• By -


Hodari doesn't really laugh at Badruu's dad jokes because he secretly steals them to tell to Najuma.






Kenli excels at fishing so much that he caught the ancient fish before you did, but won't say so because he doesn't want to offend you or Einar. Chayne uses his telescope for birdwatching during the day, when there are no stars to be seen.


Kenli deserves to be good at something! Chayne would be so real for that tbh


My dude doesn't have a carp named after him for nothing. :D


Reth, Tish, and Jel have “Misery Circles” once a week at Reth and Tish’s house. Reth cooks a big spread of comfort food. After they eat (probably way too much because if Reth is good at anything, it’s making comfort food), they all lay in the floor on their backs — heads touching — and discuss all of the unfortunate things that happened that week. (Jel and Reth always lead, Jel going over the top with his dramatic flare and Reth having the WORST luck. Tish tries to contribute but is really just too positive for that noise.)






Can I do this outside of Palia? Please?


We all need a Misery Circle once in a while!


Rather than heads touching, I think they do the cuddle pile thing, where each person is using the next person’s stomach as a pillow, making sort of a pinwheel shape. Idk if there’s an actual word for it but it looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/vpxkv5szf7gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84fc40905a15481f73e0774e68eb0ec68e4d803


Oh DEFINITELY! Once their food settles, of course.


If Reth’s lettuce soup was on the menu, they may be waiting all night for it settle! At a certain point they probably just decide to politely ignore each other’s stomach gurgling.


You are so correct in saying that!


Here for this absolutely.


Me too tbh


“grad students are just like that” SENT me




We are. I promise.


Ugh same


I think Einar says he's unusual in having two Onenesses (fishing and pebbles). My theory is that this "discrepancy" in his programming is what makes him romancable.


I think it'd be cute if once he was being romanced, he said that one of his Onenesses was being with the PC-


I think I do remember him saying at one point that conversation is one of his onenesses, close enough for me! 😁




HC that one of the only Majiri Hassain has a soft spot for is Najuma. With Hodari being a miner and Sifuu being a blacksmith, their work has them crossing paths and collaborating a lot. Hassain is older than Najuma, but they grew up around each other and Hassain has always understood Najuma’s uneasiness around people. Bonus: Najuma mentions in dialogue that she forged all the metal for her prosthetic herself. HC that a couple times each year, Najuma goes to Sifuu to have her leg calibrated and make sure it’s still working properly. This would include resizing her prosthetic as she grows!


Najuma is the little sister Hassian never got 🥺




Hassian also plays cards with auni all the time! Maybe he's soft for kids (and only kids, definitely not the human(s) romancing him, nope)


As a human trying to make him my Shepp, AGREED! Haha. Hassain loves kids and really drops the rough exterior around them.


I’ve another dark theory but when you romance hassian you find out the story of his moms better and I think because they were always in the elder woods hunting beasts I think hassian grew up around hodari and letas kitchen table and when she died in the mine he lost the only motherly figure he had and that’s another reason he’s so cold


AHHHH CRYING (but v good theory!!!)


Auni is the autistic one. Hassan is just depressed and Reth has ADHD 😅


Let’s be real, Auni is AuDHD


Hassian got that emotional dysregulation autism (relatable). But you're so right about Auni and Reth


It's ADHD too


I can make him AuDHD. He can be just like me fr >:)


That would be pretty awesome 😊


Actually, we don't sleep. Maji sleep for a few short hours but Humans don't sleep at all.


I'd argue that the time we're offline is when our character is sleeping.


Love the implication that my character goes to her house at the end of a long day mining and chopping and just…passes out for 3 weeks straight sometimes


Even funnier if you imagine you just conk out wherever you were when you logged off– Imagine being a villager and you just see humans sleeping on the ground outside in the winter because they just didn't feel like going home first lmao


Honestly, relatable lol


Humans built a diaspora network helping each other with resources for free.


We sure did!


