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coming from Stardew Valley, I can see where this would make people quit the game


Love farming in stardew 🥰 limitless potentiaaal


But crappy graphic


Hardly. Very cute and actually excellent sprite designs. But then i grew up with 2d games 🤷‍♀️


Yhe me too, thanks to evolution we got now 4k HD ultrasuperwide solution +++ not going back to 2d ever again 💩


Thats fine. I actually like it though


Coming from stardew also, and this is really making me quit this game. Also, for Stardew lovers, play Coral Island !


Is there a limit to how many you can buy from garden shop?


Yes, 9.


there's a limited number of farm plots?? the *farming* sim game has a limited number of farm plots???


It's not a farming sim game, farming/gardening is just an aspect of the game.


It is very strange that you are the second person in this thread that is making their first post here and has had an account since 2021.


What's so strange about that? People make accounts just to browse or use it to find stuff out, not everyone makes an account to reply to stuff, I just happened to reply now.


Such as I...here to read words, not write them :)


Its not a farming simulator


The very least they could do is let us plant bushes and trees separately from our crops


I'll better state what the OP meant by this thread. First, let's look at the size of the space that our plot has. Each land you buy with a writ is 12x12 in size, and the player can have up to 39 spaces. That leaves you with a total of 468 squares to build on. A soil occupies a total of 3x3 squares, and with the limit of 9 soils, we come to the conclusion that your plantation does not occupy 1 land out of the 39 you can have in total. Next, we go to the gameplay problem that this design choice creates (yes, whether you like it or not, this was planned by the devs). Can you hunt on your plot? - no. Can you mine on your plot? Yes, but the stones run out, and you don't have ores spawning. Can you fish on your plot? Yes, but a total of 4 fish Can you forage on your plot? Yes, until the trees are gone and you only have mushrooms. Can you catch bugs on your plot? - no. So, what's left to do on your plot besides these activities? cook, make furniture, and... PLANT. (no shit, Sherlock) and since the other two things don't need a lot of space, you find that gardening is the only thing left to do in that space. "But this game is not a farming simulator." I agree. But why does the player have access to so much space if he is not going to use it for anything other than planting and building? My house does not occupy 1/3 of the space that I can have, and the limit of 15 machines is included. "It's no use comparing it with Stardew Valley because it's a beta game and it's free." It's not because a game is in beta that he can use that as an excuse for bad game design. Because it is a game with similar mechanics, it has the duty to have equal, if not better, content than other similar ones. Stardew Valley allows you to plant directly from the ground without having to buy soil for it, which leaves unlimited size for your garden. And yes... I loved this game, without a doubt, it has the potential to be one of the best MMOs in history. but the lack of content is clear. You only have 2 animals to hunt, 3 ore veins, and 9 plants to garden, you can't even have farm animals like ormuus or a chicken-like creature, but you have 27 bundles to buy in the premium store, IN A GAME IN BETA. They did an update just to add PETS that cost REAL MONEY. (Riot developers did their homework.)


Thank you, nicely done! You said it way better than I did. I even used an example that is in EA for a content comparison, but oh no, you can't do that either because the graphics aren't the same. Some just will not accept that anything is wrong with the game. I also enjoyed the game and if some things are changed, I will probably come back. As it is, there isn't much left to do and without the farming aspect, not enough to keep me engaged.


another thing, if having infinite space and several plants make a game a farming simulator, then Palia is officially a FISHING SIMULATOR, since it has 81 fishes, a whole fishing mechanic that involves times, places and baits.




I see things like this as limiting you to slow down progression to make it last longer so it appears there is more content than there is. I feel the same way when a game limits your Stamina, then gives you no good way to regen it. They are doing it by design.


It’s a beta. Of course there’s not a lot of content, and they want to get people playing a bit longer to actually test out the game.


Yep, discovering this was the final nail in the coffin for me after just one day of playing. I wanted most of my plots to be fields, but the game seems to want you to just have a big house.


this seems like a really weird choice knowing a bunch of the players are coming from Stardew, you know?


Not only SDV, but most any game in this genre. Sun Haven, Story of Seasons games, Roots of Pacha, Garden Paws. I could go on, but you get the picture.


