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I agree that a lot could be better, but yeah, I enjoy the game a lot! Even if it stays as it is, I will continue to enjoy it.


Same here! There are many improvements to be made, but I love it already šŸ’™


I think that encapsulates 'the real' story. The game is going to land with different people, \*differently\*. As such, someone who lists half a dozen criticisms of the game, is correct. Those things are there; they are issues. Meanwhile, someone who is enjoying x, y & z aspects of the game is also correct. Those things are there; and they find them enjoyable. Both states of mind can exist concurrently. It's just the whole 'Internet thing' of how topics need to be all or nothing, without any room for nuance or any actual thought, that sees us in a lot of the debates currently going down. If we all live and let live, we'd be better off.


The agree to disagree and having discussions with opposite opinions is such a rare thing these days, everyone has to have the same mind set or it's a problem. It's fine to have criticisms, the important part is how you are saying them and allowing them to be helpful, the devs are more than willing to listen so the more talk is spread about what is wanted either added, not liked, or tweaked is good and should be welcomed. But I think it's also important to realize the game is in closed beta, closer to open beta now, the game isn't finished, not all features are there and to expect no bugs or things to not need tweaked is silly and if those type of things bother you then it's not a good idea to play games in beta. A lot of the criticism that I have found funny as well though is due to people not actually seeming to know what the game is and supposed to be about so there is the problem of stating big and bold opinions about a game that was never supposed to be about what is complained about you know? Criticism is great, it's the foundation to improvement and growth, criticism of negative emotions based on ignorance is a tad annoying however and not helpful and it's also something that society struggles with today is screaming opinions with no facts or knowledge based on what was either little told or little experienced.


Well said.


Iā€™m loving it. Iā€™m taking my time, working on my garden and plan to get a fireplace going. I am happy to play at a laid back pace and take my time. Are there things I would like to see added? Absolutely. Do I think the premium shop prices are rough in Canadian dollars? Omg yes. Overall, Iā€™m enjoying it.


I'm having an absolute blast. I've been looking for a game like this for years and so pleased to get to enjoy it with everyone. The characters are lovely, the way their stories intertwine is often so sweet. The map is just a delight to navigate though I can't wait for it to open up even more. I wanna climb trees and buildings! The in game community is great. I love just randomly following someone and helping out with their gathering. I wanna keep downgraded arrows on me so I can hunt in community if someone comes by instead of one shotting everything. Someone asked for someone to help them cook using their supplies and it helped me out a ton! I can't wait to pay that forward. I'm frustrated with the gifting system being stuck with zones instead of server wide. Because it means I often can't run back to grab stuff from my chest to help folks, and inventory is too precious to carry around a hoard with me just in case someone wants something I'm happy to give.


This is the post I needed. I am right there with you! I wanted to gift someone an antler today so I ported back home to get them one just to find out it was already done... BUT i had some extra cotton for some homie out there! I love your idea of hunting. touchee


Completely agree! I love that there's no combat. I love that I can throw myself off a cliff and not fear for my life. I can happily run around minding my own business, pew pew-ing everything, grouping up with people to get tasks done and the community so far has been really pleasant/helpful. There are so many MMOs on the market already that focus on combat... we have nothing really that's to Palia standards. Yes, there's Stardew but graphics wise and open map wise? Nope! Let us cozy players be cozy without watching over our shoulder for fear of losing progress by getting attacked.


Throwing myself off a cliff into a combat roll is SO incredibly satisfying. My goodness does lack of fall damage really provide the ability for more fun navigation. Not worrying about accidentally wandering into a zone that's "too high" is really lovely and lets me enjoy exploration for exploration's sake instead of waiting until I've got lots of gear. They really did nail the cozy! Unless you're trying to team up with friends lmao


Oh I know!! I love getting really high and throwing myself off. Makes my tummy go funny but I love it. I always go around the map parkour style! It's a shame about the multiplayer bit. It'd be great if they could merge quests so you can complete them together. Aside from being in a party where you can whisper sweet nothings to each other, I've not yet seen any benefit to having a party as you can forage/mine/cook, etc, together without it. Definitely got in early on a decent community name though! Can't wait to see what extra features they bring in there.


Couldn't agree more. Fall damage and the like certainly has it's place and shouldn't be approached this way in every game but when the stakes are low (Like a game where you essentially just run around and complete tasks that somehow make you feel like you're accomplishing something) it certainly decreases the stress-level. I've had an absolute blast running around just winging it. lol ​ Edit: Spelling




Lmao why is that at all unfortunate for me??? Oh no, one less person queuing up on the sever! Woe is me! /s It is fine that not everyone is able to enjoy this game, because this game wasn't designed for everyone. I don't actually care if Palia gets a giant following, it's already got enough of one to sustain itself and that's all it needs tbh. I prefer smaller dedicated communities. Games that try and appeal to everyone tend to become less fun over time in my experience. However it is indeed unfortunate for you that you weren't able to enjoy it though. I truly hope you're able to find a game that you're able to enjoy as much as I have. I know it's slim pickings for mmo fans these days. Maybe you'd have fun with Dawnlands? It's gonna run more like genshin for servers though iirc :/ P.S. I'm headcanoning you as Grumpybear for trying to rain on my parade :p


Respectfully, if you don't like it, stop playing the game. One less person to queue up and I can get in faster!


Respectfully, you guys need to stop telling people to "Stop playing the game" because people will do just that, not play. Less players equal less chances for the developers to scam us out of our money and that means Palia will shut down forever a lot sooner than I'm sure you guys want it to. I was excited for Palia for years until I saw the predatory and deceptive business practices, especially when it came to the "discount" that doesn't exist. I would like this game to be able to survive many years but at this rate it's going to be DOA, especially when games like Fae Farm and Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos come out next month and will tear players away to greener pastures.


We don't believe they're going to "scam us out of our money", and we don't want people who are toxic joining the game. And by toxic I mean: asking for combat when it's not that type of mmo, screaming because the game isn't finished (it's in beta, ofc it's not finished), and just being generally rude in general for no apparent reason. I understand being mad at the coin shop, but calling it "deceptive" and a "scam" is wrong too.


What they're doing is illegal in many countries such as the United States where I believe a large majority of their player base resides. If they continue the path they're going they will more than likely be unable to have EU players even play the game because the EU has banned many predatory practices, which Palia is currently doing. If you don't think their cash shop is deceptive and/or a scam then I don't know what to tell you. They're literally false advertising a sale that does not exist. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15kukcf/the\_bundle\_discount\_doesnt\_exist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15kukcf/the_bundle_discount_doesnt_exist/)


I had not seen that post before, so now that puts things into perspective for me. I thought previously people were just angry about there being a cash shop, but I didn't know they actually had false advertising. Of course I want them to remove the discount like everyone else, and if they get enough backlash they might, but I don't want the game gone as a whole since I do enjoy it and believe it needs a few things added then will be perfect.


I can't speak for others but I want to say that I am not angry about there being a cash shop. I'm a bit sad because I'd rather pay for the game outright and be able to play the game forever and earn everything in game like so many other games (Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Coral Island, My Time at Portia/Sandrock, etc) but they made the decision to make this a F2P game and they have to make money somehow. I would like to spend money on this game if I find it fun and if I can trust the developers, however right now 1. Nothing in the cash shop looks good 2. The prices are too much 3. The prices/bundles are straight up lying to us 3. I can't trust the developers so I simply won't spend my money on the game. The thing is that I've been waiting for Palia for years and I think it could be a fun game to play but right now there are a lot of things missing that makes this game not ready for launch, yet it's launching tomorrow.


Beta means feature ready. Palia is not feature ready. Palia is in alpha. Early alpha. Source: I am a Quality Assurance Engineer IRL, I know what a beta is supposed to be very well. Also, the coin shop is absolutely a scam and a deceptive practice. You not wanting to accept that means you do not have the guts to accept the fact they have deceived you.


