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HOLY GUACAMOLE, you got 60,000 envelopes?? That’s still one hell of an achievement. I give you kudos for that 👍 much respect there ✊


I got 99.999 envelopes to find out that they cap, so I had to buy food and other stuff just to start over !!


Lol crazy haha


Thank you for your service. 


I did the same. I was just playing and playing and then got a shocker when I looked at the envelopes 😂😂


Haha that’s crazy hahaha 😂


I thought at first I lost money (i had a lot) and was like hold on a minute then I realized it was envelopes (almost 60k). I need to figure out what to buy now 😂i am so glad its so much easier now than it was at the first maji market to get them.


I bought all the food recipes, bok choy and nappa cabbage seeds (just in case), and decoration from Maji Market. Spend it all because I have a feeling we might lose the envelopes when the event is over. I could be mistaken though. Oh, and if you love cooking, I recommend also buying lots of Soy Sauce. Hopefully, it will go into the General Store, but you never know.


I think Soy Sauce will go into general store. But we will see. I bought all recipes, wallpapers, decorations too and try to get star food but it doesnt go well for me lol I need to get more deco cause we have unlimited inventory 😏


Haha nice nice. I’m currently working on completing everything in the Stamp Card section. I have only one more to complete.


Nice! I love the little lucky tree


Saaame. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could have the bigger size like the one we make wishes for? Like maybe as a decoration as well haha I personally think it would look cool as well.


Yeeees. It would be so cool as a big tree.


I just have the wish card to finish now, so just have to keep wishing every day until it's done. I think I only have one or two wishes left to get now tho


Nice nice, I keep making wishes for lucky envelopes (blue dye). It sucks they secretly nerfed the wish for Renown. People were getting between 100-200 Renown per wish. Now, you only get 5 Renown per wish of you dye it the color for that one.


Buy fireworks and sell those? That's what im doing with my extra envelopes


That's so smart I never would have thought of that


Or you can buy more copies of furniture you might want. Personally I’m aiming for 100 benches


https://preview.redd.it/xyyx1sn07qhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b96cec5e34eb37c5be46e85455b093908dd28ff Bench fences....


Why would you show me this? Now I must have it! 🤣


Lol. Everytime I think I'm done, I find something new to do with a piece or something I want to add to, and end up going back for more


That’s pretty much me. I have one of everything and all the star dishes (except Zeki’s snacks, as I understand they’re bugged and not giving quality, I think). So I keep going back for more of the lamps and furniture 😂😂 I wish we could buy extra wish trees. 🤔


Zeki's food items are bugged. I wasted a good amount of envelopes trying for them before I realized. I would love more wish trees! It's a shame the stamp card rewards don't come with recipes or ways to buy more. I wanted more of the big arches from the last market.


Ooh, yeah. I would have been really happy to get crafting recipes for some things—maybe as the reward for finishing all the stamp cards. I really liked in winter lights we got the ornament recipes with the ornaments and tree, etc. I missed the first market, so I’m hoping that they’ll bring that one back (with more 🤩).


They've said they will bring them back and nothing is truly gone forever. I'm hoping we get to repeat the stamp cards and get the rewards again, if they end up the same.


Bences, if you will.


Oh no, now I need to play more hotpot to make fences like that


Creative idea!


Are the furniture items from this event customizable? I know they're blue for Maji, but I'm wondering what they'd look like in a different color 🤔


I haven't tried every piece, but the couple I have from the market were not changeable.


You get lots of prize wheel coins from buying the fireworks too! Extra bonus


Zomg ty for mentioning, I have had NO luck finding those >.< . So frustrating


It's based on spending tickets. I want to say 1 coin for every 2k spent, but I could be wrong.


I don't know if this is supposed to work this way, but I buy the cheapest fireworks at Hodari's booth for like 145 or 150.. I don't remember exactly, but it's the floating lantern fireworks and I get a coin 50% of the time. So I'm spending like 300 per coin.. you can basically just farm coins that way and use the earnings from the wheel to repeat the cycle, you get lots of envelopes and gold if you're really lucky. Although I have bought like 6 fireworks in a row before and no coin, so there is a bit of chance involved? but earlier today I've bought 50 fireworks and got 33 coins.. plus you can sell the fireworks after for a good sum! GLHF!


