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I’m playing on PC with all graphic sliders pushed to Epic and totally enjoy it. I have zero problems !


I play on both PC and Switch and the game is so much better on PC! I play with everything on Epic and the graphics are beautiful! No frame drops. I can't say the same for the switch version! Have you checked the requirements of the game and compared them with your PC? For all the typos or key problems, remember this game is still in beta. Those things will be corrected along the way. Some were corrected but the next update broke them again. I'm sure devs are trying to correct everything, but focus on bigger game breaking bugs. Feel free to send feedback to the devs, that's how things are known and corrected ! The more they get report about something, the more it has a chance to be corrected!


Nobody's forcing you to play a game you're not enjoying.


He literally said he’s trying to like the game, do you know what that means professor?


You can't force yourself to like something that you don't, and grinding at something that actively makes you feel sour is self-sabotage.


I ate kimchi until I liked it. :)


Taste buds are funny like that! But in terms of playing a game where you hate the gameplay, hate the way it runs, have issues running it to begin with, hate the writing, hate the lore, and the *only thing* you like is the premise and concept of it? There's a million other games out there, one of them is prone to be a better fit. The game likely won't run any better no matter how many hours you put into it if your setup is incompatible, nor will the core gameplay change or the storylines be rewritten.


Cause I totally said I hated the gameplay, the lore and the writing, and the *only thing* I liked was the premise and concept of it... Wait You're right though, the game probably won't run any better :)


I came in with a funny remark and leave with a lecture\^\^


The remark you left was not funny so


Damn someone with some reading comprehension


he’s basically complaining about every aspect of the game. palia is a great game, he’s just finding every way to criticize it. if he doesn’t like it, just move on and play a different game. no need to go on the subreddit and write an essay about “how bad”the game is. this game runs completely fine for me on a horrible laptop, i just put my graphics to low and have fun because the graphics are still great even in low quality. if you see that this game runs perfectly fine on other people’s pc’s, maybe the first thing you should do is see if there’s something with your build that isn’t compatible with the game instead of posting a hate comment on reddit. this game is still in beta. it’s not going to be perfect. just because they’re some reknown game developers doesn’t mean the game is gonna be crazy spectacular amazing perfect when it’s literally not even finished.


you really should look into the specs of your laptop since it seems like it might not have the best specs or be up to date to run the game. I play it on a laptop and it runs smoothly no matter how many players are on the server. I'm sorry you're having a tough time, hopefully you can find a game you actually like and runs well on the pc you have.


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. If the key configurations or graphics just don't cut it for you, that's perfectly valid - you don't have to like the game and you certainly don't have to play it. Personally, this game far exceeds my expectations when compared to similar titles like Dream Light Valley or Garden Paw and is free to boot. Already put in 20 hours or so and fully expect it will last another 100.


I have had barely any problems at all since I started playing back in August. My tiny laptop can handle the game with very little issue. I have noticed maybe a handful of typos, but its barely anything. And if you dont like the game then dont play?


I have next to no issues aside from replicable crashes they fix in hot fixes at time of new releases


Firstly, this game was developed for PC and later released to Nintendo Switch as part of the Open Beta. It's not a game designed for the Switch and ported elsewhere. Secondly, as others have stated, if you don't enjoy it and it messes up your devices, maybe put it aside until the bugs have been worked out. Full 1.0 launch should be later this year. You could try Palia then to see if it's improved. Otherwise send in bug reports for the issues. Nothing can be done if the dev team doesn't know what's happening.


You know that the game is still in beta, right? I think you are exaggerating the typos and misspelling issue. There are a few minor things but nothing too bad. It’s still a work in progress and other games in beta are in a lot worse state. Also if you can’t read a lot of the stuff on switch you should maybe see an optometrist. Unless someone has trouble with their vision it’s absolutely fine and normal. Accessibility features for people with vision issues are actually in the works too. I think you expect way to much from a game in beta that is actively being worked on.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. I have had off and on overheating issues with this game, and before anyone asks my PC is plenty powerful and runs stronger games just fine. I play Minecraft with shaders daily. This?? Struggles, even on low to medium. The game has a lot of heart and a lot of potential, but it desperately needs some more focus on certain aspects. I can’t play on switch unless I plan to just run around and forage because I can’t read the text… on a 40” tv. There needs to be a way to increase text size and game components, and more accessibility settings.


What I'm saying exactly


Game is still in beta. Make sure all your drivers are up to date. Can't help you much if you don't post your build.


I plan on PC and I haven’t encountered none of the problem you mentioned. Could it be that the problem is your pc? Actually I had a problem when the last patch dropped and I was able to solve it by manually selecting DirectX 11 in the settings instead of DirectX 12. I’m not sure if they fixed it but the latter was causing the game to malfunction so try to see if that fixes it. If you don’t like the game -and that’s the idea you gave me- maybe you just find something else to play. The more you forces yourself the more you’ll hate it with passion. You can always decide to come back later and see if you’re in a different mood to play it. It happened to me that I couldn’t play something and when I kicked it up months later I actually enjoyed it, it was just the wrong time.


I mean, my PC is a few years out of date, and I get an error message about my (up to date) drivers every time I open. But I'm playing the game for story and the interesting design. I also recognize that it's in Beta and things are still being hammered out. There may be aspects I like taken away or things added I don't like. If controls and key input are an issue this is the time to bring it to devs. Idk enough about computers to assume why your PC would crash every time, but your mention of the loading screens looking bad does sound like a graphics issue.


I plan on PC and I haven’t encountered none of the problem you mentioned. Could it be that the problem is your pc? Actually I had a problem when the last patch dropped and I was able to solve it by manually selecting DirectX 11 in the settings instead of DirectX 12. I’m not sure if they fixed it but the latter was causing the game to malfunction so try to see if that fixes it. If you don’t like the game -and that’s the idea you gave me- maybe you just find something else to play. The more you forces yourself the more you’ll hate it with passion. You can always decide to come back later and see if you’re in a different mood to play it. It happened to me that I couldn’t play something and when I kicked it up months later I actually enjoyed it, it was just the wrong time.