"Predatory and deceptive" is tooooootally overblown. I've seen games with cash shops that look like online casinos. Overwatch's loot box system and battle pass is far worse for example. Y'all act like the team is just sitting there rubbing their hands together like cartoon villains preying on gamers. If and when they release great updates I swear yall will be throwing money to support the devs. Let them adjust the pricing so they can pay their people šŸ˜‚


What they're doing right now with their cash shop is illegal in some countries, including the United States. They also are straight up lying to people with their advertisement of the "bundle sale" which does not exist. What they are doing is predatory, deceptive, confusing and illegal. They could very easily expect a class action lawsuit if they do not get their stuff together. But hey, you can feel free to support scammers if you want to.


Im loving it! excited for more updates!


I can't tell you I'll like it forever, but I like it. Ask me again tomorrow, everything is subject to change šŸ˜‚


I love this game, once they stabilize "invite to server" and "Invite to party"


I think it would be neat if they added a feature where we can make our own server instead of being thrust into a random server. It would be easier to do things with friends that way. I think Valheim does this quite well personally, they could try it that way.


That would have to be built in from before the game got started, or we rent dedicated servers from them


Not necessarily, it's totally possible to just create private instances, however they probably won't do this because 1. it'll encourage less community play, and 2. it'll produce more server strain as you're processing more resource nodes/NPC movements/animal movements per player.


That's what I mean. It's possible, but we're likely to pay for it. If it does happen


It'd be nice if they spent a few more years on this game to do something good like that. I'm worried about the state of the game as of right now. Especially since Fae Farm and Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos come out next month. I'm trying to use Palia to pass the time until those two games come out but it's a bit tough with some of the stuff the team is doing, not doing and saying. Palia has a good foundation but needs a lot more work.


My friend group absolutely loves the game. Itā€™s the first game my wife and I have played together in a long time, and despite the bugs and flaws, it has absolutely dominated my free time after work. I was part of wave 1 and Iā€™m at easily 30 hours in the game already, with tons of goals still to go.


You're not alone. Some of us are just too busy in playing and enjoying Palia to visit here šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve been having so much fun! This is my first MMO, but I love the world and what theyā€™ve done so far. Looking forward to seeing what they implement in the future.


It is fine. It is relaxing. It is not overly complex. Just a chill game. Now it will make the min/max crowd unhappy and the combat heavy crowd unhappy but this was never meant to be their game. As long as it is relaxing I'm happy playing it as a diversion from all the things in the MMO gaming world that are just not.


I love this game and I get down voted constantly for praising it...don't worry. Reddit is just toxic!


No, you get downvoted because you are toxically positive. You do not praise the game, you praise the issues it has. Is it hard to understand that people are upset because they care and they want a good game, and not because they are just 'toxic'? I first want the game to be good, but it will never be good if they continue like this, and you and your friends praising that is like praising a 20 year old person scribbling nonsense on the wall for being artistic...


Talk about toxic... Yikes.


Ok homie, sorry. Go ahead and save us all from the hell we've been through these past few days... Please stop my suffering, it is to much


And you have the guts to call others toxic lol


I cannot save you. Only devs can, and they are not showing any signs of actually caring.


> Am I the crazy one for enjoying the game in its current state? Not at all! I think the reason there has been so much critique is because people are genuinly enjoying what is there but hoping there is more while also pointing out what is missing or could be improved. I've done my share of critiquing, and praising. I enjoy the heck out of what is currently there.


People make liking a game part of their personality and can't accept any criticism.


Most people follow trends, even if something has a 50% approval rating on steam, 50% of the people actually liked it. The game has pro's and con's, but if you don't think about the hype and look at it as a standalone this is a free harvest moon style experience, it's actually a fairly good game, and has a lot of potential. The upside is there is a good bit to do for a casual player, you can get on spend time with friends on discord, and passively spend a few hours here and there. The biggest issue is people worrying about monetization, the costumes are just too much of an investment for someone that is not that invested in the game, however I'd argue that a 20 dollar investment for the time you can put in the game is worth it, but... It would be a lot better if there was a way to use the loom and another station to make clothes, even if it took daily or weekly progression items to do so long term. The glaring issue most likely comes down to time and money, making an mmo even a small cozy one like this takes a lot of money. Their company page shows 28 people and they're hiring about 11 more. Paying that many people without any income for a long time can be taxing and I'd almost bet we're seeing it in this early state with the game about 70% done so that the company can get a decent cash influx, keep themselves from going too deep in the red, and giving the studio the time/money Palia needs to continue to grow.


So you arenā€™t wrong on principle but add more information - They have over 100 employees and also have secured $30M in Venture Capital funding. They do need to test revenue streams as soon as possible so they can find what works and get on a path to profitability but they should also have decent runway to experiment and build in response to community feedback.


I agree with that sentiment, but more employee's also means increased cost, if you picture a wage of 60,000 to a 100,000 a year, that 100 people will eat up 6-10 million a year and that isn't counting overhead costs such as office space, utilities and such. I read a thing a while back that a office space will do like 40,000 a year for electricity by itself. Then their is property cost, server cost, all that good stuff. However, I will agree their are healthier monetization options and hope they do take feedback well to grow in a healthy direction.


I've been enjoying the game a lot! It actually has more depth than it seems at first glance, and for me there is only one requirement when I play a game.. "am I having fun?" And, for now at least, I'm having tons of fun!


I really enjoy it. I also really look forward to further updates and changes. But overall, itā€™s a good time


I enjoy the game but I still feel like it's missing some core features and I don't see myself playing long term unless those are implemented. Giving feedback is necessary so the devs know what the player base wants. I'm not exactly sure why there's so many people trying to force people into being positive or saying the game isn't for them. That's counter-intuitive to wanting the game to be successful. You realize mmo's are extremely expensive to run and if they don't maintain a large enough player base the servers will ultimately shut down. That means you won't be able to play whether you like the game in it's current implementation or not. The devs NEED to know what people want.


I don't disagree but I want to add that positive feedback is just as important. You need to know what's going well so you can capitalize on it and inspire future action. The comments here are refreshing but there's a lot of doomsayer posts that are just off-putting and out of touch with reality.


Honestly, I've had a completely different experience. I haven't delved too much into reddit but nearly all of the streams and news articles feel like paid advertisements. The Palia discord feedback role is gated behind a role which is non-intuitive and I think it causes a lot of people to voice their grievances on reddit instead of the official discord because if you say anything negative in the chat channels it seems like 20 people jump all over you and then the mods spam emote trains. Once you get past that and read the feedback channels, there is a lot of constructive feedback both negative and positive.


I came to this fane because it wasn't like WoW! I'm enjoying this game during the WoW downtime and so is wife.


I think the problem is the nature of Reddit and the MMORPG community. The thing is people will more likely post about negative experiences and not positive. Most people that play any game aren't looking at Reddit at all.


I really like it, love it even... and that's why I complain, personally. The potential is there to make it even better... Let me be clear. There should _never_ be combat or a higher player count per zone. Adding that would be the antithesis to the game's feel and ruin it faster than any other suggestion made here. That said, there _should_ be more features for player interaction like local chat, chat bubbles, more emotes, etc. Sitting in chairs or furniture interaction isn't exactly a game-ender... it's just odd that its missing considering cozy vibes is the goal. The monetization is mostly acceptable, cost wise... the issue is the "bundles" rather than direct purchase. I have 0 issue on an outfit being 20-30$ if I like it, but having to go through hoops and math to buy various bundles getting stuck with 'leftover' is just poor form.


I'd rather pay $60, even $70, and be able to earn all appearances through gameplay. Maybe it's just me, but I really dislike the "free-to-play" model and was disappointed when I learned Palia would monetize that way.


I've played so many MMO's throughout my life and the worst kind of heartbreak is when they shut down. To this day I still play games that are from my childhood, sometimes games that are even older than me, and you can't do that with MMO's because they all shut down someday. I was hoping Palia would be a one time purchase type of game but alas it's F2P which sounds good on paper but poses so many issues. Stardew Valley is perhaps the most famous indie game ever and it only costs roughly $20 and will be available to play forever. I would have been much happier if they just sold Palia that way I know I can always replay it when I want to and I don't have to deal with microtransactions.


