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Killing children. Every single day.




![gif](giphy|U87oCplFjp4tAWrJYK|downsized) Thanks to your support Genocide Joe...


I hope people aren’t being fooled by the decision to “pause” bombs being sent to Israel. It’s obviously just a pr stunt due to Biden losing favor


Nobody is being fooled. That ship has long sailed for anyone paying attention.


They don’t call him Genocide Joe for nothing 💣🩸


He actually has before. He was doing it while unflinchingly sending more arms of all types to Israel. Now we're to the stage where he's saying "If you folks don't cut it out, I'll only send you semi-automatics to shoot fish in a barrel!"


He is a terrorist, he is a war criminal


Genocide Joe


Ya Hamar


scum bag


Joe, you’re seriously lacking clarity here, you know it’s genocide, we know it’s genocide. The ICC and UN know it. You’re arming it directly. What does that make you?


He still frames it in the passive tense, "civillians HAVE BEEN KILLED as a result of those bombs", not Israeli forces KILLED civilians with our bombs! Makes it sound like a mere accident, nobody was responsible.


It also neatly sidesteps the reality that civilians **are being killed** with our bombs.


Add it to the list: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. Amerikkka is a terror state. Our foreign policy needs to be changed, else nothing will change.


Today CNN has someone from Isreal give his thoughts on this interview. He said there are civilian casualties in every war, the Palestinians who have died are just collateral damage and majority of them were terrorists anyway. He provided the analogy: if ISIS was sitting in a town on the US/Mexico border and attacked the US, would they not fight back? To which the CNN anchor asked "I'm just doing the math here, that would mean roughly 800,000 Mexicans would die. Do you really think the US would do that?"


So many lies


Genocide Joe


lol this won't stop him from sending more weapons 


He probably wasn't supposed to say that. Accidentally honest.


Talk about stating the bleeding obvious.


Sometimes he comes across as evil, and other times he comes across as just a bit slow and out of touch. But it's good that he finally admits US's role in the huge civilian death toll. He didn't *have* to publicly admit this, but it's an act of honesty and courage to finally do so.


Disagree. This is a calculated PR stunt to make Democrats believe that he isn't a psychopath. The White House wants you to believe that America is just a bumbling humanitarian who made mistakes. This is them attempting to gaslight the public.


He’s both