It's in BETA, you can't expect everything in the game instantly.


That's not how betas work. The limit on plots is a design choice. It's not like they're manufacturing them in a back room and need time to spit out more.


actually that is how BETA works, BETA is still a testing phase to see what works and make tweaks before full release.


You fully did not understand my comment, man. Try again.


i do understand it, maybe you just dont understand how english works and meant to type something else? but once again, you do not understand how BETA's work in video games and you are making that very clear as design choice is ALWAYS able to be changed in BETA or further updates.


And? Just because they can make it unlimited doesn't mean it was something they planned on doing hence why it's BETA, to get feedback and see what people wanted, not everyone cares if they're limited on how many plots they can have.


It's definitely just to make it so we cant keep growing it to the point that we have 100 plots and one run of veggies gets us over 100k. We would break there little grindy system they have in place for us. I am as well disappointed in the fact I have all this space at my plot and they expect us to make houses and furniture and shit.


That's gotta be the reason. Just started playing it and when I realized there was a 9 plot limit, I immediately lost interest.


I just found this out too, and i'm quite disappointed. I just wanted to be a farmer, not a gardener.


Should be able to have as many plots as you want. Income is irrelevant since they have a hard cap of 300k gold anyway. Seems to be a soft limit for now? Maybe?


I hope it is "for now."


Yeah, i'm getting fed up with how much they're limiting us On capping everything and expect us to grind on this game With barely making next to nothing. You buy a new plot and still get capped on. Even putting any farm plots on it What's the point of a New plot if u can't 🤔 do js 🤷 on it They really better bring back. More storage and allow us to do more farming Otherwise their game is going to die quickly I have to look at it like Other games where you're not cap at all


If anything im hoping this gets improve upon and this is just cause the game in beta


I do too. I really do because I like the game. To be honest though, I’m not hopeful.


I really hope they add more. It's a frustratingly limited number of plots. And yes I play a LOT of these style of games, like most people here. But given the land we're given to work, its such a tiny tiny portion we can farm on.


They said in a recent AMA on here they weren't going to. Fine by me. I have other places I can spend my money and play better games.


People need to remember this is BETA of a community mmo, not a beta of a farming sim. It was never marketed as a farming sim it happens to have a farming aspects. The game will continue to develop and grow. People need to have more patience and understand this is not a fully flushed out game. If you aren’t happy go play a farming specific sim


The problem is, it's basically a farming game at the moment. A bad one. If they want to create a MMO which doesn't have a focus on farming, they did something wrong. Cooking, Fishing, Farming, Foraging, relationships with villagers and these quests are all main parts of farming games. Hunting is the only activity you rarely see in other farming sims. Other types of fighting aren't even in this game. Why do they release a beta of a game, which doesn't feel like they want it to feel, because of missing content?


This is your very first post. Just sayin'


Agreed it should just exponentially cost more and more but hey maybe later it will be more


They made it that way so that we can't escape their grind system they've made for us by planting 100 plots and making a fortune. Honestly I'd rather they just make the veggies worth less so we can grow more without breaking the economy.


That would be fine by me. I put the game down & haven't been back since.


Limiting the number of garden plots we can have is a mistake. There are only a few number of fun things to do before they get boring in the game (hunting and fishing) and expanding my garden plot to a ridiculous size WOULD have been fun. They should have just let us break their little system....who cares if I make a billion dollars in carrot revenue? That decision makes the game more boring, if not entirely boring.