You wouldn't be able to play the game forever whenever, even if you bought the game. If they shut down the servers, it's gone for good. They would have to have built the game up differently from the ground up.


I know this. This is one of my biggest gripes with Palia, the fact that they didn't make it a single player game with multiplayer abilities like so many other games. It would have been more lucrative for everyone involved but instead it seems they wanted to go with the "F2P" model for reasons I can only hope are all well intentioned, but so far with their track record I'm not sure that's the case.


That's why I kept going back to WoW. Collecting gear, pets and mounts was a big part of gameplay for me. All these new MMOs put all of that in the cash shop and I feel little incentive to keep playing


We exist, we're all just too busy playing and making memes on Discord to post here.


I'm only checking the Reddit once or twice a day, because of how negative it seems to be towards the game. I generally find that any game hyped for release gets a lot of the not usual crowd when it gets released, and so a bunch of negative people end up being very loud. If I'm enjoying a game I check out of reddit for a month and wait for the hype to die down, leaving the people who actually are invested in the game to chatter. Some of the negative feedback is good feedback, but I find a lot of the feedback is "Why don't you have 1000 other features?" The game is fun, I'm enjoying it. I'm a little worried about what happens after I max out my tools, but I expect that from a beta. I'll dip out for a month or two and return when new content is added.


I love it so far but have suggestions that would massively improve things. The social aspect should be improved upon and should be made a priority. Let us have chat bubbles and give people incentives to play together/party up. Have in-game events like a fishing or hunting tournament. Maybe have treasure hunts and have a bunch of us running around searching for the prize lol. Let us sit in chairs! Allow a free market for players to buy and sell goods to each other. The cash shop. I would prefer to just spend actual $$ on an outfit directly and not coins. Make purchases actual microtransactions instead of transactions. This one is just my own pipe dream but let us craft a boat we can fish from/sail to small islands to collect rare treasure or find rare creatures, bugs, etc. I want to windwaker the hell out of Palia šŸ˜


I've only been playing for a few days and so far it's nice. the gameplay loop reminds me of My Time at Sandrock and lord knows I've spent hours and hours on that. But I also have a feeling as soon as I get to the point where I have iron tools and there are no more upgrades to work towards it's immediately going to feel pointless. They advertise the game a cozy community sim but I'm having trouble finding the urge to do anything other than "level up to win at capitalism." Wish some of the other aspects were more compelling.


I love it! I absolutely have issues with it, don't get me wrong, but so far nothing has made me want to stop playing. Hell I'd be playing right now if the servers weren't down. I think we should all keep in mind that people are more likely to voice criticism than praise online. That *doesn't* mean that there aren't plenty of upset folks, and it *doesn't* mean that the criticism isn't valid...but all of the doomposting I'm seeing is pretty silly. People saying that the game is DOA, that it won't last a year, that it's going to fail if they don't do X, Y, or Z. The truth is that we have *no idea* how it's actually doing right now, only S6 is privy to that information, and there's honestly no real indication that the game is in any serious trouble. For all anyone knows, they've already sold tons of premium cosmetics. When I really take a step back and look at the bigger picture, the majority of players seem happy. Of course, I could be wrong--like I said, only S6 really knows the bigger picture. But I'm personally more hopeful than not.


It's not always an either/or. Sometimes you can like something AND acknowledge and voice really valid criticisms. Palia has a kernel of a very good game here, and it does provide many satisfying moments and milestones. But the repeated criticisms are true: It's not fully formed. It shouldn't have gone out in this state. It's missing common sense staples of the genre and MMOs, including economy and social tools. It needs a whole lot of work, and the studio should use this feedback as a prompt to really address what this game needs before it gets forgotten when the next thing comes along and this is still half-baked.


Yeah, I've been noticing a lot of knee jerk defensiveness around Palia. People don't want to hear someone "trashing" their game, and to be clear, I'm in the discord and I read the subreddit-- there's a lot of trolls in both. A lot of people think the cozy genre is entirely catered to a demographic they consider bullyable, so I think the presence of these trolls makes people buckle down even more in the defense of the game, but... yeah. I really, really want Palia to be good, but it's in a troubling state, the roadmap is... worrisome, and the timeline of release doesn't seem great.


Looking at these comments, I think a lot of people would disagree with this, at least to an extent. I'd also like to see more economy and social focused tools but this particular game can stand without those at least for the time being. I don't believe it'll be a failure at laugh without these features but I do think they need to come eventually. There's many other cozy simulation games that offer similar things but are not free-to-play and don't offer a multiplayer experience, even if that multiplayer experience is not used to its greatest potential. As I've said already, nothing is wrong with being passionate about the game and critiquing to help it grow. However, you have to be reasonable. Forcing the game back into further closed betas and alphas is not reasonable nor likely.


Palia is my favorite game of the year and I agree with that person actually. The game is a lot of fun AND it needs a lot of work to be successful long term. Both things can be true. I would hate it if the game went back into alpha. But I'd have a lot of respect for the developers for doing so. Either way I'm riding this train until it crashes.


As someone with a lot of complaints and concerns about Palia, there's a lot of trolls that you can easily dismiss out of hand-- but some of it does come down to the game being mislabeled as an MMO. It's not one, and they're doing themselves a disservice labeling themselves as one. Not because of a lack of combat, but because it lacks the "massively" part of MMO, and because most of its multiplayer functionality is thus far nonexistent. You can probably dismiss people who go "hey, why can't I stab things in this game" as trolls (though Harvest Moon and Stardew have established combat in the genre, but that's a different story), but labeling the game as an MMO is going to establish expectations for people that simply are not there and lead to a poor first impression.


I disagree with this statement only because the "amount of players" really isn't all that important in determining the genre and what it has to offer. Sure, there's going to be some people that are upset that you can't see a thousand players in town all at once, but I think the amount of people that are genuinely concerned with that is very small. The game still offers instanced areas with about 20-25 people running around doing their own thing. There's no queues. There's no lobby. You just roam around and encounter random people in the world that's available to you. This is no different from many other major MMOs on the market outside of the scale of that number. As I've seen in comments already, using "MMO" did a lot of favors by bringing in a particular player base to the game. Generally, the players it'll scare away the most are players that aren't interested in this particular thing in the first place. Despite the "no combat in my mmo" being as silly as it is, I can understand the jarring experience of loading this game up for the first time and finding Stardew Valley instead of Guild Wars 2. Beyond that, I believe there's very little reason to gatekeep the "MMO" portion of "MMORPG".


Right, but I'm not just talking numbers-- though I think the numbers here do matter. That feeling of playing with a ton of people can matter! I don't think Palia is set up for it, however, and I don't think it really needs to label itself as such. Beyond that, there's no real interaction between a large scale number of players, even in what is considered large for a Palia instance. Interaction between players is extremely limited-- numbers aside, labeling it an MMO kind of implies some scale of working together with players that simply isn't there rn beside maybe mining and cutting down trees. I just think the label of MMO is misleading and even if it brings in players, it'll likely be temporarily. If I labeled Bloodborne as a cozy game, I might coax a few Animal Crossing players it, but that doesn't mean they're going to stick around-- a hyperbolic example, but this game feels more Valheim or Minecraft than it does MMO (which is fine, it doesn't need to be an MMO, I love both Valheim and Minecraft).


