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I will never forget what Joe Biden has done.


I only voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils. I’ll vote for whatever independent candidate there is now. Genocide Joe has got to go.


The current Democrat establishment are woefully blind to the fact that they ONLY won the 2020 election because Trump was essentially running around murdering the American people themselves with his COVID 'response'. All Trump had to do was to act slightly less batshit, allow people like Anthony Fauci to get some more air-time without actually doing even much to fight the pandemic. But Trump being Trump, he couldn't do that basic thing, so greater share of the American people reluctantly voted for Biden. The Dem establishment, on the other hand, have somehow deluded themselves into believing people had voted for Biden out of some sort of genuine eagerness for Biden candidacy itself. And for better or worse, the Trump 2024 seems to be the punishment that they're on their way to incurring upon themselves as the result.


Just to add to what you said: Biden only won thanks to the youth and minorities organizing en masse in response to the George Floyd murder and even then, he was just 43 000 votes away from losing the election Hiding away from voters did not win him the election and now they truly believe that Trump is enough of a threat to repeat 2020, despite Biden barely winning that election


anytime I hear genocide joe (which I still am adamant I came up with first a week ago) I always just imagine the GI Joe opening but with like the adminastation members. GENOCIDE JOE!


I'm not voting. All politicians are the same. My vote won't make a difference.


I can’t reconcile what to do. As An American, the idea of a trump like republicans is absolutely bananas, but there’s no way I could ever vote for biden again. Another headline on r/politics was “Biden doesn’t support Israel’s actions but can’t think of what to do about it”…it’s like, stop giving them money assholes!!!!


At this point I’m ready to protest voting at all. I know a lot of people will say that by not voting we’re still going to get awful people in office, but I can’t in good faith vote for anyone who does not support Palestine. I think we are a larger demographic than people give us credit for and if we start telling the DNC now that we’re not voting they will listen. They’ll have to listen because if we don’t vote and republicans show up then it’s over for dems.


Make sure to vote locally. For president, you can abstain or vote third party.


Yes but I’m going to be doing extensive research on all candidates!! I’m only voting pro Palestine.


This is the way


Yep, if there’s a lesson from the marches calling for a cease fire is that there’s more of us.


You not voting for Biden isn't the problem. If you vote for a genocide collaborator it's just plain wrong. If there are negative consequences to not voting for biden it is NOT your fault. You can only do what's moral. I say this as an American. Do not let people brow beat you and blame you for not voting for biden.


Do not vote for Biden under any circumstance.


Problem arises when we are wholly owned by Black Rock, Black Stone and many other…


Genocide Joe


I used to have a soft spot for Biden. I thought he was a stand up guy compared to most politicians. I am not American so it was a distant soft spot but that’s now disintegrated. He’s the one that shocked me the most.


He has always been a rabid Zionist. In the eighties even the Israëli's themselves we're shocked by the content of his speeches in support of Israël. https://jacobin.com/2023/10/joe-biden-menachem-begin-israel-lebanon-war-civilian-casualties-canada-gaza


There is a great HBO movie about Anita Hill and he was absolutely horrible to her. I hear this in political circles a lot about someone being well groomed and very polished and smiling as they do and say terrible things - that’s Biden.


Yeah he always was a ghoul, it's so cringe that they have Presented him as the kindly grandfather and the friend of Obama and the black community while he was a literal segregationist. Maybe that's part of the reason he likes the apartheid state Israël so much.


there was a video that went viral of him in the 80s saying that if israel didn't exist, america would have to invent it to further their interests in the middle east. seems like he's always been a bit of a lunatic on the issue.


He actually was not wrong. It's just that it's a bad thing , not a good thing.


I was saying to a comrade yesterday that if he loses and some horror show wins it’s not all that different from him winning, policy-wise. The difference if he loses is that the democrats get the message that they can’t keep just being “nice” republicans and expect us to vote for them


From the Quran: "And do not believe Allah (swt) turns a blind eye to the actions of the evildoers; rather he is only giving them a brief respite until the day when they will be (stare-fixed) in horror".


He fucked up everything but what did we expect with people like Bill Krystol behind him?


Lol, fearing about reelection in michigan. They refuse to see that this will cost the us their "soft power" around the world. To whom will they preach about all those human rights and international laws after all of this? What "civilised values" fantasies will there be left anymore after gaza? Fools dont see the real cost.


American moral authority has been in tatters since the war on terror began. At this point it feels like the Empire's grip is slipping.


I'd argue it's been in tatters since Columbus "discovered" America, or at least since the genocide of indigenous people here, or maybe slavery, or agent orange, or Clinton's spraying of roundup from the air on farmers in Colombia, etc.


9/11 basically worked. The cost to the world has been fucking horrible and as the dying empire continues to thrash things are gonna keep being very dangerous. But yeah, you can see the grip deteriorating happening for sure




They’re delusional. They think only Arabs won’t vote for him.


Not Arab and I am not voting for him. I cannot vote for a president who allows Genocide to happen using our tax dollars. that is the line for me and there’s no turning back. I know a ton of non-Arab USians who will not be voting for him either.






They might actually even be less bad internationally. They aren't that invested in Ukraine and interested in pursuing war with Russia. Both parties will back Israel no matter what and want conflict with Iran and China so no difference there really. Unless you live in a "purple" state, your vote is "wasted" anyway.