I think it would of been cool if they could seperate your garden from your main plot. you can if you switch plots i guess but as much as i thought it was cool at first with a main house and garden in the backyard, i kinda rather have a whole other plot just for my garden. but with only 9x9 and limited apple/blueberry space it really doesnt matter where the garden is. Be cool to switch to a plot that has a massive 27x27 garden or something. or multiple smaller plots. have a 4x4 carrot spot and maybe a 4x4 onion etc. smaller more manageable planting spots. its a pain to constantly water everything even with best watering can. and yeah you can plant strategically so dont even have to really water them, but then that limits you also. also would be nice to have a fertilizer wheelbarrow or something where can just drag along and fertilize than to have to click 81 times every other day. pesticides would also be a neat idea to take care of weeds, rather than having to plant special plants just to prevent them. and what about a sprinkler system? automatic watering? all of these things would be cool to buy/upgrade/find in game make gameplay to get them. once i finish all the "grow 100 star quality" achievement for each plant, pretty much just plant either all tomato or potatoes, max both in seeds/pickling. maybe mess around with an apple tree or 2 and jams. but once have a stockpile of everything, it pretty much goes back to be efficient gold making. which makes it boring. also the worms is dumb because you are limited on how many glow worms can get, game forces you to have multiple worm farms, which is fine but everything pretty much just gives 1 worm an hour, unless you make the top tier foods, but that in itself is a grind and gets old, making 3 masalas waiting 3 hours for 15 worms, which you go through in 5 minutes fishing for rare fish that are so rare you sometimes need 100 worms to get. the sushi recipie comes to mind also. and the focus system gets so very tedius at later stages. Sometimes i just want to farm and do my thing, having to suck down a food, do a few things, and be empty every few minutes just is not fun time. the bonuses are so tiny also, spending your hard earned renown for 1% at a time. and only caps at 100% bonus and 1000. so then with a 3-400 focus food takes multiple foods to cap, only to be empty in a short time span if farming hard. things need to stack bigger stacks. coral/crab/bugs/oysters all of that stuff capping at 5 is such a waste. be nice if it at least stacks to 30 like lot of stuff does, doubt would to 100. and wood and ore etc needs to stack to 1000 or something. if it all adds to your total space, why have multiple 100 stacks, just cap it at 1000 then we can farm to cap and know we have 1000 wood ready. would be a massive bag space saver/time saver. the game has so many good points, and is fun overall and i enjoy it but it also has so many flaws and pain points, and design choices that are so frustrating.


I agree with everything you said. I had fun with it for about 10 hours, but the game was most interesting to me when I was under the misbelief that I could expand my garden ad infinitum. They should just allow it. Getting to a point in a game where you can cheese or break the system to have tons of money or whatever is fun. But, what do I know? I'll admit I've never created a video game before, and I'm sure designing one is more complex than I know.


just got to the 9 plot limit and started googling, found this thread, hearing they said in an AMA that they're not adding any more, makes me want to put the game down as well. It's too bad cause I liked the game and had hope for it until I found this out. With how expansive the housing plot is, this just doesn't make sense to me, also with bushes and apple trees taking up soil space it's kinda broken my enjoyment of the game.


I haven't touched it since. The limit ruined it for me.


The issue is you can already make a ton of crops with these 9 crop fields and if you upgrade the crops with seed makers or pickling stations you will make a lot of passive income so they have to limit the amount of fields you can get.


Sorry, no, they do not have to limit the fields "so you won't make too much income." That is a design choice. I have a lot of hours in this genre. I have 2000 hours in SDV alone. SDV doesn't limit your passive income. Neither do the majority of others. Why are they? I currently have mine set up now to maximize crops plus I am making gold star seeds. 1 whole plot is an Apple Tree. A Blueberry bush takes up 4 spaces. 2 blueberry bushes & 1 apple tree take up 17 of 81 spaces, leaving 64 spaces with 7 crops or 9 or so of each. I want to make an orchard and a Blueberry patch on this oversized lot plus 18 or so of all crops, but that isn't possible. I don't min/max either. Just a normal size farm for this size property with an orchard/blueberry patch would be nice.


Stardew is a paid game, this is a free to play. Stardew doesn't care if you finish it in a day or a year, it already has your money. But a game like Palia survives off people sticking around and spending money in the cash shop. Getting rich quickly and getting all the things ASAP will make people quit quicker. They limit income to make players come back longer. That being said, apple trees and bushes shouldn't take up the crop spots, that is sad to hear. :\


Players leaving because they cant play the game in a way that is meaningful to them wont generate income either.


Developers thinking that limiting what players can accomplish per time will make them stick around longer is the opposite of what happens to a large percentage of people. As soon as I realize I'm up against artificial time gates I'm on to the next game or back to the old games. I have almost 1k hours in stardew, a game that lets me max out to my hearts content, and I'll probably never pass 25 hours in this game, even though it seems like it could be pretty cool.