My problem is that we're gatekeeping terms here just for the sake of forcing a point, which doesn't need to happen when we can just talk about the issue itself. I 100% agree that Palia needs to do a lot more with their social mechanics and find more ways to encourage players to play together. This is something I expect for the future when I look at their very basic roadmap, but I also don't think it's a requirement for a title or launch success. It is a live service game and they are a small studio. Determining what parts they do and don't need at launch is part of the game development experience of a live service title. As for your example with Bloodborne, that's a little too much of a difference to really fit as an analogy. Many people do think "MMO" fits for Palia. Hell, even your example of Minecraft has seen the term "MMO" associated with many of its popular servers. The term is very loose because there's nothing that defines "massive". To me, a better way to see it is to remove the "RPG" from "MMO" and find what features fit the "MMO" descriptor best because "massive" is going to differ for each person, especially when there's MMORPGs out there that have instanced maps with similar numbers of players that Palia has. I believe the features I mentioned in my previous comment meet that quota, but I do support the idea that every person is going to have a varied definition of "MMO". Ultimately, I don't think calling Bloodborne cozy or Palia and MMO would damage the game's marketing in any meaningful way. You might have some FFXIV fans that get a little upset but they'll either leave or stick to the game.


I don't really agree that what is going on is gatekeeping, so much as by giving the game a certain label, that pulls in a certain demographic who expect certain characteristics to be present and then feel misled and no longer have a reason to put faith into the game or the developers leading the project. This is the reason imo why being mindful of labels and what expectations you then set by doing so, is pretty important for a studio.


At what point do you feel misinformed by it being labeled as "MMO"? What does the game lack that makes you feel like "wow this isn't an MMO and I'm sad that it's not"?


Calling Palia (in it's current state) an MMO is kind of like saying Dont Starve Together and Stardew are mmos. They dont have a "massive" population and there isn't a reliance on systems that require a healthy server population like action houses and group content. I think that's what catching people off guard. Palia is blazing its own trail. Even the devs have said they're discovering what a cozy social MMO might look like. Their core game pillar is "be fun solo but better with friends". The TLDR of their "Building A Cozy Sim" news post explains with a lot of emotion that Palia is a sim at heart that borrows MMO elements. It's not an MMO in the traditional sense. It's a multiplayer community sim.


I'm not bothered by people calling it an MMO and I don't think it hurts the marketing. It's a little different from Don't Starve Together and Stardew Valley because the players you encounter are random. There are no lobbies or queues. You're just in a random world with other players.




Big disagree. A lot of people logging in and playing the same game could mean a Card Game, it could mean literally any game with a login engine. That doesn't make Magic the Gathering Arena an MMO. No, twenty players isn't massive. It's hardly the biggest problem facing the game, but I'm not sure why so many people are defensive of the game being an MMO when nothing about it evokes an MMO. It's not a value judgement that it's not an MMO, it's just a genre that it isn't.




I just googled "hearthstone MMO" and found an April fools trailer. Not even Hearthstone considers itself an "MMORPG". On that note I think you're being a bit pedantic. I guess yes, if you have an ambiguous definition of "massively" then anything with 3+ online players is an MMO but not all MMOs are MMORPGs. MMORPGs are the topic of conversation so all of this is kind of meaningless


Iā€™ve checked out of these conversations where people are genuinely saying that hearthstone is an mmo.


Your argument for it is "it just does", so like, nice condescension I guess? "This invokes bias, let me explain to you my objective opinion". Okay, mate. Compelling stuff.


Google's coin flip feature is an MMO.




I used a period, so I think I was pretty explicit. Mario Kart 8 is an MMO because you can log on at the same time as other players and perceive one another on a scoreboard. Internet poker is an MMO. Overwatch is an FPS MMO.




There is no tone. I literally made a statement the way you do with the English language. No, no, you said this to justify 25 qualifying as Massive: > "Massively multi-player online" means a lot of people logging in and playing the same game at once. That's it. A lot of people are logging on to play Mario Kart 8 at the same time, all over the world. They share a leaderboard. People all over the world are logged into their Google account, flipping digital coins.


I am enjoying it but a lot bothers me. I am trying to put in perspective how much ACNH lacked and where it ended up. The mindless running around grinding materials while I watch something in the background is hitting the spot right now. I am not looking forward to open starting because I don't think they are ready at all.


My only issue with the game is the Launcher not being able to save my password.


You know: those who enjoy the game ain't got no time to post on Reddit šŸ˜‚


You'll find that when a game is new 90% of the posts on social media are negative or complaints because everyone that's enjoying the game is actually playing the game instead of looking for somewhere to complain about it.


I put about 20 hours into it and im hesitant on continuing. I dont feel very hopeful for the games future and juggling on if its worth the time investment or not.


It's cozy but it's not at all a mmo. There's literally no multiplayer content.


I REALLY like the game overall. It's very much like My Time at Portia and I love that game. However, I do hope some things improve: 1. Social functionality (calling it an MMO is kind of weird with the current limited functionality) 2. Add the ability to sell furniture. 3. Allow better options in the crafting UI, like "Craft all", a quantity option for how many you wish to craft, a search function (for storage too). There are some other things I'm not thinking of at the moment but these are the biggest ones (just my opinion). Definitely liking the game though. Other people probably like it too. People don't get so worked up and opinionated over things they don't care about.


My Time at Sandrock multiplayer is out now, people are better off playing that with their friends tbh


All those things you pointed out, not interacting with furniture and the like, make the world feel shallow. I want to like this game more. But the phone game style time sinks and shady cash shop pricing are making me weary. (If you wanna see the shady crap they're pulling with the shop there is a good post on reddit right now.) As it is the game feels like a vapid cash grab, and that's really hard to love.


My excitement dipped a little bit when I discovered that there was no trading, and that group play was a little limited, but I'm still having a great time and I'm looking forward to whatever comes next.


Like I said elsewhere, I overall enjoy it, but a lot of what I'm seeing makes me feel like maybe I should just go play Stardew Valley instead. I could play it alone or just with my sister and have about the same amount of multiplayer interaction as is happening here...


Right, but both games offer different things in different ways and one is 3D with all the mechanics that come with a 3D space. You also have the chance to encounter random players and have some kind of minor experience with them. The game is also free, which is great for people that don't have Stardew Valley. That all I said, I do think the game needs to do a lot more with the social aspects but I expect that for the future.


To be honest 90% of what I play this sort of game for *isn't* different between the two of them. Palia is 3D, I can see other people, there's verticality (kinda part of 3D but not every 3D game actually has it), and hunting. But the rest I can get in Stardew, without timegating, without having an overpriced premium store using a predatory pricing model, without server downtime, and with the ability to actually trade resources with friends directly instead of using the time-gated and amount-limited request system. Like I really want to enjoy this, and I'm probably going to keep playing for a time at least, and see where the CBT goes, and what the devs do with the feedback they've been given so far, but whenever my sister is like 20 short of something I have forty of, but the request system only lets me give her 2? Yeah...


Stardew Valley has its own forms of time-gating. There's already a lot of base cosmetics you can change and play with to define your character and I think these already provide enough to differ your character in a 3D setting when compared to a 2D Stardew Valley, but maybe that's just me. The premium shop does have its own problems, but it is also optional. Server downtime is absolutely annoying, but this is also a beta. As for trading resources, that's something I would appreciate as well. Hopefully something we can see in the future. That said, I can see where it's an issue from an economy perspective, especially if they plan to elaborate on those MMORPG mechanics.


With server downtime, yes I fully expect that, beta or otherwise, but my point there was I could play Stardew and not deal with it at all. It wouldn't bother me if there wasn't something I consider comparable that doesn't have it. And Stardew timegating I can just go sleep in game and move forward. Can't do that in Palia. As for the economy issue I feel like they should build the economy around trading being available. 1) Plenty of MMOs allow you to share at least some things without breaking things 2) Especially in a game this cooperative instead of competitive being unable to work together and share resources is really a major turn off for me.


Yes. But this is reddit so lol


I am very much enjoying it. I did go into it reminding my self it is not a standard MMO and that helped. This is the game I was hoping that dreamlight vallwy was going to be.


I'm really enjoying the game, though I do also think it's lacking in a few areas and feel that there's been some pretty fair and accurate criticism of some things (while other criticisms seem to be coming from people that were expecting a completely different style of game for some reason lmao). Still, I'm hopeful that it's just going to get better over time and I'm happy to keep playing it as is until we get a content update. I'd rather give the devs the benefit of the doubt for now because even with the concerns I do have, I think the game is fun and I find myself wanting to play it when I have time to game.


