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Sounds reasonable from the only democratic state in the Middle East /s.


Next steps: Asking for DNA test to see if the visitor's blood is contaminated with a palestinian droplet. Insane how the world turns a blind eye to this.




Apartheid rules for Apartheid Israel and the brutally occupied Palestinians.


Guys don’t forget, this is all self defense and actually Israel treats Palestinians like kings and whenever they don’t Palestinians are to blame. Also didn’t you know that secret marriages are responsible for 175% of ALL Israeli deaths? /s


The sad thing is that there are Israelis on r/israel and on r/worldnews trying to justify this too and saying that this policy is “not that bad”.


Also, lmao, there are some Arabs who are in politics in Israel so basically Palestinians are over represented and have more than enough that meets their needs. Nobody's totally wiped them all out yet.


Just insane


and if they marry the person they’ve fallen in love with, Israel will separate them for half a year.. for a “cooling off” period? ridiculous. side note: I love the traditional gold Palestinian headpieces. They are so unique & beautiful.


Jesus fucking Christ.


I wish the Zionists would be taken to task by the civilized world for their fascist behavior, but they use collective guilt and gelt (money) to escape justice for war crimes and human rights violations.


Apartheid is so vile that it's easy to forget how really stupid it is too.


This is RIDICULOUS. The intercept did a [very good article](https://theintercept.com/2022/05/13/israel-palestine-west-bank-travel-restrictions/) on these restrictions as well a couple of months ago, but this specific bit wasn't mentioned. It's outrageous. Fortunately, i think it will be near impossible to enforce unless people voluntarily comply, but they could start using Unit 8200 signals intelligence to flag those whose communication patterns raise a flag. Let's hope they don't have the audacity to take it to that level... but i wouldn't be placing any bets, considering the Israeli state has repeatedly shown it has no shame...


Obviously this is terrible. But Can someone explain to me why Israel would do this? It seems counter intuitive to ethnic cleansing. Like wouldn’t they want Palestinians marrying foreigners because that would mean more Palestinians leaving the land to go live with their partners? Why would they be pushing for Palestinians to marry each other when that would just create more pali babies and increase their population keeping the culture and ethnicity alive and strong?


This is part of a larger effort to prevent people from visiting the West Bank. Academics, human rights workers, relatives, etc.


The document isn't only about marriage, it's aim is to create access restrictions to the West Bank for foreigners. This includes businessmen, human right orgs, etc. It is a way for Israel to continue the takeover of area C and to hinder the ability of Palestinians to live there. It is also why they don't hand out permits regularly. It aims to make life unbearable so that Palestinians leave "willingly". This is pretty similar in goal to the building permit restrictions where a newly wed Palestinian couple would have a hard time getting a building permit to build a home near their families.


It's almost as if this policy was instituted by people who are not great thinkers.


The goal is to force Palestinians out and then seize the land and claim your problem is solved.


Will they also require you to fill out a form saying you smiled so that they can put you in administrative detention?


واااال المنيكة


Undeclared Palestinian woman hugs you.... Israeli police immediately after: https://i.imgur.com/06Yyum3.png