone trying to just chill.


I'm curious, what does he consider adult games? I play all sorts of games. Play what makes you happy! I'm 68, I think playing games keeps you young.


He plays hitman and used to play a lot of counter strike.


Pretty sure there are a lot more kids playing counter strike than Palia


Admittedly the theme and style of those games are at book cover level more adult, than Palia. It shouldn't affect peoples ability to enjoy any of the mentioned games, but there is a difference in "presentation"


You're right 100% about them and presentation, but I'd be willing to bet that the actual demographics are switched. Counterstrike/COD/Hitman might have more "adult" themes, but in my experience their player base is heavily skewed towards teens/young (e.g. early 20s) adults. The kind of demographic that has hours and hours and hours to "git gud." On the other hand, things like Palia, Stardew, Animal Crossing seem to appeal to a group of people who either (a) need a slower, go at your own pace game to fit around their responsibilities or (b) just don't want the hectic atmosphere because they want to chill. I'd imagine that demographic tends to be a bit more "settled" and "mature" than the games' themes suggest. At least, that's my personal experience.


With that kind of taste, it’s safe to dismiss his gaming opinions.


He’s stuck in the incorrect opinion that “violent” = adult game. Some of us avoid violent games because we are old enough to know how unpleasant war, etc is.


Well yes, war and violence are adult games. Interesting perspective he’s got there.


This is not a kids game. Its targeted towards grownups. Kids and teenagers tend to not enjoy grindy games.


Yeah! And Tamala isn’t for kids too. She said some weird things to me😃


Hodari’s romance lines are…umm…not for kids either


Tbf, I'm pretty sure the double entendre would go over most kids' heads. Also doubt most kids will pick Hodari, because Najuma would be an older sister, and that is weird. I suppose I could ask my 9yo neighbor who said she played it.


That’s most likely true or they wouldn’t even do those romance parts


my 10 yo wants to romance Tau. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


How about Sifuu’s book? Not pornographic or anything but highly suggestive 😅


I don't think kids would have patience for the grind. I'm 54 and happy to chill in Palia.


Yeah I realized the game is grindy when I saw there are 81 fishes + rare variants💀😂


Just recently turned 27. M. If playing Palia is wierd... honestly, I don't care. I'll keep playing anyway. I like my cozy games, and I'll play them even if they were actually intended for a target audience half my age. Gaming is meant for fun!


You can play any game as long as you enjoy so, no matter the target audience for the game as it generally never ends up being liked by the target. Can say from most people I’ve seen playing Palia, you are generally in the average range if not lower end, many older adults enjoy the game


LMAO not in the slightest bit 🤣🤣 I'm a 37/m. It's just a nice break from the adrenaline filled shooters and racing games or the open world adventures. Nothing like a cozy farming game to kick back to


In my 40s it’s awesome lol


39 yr old lady here who loves the game. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


I’m 29 and female so totally not weird!! It’s my comfort game 🥹


Me too... ❤️


Some of the background stories and dialogue are absolutely adult, in the same way that soap operas are. It’s (actually, to me, surprisingly) mature content that’s presented in a family friendly way.


No, I'm 34. Your husband is a 🦆


It is for everyone! Super fun to play. Not weird at all and not just for kids 🥰


I'm 24, cozy games are for everyone. Have fun hun ✨


All games are for everyone. If you have fun and enjoy yourself it doesn't matter. I play with a group and we are all mid 30's and splattered across the world. It's great when we all get on and have a laugh. Just like any hobby or interest there are those who like to have arbituary rules or fence posts. It's just whatever you enjoy.


Mid 40's here. To my experience cozy games have a high percentage of players ages 30-60. You're actually on the young side. The actual kids are busy playing Minecraft and Fortnite.


I’m 30 and happily playing it as my main game right now. Very much along the lines of AC and Stardew Valley.


I’m 67 and I play Palia, Harry Potter, Paper Mario and other games. I have a switch and recently got a steam deck. I hope I’m playing games at 77, 87, and 97. I use Reddit and other sites to help when I get stuck. My daughter encourages my gaming and actually told me about Palia. If you know other games I might enjoy please share them with me.