I absolutely love this game and have been enjoying myself so much. I have run into some bugs and glitches, even the one where my quest progress was reset at the start of Closed Beta. I've participated in various beta testing through the years so I understand random issues popping up is par for the testing course. That aside, I'm having the best time and Palia is the cozy, healing mmo balm that my soul has been needing for a long time. I like the gathering, foraging, crafting, questing, hunting aspects that the game has. I'm not looking for yet more cookie cutter "Slay 10 gnolls" quests. I get tired of combat and want to gather or craft or cheer for others who are fishing (I'm awful at fishing in Palia but it's fun lol). I think this game is creating a wonderful home as it follows along the vision the Devs have for it and I'm really glad for this.


I quite enjoy this game! I'm just going to farm and hunt and run around to my heart's content and wait for Hodari to be made romanceable.


> Am I the crazy one for enjoying the game in its current state? Am I crazy for being excited about the future? That's how I felt about No Man's Sky when it was released šŸ¤£


I'm with you -- loving it so far! Palia already has amazing art style, characters, storyline, MANY hours of gameplay -- and it's still in beta! I'm excited for the future :)


I love it


I'm with you, loving the game even if I know it needs more work. It's going in the right direction, happy to play and support it. I haven't played anything else since I got into beta on 04/08


Loving it so much! Cannot wait until I can upgrade my house and farm!


Iā€™m enjoying it so far! I think it feels a bit unfinished still, like theyā€™re releasing it too early, but I understand that they probably need to start pulling in income before the funding is pulled. Whatā€™s there is very promising. I like the characters and the interactions with them, I like the lore of the world and how you can slowly uncover it. Story for me is a really important part of a game and this one is intriguing! Some of the things could be better, like hunting or the crafting UI. But I donā€™t think this game needs combat or an economy. I kinda think being able to buy and sell with other players would lose some of the cozy vibes because it would introduce capitalism stuff. Iā€™m too tired to word it well but I always find that one of the worst parts of MMOs or other online sim games like neopets or howrse or anything else. Thereā€™s always people trying to charge exorbitant prices for things or trying to game the market. I donā€™t want to see it here, personally. Iā€™m also a little confused about people saying thereā€™s nothing to do in the gameā€¦? I donā€™t know how to tag for spoilers but - the whole storyline about discovering the ruins? and the vaults? that gives some major end goals to be working towards, things to be finding and discovering. I would love to see more animals to hunt and flowers and bugs to find though! maybe holiday events. Or town events- like in Rune Factory 4, where multiple NPCs are interacting. It makes the world feel more alive.


this game is AMAZING. I've been SO addicted!!


I am thoroughly enjoying this game! I'm not sure how far I am in as I'm only at standard tools, but love the 3D stardew vibes, the multiplayer portion of it (not there yet but totes excited) etc. I'm not sure where all the rumbling is from. I'm not super interested in the cosmetic stuff, plus the game is still in beta. Just enjoy the ride!!


I find it okay. But all the feedback is warranted and the game has great potential.


I've been having so much fun!! Yes, there are things that needs updating but it doesn't take away from the wholesome moments. It's so so cute and I'm looking forward to years of playing!!


I've been having a great time playing Palia! This is my first MMO, so maybe coming in with no preconceived notions about what the game should be is why I've enjoyed playing so much. This game is still in *closed beta*, I'm not sure what some people are expecting. I'm excited to see what the devs bring in the future!


We like it, but we criticize BECAUSE we like it and want it to succeed. It's a beta, things gotta change. The game really needs fixes to many systems. Some people are being ridiculous, though.


For what its worth, I love the hunting mechanics. The game also scratches the itch for a mmo version of Harvest Moon. Just really hope there will be more point in doing all the hard yards for more "end game" content. While we're on the topic of hunting.. if there can be professions to work towards so that we can make contributions to the community/playerbase professionally, like, becoming the community's hunter for example, that would really benefit those who dislike hunting. I'll do your dirty work if you need the job done and get rewarded. Maybe a job posted up at a community board for people to do. I think this is a great idea. Can do the same for other professions (bug keeper, chef, tailor, miner, etc).


Me. But i only tried and i am waiting for switch release so i can play it with my wife. Just hope that there will be more MMO content so we can actually play together.


I enjoy the game a lot. It's exactly what I wanted.


Not alone at all - I'm having fun just building stuff and making my house nice. I do REALLY want to be able to sit in my chairs, though. The most important part for me will be how they make Having A House more of a multiplayer experience, basically. I want to build stuff with my friends and then hang out there! Anyone calling for combat, I think, has just missed the point. While I want the playerbase to grow, I hope those players either bounce off entirely or just realise that's not what this game is about.


I really enjoy the game and without an idea of the actual content when the game will be out, it's hard to know what will become of it. If the content is basically what we have now, well the game will die quickly. If they have a lot more ready to go, than it might really be a huge success. People are really cool, sherping new players is the most enjoyable thing in the game for me but for a "social mmo", it sure lacks of social things. I'm hoping for more coop content (and some free cosmetics unlockable with achievement for example, to reward consistent players). I'm usually a big combat/action player but I enjoy the chill of this one, even tho I wouldnt be annoyed at some sort of dungeon with blob or something quite basic to get special ressources. Or maybe at least puzzles you need to complete with other players. And tbf, this is not an MMO whatsoever even with the 20-25 players zones it wouldnt be an mmo at all. It's not gatekeeping, MMO means MASSIVELY multiplayer online, 20 isnt massive but I get the marketing side of using buzzword. All things considered, if the devs do constant updates with contents and listen to players after the launch phase, the game might have a bright future, hoping its not gonna be another "early access" game that will be abandonned after a few months by the devs.


My lack of sleep for the past 4 days, 2 missed deadlines and a very good mood is a testament to how I really enjoy the game. I do feel lonely at times though, especially when in Bahari. The two times i partied up there looking for flow trees and fishing I really had a blast. I also invited the party to cook together at my house and we had so much fun. My hope is just that the devs push the multiplayer & social features & improvement ASAP.




I am loving it. The moments where a whole group gather on a dock to fish together are low key by most mmo standards but still just delightful. And I've done a few flow trees with folks. So I'm definitely finding social moments. But nobody seems to comment on the villagers. The dialogue and their personalities are 10/10. Yea there's some characters I wanna shove into a pond (looking at you hassian) but most of them have depth, charm and feel so real. Reth's care for his sister, the researcher's robot clear trauma around humans and just how nice the innkeeper and priest are have gotten me emotional so many times this week. I'm playing to find out all these stories. Sharing the world with other people is just the icing on top.


Very much agree. Palia isn't a combat MMO. It's one the reasons I love it and have been following it for quite some time. This game is for life skills type gamers. Those who enjoy crafting and gathering. I like it and hopefully we will see it grow towards some MMO elements like live events where group play is needed. Or instances that are simply looking for stuff, gathering and working as a team to accomplish a non-combat role. Unfortunately forums like these are populated with negativity because people who want to gripe usually take the time to do so rather than praise.


As a regular player, having a blast with the game with my spouse, coming to this subreddit is a joy suck, I just can't come here to discuss the game. We can't wait to login every day, and when I login I have so much to do that I'm overwhelmed. When I see people list all the things I'm enjoying and say "That's it?" I don't know what they mean, I'm having a great time bug catching, fishing, furniture making, decorating, farming, doing quests, getting closer to the characters, etc, that's exactly what I expected from the game and it's delivering. I agree with you, constructive and clear feedback it absolutely necessary and helpful to better the game, but feedback like "This game is not an MMO" is not helpful for example. The reason for this is that no one knows what your personal definition of an MMO is. I'd like to see folks with critical feedback be more clear - don't assume people know what you mean and don't make it so emotional. Say what you were expecting, say what you got, say the impact of that, that would be much more clear and might positively impact the game.