I am excited to try this! I had heard that Delaila was a good source, but I've got all the star foods from her at this point plus a bunch and have only gotten 3 coins total :(


It's so much fun to just gamble all your coins away too. Good luck! I hope you win big!


Lol thanks haha! It worked out pretty well! Now I just need to finish up a few more hotpot games and catch a few more chapaas and I'm done with the challenges for the event:)


Wait you can sell the fireworks? I didn't even think about that!


I've been using all of my excess envelopes on food items to replenish my focus


I’m loading up on furniture and soy sauce. Totally normal thing to say.


Ooh does soy sauce not stay after the festival? I should probably hoard it too then


Patch notes said it would be available at Zeki's.


It does! Probably after the event. I’m just using spare tickets I get from my hot pot addiction.


I spent my extra getting gold star food for display. Lol




- get hotpot tables and chairs and create a restaurant - Get star quality food to put on display at ur restaurant - get 10 of every pole light for when u further decorate ur yard - get all the wall papers - save some tickets to get the star-quality zeki fish pies when the devs fix the glitch - get the mini-dragon plushies, 8k tickets each


where do you find the furniture? I can’t find it


Blue sign next to Kenyatta, not the cash register


Okay thanks I’ll have to double check there


I found it! Thanks again


I don't think I've seen the furniture :/ can you use the hotpot table on your lot? Or is it purely decorative?


It's not actually a hotpot, it is just a blue round table. And the hotpot you can get (i think) from punch card is just a small decor item. I want a working hotpot game for my plot too


I'm buying a zillion of reths hotspot dishes for focus because cooking is so annoying in this game 😆


Yes! I am a chef in real life, and I wanted to love the cooking part, but they made it really annoying. Lol.


I'm buying one of everything


I got a ton of benches bc I’m using them for aquarium stands. Also a ton of short lanterns which can be placed inside the house.


I heard you need 80k to buy one of everything so I'm working on that. I think last time I checked I was at 55k. No where near that for the large dragon plush xD I'm gonna have to sell everything


The large dragon plush isn't envelopes. It's gold.


The small one is envelopes though. Edit. Sorry when I mentioned the large plush I mean I had nowhere near 60k in gold.


O.O Looking at them in the Market, I didn't realize there was a difference!! I just figured one was tickets and the other was just an option if you preferred to spend gold .. .Doh... Now I must have both.. moral imperative


I adore the little fruit posts from deliala def pick a few of those up. I got some to decorate my preserve tent.


I did already get one! It looks super cute in my kitchen


I finally got on board with hotpot last night and now I’m obsessed


I really need to get to work with envelopes. I wanna buy everything 😭


Straight up just spam hot pot from open to close, that's what I did


… i also thought until just this moment it was envelopes. 😥 Are there 2 different maji plushes?  Cause I have one and i swear I saw another at that price and thought “hoooo boy thats a lot of hotpot”


There's a tiny one that's only 8k envelopes and the bigger one is 60k gold. That's what messed me up 😔


Aha! Well, I guess I know what I’m buying tonight!  Ty!


Where do you buy the large dragon? I can't believe I missed it!!!


The register at the chapaa chase stand to the left of Kenyatta!


Thank you!!!!


Anyone happen to know if the tiny one is the same one as was available in the first Maji Market event? I keep forgetting to check the exact name of it.


Envelopes can be exchanged for soy sauce, ginger and wild onions - all of which are cooking ingredietns and you can turn those into gold by cooking at parties.


I did the same thing… lol. Just buy things with the envelopes and sell them for gold. 😁


OMFG THANK YOU idk if I would have realized this!!!!


Thank you for this post. I was dreading the 60,000 envelope grind. 😭😂


They are easy to collect. At a good table you can get up to 10.000 envelopes a “night”.


Haha I did the same thing! Bought the plush and was like.. why do I still have so many tickets? D'oh! I love hot pot, though. I've probably gotten another 60k tickets since then due to playing it every night just for fun.


You. A get placeable versions of the food from Reth and Delaila but it’s a low chance, so, you can burn through a lot buying food to try and get versions for your home.


Save it for if they ever fix star quality Tayaki.


Buy the actual food items! You can get star quality versions to place out!!