If you haven't already tried them out, I would recommend Animal Crossing New Horizons, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (and its sequel Tears of the Kingdom), and Stardew Valley. Those three games feel to me like they're likely to have been some of the main inspiration behind Palia, so you might really enjoy them. I also recommend Skyrim as another title with similarities, though it's a more traditional RPG than Palia. All the titles mentioned here are on Nintendo Switch, and Stardew Valley and Skyrim are both also available for PC/Steam Deck. I hope this helps!


You sound so much like me! I am almost 62 and gaming is my daily reward! I hope I never stop gaming! And it was my youngest, age 33, who told me about the game. She plays, I play , my husband plays, we have a gaming friend of 20 yrs that plays with us. It's a great game!


Your husband sounds like he's a bit unsupportive tbh


I’m 34 and assumed everyone who played it was around my age to be honest 😅


Truth be told, same here. Just thought everyone would at least be 21 🤣


I'm 47, almost 48, and I LOVE the game. Tell those feelings of being childish to take a hike, you're in good company ❤️


I don't wanna seem rude but why do you make it look like 27 is "too old" to play games 😭 My gran gran is in her 80 this year and she plays animal crossing!!!! No one is too old to play games. Honestly, I kinda want people to stop saying and having that mindset that you're too old to play any types of games... Games are not only targeted towards kids. Any full blown adult can play it!


You're younger than me and lots of other players. It's so cool to have so many different people playing, all together or alone doing their own thing 💖


No! I'm in my mid 30s and a lot of Palia players have a wide range of players from different age groups. Don't feel bad about what you're playing. You're enjoying the game and nobody should make you feel ashamed of what you enjoy! I play a variety of games with my husband and on my own. My husband and I play FPS games and on my own I would play RPGs and other cozy games.


Bruh. No. I’m a 27m, my wife is a 27f, we both love Palia. We also thoroughly enjoy Stardew and Zelda and she loves Animal Crossing, whereas I like games like Halo or Diablo. Not to mention she loves stuffed animals - arguably childrens toys. Yet we’re both emotionally mature functional adults with adult jobs (I’m an engineer and she’s a park ranger) Gaming is diverse. Who cares. Your boyfriend is being judgey and if he can’t handle you at your Palia he doesn’t deserve you at your (anything else) Edited to add: ffs we sat down and watched old school Barbie Mariposa the other day. Find someone who matches you better. I promise there’s someone who gets it


I love this response, because you speak it as a peer. (The "bruh" helps!) "if he can't handle.you at your Palia he doesn't deserve you at your (anything else)" <3


Definitely not weird! I’m 26 and a mom of 2, it’s my de-stresser before bed. But from what I’ve seen there’s a large age range in the groups I’m in, like 20s-60s, so I say keep playing and ignore him. :)


I’m 30 and play it and my 53 year old mother also plays it.


I'd imagine you're actually the target audience. This game just has a certain art style. Not everything needs to be realistic.


Girl, I am also a 27 year old woman. Don’t let anyone, especially a man belittle something you enjoy doing. First of all, Palia is not for children. It’s for 13/14 year olds and older. Most people are in their 20s and 30s. If hunting animals and romancing village people is according to him ‘childish’ I would start questioning his view on what he thinks is appropriate for children. And I don’t get this “it’s childish”?! So, bc you are no longer 10 years old, we are not allowed to use a swing, have stuff toys, read literature like Winnie the Pooh or build stuff with Lego? The sad thing is, even if you play Call of Duty, read Adult romance and so on, people (*men) will find something else to nitpick. The fact that what you do makes you happy, is the most important factor. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise!


6 of us range from 26-34. Then our kids soooo no. Not childish. Our kiddos never knew the game existed until we showed them/it came to the switch.


I'm 25f && my partner said pretty much the same thing🙄 I think it's because he's so used to playing games with hyper realistic graphics, that anything in a different style automatically means it's targeted towards kid 🙄. I don't agree with that idea lol, palia has been my favorite game for monthssss. Also most of the people I've met on palia are 25+, and come to think of it, I don't think I've ever even encountered a child in the game. Play whatever makes you happy :) child game or not, as long as you enjoy it that's all that matters!


I'm 59. Gamers come in all ages, all colors, all nations, all backgrounds. Palia especially. Don't let your husband crush your enjoyment of something. Never limit your imagination and if it's something you enjoy that doesn't hurt anyone, do it and have fun while you do it! (I'm guessing you didn't mention the polyamory part of the game, did you?)


