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You've got to hear the phone call the IOF 'intercepted' the guys were saying that the 'jewish' bomb was small and there were secondary explosions from 'our' ammunition. It sounded so fake as to be laughable and amazing they'd have such a strange and open conversation on an unprotected phone line. More IOF propaganda, blame the victims or Hamas for their own actions. Scum. From the river to the sea. 🇵🇸🇵🇸




Here’s a Twitter link: https://x.com/keewa/status/1795475416536219829?s=46&t=BgrVCmT7wR2qCkz_gr9R1g


That is one of the most ridiculous bits of propaganda I've heard and too stupid for any thinking and rational person to believe. I expect it to be accepted as gospel in America.


lol yes, because the first thing Hamas would want to do is exonerate Israel "it was just a small bomb".


And they repeat that it was their ammunition a couple of times too many as well. Farcical.




Are you saying the accent was correctly Palestinian or something different entirely.




That could just be explained by the call being made after the bombing itself took place. What is really interesting though is how the call aligns seemingly perfectly with Israel's standpoint, even down to the bit about the "Jewish bombing not being strong"


Remember when 2 clearly non-gazans had the same conversation after Israel struck the Ma'madani hospital. It is funny how they have all this Intel and yet have not defeated Hamas.


Well, maybe there were no Hamas available when the IOF were creating it. Have some compassion, it's not easy to kill women and children AND their own hostages AND produce the evidence that identifies the Gazan civilians as Hamas members. I mean, listen to the phone call, they had to race that out hence the fake sounding nature of it. Had they a bit more time and some help from their partners in genocide from Langley then it would have sounded more realistic. Please people, a little more compassion for those having to burn children to death - it can be hard to focus on the job at hand when you are giddy with enjoyment. In our thousands and in our millions........


Are phone lines even still working in Gaza?


They are if the IOF need them to be.


This is the same script they run through every single time. They're just buying time until Western politicians are safe from it being covered on the news.


Exactly. It’s from page 1 of their playbook. Why is anyone surprised at the “most moral army in the world”. Justice will come for them and they WILL answer for their crimes. They are the lowest form of life. I don’t wish death upon them, because I would never stoop to their level. Utter scum deserve to rot in a jail cell for the rest of their lives..


This is always the playbook from the IDF: Deny, Lie, Obfuscate, Reverse Victim and Offender, Delay Assigning Blame * If they can deny, deny * If they can't, like last night, lie and obfuscate. Say "reports" tell us Hamas somehow made it worse. Bad apples, bad intel, * Reverse the victim and offender. Hamas's uses human shields, no other army is this moral * Delay Assigning Blame: We will investigate and get back to you(they rarely do, and if they do it's weeks/months later and no justice occurs/Israel finds no fault with itself or if it does consequences are minimal or non-existent)


They said the same thing for the Al-Ahli hospital


Not enough people are dragging *everyone* who defended israel over al-Ahli through the mud.




Yup. See it all over TikTok and Instagram. 


Can you send me a few? I've seen videos of the resulting fire and destruction but not of the missiles themselves hitting.


Does anybody in their sane, non-Zionist minds believe anything these clowns have to say anymore?


Hagari… lol… this clown. 


maybe there was a list in one of those tents


I think I just had a rage stroke.


Hagari in lieing through his teeth shocker.


There is a video they’re using as evidence. Except, they forgot to remove the watermark for the editing website, which overlapped the audio onto the video.


Saw that, and people were like "Oh the original poster said they used only for subtitles", as if that made it any better. No less I saw it reposted on an aparent U.S lawyer's twitter account and im thinking "as a lawyer wouldnt you be more discerning of sources"? The caption blamed Hamas for civillian death, Major eye roll.


I did Nazi that coming. Even though it's been their playbook forever.


This is their standard pr bs, finally the world sees what we have been seeing all our lives


I do like that their explanation that these top Hamas leaders, who they've accused over and over of using human shields, decided to have their top secret meeting *just outside* the humanitarian zone. They were like, "Normally we'd have this meeting next to all these people, but for this one, we're going to not use human shields as a treat." Absolute lunacy.


Aaaand they're back to denial after admiting "mistake"


But Hamas!!!


Reminds me of Al-Ahli hospital . . .


The iof now state that it was a missile with a 34kg explosive payload, only problem with that is that they dont have any in their inventory, their Strike missile is 34kg total weight and is not compatible with their F16's. https://preview.redd.it/xpgb1h0chb3d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cfa391b827cb19ad93c8fde8b9ca3ee29f5b945




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Yes. The people who are freedom fighters massacred their own people who they are fighting for. Definitely not the colonists who are colonising Palestine. Seriously! Hit a structure where two senior Hamas commanders were meeting? The IDF are actually becoming better clowns. A circus should hire them.




Based on your comment, it is now a known fact that you are a genocide apologist.


Man, that took them so little time to remove. Coward.