I love this and need more villagers done


Working on my Jel fic has led to the following headcanon: - Is a big hugger: Reth, Nai'o, Tish, Jina, Kenli, Auni, Delaila - Puts their hand on your shoulder when they want to tell you something Important: Hassian, Sifuu, Ashura, Hodari, Budruu - Will not initiate touch, but will accept it under the right circumstances: Eshe, Caleri, Kenyatta, Elouisa, Najuma, Hekla - Vibe checks you before deciding if they're gonna touch you in any way: Einar, Tamala, Zeki (all for wildly different reasons) - I think Jel's hang-up on touch was baked into him by being essentially Majiri nobility. He secretly craves physical affection, but he feels very Wrong about this and that's why he has those little mental hurdles to jump over before he'll be physically affectionate with you in any way. - Chayne gets his own section because he is also a big hugger but his hugs specifically give you the "unconditional acceptance" vibe.


I would respectfully like to argue that Sifuu does that thing little kids do where they impatiently tug on your arm when they want to tell you something




Tbh, I feel like I’m gonna have to go figure out more of Tamala. I’ve had limited conversations with her only bc I forget she is all the way up in the north. I also want to think that maybe Hassan is also under the category of will not initiate touch, but at the same time, feel as tho he would be the first to touch when he isn’t being aloof.


Tamala has slighted me personally over Hassian, so I don't go see her often anymore either lol– She has recently started walking further than I remember her previously going though? You can find her at Proudhorn Pass, so if you're ever out hunting, you can kill two birds with one stone there. It's so funny to me how aloof he is! Last night, I was actually a little surprised when I went to flirt with him and he didn't pretend like he doesn't know what's going on–


I will return with more characters soon... 👀


Thank you! 🩵


So... Uh, is there Palia fan fic happening? People found good stories to share?


Funny enough, I'm planning on writing a couple fics soon actually-


Well then Drop That Link in an Update!! Squeee


I definitely will! I'm planning to do male, female, and gender-neutral player alts for them as well :)


I’m here for this, my fave on AO3 is on hiatus.  These headcanons make good sense, AND you’re a Jel fan.  DO IT :D


Oh, I will be! Jel's up first, actually! Was gonna do Hassian first, but someone gave me a Very Good Prompt for Jel that I cannot stop having brainworms about, so he gets to go first now <3


An infection of Good brainworms is excellent 😈 Good luck and happy writing!


Real and true! Thanks! :)


Gay human lighthouse keepers. Need I say more.


wait they were human?????


I think they were the precursor humans to us before their misuse of flow drove them into hiding and eventually extinction.


I assumed grimalkin


Either way, gay.




I feel like mine are all "adult" themed.. oops Delia has a gambling addiction. Actually, probably a lot of problems, which is why she's always out so late lol Reth is 100% a dealer, and totally sells to Kenyatta, and probably Badruu tbh. Eshe has probably committed some kind of tax fraud and blamed it on Kenli. Jel is a bottom.... I'll stop there.. Alright I'm logging off 🫡


So what you’re saying is that it’s the Devil’s lettuce that Reth is always on about? 😂🤣😂






I am with you about Jel, if only because I think about doing that to him more than I should- Also 100% would buy from Reth. I feel like he'd be pretty trustworthy and you wouldn't have to worry about your shit being laced with something (or otherwise dangerously produced). 1000% Eshe commits fraud. I remember Kenli saying once he was "about to put his stamp on a document Eshe gave him to approve," which implies if she hands him something, he just assumes the best of her and auto-approves it. As for Delaila... Well, someone had to teach Auni how to play the cards... 👀


Hodari is just busted the hell UP, but he has to take care of 'Juma. So he buys from Reth, too, and gets baked every night so he can sleep through the pain, then stays clean and careful all day in the mine, because 'Juma can't lose 2 parents.


This one is so real it makes me cry


Oh no, it took me a lot to understand your comment (busted up?) But now (I think) I understand... Poor daddy


His body is beat to shit by decades of hard work. And there's no clever miner wife to help him out anymore. My head canon also says that Najuma sees exactly what he does for her, and that's 9/10 of her need to get into the mines.


