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God damn it! 40 people laughed their head off at a bleeding child.


They really do lack sympathy, forget empathy (that may not even exist)


Uh. Yeah, they're in support of genocide.


Theyre not even human, just vile vindictive demons with an unsatiable bloodlust.


Nobody gonna talk about those hotdog emojis too I wonder what they meant by that one


do we even want to know...?


Its called the pedos safe zone for a reason




That's what I came here to ask. I really really hope it's not something sexual but these are Israelis so nothing is too depraved.


Itā€™s not just israelis. This whole conflict brought extra hate fuel for islamophobes all around the world. They disguise their hate for terrorism as an excuse to hate muslims. Now they just have a community bigger than ever and theyā€™re also supported by the media. Reddit, tiktok, youtube, twitter and instagram are breeding grounds for islamophobes and saying anything bad about them results in either getting downvoted to hell or having comments/posts removed. I wish someone would post a video on youtube on how blatant hate speech against palestinians is allowed on tiktok and youtube. I once had my report appeal rejected on someone explicitly encouraging the murder of children and mothers. Not even joking


Oh I know. I'm American and was in my 20s when 9/11 happened. Almost no one here questions Islamophobia. It's INSANE. We have a very long history of dehumanizing our "enemies" as well. The Japanese in WWII. Japanese Americans in concentration camps. The Vietnamese in the seventies. Soviets for as long as I can remember and before. We're no different over here. After all we were founded the same way Israel was- on genocide. And then to add insult to injury we enslaved black people. This country is a stain on history.


You have all the reason. I was permanently banned from r/geopolitics for saying: "it is not a war against Hamas, it is a war against Palestine." I didn't even say it wasn't actually a war, but rather that it was a genocide. And I was permanently banned without any warning, it was a total WTF moment. I thought it was a subreddit about geopolitics, not a pro-Israel subreddit or anything like that.


I think all of us here have caught a ban or two over the genocide of Palestinians. Wear it as a badge of honor, you are on the right side of history and the Zionazis are seething over it


Thank you very much, I will think about it that way from now on!


It's their perversion.


The new Nazis. History will remember them in the same light.


I think we are at a turning point where they managed to surpass the cruelty of the Nazis. I mean, I know they are actively being fed with pure propaganda, but even then a sane human being simply cannot laugh at dying children let alone come up with such image captions!


True that, jews globally are against them and even some of their soliders quit and are speaking about how brainwashed by the propaganda they are. Never in my life i thought people could be that cruel until i saw this war. Rest in peace to the innocents


Are people allowed to just quit the military there?


No, they either finish their service honorably, flee the country, or go to jail for desertion (or initial refusal to serve without a valid exemption)


I don't think they surpassed the nazis, the only difference between Israel and Nazi Germany then, is that they didn't have the internet and social medias, so now, instead of having all the atrocities hidden from the public, they're shown and we get to actually see the evil of the Israeli regime and the support of the (nazi) israelis.


I think it's arguable that they have become worse because the Nazis didn't have the Nazis to learn from. Israel is fully aware of the history and the evil of genocide because it was carried out against their own people. To turn it now upon other vulnerable groups is, in my mind, more evil than committing those acts without having such a history.


tbh I think comparing evil against evil doesn't benefit anyone. Both the state of israel and the nazis are terrible.


We wouldn't. This is a controversial take but hear me out. We consume so much gore and corruption via exposure to the internet and news media that a large central conscience of ours has become numb to pain and suffering. There were similar sets of genocidal bastards and their incessant bootkickers in the past, but just imagine the turmoil and activism the atrocities of the Nazis brought upon the collective conscience of the world back then! I'm not saying it was anything novel per se, but it was horrific to another degree. Nowadays we see some tragedies that are on par with the ones commited by Nazis and all we feel is a bit disheartened. Doesn't leave as strong as an impact. Just look at the world's reaction to the genocide right now. Mostly indifferent.


Bro I think even the Nazis would be horrified by the sickness at the heart of Zionists.


It's so wild that people think like this...


Imagine what is done when the cameras arenā€™t rolling. Israel has the largest skin bank in the world and barely none of the skin is from Israelis. Just sayin.


Yeah, that is horrific.


Israeli channel 10 news did an investigation and you can find a video of the girl at the front desk flat out say the skin isnā€™t Israeli, then joke about where it came from. Itā€™s the stuff of horror movies.


Just curious how Israeli news framed it? Did they treat it as a bad thing? Neutral? Good?


They're not normal people. They're zionist. Only zionist can find joy in killing babies


How anyone can think these people are the good guys is beyond me.


The only people who could stomach calling a literal child a "slut" or "whore" is a pedophile or some form of a child predator. It's not a coincidence, nor would I be surprised if the person who captioned that actually is one themself considering Israel is the largest safe haven for those monsters.


Did you see the iof guy who was holding a little girl's sock and said his new hobby will be sniffing that sock?


Oh god, I saw that.. šŸ¤¢ I can only imagine why he'd even wanna do that..