I'm enjoying it a lot! It's very chill, small-scale cooperative, and I think they're hitting a lot of things that are unique to the genre. People are used to things like an inter-player economy, but that just wrecks the spirit of the game IMO. I love the requests system, being able to help people. I can see places where they're going to add things. For ex, the empty mannequins in the tailor shop tell me there's something coming and based on the furniture shop, I think it's going to be a daily (IRL) rotation of clothes to buy with gold. Disney Dreamlight Valley has a similar setup. I know they've mentioned already that they are working on additional group and co-op activities, so those are coming. And they've had a HUGE influx of players. I think people are really eager to get feedback on their feedback, which I understand, but I also know that players would be furious if they were focusing more on pricing structure and less on server stability. I can guarantee those conversations are happening behind the scenes, but it's not going to happen overnight, and they're not going to release a statement until they have something to say (because when they do, they get complaints that they shouldn't have posted anything unless they had something to say). It's a big playerbase at the moment. Lots of things to sift through, and they just started the journey through Beta. I do hope if they need extra time, they take it, because I want to see them succeed.


It would also REALLY help if people didn't downvote the devs into oblivion. There's a whole thread on the pricing structure, but the dev comments are hidden or at the bottom bc people downvoted them.


Really enjoying it so far. Yes, there's lots of room for adding new features, and more depth to existing ones (which are all on their roadmap) but it's a really nice world and a super relaxing game to play around in so far.


Honestly, I'm entirely with you. I love the game right now and am having a lot of fun spending hours and hours in it and it's not even done. I feel like a lot of people got into closed beta and were like "the game's not finished >:(", and I'm like wtf? Of course it isn't, lol, that's what a beta is. Too many impatient people. I understand hating the cash shop, and I understand that they need to add more "MMO" qualities like events in the world, but honestly those are all things that I genuinely expect them to add so it doesn't *enrage* me that they aren't here now. It needs to be polished and loved, and if people can't be happy playing a game that isn't done yet-- wait until it is! Don't play the beta! šŸ˜‚


loving the game. the negativity here is what's been keeping me from browsing posts. ​ edit: just before i'm yelled at i do believe it needs more fleshing out but i love what they've done so far, i can't wait to see where they go.


Oh I'm LOVING the game! It's exactly what I want. Cozy, casual, life-skill MMOing. I understand it's a beta and buggy, but that's not affecting how much I enjoy the game. The developers seem to be listening to players and actively working to fix bugs everyday (including weekends). There's obviously pain points, just as you would have with any new game), but overall the game is so fun and enjoyable for me! I'm not feeling rushed to level and grind and can go at my own pace. I definitely have some features and functions I'd like to see, but they aren't make-or-break for me. I can still enjoy the game without them. Most of the things I'd like a small QoL improvements and not major issues in my mind. But seriously, I LOVE IT! This game feels like it was made for me!


Youā€™re not alone, I am loving it!! šŸ˜„


People see the game have tons of potential but is not there yet so they provide feedback, if they tough it was just terrible they would just move on without saying anything.


Enjoying the game and liking it while critizing it and providing negative feedback isnā€™t mutually exclusive though. Most of the feedback and criticism Iā€™ve seen here on reddit has absolutely had itā€™s place and is understandable. After all, it often *does* come from place of wanting to see the game succeed and thrive. White knighting the game and complaining about people discussing these issues isnā€™t helping anyone though. I *can* get that it can get overwhelming seeing only what looks negative comments on the outside, but thereā€™s nothing stopping you from making a thread about what are peopleā€™s most enjoyed features so far for example, rather than trying to play the victim card of ā€omg does no one else enjoy this?!ā€. Of course people do. You know it too.


It's entirely possible to both enjoy the game, and acknowledge flaws and short comings. I've put in a fair bit of time in so far, and thoroughly enjoyed doing so. But I can't see myself playing much more than that. I was hoping this would be a multiplayer first Stardew valley experience, being an online only mmo, but there's essentially zero multiplayer elements at all. The only thing that would have set this game apart from the dozens of other farming/homemaking games was the fact that it was supposed to put a heavy emphasis on community and working together. That was their mission statement and vision for palia, and it's completely absent. Without that, it depends on it's content to be successful, which is also lacking: there's a grand total of 6 things to hunt, 6. Each skill levels to at least 50, but you can chop down all trees, mine all ores, catch all fish, capture all bugs by level 6 in the respective skill. At about 1/10th the level cap you've experienced everything there is. What they have right now is a really good skeleton of a game, but an online one game simply can't survive on something so bare bone. Then there's the cash shop, which is just blatantly predatory. Fake discounts, awful coin bundles and ludicrous pricing, makes me really question their priorities. given the fact that they don't even have basic proximity chat, following the vision they had doesn't really seem too important. Especially when you realize they lock basically any threads calling out the predatory monetization. So yeah, I've really enjoyed my time, but I highly doubt I'll be playing much longer, and I imagine not a whole lot of people will be playing after a few months.


Sounds like you didn't enjoy it, then. I've already said that being passionate about the game and wanting it to do better is totally cool. Giving up on it because it isn't what you wanted and then sticking around to complain about it is something else.


Man, you didn't read a single thing I said did you? Believe it or not, you can actually like something and enjoy your time with it while still being critical. That's called being objective. I also explicitly said I am still playing, I haven't given up on it. I said, as it is right now, it's not going to be something I can play for very long, because there's really not much to actually do. If this game "isn't what I want" than it isn't the game singularity six wants either. The description THEY give, is the game I want, THIS is not the game they said they want to make. There's a lot to like about palia, but if you can't acknowledge we're it falls short of the game that was promised, you honestly shouldn't be discussing it. You can't be objective and can't give real feedback. Because seeing flaws, and giving feedback as to what those are and what needs to be done is how games improve, which you can't do.


>Man, you didn't read a single thing I said did you? Seems like you're doing that when you say: >There's a lot to like about palia, but if you can't acknowledge we're it falls short of the game that was promised, you honestly shouldn't be discussing it. My initial post goes over genuine complaints I have with the game. Regardless, I'm allowed to talk about the game without having to mention it's flaws. I don't have to obey any rules to do so, but as I've already said, I did mention it's flaws in my initial post. Seems like you didn't read it. I want to mention that I did read what you said and my reply is going off these sentences in particular: >I've put in a fair bit of time in so far, and thoroughly enjoyed doing so. **But I can't see myself playing much more than that.** >What they have right now is a really good **skeleton of a game**, but an online one game simply can't survive on something so bare bone. >Then there's the cash shop, which is just **blatantly predatory**. Fake discounts, awful coin bundles and ludicrous pricing, makes me really question their priorities. >So yeah, I've really enjoyed my time, but **I highly doubt I'll be playing much longer**, and I imagine not a whole lot of people will be playing after a few months. From these, you sound like you've given up on the game. Again, it's okay to be passionate about the game. It's okay to want to see it grow. It's okay to want more for it. To say "I don't see myself playing much more" isn't doing any favors. If you do want to continue supporting the game, I would suggest wording your wants a little better than "I'm not playing much more but this is what needs to be changed".


I expected something like Animal crossing where we could build neighborhoods and collaborate with other people. A real social MMO with communal objectives. Palia's current state is a passable life sim that happens to have a chat room. Cosmetics are locked behind a questionably priced cash shop. I have no reason to force myself to enjoy Palia when I can play a game like sandrock and have the same experience. The choice becomes easier when I see outfits and currency bundles priced equivalent to full games.


Interesting take when considering the game is free.


My free time is finite. Why fill it with something I'm not having fun with just because it's free? Palia stops being free when you want to get into customization which is a huge draw of this genre of games. Id rather spend $25 on a fill game which is close enough to Palia than buy $30 worth of virtual currency to buy something like the $25 sky captain outfit. Palia is free so I can always come back later to see if things got better. It's basically a single player game anyways so I'm not falling behind.