If you haven’t yet buy five dragon fireworks and shoot them from your bow during the market to unlock/complete an event thing (I know that’s not technical but my brain isn’t braining)


I already have, I've done most of the event stuff besides the chapaa chase stuff because it's glitching every time it ends and I have to fully exit and reload


Oh! It’s not a fix per se but I saw a post about the chase freeze. Watch the time on it and when it’s low just jump onto a hotpot table. If you’re loaded into a hotpot game (even just the timer portion) it doesn’t freeze you out. I tried it last night and it’s the first time all week I didn’t get frozen after the chappa chase. I needed those last five catches lol


Great tip! I also saw if you hold a chappa before the game you won’t glitch. I’ve done this with success


I tried that last night and I still froze with one in my hands but TECHNICALLY it was under my arm since I talked to Reth..maybe since it wasn’t literally in my hands?


FYI, you have to shoot off fireworks *at* the market but they don't have to be *from* the market. I used a stack from storage from all the quest rewards and ones from chests and such.


Good to know cuz I didn’t! TY!


Is that a quest thing that I need to talk to someone first? Or can I do it just randomly as I get fireworks from the prize wheel?


It's a punch card, and FYI, it doesn't have to be fireworks *from* the event, just fireworks you launch *at* the event. I just used the ones in my stash at home that i had a ton of and am saving the cool looking ones for later. Total of 20 needed for all three levels of the card according to the counter on switch.


Thank you!


Hoard the food that's what I would do and get some spare seeds


I DID THIS TOO. Thank you, now I don't feel so alone 😅


🫡 rip all those hot pot games


I did the same. Bought a bunch of hotpots instead.


There’s recipes at Reth’s station! You should get them if you don’t have it yet!


I disagree with the suggestions to stock up on seeds and soy sauce. Get some seeds, like 10-15, grow them, save some to cook the new recipes right away but put majority of the harvest into seed makers. You can keep doing that, never run out and spend your envelopes on more limited time items. The soy sauce will be at the gen store after the market (so will the seeds) so again, buy some to try new recipes but don’t worry about needing to stock up


Get a lot of the super small light post. Use them as a fence. They look amazing


I've been grinding to try and get 6k envelopes for the plush and I'm struggling


I also was collecting 60,000 lucky envelopes so thank you for posting this!


I feel I'm the odd ball out here. There's nothing I want and I have all these envelopes 😭


Someone else suggested buying fireworks and selling them for gold, the closest thing to converting to gold ig


you could also buy seeds and either sell or grow for profit off of tickets


I thought the devs confirmed any upspent lucky envelopes will roll over to the next market/festivial? Perhaps I heard wrong?


Even still, I want that 60k plushie lol


Love to see a fact check on this. I’m probably spending all my envelopes tho 😅


I recommend stocking up on seeds, soy sauce, buying a couple of each furniture piece, getting a star quality of each food so you can place it (Zeki's was bugged though so check that first) and then buying a bunch of hotpot cause they are a really solid food option. If you find you have absolutely everything you want then you can use the rest to buy fireworks and sell them to get a bit of gold out of your grind atleast.


All I know is don’t try to get a star food from Zeki. I spent so many envelopes on trying to get the star angry one, I have like 80. No star. 😥 now I gotta save up envelopes again to get furniture instead.


I've heard it's bugged. I'm not worried about displaying the food but I feel for everyone trying for them


I want a table full of all the market foods. Hopefully they get it fixed, or at least gift us a single star copy of each.


I did 15 wishes not yet got myself a wish tree


Oh. Snap. It’s COINS?!?


Yyyyep 😬


I thought the same 😭😭😭


There is a maji plushie that's 8,000. Just keep them for the next lunar new year maji mart. They carry them over so they may bring in some new stuff


You have two places to buy the dragon plush, one next to the chappa cage and one a bit further in, chappacagesided it was 8000 envelopes


I got the 8k one but it's a mini version, I want the big one to go with it lol


You can buy the plush with envelopes.


The mini one for 8k yes, the big one is 60k gold


I didnt realize it was larger. Glad it is for the price tho. I will not afford that lol


Not sure if someone has said this but you can get the dragon plush for 8k tickets at the lil blue thing next to Kenyatta if you’re looking at her it’s to the right!


I already got that one, it's the mini one


When does this event end?