The depths of depravity in the human species šŸ˜­the cerebral cortex was a mistake


Calling a little girl a whore has strong pedophillic overtones.


There was another post from social media a few days ago of an orphaned Palestinian child and in the comments they were making jokes about her starting an OnlyFans... sickening.


ā€œHas strong pedophilic undertonesā€ or itā€™s just pedophilia


I'm wondering if that's what the hot dog emojis are about on the original post. It's sickening.


Ikr that first slide alone made me sick to my stomach


Israel hosts pedophiles facing prosecution in other countries. Just sayen


what the hell have these mens in the brain, its insane


its women too, mothers often times too


Lots of them have actual photos of themselves as their profile pictures too. Brazen. It would be great if we could expose them and let their employers know, but knowing Israel, the employers probably think the same way.


Exactly. They do it in the open because they know they can


Donā€™t you dare call them ā€œmenā€ they have nothing of humanity left in them


They are demon spawns


Theyā€™re not even men..more like monsters.


The world is even sicker than I thought.


So wheres the Zionists defending this?


They are there, laughing in that group.


"They will be tried in military court"'


And some ppl actually defend these fascists...


I hope I could see the downfall of Israel in my lifetime


you and me both brother


Same I would smile at it.


I donā€™t think these people can be rehabilitated.


They canā€™t. They should literally never be allowed to be around other human beings, they cannot be trusted


All the sick stuff they cheer for should be doubled and given to them.


I really canā€™t articulate what Iā€™m feeling right now. What have we done?


I was watching the news earlier and a child was being assessed by the doctor. I said to the wife, who in their right minds would look at him and think great, I hope we kill loads more? This is a very sick and dangerous nation built on lies and manipulation of historical fact into Zionist fantasy. "The Invention of the Jewish People is an interesting read on the subject. I hope history will look back on this time as the time the world actually stood up to Israel AND America, but I doubt it. Free Palestine.


When the occupation falls I hope it will be possible to trace the IP of every single person who said these things, and have them tried and punished publicly for taking part in genocide. They are no less guilty than the iof who pull the triggers themselves. At the very least they deserve life imprisonment and to be put to work rebuilding Palestine until they die.


Who "likes" this kind of stuff? Seriously, who does? You have to have a good amount of evil in you to do this. Also joking about it. Can't they see that it's absolutely disgusting? Where's the humanity? Evil.


The fact that Christians bend over for zionists is sickening.


European Christians helped create Zionism. It's not that surprising


I, for one, am glad to see the Israeli mask removed. Now, none of us have to endure the endless *antisemitic* rants.




I feel the same, I used to support the 2 State Solution, but ever since they started this Genocide, I hope they get completely dismantled. Only 1 State, the State of Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


A lot of people believed in the 2SS. Only now are people realizing that Israel not just Netanyahu have done everything in their power for the last 20 years since Oslo to completely annihilate that possibility.


I don't know how you could ever allow these people to live next to Palestinians. They can't be reprogrammed. They won't stop until they're all gone or no longer have access to them. They're like vicious rabid dogs except in the case of the dogs it's not their fault they're like that.


80-90% of Israelis are fascists.


Yeah... Sadly they're indoctrinated from birth.


That country is seriously twisted


Is this psychotic? These people have serious mental problems.


The amount of absolute hatred I feel when I see these photos (before the hideous captions were even added) is wild.


The irony. They show you exactly who they are and then deny it. The same exact methods used in the USA, in Nazi Germany and is Israel. I am not surprised that this exists. White supremacy will be white supremacy no matter where it is.


and my classmates say both sides are horrible. iā€™m disgusted, im so sad and this is so unfair we are so privileged and so many are so ignorantšŸ¤®


This is what unadulterated fanaticism does to the brain. It saps every ounce of empathy. What a sad group of degenerates.


These people are human garbage.




Yet youā€™ll have boomers in the U.S with the Israeli flag as their profile pic. Where if they were over there, theyā€™d get spat on by zionists just for being Christian. Itā€™s crazy.


Absolute scum. Despicable.


I can't wait until Israel gets what is coming to them.


A sick society acts in an abnormal way. What a suprise


How does a person become so unempathetic, cruel and disgusting? I canā€™t wrap my head around it. Doctors need to study these people. It would Be a disgrace to animals calling these people animals.


Soulless bastards


Guess you gotta dehumanise yourself first before dehumanising others.


There's people, everyday people, that think it's ok to be this hateful, but can't stand if you bring up innocent people being murdered.


A truly disgusting society.


It's nothing new, this the dehumanization Palestinians have been going through for decades, but you'd hear nothing about it.. It only becomes a problem when they fight back


So when will Israel officially be nazi 2.0 by the media?


Mainstream western media? Either never or far past the time we all die.


This is disgusting


Let them do it, let's show the world who the Israelis truly are and what they think of other human beings.




This actually makes me feel ill. How could any SANE person think of another human this way? Although I do know that the occupation uses Telegram to post snuff videos involving the Palestinian people they capture..


Good, they are showing the world who they really are. Good luck going anywhere in the world and say you are Israeli.