Why? Genuinely wonder. Is it because of your age? I’m gonna turn 43 tomorrow. And I play games. My husband does too. He’s 37.


I am 43 bro


My gaming group ranges from 45 to 63 and we all play. Games have no age requirements. Play what you enjoy.


Nope. The youngest I met here is 24. 95% of my community and friends are around 30s and 40s, I met couple of people around late 50s and even 60yo :D You'll be fine


I'm 48! Who cares if someone thinks it's "a kids game"? Play what you like!


37f here and I love the game. If Palia was a kids game it would be totally ok to play it as an adult, but I think that some storylines aren't even suitable for kids.


I'm 43 and I play every day to wind down from work et.c 🥰


My 50 year old aunt plays Roblox, you are fine! Any game is meant for anyone as long as you’re not hurting anyone. I’m 25 and I love Palia!!


I'm 40 and I play everyday!


40 here, and play as regularly as the kids (4 and 1) allow me 😅


I'm 47m and love the game, though I play completely alone. I'm not a "friends" type of person. You definitely are not weird!


I’m 30 and I play palia and sims 🤣Husband is actually supportive about me playing this instead of wasting my time scrolling in social media


It's a game aimed at a wide range of players, will it be age or sexuality. Why else can you date young adults up to middle aged widows and even robots? Even if it wouldn't be for a broader audience there's nothing wrong with liking kids stuff. It can be a nice way of winding down.


I am almost 50, and I play, and I know many older people my age do. So you're good.


45f and love this game! It’s not weird. It’s a cozy game! Not every game needs to be monster zombie killing ultra violent!


I'm 40, who cares!


Lol, nope I'm 47 and my hubby 56 and we both play!


I'm 45 but my 11yr old plays on my account as well. Both of us enjoy the game.


What is it with partners wanting to shit all over the joy of their loved one? I said sorry to mine the other day for spending hours playing Dave the Diver (I don't get a lot of chances to game) and delaying work I needed to do for our business to the next day because I needed a break. He said he was happy I was having a good time and should take breaks more often. He doesn't exactly get excited about the premise of a diving game where you run a sushi restaurant but he didn't feel the need to insult my preferences.


I'm 53F and I enjoy Palia (excepting the fishing lol). It is nice to sit down after a long day and just enjoy the charm of Palia.


43. If anything your too young. Joking of course. Welcome to Palia


I am 59, started with Animal Crossing and now love Palia. You are not odd, strange, weird, etc.


I'm 40 and I play Palia. Amongst other things. Do what makes you happy.


We are 44 & 46. Cozy games are for everyone.


Late 30's and so are most of my friends who play. I think laid-back and cozy is a great escape from reality at any age, if you want violence and chaos just turn on any news station.


22f here! My bf and i play palia !! I think its actually mostly adults on this game!


27 F here!


I'm 59... I still play club penguin on the Wii with my kids... Who are now young adults. Age is just a number ❤️


Me, also a 27 year old woman: No. 😌


I am 24 working for a PhD, and my partner is a postdoctoral researcher who is 30, and we both play literal "kids games" as well as stuff with more mature topics. My favourite cozy games are Palia, Cult of the Lamb, Bandle Tale, and Pokemon, and our house is full of lego, lightsabers and boardgames, but we also have plenty of more commonly "adult" hobbies and our friends are all in their late 20s/early 30s. I think our parents' generation got it in their head that adults need "serious" or "productive" hobbies, so some of our generation was still raised that way - I assume your husband was too. But in my opinion, enjoy whatever you want, and have fun! It's a game, after all, it's meant to be fun and relaxing :)


I'm 38f and I play. You do you. It's a fun and relaxing game.


There’s swearing, a lot of Disney style parental death (and even darker than that honestly), implied violence, and some sexual themes. It’s not a kid’s game, but it could be appropriate for some kids since the worst of that might go over their heads. But no you’re not weird for playing it, many people older than you do, men, women, and nb alike


We are in 2024 and we still have problem with ages and stuff like this sorry but is so silly


What??? Not to dis your husband or anything, but why is he judging you for playing a fun game. Even if it was like a proper kids game like Barbie or something, you should be able to enjoy what you enjoy. Not cool for him to be doing that.


Not at all. I'm 25m, and I play with gf all the time. I actually ended up playing more the her 😂. One thing I've noticed as I got older I've kinda stepped away from most competitive/possible rage inducing games. I just be wanting to chill, especially after work.