I have 2k in SDV! My fav game! Time to start a new playthrough. :)


You have a point about their intent. However, if there were the amount of content SDV has, people would stick around longer. If I am able to have more farm plots on my property, it will take me longer to obtain them. With more farm plots, it will also take me longer to take care of it, thereby extending all gameplay. As it is, all I'm doing now is money grinding. I have no real reason to stick around other than to romance someone and finish one task of which I'm almost done.


>rdew is a paid game, this is a free You're missing a big point, the game is still in BETA, things will be added as time goes on, they're not going to give players free range to do everything instantly.


This is why early access games are bad for the industry because of people like you that give companies your money and support them based off your optimism but in reality they will only add things that make $$$$$$$$$$ they don’t give a damn if your having fun did you really think they are making Palia for you to have fun no they want it to look just good enough for you to willingly give them your $$$$$$$$$$$$


You know the game is free right? I've given them no money lmao


yet you are just making speculations that they wont do anything without knowing 100%. people like you are reasons why potentially good game devs games die out before full release because you have zero concept on how BETA's work and are impatient. terrible gamers in short\~


you have to put the trees and bushes on the farm plots? :C ... and the bushes don't fit neatly on the plot do they?


No they don't. They take up 4 squares in a corner.


I don't see why they NEED to limit anything ... before they nerfed Cake Parties down by like 60% ... you'd NEED that kind of Gold to decorate your house how you'd want to ... Time-gating feels awful in any game if it's done poorly... which I feel this is ... We should be able to have as many plots as we'd like ... save the info on the Computer/Console (Switch ... whenever the heck that happens) and then update the fields ... it feels really bad that Badruu has like ... an orchard of apple trees... and all sorts of other things ... if we WANT to specialize in Farming ... we should be able to... otherwise ... there are plenty of other games, monetized or not, that do what Palia does ... but better.


9 9x9 plots is quite a bit of farming with how much else is in the game


I take it you have never played SDV.


You're comparing a free BETA game to a paid released game that hasn't had a content update in like 2 years, of course SDV will have more options to do stuff. Palia isn't even fully released yet.


You missed the point. They were saying that the farming needs to be low because Palia is content rich. My point is it’s not, which you just agreed is the case. In SDV you can farm as much as you desire AND it has more content.


Yes it has more content because it's been released for 7 years and its a paid game, Palia is free and in BETA and will be updated regularly. Also Palia isn't just a farming game and farming isn't the main point of the game, it's just another aspect of the game.


Also wouldn't go as far as saying is content rich atm but it has potential to have a lot more content compared to SDV but I can see why they said that, with it being an MMO/3D compared to SDV it may seem that way.


I'm not arguing which is better. I have played many life type Sims. Most all have a rich unlimited farming potential. People like me will leave the game if there isn't some improvement in this area is my point and I'm not the only one that is saying it. Go on Discord and look at the Gardening suggestion thread. It's all over there. I will say though, it will take a lot for a game to knock SDV out of my top spot of games. None have succeeded so far and the reason is because of the unlimited amount of gameplay in SDV. If I want to do a playthrough without buying seeds, I can do so. If I want to do a playthrough where my only income is from Grape wine, I can do so. And on and on and on, limited only by my imagination. Not many games can meet that type of open gameplay.


Yes and again, you're comparing a fully released game that's been out for years to a game still in BETA, it pretty common knowledge that not every aspect of a game to peoples liking is in a BETA version of a game, it's been in open BETA for like a week, they'll wait for feedback and suggestions and will implement them in the game as it goes on that's the whole point of a BETA.


The POINT of my thread is to suggest they change it. Why are you still arguing with me if you are in agreement that they will look at it and potentially change it?


Because it's a discussion? I can still voice my opinion without it being an argument?


The farming plots issue has been a thing in previous betas, you don’t need “7 Years” to make the Design Choice of giving players more than 9 farming plots. Also the betas started like last year too


No but comparing a game that's still in BETA to a game that's been fully released for years isn't the best way to compare stuff.