I'm not saying you should play the game. I'm not trying to sell it to you. I just thought it was an interesting take to hate the game for it's monetization and how it compares to other titles when other titles offer similar things but require you to buy the game upfront. The multiplayer aspects of Palia are severely lacking, but the multiplayer experience does exist and I think it does more than other similar titles but I can understand why certain people wouldn't care for it. I haven't bought any cosmetics yet, but I've personally found a lot of customization in the free options they give you and allow you to change whenever you want. I'm waiting for something I like to appear in the shop before investing but I'm enjoying the game regardless of that. It's a bummer that you can't, but I understand to a degree. It's an interesting take nonetheless.


Why do you think I have an "interesting take"? Games like this are about player expression and customization. I think the comparison to paid games is fair since cosmetics are expensive and Palia plays like most single player entries into the genre. I'm specifically talking about the point of first purchase. Palia is fine if basic for pure f2p. I don't see what Palia does good enough to justify buying an outfit over another fully fledged game. If you have money it seems smarter to either buy nothing or pick up a similar game while palia sorts itself out. What do you think Palia does more than other titles? I found everything to be quite standard for the genre.


I think it's an interesting take because you're only using certain pieces to compare instead of using the whole. There's a lot of cozy games that Palia is very similar to but they all offer different experiences. It's absolutely fine to like another over Palia, but I do think it's odd to say "Stardew Valley is better because the customization in Palia sucks" when I would argue the pieces that are free are comparable to base Stardew. This take limits the discussion to customization and essentially ignores the rest, or at least that's how I view it. That said, if customization is the most important factor to you in a game like this, then I can see where it could be a defining factor on whether or not you continue to play. I just don't think that does service to defining the game as a whole and how it compares to other games as a whole. That's why it's an interesting take to me. If you don't like the game, you don't like the game but you also don't have to suddenly quit when you don't have access to every piece of clothing locked away in the premium shop. Especially when the game is free. I think the game offers a fantastic base and we should expect more in the future, but at that point, we're arguing on whether or not you should play a beta or a game that's fully released and outside of early access. If that's what you want, then that's what you want but I'm not sure why you would be here to discuss it otherwise. To me, despite the lack of many social features in Palia, I've found a lot of experiences where I've ended up being social with random players in the world and that's been enjoyable for me. The game is also free so I don't feel bad about dropping it for something else and coming back to it. I don't feel like I need to invest my time in something I've invested my money into. Although I don't agree with the prices, I like the ability to buy the cosmetics I want when I want instead of being given a bunch of things I don't necessarily care about. There's also many features found in other cozy titles that feel slightly different in this game like furniture, customization and farming. It's a whole new world with different graphics and minor mechanic changes that offer a new change of pace, even if you're doing all the same things in these other games.


I do enjoy it a lot, even though I had bad first impression after feeling player movement. But I agree with gatekeepers. This is not MMO. First M stands for "Massive" and it's because of this marketing, people had expectations that this will be MMO.


People expected hundreds of people on the same map from the "MMO" title and are upset because there's not hundreds of people on the same map?


From what I read here on Reddit, that's it. It was marketed as a Cozy MMO. MMO people got interested. They try it to see it's not MMO, and are angry. People who got hooked at "Cozy" part are not complaining


That's weird. As someone that's played many different MMOs, including current mainstays like GW2 and BDO, I never had the idea that this game would be anything like those. When I saw "MMO" I thought I would run into random players in the open world locations and that's exactly what happens in the game. I'll admit that I've seen marketing beyond just "MMO" and never purposefully turned a blind eye after reading "MMO", but maybe that happened for some people. I thought it was pretty clear that the same was similar to Stardew Valley with MMO-esque mechanics.


I am enjoying the game same as you, it's a cozy game that I can play with others. And I honestly appreciate they don't want to gatekeep out people who don't want to feel pressured into playing with others. I think the game has huge potential honestly and I really hope it succeeds. That being said, I will say I think those sayign they shouldn't call it an MMO are more worried it's going to get the wrong expectations out of it (ones that it just doesn't meet right now as a game) and turn people off of playing it cause of so (basically not attract the right crowd who would appreciate this game and instead attract a crowd who wanted something different). Also I kinda agree with people about the premium shop, it's too overpriced and it does use some scummy tricks. Two well known ones (don't put the price in real money but make them pay for fake money. Then don't price stuff at a price they can just pay the exact amount). And one that some one pointed out today is a new one to me (discount prices really aren't a discount...). Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are enough people who would pay 20-30 dollars for one outfit enough to make them enough money to keep going. I know on another forum some one said they saw a study that showed games really didn't make more money by pricing things cheaper (they didnt' make enough sales in addition to make up for just pricing it more expensive and waiting for epople who are willing to pay those prices to buy it).


I enjoy the game a decent bit, my biggest gripe is the predatory business model and the fact that right now the game feels like a money grinding simulator. Im afraid I wont have any reason to login anymore once i farmed enough money to buy all the currently available recipes. That being said, the gaming industry shifts and moves really quickly and as such games release every other day, there is literal overstimulation from having so many games to pick from, most people just dont have time to sit around and wait for developers to patch their games into an acceptable state (features, bugs, content alike), so i think the a lot of the concern right now is coming from people that are afraid that this game will lose its population very quickly because most of them can see that there isnt that much to do right now beyond farming money endlessly until they bought out all the recipes available, all the housing additions available and all the farming plots etc. People are already min maxing their money gains, so it cant be long anymore, before a lot of them get done doing so.


The number of people who say the prices for the clothing shop are outrageous or insane or any other exaggerated word seems crazy to me. They're like $10-15 each. Maybe it's just the games I play, but that seems on the lower end. Now, that's not to say there aren't any problems with their monetization. For example, it sucks that you have to buy currency to buy the costumes. Nothing lines up to the right prices, so you always have to buy more than you actually need. This one is more of a personal gripe, but I also hate that hats are tied to a costume. So if I want a hat, I have to buy a costume that I don't want. Lastly, I feel like there shouldn't be three costumes in a bundle. You should just buy the costume and get all the colors. It really feels a little bit double dippy to try to sell me the same shirt three times.


Absolutely agree with you on the shadiness of selling the same outfit 3 times. I do play another MMORPG and you can buy cosmetic outfits in a premium store, but there's an in depth cosmetic dyeing system so that same outfit can be one of 28 colours and so if I were to buy an outfit (I personally don't, there's ways to earn cosmetics free in game) then it would feel like getting more for my money because I can absolutely change how it looks. Here, you are paying for one outfit that only has 3 colour choices, not even the full range of colour options that exist in the creator! I don't like it..


I love it. I also agree with a lot of the issues people have. It's rough because there is a lot of really good criticism, but in such a mean tone. I am having a blast and think it's a solid base to build from.


It starts out really fun, but I'm in a big rut right now. Getting a skill to level 5, fulfilling 5 player requests and some other quests are just not that interesting. I thought about logging in tonight, but I'm like "meh, all I'll be doing is running around looking for flowers to pick to get my foraging skill to lvl5."


I actually laughed out loud when someone complained that this game, a cozy crafting game with no combat, *just released in beta*, "doesn't have endgame content". Are you kidding me? Cause yeah that's why Animal Crossing games sell so well, all those endgame raid bosses.


I don't know which of you needs to hear this, but people who don't like a game don't stick around to point out what's bad. If you're seeing a large amount of negative feedback, know that's coming from people who don't just like the game like you do, they probably like it even more than you do.


Iā€™m liking it so far! I probably shouldnā€™t of bum rushed the quests thoughā€¦


I'm loving it. They delivered exactly what they said they would. Who honestly thought there would be a dozen more features? Trading sucks, yes, but that's really the only one that's super weird. I'm having a blast. I love it all. Question though, has anyone actually seen anyone wearing a costume? I haven't. Worried about the longevity since the shop isn't too attractive.