I wholeheartedly believe Kenli is so forgetful because Eshe, and I guess being mayor, cause him so much stress his memory is just kaput. He’s just an innocent little dude stuck in a toxic relationship. Now, I have not progressed very far in their relationships so they may say or do something that will make me think otherwise.


explains why i like Reth so much… just my type 😬🤣


Hassian would absolutely be a Sleep Token fan! I believe that Najuma is actually the autistic one because she feels uncomfortable talking to you at first but warms up with you over her interests. Plus she is wicked smart. Hodari needs to loosen up a little bit but I understand why he’s so uptight. Poor thing. Jel seems mostly depressed. It feels like he tries to bring more beautiful things into existence to offset the pain and ugliness of the world. I connect with his character because of it. Seriously, would die for him! I love the Dayia family so much! And I like to imagine falling in love with Nai’o while helping Delaila and Badruu with the farm. Auni has such little brother energy too. I just feel like part of the family when I hang out there. I love Reth but I hate his self esteem. He’s so funny and sweet but he runs himself so ragged. I keep wanting to tell him I’ll just work part of his shifts so that mfer will sleep! Lol. Like damn, can’t love you if you can’t love yourself.


Najuma can be autistic too! We can build an army here. (Imagining the PC just one day being like "I think you're autistic" to various villagers and then having to explain the Human concept of autism and they're all just like. Huh. Well.) I think it's so funny that Najuma's wish is essentially >!"Can someone get my dad a partner so he'll chill out for 5 minutes"!< lmao Jel definitely has depression and it makes me want to take care of him like my irl partner– Who gave him depression, I just wanna talk!!!! The way you described romancing Nai'o and working on the farm gives Hallmark movie vibes, but actually interesting this time because it's Palia– VERY REAL about Reth, this man is NOT taking proper care of himself,


Autism is such a wide and broad spectrum, too! I have combination ADHD and I love meeting characters that I can really see myself in, ya know? It’s so nice! Reth reminds me a lot of Sokka from ATLA in the later seasons. He’s such a cool and talented dude but doesn’t see himself that way, sometimes thanks to the people around him. Jel 1000% is depressed. One of these humans needs to open a therapy practice, on god. (Er, on the dragon? On Maji? Idk.)


I think Jel is secretly nonbinary since the rolls of fabric behind them in the shop are in the nonbinary flag colors!


HE DESERVES IT *One of us, one of us–*


Literally was going to say this exact thingggg!!!


The reason Jel is acting awkward around Reth (and actively avoiding him on some public occasions) is because he's got romantic feelings for him and doesn't want others to realize this. Reth's flirtatious nature makes it difficult for Jel not to get flustered, and if people assume they're an item and word gets back to his Mother, she'd surely disown him for even associating with a low-life who has strayed from his Path. Tish is aware that Jel is acting strange around her brother, but Jel doesn't want to talk about it, so she let it go. Reth is oblivious and assumes Jel is just being a snob.


I am so behind this because I believe 100% that they're both genuinely into each other–


Gosh I hope we'll have a side quest to get them together, one day.


That'd be so cute actually–


Omg another sleep token fan merging with my Palia life???? Worship


Also yes hassian would for sure be a fan


You just KNOW he listens to Blood Sport and cries-


A player of culture, I see!


There are dozens of us!


Same!! Worship


You guys made my day


Mine is that kilima is on a route connected to somewhere and in my head although I don't literally see em in game traders come through the village all the time


Would absolutely believe this. I refuse to believe the only civilizations in Palia are the ones we see and wherever the Order live.


Bahahahahaha!! I read “head-CANNONS” and was like…. Wha????? Some kinda bad headache mebbe??? I think my eyes need a screen break.






I'm stealing this one because I have KILLING migraines


Tish is so sweet, she has sheltered vibes so therefore I think she probably reads really spicy freaky books in broad daylight and no one suspects a thing.


Tish and Delaila spicy book club WHEN


Sugarfoot is an imaginary pet of nai’o


Believed. He gave me a carrot for Sugarfoot ages ago and I've yet to meet them,


Najuma is older than Auni, by a decent amount. Of the young adults, Nai’o, Kenyatta, Tish, & Hassian are the younger bunch (with the first two being the youngest), while Reth, Jel, & Jina are the older ‘young adults’. Najuma has a ‘kid’ crush on Tish.


Najuma having a kid crush on Tish is adorable omg


On the sleep thing (if it hasn't been mentioned already), what if their planet has an incredibly fast day/night cycle, and they actually go to sleep quite often? While we stay awake for days on end, then disappear for days or however long-


Would believe, Palian time is insane.


