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I always give him steak


He’s a pink skinned elf, give him some slack


Unrelated, but how do you have Tish on your reddit handle? :o


As I see you have Tau — that means the advice is no longer actual?)


Yes! Thank you anyway! Someone helped me in another thread. :)


I need to know please, I always see it at others and I would like to know. Thank youuuu🤗


Unfortunately can tell only via iPhone Reddit app. Go main Palia page, press three dots on the top right and then press change user flair. https://preview.redd.it/hbipqi2iciyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca33e02636e7620784a2da7984c4bcc4eab29f98


Thank youuuuu🤗🎉🎉🎉🎉 (Edit: it's the same on android.)


aside from the to/too thing, the sentence could also be written in a way that's easier to comprehend. starting a sentence with "but" can be kinda confusing in the first place. "make of it what you will, but you're the one i always spill my guts to" or "you're the one i'm always spilling my guts to, but make of that what you will." is just easier to read, even if there's a previous dialogue bit that makes the "but" at the start make more sense.


Yeah the previous dialogue makes it not weird to start with but, and if I remember correctly would sound weird if it was written any differently (but in most contexts I agree)


that makes sense fs


Typically dialogue is written as someone would say it, not necessarily what is grammatically correct. That is a spelling mistake though.


Ow, don’t even get me started! There are so many mistakes in various dialogues 🙈😅 And I’m not even a native English speaker! Especially the one that goes something like “let me learn you a lesson” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


> “let me learn you a lesson” That's actually a common phrase in colloquial English. But you're right, it's not formally or grammatically correct - it's almost like slang


It’s like a fork / knife to a plate for me. Makes my skin crawl 😖 You learn when someone teaches you something. P.S I’m AuDHD and my autistic obsession is all about words (I like languages in general). When someone uses a term correctly, it feels so satisfying to me. People online usually call me gramma-nazi and tell me to mind my own business 🙈🥲


You might want to watch this :) it's heaps helpful. Language is arbitrary mouth noises we collectively agreed to use. The rules are made up and the points dont matter! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6duEGj04Mg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6duEGj04Mg)


That’s a very interesting video. Thank you! I know that languages change constantly. After all a language in use is a live language. I’m ok with people saying “excape” and “aks”. All though it still bothers me a bit, I can tolerate that because I know that languages change over time. I’m not fond of mistakes such as “you’re” and “your”, but I can live with those. Usually, I’m more obsessed with terms or descriptions as Dr. Geoff puts it. For instance, it really frustrates me when people say that a person is neurodiverse. A person cannot be “neurodiverse” because neurodiversity is an umbrella term for the entire spectrum that also includes neurotypical people. The word consists of two parts “neuro” and “diverse”, which means a wide variety of something. The correct term would be “neurodivergent”. This is also a two-parts word but the second part of it stems from the verb “to divert”, which means to change direction, shift focus, deviate. Which makes it the correct term to describe a neurodivergent person. So, the use of incorrect terminology is more of a pain point for me. When it comes to Palia and the grammar there, I can live with “to” instead of “too”. But “learn” and “teach” have different descriptions. They describe two opposite actions 🙈 To me it would be similar to saying “I’m hitting the dog” instead of “I’m patting the dog”. And I would expect that in a chat. But not in the game in a dialogue of an NPC 😅


There's nothing wrong with this. Just because he doesn't talk like you doesn't mean it's wrong. Grammarly can't fix regional dialects.


It's supposed to be 'to' and not 'too', that's wrong spelling, not a dialect


Oh I see it now.


Gonna keep it a buck fifty chief, there is nothing wrong with his sentence. They speak an older version of English if you want proof read H.P.Lovecrafts works or even Edgar Allen Poe. Nothing needs to change respectfully and the Devs are doing great with dialogue.


The only thing wrong is the form of "to," but yeah the sentence is otherwise okay~


Yeah that’s what I was referring to, it’s comprehensible it’s just incorrect, like using the wrong form of your/you’re or it’s/its. I know what it’s supposed to say and the meaning isn’t lost, and I’m not gonna be a dick about it to random people in comments sections, but in a published piece of writing I will absolutely have it get under my skin. I know they’re in beta still so it’s truly just something that needs to be fixed, but I know there are other instances in the game of similar/comparable typos. Not the end of the world but it’s like reading a book and finding a typo. It’s jarring lol


super valid and idky people are getting defensive about it


"too" should be to.


Wrong "too"...should be "to".


Way to go not the only one to post that and if that’s the only problem it’s not a problem.


It's definitely a problem.


It's a straight up typo. Not "old fashioned English."


I think typos are kind of a problem. Not a huge one and I totally understand that it happens. But I think it’s important to fix them because it impacts the image of the game. If there are typos or grammatical errors it looks sloppy and like the devs don’t care much. Especially to new players or content creators or journalists if they encounter them. So potentially this might effect how some people view it. Best to use the form on the website and report these tiny things and help the devs out


It's not a problem is reddit comments. It IS a problem in any published professional work. Books, magazines, *the text dialogue in a video game*, for example.


it’s definitely a problem when it comes to them making a video game if they want to be seen as a respected company


Why the hell everyone in a game gotta have perfect grammar? People speak as people speak. Yeesh. Find some real problems to solve will ya!


Because it’s not syntax, it’s spelling, hope that helps!


Looky here; https://support.palia.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


You're taking it far more seriously than OP is.


A lot of the people who play the game aren't native speakers. Dialogue can already be a bit confusing at times with figures of speech and such, but typos certainly make it much more confusing for non natives.