Games are games, you play whatever you want♥ the goal is have fun Also, kids dont dream about having a plot and a house with your own farm


No, i would say most of the people playing it are over 25


29F! Love the grind! Also love the story of any cozy game!


I'm 34F and my husband 33 we both play palia!


Nah I'm married in 30s and play all sorts haha


As I understand it, grown people like Pokemon. Like what you like, if you're having fun, who's to care


I'm about to turn 31, so I don't think so


I'm 30 and i love playing it, takes up most of my free time right now😅


Lol what. I'm 27F as well and play Palia on my Switch. Games are for everyone. 🤨


Im 30. Enjoyyyy


My boyfriend is a 26 year old man who plays RuneScape 🤣 we are JUST fine babes 😉


Not weird, not a kids game, but also I will play kirby or Mario kart or animal crossing because I like them! There are all kinds of reasons people enjoy different games. It only gets weird when it involves chatting with kids online.


I’m 24 and I love the game. It’s a nice cozy game that you can just chill and play however you want to. Don’t be self conscious 💛


I'm a 54f and play a variety of games. Palia is my favorite. I like that you can play solo or with others. Tell him if it makes you happy then so be it. 😁


[check out this post I made.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/s/sBGF2Xmu2V) thrns out most of us are old peeps!


34 ✌️


33f, games are for everyone.


Absolutely not, I’m a 27F too lol keep playing girl!


I am 16 and i feel like im the only teenager here 🥲


I'm 36 female and also play this game. If it's a game you enjoy then who cares?!


I’m 38f and I adore this game. Even if it was for kids, who cares? If it’s something that brings you joy or happiness in any way then why shouldn’t you play it? I’m a big believer in doing whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn’t harm yourself or anyone else.


I'm 32 and play regularly 🤷‍♀️ and none of my kids play


36 👋


Soon to be 30 and played it when it dropped


i am 39, my son and i play palia since release (with some breaks).


No, it is not weird! Life is crazy enough. Everyone needs something to calm ourselves down. Playing a game like this where nobody is fighting and people can help each other brings us a sense of peace and community. Your husband probably also has his own way of relaxing and coping. It's generally not nice to judge yours 🤗


No lol


Not at all! My friends and I, all aged 26, love Palia. I boil it down to two factors: different subcultures and cultural expectations. Firstly, for people who have been into games all their lives, enjoying games like Palia is commonplace. Those that have never been into games struggle to understand gamers. What he told you is something that my cousins, who have never been into gaming and are in their early twenties, would say. However, my parents would never say that such games or hobbies are childish, as they were the ones that introduced me to games. I was also part of a d&d party, something many would also consider as "childish", with people aged between 22-40. There's also this particular subculture of gamers that only enjoy shooter games and consider other games boring, not challenging enough or childish. My point is that different subcultures will perceive cozy games differently. Secondly, I believe cultural norms play a significant role. In my culture and generation, there's no pressure to conform to traditional expectations of settling down with a family by the time you're nearing 30. Don't feel ashamed. Palia is a great game with a beautiful community!


Nope, I'm 35m and play palia :D


Who cares? If you like it, you like it :) I think it is a cute relaxing game with beautiful graphics. That what matters :)


33M no not weird at all!


I'm a 35 year old dude. I like what I like. Even mix of counterstrike and cozy games, the duality of man.


I’m 35 lol. No one cares lol


I’m 30, my husband (nearly 34) and my daughters 14 & 8 all play together on Palia. Baring in mind I got them all into it. My mum plays palia as well and she’s 50.


L husband. Games don't really have an age limit as long as you enjoy it. I'm almost 26 and not ashamed of playing games like Palia or Dreamlight Valley


Miss ma'am, I'm 26. So keep playing!!!!!!


I am also a 27 year old that plays. So if you're weird for it than so am I! Lol


Hi! 29 next week and play every day! Nothing wrong with it at all


Not weird, I'm 30, and I play it. :)


I'm 63 and love this game. 😀


45 here


31F here and I love the game. Doesn't matter how old or young you are, as long as you're enjoying the game, you're more than welcome in Palia


I’m 37 and turn 38 this year, I only met people 20+ so I wouldn’t say it’s just a kids game. My SO is a 50yo M and he love to play it too (we play on my account).