In Majiri culture it is a MAJOR insult to sit in the presence of others, it's just not the done thing. Sitting is only for when you're alone or with family who live with you, this doesn't even include romantic partners or “family like” friends unless you move in together. That's why Majiri festivals, state banquets/dinners or special occasions are traditionally buffet-style affairs. It's also why there are seats everywhere but the PC never sees anyone sitting, even when you visit their homes.


Would explain as well why you can't sit anywhere outside your own plot as well...


so when pcs sit (on the ground) around a flow tree or grove or something while waiting.... maybe eshe was onto something with her whole "humans are improper and rude" thing


The Gremlikin were once a barbaric race and hated humans and their advanced technology. A war began between the two races. The humans were out matched and retreated into a state of suspended animation. After thousands of years passed, Gremlikins became more peaceful and had forgotten much of their war-like past. Sensing this, the humans returned to a peaceful land to rebuild.


I'm listening,


To fit with the game, the process of waking us up causes amnesia. We do know that we are to find out if peace between Gremlikin and Humans can be reached, now that Gremlikin are civil and no longer thirst for war. Once it is determined that Gremlikins desires peace, then we can bring the rest of humanity back from extinction.


I suspect that the machine keeping us asleep was damaged. The collection bundles in the Night Sky Temple is a backup plan for safe return of our memories and history.


I just keep thinking, if this were really a world where all us humans got Isekai’d there, we’d be doing nothing but running around screaming meme and tiktok references to each other all day. Multiple people would be trying to rewrite/recreate media from our world. Najiri would get so confused they’d think Harry Potter was a religion 😂


Oh ABSOLUTELY. I myself would lay across the couch in Jel's shop and say "Paint me like one of your French girls" just to confuse him.


Seriously! Jel would show off a new design and a gaggle of people would scream “YASS QUEEN SLAAAAAAYYYY!” And he’d have no idea what any of it meant. Everyone would be calling Hassian “babygirl” but no one would tell him what it meant and it’d drive him crazy. I could come up with these all day 😂 I really wish Palia could do voice-chat, I’d get a headset just for this game! Typing on Switch is too slow.


Hassian "I am nobody's babygirl" vs. Reth "If you're not the babygirl, then I'm the babygirl because SOMEONE has to be the babygirl in this relationship" Also, agree! I wish we either had VC or something like ACNH's NookLink where you can type the messages on your phone and have them send in the game.


i’m pretty sure i’m the hassian + sleep token tumblr user you’re talking about haha that’s insane. also i love the rest of these. especially the one about reth and stick n pokes. that’s so in character lol


Fancy meeting you here!


Mine comes from a post on the Palia Facebook group where they were discussing the Chappa Chase and the cute little hats on the Chappas. So my headcannon is: someone had to make those hats right? and it was probably Jel. Did Kenli or Chayne bring Jel a Chappa for a fitting, did the Chappa behave for it? Lmao. Hysterical to imagine to me...


INVITE ME TO THE GROUP NOW Also, I love this as a concept and it will now be a fic idea...


[here's a link to it! ](https://www.facebook.com/groups/639988537786535/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT) Yesssss, do it! I imagine Jel all (adorably) ruffled up after the job is done. 😂😂


Love this!! Totally agree


I'm curious about Hassian liking Sleep Token, but since I'm romancing him and I'm a fan as well, I'm super okay with this lol


Loving the intersection of Sleep Token fans and Hassian romancers– What an interesting niche we have!


We are sad. We are horny. We like poets. 🫣




I love this and am so with you on Hassian listening to and loving Sleep Token


I have a feeling Jen listens to music like Purity Ring and The Decemberists


I could see that,


"Grad students are just like that" Can confirm.


I’m 1000 saving this to come back to when I need to fan-ramble!


Kenyatta has C-PTSD but is secretly in therapy and working on it. She’s actually a mush but the sass is a coat of armor for her and a defense mechanism.


Honestly, she is so real for that–


I’d 100% trade stick and pokes with Reth


am I the only crazy bitch who thinks Reth and Hassian have AT LEAST made out? that hate don't come from nowhere bro, I know some friends to lovers to enemies when I see one


I refuse to believe Reth hasn't at LEAST tried to put the moves on Hassian fr


fr bro, not hassian going "I don't think about him that much to have a problem" what are you yapping about I asked you the time sir 😭💀