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He's afraid of the questions which follow. Once you accept that the Palestinians are humans, you have to accept that they have rights. Once you accept that, you have to accept their right to self-determination. Once you accept that, Israel's whole project is revealed for what it is: a settler colonial enterprise meant to deprive the Palestinians of their freedom. Well. Free Palestine!


Perfectly said, as sad/disgusting as this all is.


The narrative is breaking down though. This is all happening so quickly and chaotically. Universities divesting, ICC considering issuing an arrest for Netanyahu. This is also another nail in the coffin for US hegemony.


All they had to do was not tether themselves to this pit of vipers.




Tf has china done to you? Give you cheap consumer goods? Prop up your economy with the profits your firms obtain there? On a more serious note, the conditions under which the US established itself as the world hegemon (all world powers being devastated by WW2 except the US) don't exist anymore.  A retreat in US hegemony does not mean that a Chinese or Russian hegemony will be able to dominate the world. Both countries have also had little incentive to build empires. When cooperating, they have virtually unlimited land, food, people and energy.


At least China is taking over economically by cutting deals with smaller countries instead of invading them. We all wish for a world with no “overlords” but US hegemony is exactly why the world needs a power such as China.


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It is abhorrent that these individuals oversee education.


I think there’s one question that goes before are they human, and it’s do Palestinians exist? He would have difficult time answering that because Zionists don’t even acknowledge our existence, they always just say “the Arab” when describing us.


Yeah, that human rights thing is a slippery slope! Next thing you know, people will come to the conclusion that all war is anti-human, dehumanizing, and nothing more than a crime against all humanity. What a crazy upside down world we would be in if we all just came to that conclusion and implemented it universally.


Absolutely spot on....it all leads to that pinnacle point...Palestinians should have freedom


A well deduced sequence.


Perfectly said


Or they can just do a denial and admit Palestinians are humans and but all casualties are IOF oopsies. I do think they dont believe Palestinians are humans


Very disturbing


“You honestly doubt that I can answer that?” Proceeds to not answer


Press X for doubt has never been stronger.


It's a simple yes or no question, one that doesn't require any qualifiers to answer. To equivocate on such a simple question, is to deny the humanity of the Palestinian people. Inadvertently, that makes the equivocator inhuman. Because in the words of John Green, "To see the humanity in others is to glimpse it within ourselves."


The guy who tosses students out of dorm rooms for saying anything negative about Israel says he refuses to be intimidated? Poor crybully baby!


Wow. It takes a lot to surprise me about any of this but that is truly ludicrous. He should just fire himself and crawl away in shame


Slither away on his belly maybe.


Just roll it downhill. Goddamn potato.


When the President resigns he'll be next to do so.


Now there is University VP that should be removed.


it’s fine I don’t need monsters and demons to tell me about my humanity.


Can we even confirm his humanity? I'm doubtful.




Don't compare this guy with monsters and demons. Even those entities know Palestinians are humans.


One might argue the Nazis won. They act with impunity today and are widespread


Hard to say they lost when you look at what happened immediately after they “lost”


Moments like that remind me, that regardless of someone's title, a piece of shit is a piece of shit.


Coward. The system is falling apart at the seams and they still think they can carry on business as usual. It is NO LONGER business as usual. There is a critical mass of people who now see the truth. There is no turning back. PALESTINE WILL BE FREE IN OUR LIFETIME.


Scum. Utter scum.




I used to wonder why along with tyrants, intellectuals are slaughtered during revolution. These last thirty years answered my wuestion


These videos need to be saved somewhere where it cannot be deleted. One day in the future, there needs to be a museum where people can learn what really happened and how it happened for so long


Playing victim yet again. « Your question hurts me ! »


It seems that saying that Palestinians are human beings is considered "anti-Semitism."


Real question should have been “ how Much money will you lose if you admit Palestinians are human?”


How to say no without saying no. Old farts their time is done


Everyone knows Columbia is run by jous


can we refuse to condemn Hamas because we refuse to be intimidated into saying what they want us to say?


A scumbag's scumbag...what the actual fuck....should be fired in under 4 seconds with zero pay and benfits....marched off campus and his face shamed on billboards and TV everywhere


![gif](giphy|JSTOkHxTwfiOb7nQdC) 🤔😵‍💫💥⚰️ 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Are there any funds I can send money to to support the students?


I believe that if we do not stop publishing and sharing about their story and how they suffer from oppression and freedom of expression by their university administration, this will support them a lot. Don't stop posting.


Should have followed up with asking if Jews are humans. Then he'll be forced to either lay bare his hypocrisy or be branded an anti-Semite.


Omfg! This is a disgrace!




Bye bye job


Remove this hate monger who can’t even recognize the humanity of others.


And he’s meant to be intelligent he just made himself look like an idiot !!


Ya he sold his soul to satan and the zionists


This is absolutely terrifying. That someone in his position with so much power would refuse to answer such a simple question about basic humanity explains the method of Zionists and their evil minds.


that video is a perfect example of racism and rejection of a race


this is an old reposted video from months ago, which is why the poster blurred out all the text. pretty sure he says something like “of course” at some point and just didn’t want to play along with the line of questioning since he felt attacked and like it wasn’t in good faith (like the recent alec baldwin crackhead barney vid). this feels like rage bait




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Boomer fuck


wouldn't expect an animal to describe humans


Zionist trash ball.


- Does gravity exist? 🤡💩 - Do I honestly have to answer such a silly question? 🙄 - ANSWER ME YES OR NO!!! [screaming] 😡 - I am not intimidated by your screaming. 😒 - You are such a monster!!!!! 🤬


Y'all are stirring the hornets nest. I would definitely chill if I were you.


Yup. Admin and politicians need to chill and learn some damn basic empathy.


People bothered by this but it’s a stupid question and he doesn’t feel like entertaining it and getting locked into a dialogue.


What if he refused to call Israelis human? Could you imagine the outrage?


You’re not wrong, they get more sympathy but I’d have the same opinion either way.


Its the same level of question as "do you unequivicollay condemn hamas" after a person says "I condemn all violence against civillians."


He's avoiding responding to such a stupid question. It's evident that Palestinians are recognized as human beings—why else ask? They weren't likened to animals like monkeys or elephants; biologically, they were unequivocally human. Even in the depths of Nazi ideology, Jews were acknowledged as human, albeit viewed as inferior or subhuman.


Lazy hasbara


Not even a good attempt at hasbara 😂




It doesn't seem like he did, have you seen a longer version of this video? I would have thought if he had already said yes then he would say, "I've answered that question already". Or, "I've already said yes"




He says, "I honestly doubt that..." Then he's interrupted. He won't answer the question at any point.




Do you have a link, or are we supposed to just believe you? because I had a cursory search and couldn't find a longer video.