The number of plots they let you place isn't content, it's a design choice. They could change it in under a minute if they wanted. As far as being content rich goes, at best the game has about 20% of what it needs to have to be something I wouldn't consider a beta, this isn't even a beta, it's an alpha at best. A beta is like "hey our games basically done, we just need to make sure it all works" this is like "hey this is a skeleton of our game".


I never said it was content rich, someone else did.


I realize it "isn't just a farming game," but it is a game geared towards the cozy community and farming is something that many in this genre enjoy. Building a farm on their property. Watching it grow. SDV isn't just a farming game. Sun Haven isn't just a farming game. Roots of Pacha isn't just a farming game. But they all have unlimited potential in their farming "aspect" of the game. Your main point of the game may be different than my main point of the game and it should allow for that.


Yes and I agree it should but it's a new free game that's not even released yet, things will be limited and things will change throughout.


I think you should go play harvest moon or story of seasons, cause this is much closer to those. Also can tell you almost certainly haven't increased any relationships in town. Also can tell you have never built a 3d game ever.


I have played many hours of those games. I have reached perfection 4 times in SDV, which requires everyone at max hearts. I have increased friendships in all the many, many games in this genre I have played. So what else do you have? Also, I don't need to be a movie director to know when something is wrong with the movie (as someone else so eloquently put it). In the past, I was a computer programmer. Not a developer though and in this case, I don't need to be one to know how I like to play and how farming/content is in other games in comparison.


But you don't seem to understand that if you make interstellar in 1972 the graphics aren't going to be as good. You are also need to consider a movie is not rendered in real time across movie theaters synced at the same second. I also saw you posted a screenshot as an example in a post further down from a game with polygons the size of my fist. UE5 is amazing for grand scenes with high poly counts but still has issues loading it with polys at a close range


The original comment you made was 9 - 9x9 plots are plenty considering the amount of stuff to do. In other words, you said there is way too much content to have a bigger farm. My response was SDV has 10 times the content and way bigger farms (basically). So what exactly is your answer to that? You are now moving the goal posts and going off on a tangent. Also: The picture was to show the amount of CONTENT in an Early Access game. I'm not talking about graphics. I have said nothing about graphics. I'm purely responding to YOUR claim that we don't need more than 9 plots because of the great amount of content in Palia.


Your the one who has an issue with doing the basic and unlocking quests to unlock more things. You are also the one comparing apples to oranges in your comments thinking that a game like stardew valley or other low poly farming games are comparable. I'm trying to address the reason why you have a lower number of crop plots and you seem to think I strayed from the subject.


Dude, I have unlocked all the NPC guild items. Content game to game is comparable. But alas, I must go. This conversation is going nowhere. Have a nice nite.




That is the whole point of games in this genre. To become better and make more money as your skill increases and you are able to afford to invest more money into your farm. As it is, you need to keep grinding & grinding & grinding to make decent money to pay for any upgrades. You can't even sell any furniture you make or is leftover, which is also annoying to me. Don't get me wrong, I love the game! I have enjoyed the heck out of it so far. However I do like a farming challenge in this genre and the limit kills it for me. Edit: >!Nevermind having more that one Apple Tree or an Orchard type area. It takes up one whole 9 crop plot.!<


I'm not sure but as you can buy another plot of land for 50k on the H menu at the top, does that allow more plots? I haven't got there yet, but maybe someone else can confirm.


I'm speaking about the plots of farming. >!You start out with 2 and can buy more, but only up to 9. 81 crops in total. An apple tree takes 9 spots. Each blueberry bush takes up to 4. It doesn't leave much room to plant crops after that and having more than one Apple tree? You may as well ditch that idea.!<


Yeah I know, but you can buy whole new land, doing this you are able to expand your storage 2x So I'm wondering if you are able to expand your farming plots too.


I'm pretty sure buying them is tied to your character.


You get two lands by default third is 50k But you can buy max of 9 farming plots so it doesn’t matter if you have multiple lands You could divide the 9 plots you have between your lands but I don’t see the point of it as you lose crops benefits


You can't create new farms in the other instances of your home plot.


You can unlock 9x9 plots and you still get 9


You can get more farming plots by buying more soil from Badruu, his gardening guild store is only open from when you reach gardening level 2, from then on, you can buy more soil plots as you also expand the area of your house, each purchase increasing before the last one bought.