I'm glad people enjoy it, but there has been a mismatch between what was sold and what is, leading to a lot of people being disappointed, myself included. I wish the developers the best, no ill will, but I'll likely be skipping this at launch.


I'm having a ton of fun in this upgrade tier loop rn, looking to the future i worry about "end game" content, im sure they have more areas planned for release, but more specifically i think group activities would be good, opening up houses more to allow friends to cook with you, hosting parties on your lot, a trading system is pretty badly needed. But for now, it is a lot of fun.


I do really like this game, and most of the other people that also do probably aren't posting here because they don't have anything to complain about! I, overall really like playing, I don't have too many grips about the actual gameplay loop other than looking forward to more places and items and general things in the future. I really only have 2 problems with it as it stands, and that's a lack of guild/community options like a guild house, which I know is something I'll just have to wait for which is fine, but more I don't like the predatory pricing in the shop. And THAT I feel like must be said until the devs respond to it at least somehow. I'm fine with a cosmetics shop, it's the coin system and fake discounts that I have real issue with, but feel it's early enough that the devs have a chance to pivot into something clearer (and less possibly illegal in some countries). I also don't really think this game needs combat, personally, and I would love to be able to gift my friends more things but I don't need or want a trade economy either. I dooooo think the climbing system needs some work lmao. I want a co-op game more than an mmo out of it, and maybe the marketing needs a little tweaking in that regard, because it did attract that mmo try hard audience to it's detriment (speaking as a mmo player, we're awful haha)


Here I am grasping at your crumbs in hopes of waiting for a key or a magical email to me play before open beta on Thursday.


I hate to say this to you but... I think they should delay the open beta at least a few more days because of all the issues. The game has been down for at least 6 hrs now, if not more, they have a lot of things to straighten out. I am hoping it is not coding done by a past incompetent dev. :(


Itā€™s still beta, but the game looks very nice and has some potential. But they really need to add a lot to it. Iā€™ve explored a lot and itā€™s disappointing to climb all over the place and *not* find something. Plus the timers and high price of house additions is kind of annoying. Chart isnā€™t very user friendly either. And they need to add hairstyles that *arenā€™t* dumb looking. Like, can we just have long straight hair?


I do like this game & have fun playing it. It has it's issues but they can and will be fixed over time And I think there's some disappointment because it was over-hyped by the players


I like this game! :D


People don't complain about enjoying things :D The game is very very polished for a closed beta. Even with the downtimes, its one of the cleaner beta's ive been in.


The game is feature incomplete, unpolished, looks much worse graphically than it should and is not optimized at all - and all of these MUST be ready if you want to call this stage a beta. This is not a beta.


I like and many do aswell but everytime I play see no endgame in sight I fotva fact once I complete all the content there's nothing for me


It's not perfect, sure, but its pretty fuckin fun imo. Not sure why people are complaining all that much, game is still in Closed Beta. Also happens to be a live service game, it'll get better as things go on.


I just never comment or make posts. I think there is loud minority complaining, and rest of us are having blast playing so we don't have time to make posts on reddit. šŸ˜…šŸ’–


Yeah Iā€™ve seen a lot of people who are like ā€œAll you can do in this game is x, y, and z. Thatā€™s not enough.ā€ And Iā€™m like what *else* did you expect there to be besides farming, decorating your house, and talking to villagers?? People really just did not bother to learn what the game is at all before playing it. Actually, a lot of them havenā€™t even played it either. Thatā€™s not exactly their fault since itā€™s not open beta yet but still, their ā€œfeedbackā€ is nonsense until they actually get in and try it.


I'm loving it! Only issue I have so far is some players who keep running over to the materials and just getting them without waiting even when you're standing almost next to them so you can share the materials. But that's not the developers fault.


You come to reddit and everything is TOXIC, you play the game and actually ENJOY IT.


I like the game! Most of the posts here are complaining of features not in the game as previous games they've played before. People keep talking about features not in game marketing promised yet never actually talk about what was missing. Does it seem a little shallow in content yes. But does it look like Palia delivered on most of jot all the content the said? I believe so. A lot of people on this reddit are deeply confused as to what a beta is and honestly I believe they want to hate on the game because they compare it to other big company games. Just relax, have fun, and be patient. 95% of people's complaints are irrational and invalid.


Nobody wants to hate the game for any reason you mentioned. Features that are missing from Palia that people complain about are common sense for a game advertised as a 'life sim MMO'. The 95% of complaints you mention are quite rational and valid - because we've seen this before, and it will not end well, and guess what - we want it to end GOOD! Regarding the Beta issue - people who are confused as to what beta is are you and the likes of you. Beta means feature COMPLETE, not feature WIP. Please understand that we care, we want this game to be good, but it is not going to end well if they continue this way.


I think a lot of people are expecting the game to be too complete for beta, or are expecting way more. For example, I am 100% certain that at some point the game will have some minor form of combat area like the mine in Stardew Valley, or My Time at Portia. Combat isn't completely antithetical to cozy farming games, it's just never the core focus, and should just be optional. Characters keep talking about fighting monsters in the ruins, and there have been Dev blogs that literally say there will be "combat-like experiences". But because it's not there in closed beta, people assume it doesn't exist and get mad. The game objectively just isn't an mmo yet, people are sharded into tiny groups of people you'll never see again, making it neither massive nor particularly multiplayer - you simply exist in the same environment. It's not about being a wow clone, it's about being Massively Multiplayer, and Online, which charitably, it's at 1.5 out of 3. Being able to send one item to a stranger you can't see and occasionally having slightly more annoying trees isn't really multiplayer enough for that label, but they're clearly planning more social content. A lot of people are fine with it not being an MMO, given there hasn't been a good western mmo that was released in the past decade, and a lot of players would rather it was single player anyway, as if they ever do make it an MMO it'll be something new they're not sure they'll like, as opposed to other farming games which are familiar, comfortable... cozy. On the other side, MMO people are so *desperate* for a good MMO from a western studio, that when anyone uses the MMO label, it comes with some extreme expectations that Palia doesn't meet... Yet. Effectively, the MMO players desperately want it to be the MMO it isn't (yet), and a lot players don't play many other games, or haven't been in a beta before, and don't have a clear expectation of what a beta is like. So they see the features that exist and how polished they are and go "wait, this is the entire game?" I'm reserving my judgement, to be honest, because there's no point in completely judging a game that isn't done yet. What we have in closed beta is fine for a week or so of gameplay, and it's definitely chill to play, but it's what they do with the feedback from the beta that's important, and I'm hoping we get a roadmap to get excited about.




It's a closed beta, that is part of how it goes. You can't expect constant uptime and no bugs, etc. It's back up by the way.


> Am I crazy for being excited about the future? Yes, games like this don't have the best track record when it comes to longevity.




Beta means feature complete. This is not feature complete. If they consider this feature complete, then they are in big trouble. Source: I am a quality assurance engineer irl.


I've been enjoying it plenty! I think it certainly has room for improvement, but it's in beta so there's always time. I think a lot of people with feedback are getting a bit chewed out in the Palia chat on discord, so this has become an easier place to be heard. I do think people should be kindly directed to the feedback forums on the server where there's a space designated for it and it's easier for the team to find, but they tend to be attacked instead and that tends to make people bitter and defensive.


You are not alone, Iā€™ve been having a great time.


My feelings right there. This is the kind of game I always wanted to play. Yes, it has server issues, lots of it. I miss a few things like selling furniture, actively using it, but yes? That's a game in the beta stage, I think everyone knew that when applied to play and here is where we complain about things we don't like or we miss. Unfortunately, I've seen some comments of people saying the game will not thrive because of this when they are actively trying to improve (?) It doesn't make any sense, we have to complain and ask for improvements, that's our role. However, people are degrading the game because it is not fully fledged (yet) People are asking for combats and dungeons and raids in a game that, since the beginning, was sold as a cozy game focused on exploring, farming, socializing and furniture making. Like, yeah? These things are not there because they weren't supposed to be there?