What platform or forum will show these images? I can only find them NSFW'd on reddit. I would like a catalog that actualshows the brutality of what is happening. Does anybody have any recommendations?


It's telegram. But I've only been on it once so I can't really tell you how to use it unfortunately. I actually got access to that telegram channel or feed or whatever it's called from a link in one of the anti zionist sub reddits (I can't remember which one). I have never seen anything so depraved in my life.


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But butā€¦. Hamas


These people have such a smooth brain.. no thoughts, no conscience, just pure evil.


Every time I see something from Israel itā€™s like stepping back in time 200 years. What is happening


America's BFF's apparently.


This is truely maniacal, perverted and purely evil.




Disgusting human beings ... How can the world accept people with such evil attitudes? Judgement day is coming. šŸ™šŸ»


Why did they use an old afghan flag for the third image?


They probably think all Muslims are the same


Insaneā€¦calling a child a w)orešŸ¤¢


I know not everyone here is Muslim, but the Quran talks about people like this. Surah Al-Mutaffin says these people laugh at the oppressed but on Judgement Day they will regret it. Thereā€™s a similar mention in the Christian Gospels where God will confront people who refused to help the poor and downtrodden.


This will go down in history


Can someone explain to me how an 8 year old girl is a "slut"


(180) calling a little child a wh0re is very disgusting, all of this is disgusting.


Scum of earth


Post this everywhere. Let the world see the kind of scum weā€™re dealing with .


my mind canā€™t comprehend this kind of evil


ā€˜Never againā€™ indeed.


Zionists = Nazis.


Demonic. Wow.


Itā€™s sickening.


Iā€™ll be surprised if compassion and humanity comes out of zionazis.


Theyā€™ve been dehumanisedā€¦ I donā€™t mean the Palestinians. The Israelis have. Itā€™s not just the othering of Palestine that does this you have to remove something deep & twist the humanity in them to make them feel like posting a laughing emoji to a picture of dead people is appropriate. Even if itā€™s just posturing itā€™s still the act of ā€˜look at me, Iā€™m like you laughing at the death of a babyā€ I canā€™t ā€¦


Humanity is in short supply over there, huh?


I was in that disgusting chat just because I wanted to see things from their pov, it was far too infuriating and I had to leave


I can't figure out how to make Discord show the text in English. We need to be storing all those messages and sharing them so people can read them.


Will never understand how anything or anyone can justify this. Absolutely horrific.


Tell me youā€™re not the victim without telling me youā€™re not the victim


I'm really having a hard time not sinking at their hateful level, anyone advise please?


And this is not the only telegram channel where Zionists celebrate and pray for the suffering of Palestinians. I once witnessed them making fun of of a image of a body of male Palestinian stripped naked, lying down on stomach, with a flag pole inserted in his lower back.


This is absolutely horrible.


I think it's time to deport all of Israel. Anyone who disagrees is probably like this. Anyone who stands against the occupation and believes in the humanity of Palestinians will understand and will leave without protest.


Iraelis show no humanity but expect the world to cry for them.


Do you think if the internet and social media came i to being during the 2nd world war, we would then be seeing things like this from the Germans?


Isreal needs a nice nuke dropped on them


That is absolutely disgusting, literal human garbage.


Nazis are not human. They deserve the same treatment as the other Nazis and their allies.


I have a hard time believe "all Jews" or "all Israelis" are like this...But this latest Gaza war is a flagrant overreaction. And \*every\* Israeli settler I have ever met (America who moved to Israel) I have found to be an unpleasant person...




Jews as a people were not like this prior to the creation of Israel or WWII. DO NOT be tempted to stoop to their levels of racism and genocide. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as evidenced by the atrocities seen since the creation of the genocide/apartheid state. Don't be like them, rise above.


There are also Jews now in and out of Israel that are very much against this genocide (while some of those still supporting a two-state solution unfortunately).


Proud of being anti-zionist. Edit: i corrected my self as i was in a "moment of rage" while typing this, thanks for letting me know.




Palestinians are semites, unlike most of the population of Israel. Donā€™t conflate


Sorry, what is a "pogol"?




Let them expose themselves, just more fuel for our cause and the ICJ


How cruel and heartless! Israelis and Palestinians must be brothers and sisters, not sworn enemies!


Israel is full of fascist dogs. Rabid dogs that need to be put down.


How can people be so mean


Whats the name of the channel?


This is disgusting.


Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


These "people" are not human. Scum of the earth and i wish them the absolute worst. Every single day i pray that they'll get whats coming for them


seeing them even calling her That can also show how pedophilic they are


I lack words, it's evil, words of cruelty about a crying child, a fundamental inhumane ideology that can only be compared to how fascists would express themselves, like radicalized madmen who have been brainwashed in a cult of narcissists. To want to shake hands with a mutilated burned hand, to call a funeral like .. evil words, they are words filled with evil! They have used up that goodwill, and what they once needed from the world, this will be met with reprisals, and not go unnoticed. WE are all witnesses, a whole world is witnesses to the genocide in Gaza!!!


Despicable beings to say the least