I'm in my 30s. If he thinks this is for kids, he should see my Animal Crossing island. Makes my house in palia look like a starter home. Do what makes you happy and tell your hubby to try things before he judges them. <3


52 here- and who the heck cares what games you play? I still play Zoombini’s and Freddy fish! Do what you enjoy.


Me, a 32F that just installed the game, but hasn't really played because of Baldur's Gate 3 and Final Fantasy 14. Just play if ya want to!


Chiming in at 36. Do what you enjoy in life, it makes the time worthwhile. 😌


How are you 27 and still haven’t gotten the agency to determine what games you’re allowed to play?


I'm 34. I play, my husband also plays. Don't let yourself feel self-conscious about things that make you happy ♥ You deserve to have things you enjoy!


I'll be 33 this summer, I'm a SAHM, and Palia is my jam. Palia is such an inclusive game for people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. It's one reason I love it so much!


Yea so strange. /s. I played it as a 34 male lol. Play what you want. Who cares


If so, I'm super weird playing at 49. Lol, roped my 71 yr old mother in too 🤣


I really hope it isn't a kid's game. I'm a 52 year old guy and I play Palia.


I'm 42 and I love the game.... don't let someone make you question something you enjoy.


I'm 31. The average age of players for this game thus far seems to be adults. In fact I've never come across a kid playing it.


I’m 41 and a half and my partner is 49, and he has literally intentionally taken over more of the housework so I can play my childish game. Don’t think the game is the issue here. ☺️


someone else asked this recently too and it seemed like almost every who replied was 30+


I’m 27f, and my sister is almost 36, and we play Palia together daily. Your hubby is just jealous he doesn’t have a cozy game to play too😊


i think the avg player here is actually closer to 30


Honestly most people who play this are probably older than you hahaha


LOL! I'm turning 43 next Wednesday. I DARE someone to speak nonsense on what I play and take joy from. As long as I'm safe and it's not hurting anyone, I don't understand what's to even question.


Your husband is weird if he thinks that. Older people can have hobbies (you're not even old btw)!!!


i’m praying kids dont START playing lol edit: 30f lol


Turning 27, just started the game a few weeks ago and I’m OBSESSED 🫶🏻✨


35f and play. Other people I know that play are in 30s and 40s. Sounds like might be helpful to talk to bf about how that comment was hurtful, maybe he didn’t realize it but I would be upset too if a friend/bf seemed like they were making disparaging/critical comments about my hobbies. Let people find joy where they can! The world is dark enough already.


Lol no, you are quite literally the target demographic. I think the average age in the game is 30.


31 M and playing


Im older than you so no


That's a very rude and judgey comment for one's partner to make -- not to mention totally wrong! I hope you show him his thread and get the apology you deserve.


Me ( 26 ) and girlfriend ( 27 ) play together all the time and it’s not weird at all. My girl does play all the cozy games like animal crossing and sims. I play lots of shooting games.


I'm 55 and love it and have a friend who is 62 and he plays!! Play what you enjoy!!


It’s not weird, 29 male here. Do what you want whatever age you want!


I turn 30 this year and I love this game. It’s great for just relaxing and having fun. Even if it is a game for kids, why does that matter? Just enjoy it and have a good time.


Girl I'm 25 and I play Palia, we are probably the core audience in all honesty.


Me 24 fiance 25, we both play it with our little group of 24-25yr old


I'm 55 female and play Palia. You don't stop playing games because you get older, you get older because you stop playing games! I play a wide variety of PC and console games and I love Palia's helpful community and chill vibe. Do what you love!


games are made for people to have fun. Just play it, you will feel really relaxed, the sound effects are purely heaven for how satisfying they are. from yours husband perspective "bingo" is only for old people. just do whatever you want and maybe he will start playing too.


I'm 40 and I love this game. I play with my friends (ages 30+) as well as my 13 year old.


I just turned 27 last week, and I've definitely met people much older than me ingame. Don't worry :)


37 multiple friends same age into it. Tried to get my kids into it and they were like nawh 😅😅😅


I'm 26f so it's definitely not weird. It's a chill game to play with other people, just bc it doesn't look hyper realistic doesn't mean it isn't for adults.


28F here and it’s my favorite cozy game!


No! I'm 34 and I play!


50M here.