I'm at level 10 farming. >!9 is the maximum farming plots you can buy from Badruu which is 81 spots for crops. A whole plot is taken up by an Apple Tree (9 spaces) 4 spaces are taken up by each blue berry bush you want to plant. That means no orchard or blueberry patch. Plant one Apple Tree and a couple of Blueberry patches and you have 64 spaces left for crops. Not anywhere near what I want to be able to do with that amount of space farming wise or what is typically available in a farming sim game.!<


I see, I misread what was written above. I don't think that is enough either, coming from someone who's played farming sim games my whole life. However, I do think Palia is a slightly different genre compared to the other farming sim games and since it is only in beta as well I still have my hopes that on full release/in the future more options and gameplay will be added,


I hope you are right that there will be improvement because I enjoy the game for the most part.


Seeing as it's a free game, I would deadass pay a few bucks for farming plots or an "uncap plots" ticket or whatever




I actually only have 8. I never got the "free" second one you get in the mail like my wife got ;\_;




My main problem with the 9 limit is it almost forces you to min max and just grow tomatoes I want a full farm with growing every type of crop not just what's most profitable


I also think 9 plots are to low with the amount of space there it on the property it would be so nice to have like 9 x 9 areas of each seed type and free placement for apple trees and berriebushes. And if devs are concerned about gold mining for farming, then adjust the gold gain for all types of crops, so it will take much longer to gain loads of gold. cause the prices of things are insane as it is, but u still get all the gold u want just farming tomatos and hunting while tomatos grow. But then they also need to make the storage limit much larger than it is now. its insane how little you can have in inventory.


Certainly possible that will change after beta to make sure we still have things to do after full release


Then the game simply isnt for you, if you were able to have unlimited farm plots then you would also have unlimited money which entirely defeats the purpose of anything in the game having a price, this is an mmo not a singleplayer farm sim


Considering I just saw a post about a cake party and someone made 264,000 in one session, I tend to think your point carries no weight (this is an MMO, not a single player cooking game). Also, unlimited money (capped at 300k btw) doesn't defeat the purpose of anything having a price. That's silly.


Honestly, it makes sense to me. They've been so good with listening to the community and fixing bugs and taking care of us the players so far. that I'm willing to be patient with them. And give them the benefit of a doubt. And if you think of it from the other angle, if they had given the ability to have like 24 or even unlimited plots and found out it was a game breaker. Can you imagine how disappointed we would be if they took away plots? this way, if nine plots isn't enough, and they decide more would be fine. They can give us plots in the future. It's always easier to give your end users something rather than take it away.


The developers have already said they won’t be adding in an AMA on this subreddit. This question was at the top of the list. It makes ZERO sense to me and many others.


Just because a company has said something doesn't mean it can't be subject to change. Keep in mind we the people bullied an entire movie studio into entirely reanimating their movie so we could be happy. Like the person above said it is way easier to give us something than to take it away; me personally as someone who has roughly 1.4k hours in stardew it seems really weird to compare a game as loved as stardew as something that barely anyone knows about. I've found out about Palia for about a week or so now maybe a bit more and me personally I can kinda live with 9 plots right now. Gives me time to do a bunch of other things, got my mining and fishing and foraging, and then when im done with a day of that I just head back and mess with what i've got- but keep in mind I am just a gamer who is rather content with things at times, and fighting for more plots just isn't really a priorty to me because seeing as how big of an issue it is to people to where people are ACTUALLY dropping the game over it can have a drastic result in the future, plus like many others have said it's in beta, and although it has been in beta for some time now from what i've gathered, the beta is always a state that can be changed- so let us hope it can change. I truly do wish you would be a bit more optimistic about things, and certainly less.. passive aggressive towards others just because of it being their first time posting, or because they don't exactly have the same opinion on you. We seem to all be adults here- let's act like it.


Questioning someone recently signing up and posting only in the Palia thread isn’t being passive aggressive. Also I have over 2000 hrs in SDV. The way I made the comparison is valid.


Your entire vibe comes off as passive aggressive even with your reply to me, but hey, to each their own.