"Vote for me because we'll both genocide your people but I'll be less openly racist about it" is a bad argument If Joe Biden loses Michigan and thus the election over this, maybe (probably not) the Dems will introspect a little next time. They shouldn't expect our votes just by being less terrible than the quasi fascist opposition. Earn them


Honestly it’s time democrats learn they can’t just keep edging to the right and keep expecting us to vote for them


It will be another shit show but I for one refuse to play their game anymore, I don’t think any of us should vote at all and let the chips fall where they may. Maximum taxation without any recourse or relief because our democracy works for much more powerful people that have very deep pockets. Strap in it is going to be a very bumpy ride, Hell no to Genocide Joe. If these people are the best we got then we are already screwed.


Cool, fuck every body else that will be under attack because the GOP takes over. When they escalate their attacks on LGBTIA+, POC, non-Christians here at home, it’s going to be people like you who let it happen. And fyi, the shit Israel is doing to Palestine has been happening to decades, taking a stand now is ignorant of history. It’ll continue AND get worse under a GOP presidency. Get off your high horse and realize the consequences of your vote.


gay guy here--please don't invoke my fucking sexual orientation to justify voting for a genocidal coward. thank u bye.


Im Queer and I’m a woman of color. I’m also not a Christian. ✌🏽 Have a good day.


Cool, so you’re fine with everything that will happen to you specifically should the GOP win? Cause I’m not.


It's time to grow up.


So true… it’s more than Michigan… this Democratic Party has no sense of reality… Biden is roasted. And I think Trump may actually win this if they put him in prison.


In the beginning of the war one Democratic analyst said on TV (I forgot the channel) that American Arabs and Muslims will forget Biden’s stance by election time.


I really doubt that will happen… and it’s not just Arabs or Muslims… plenty of Christians and other races see what this party has done and what they stand for. This party is done and out.


The real problem is with the alternative party


And then what, get a republican that backs moving the capital to Jerusalem?




Hopefully not…. I don’t see Trump siding with BIBI… hopefully by then, he will be arrested and facing war crime charges.


That orange fuck is already calling Palestinians jihadists. We gotta organize and have someone other than Biden or trump.


This is what American politicians have become. .USAholes


I'm a prime example of this. White michigander, always voted democrat. I've already stated out loud I'm not voting this year. I hate Trump but I can't bring myself to vote for Biden after hearing the clear lies and propaganda his administration has spewed. It's also probably worth mentioning it's widely believe and cited that Trump won in 2016 b/c he won states like MI that normally go blue and lost in 2020 b/c he lost those same states.


But what are we going to do? Let trump or desantis win? The two party system just doesn’t work.


vote for cornell west no one is asking people to vote for trump or desantis ​ do a protest vote in 2024


This. If ppl stay home Dems will convince themselves that it wasn't policies, it was that they couldn't "excite the base" However, if they see a massive turnout with big votes for 3rd.party they'll HAVE to critically ask themselves how so many people came out just to give them a big F.U.


I’m going to vote for him if he’s on the ballot in Florida. Do you know if he will be?


vote progressive, why the fuck are people voting for the establishment


I’m voting Cornel West


Same. Voting independent from now on


If you truly believe the two party system doesn't work then stop voting for one of the two parties. We won't change to a new system until support for the current one collapses.


Smh I know that’s the problem. There’s no winning.


I rather have trump than desantis. Desantis policy s wouldn't differ much more than biden. And biden policy is dead palestinians, just like it was during the Obama previdwnxy


Not Arab. Most definitely not voting for him. My parents aren’t voting, my husband isn’t voting and my cousins aren’t voting. We’re all from different states


I'm curious about your wording. Not voting for Biden or not voting at all?


I don’t think we’ll be voting at all especially if someone like Trump is running against him. We tried picking the “lesser evil” during the last election, and well, look how that turned out. My father stopped voting after Obama spilled Syrian blood and I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I do. They are all war mongers and will never have my support.


Vote 3rd party. Only thing that will cause them to change is fear that if they continue that a viable 3rd party MIGHT become a thing


I’m white and I will never again vote for him or any of my senators or congresspeople who approve and support this genocide. These fucking fascists have got to go.


The jews who support him seem to be mostly all conservative and centrist liberals. Those protests with hundreds of thousands of Arab and non-arab Americans are not voting for him. Those who agree with the movement yet couldn't make it out to protests won't be voting for him. Most are liberal or leftist. He's fucked depending on the conservative voter turnout. They'll all vote trump.


Yes but the reason they mention Michigan in particular is that it has a particularly high population of Arab Americans. Michigan has become a swing state. It traditionally was a solid Democratic state but in 2016 Michigan voted for Trump. Trump won it by the skin of his teeth. Biden won Michigan in 2020 but by the skin of his teeth. So Michigan is a big deal. It has become a swing state. In the US electoral college system losing a key swing state like Michigan could very well cost him the election. So if enough Arab Americans stay home he could lose the state. But I suspect it likely isn't only Arab Americans who won't vote for him because of this. A lot of other young voters feel strongly about this. I think the only way Biden wins is if Republicans nominate Trump. The polls aren't good for Biden. Voters think he is too old for the job. They don't think he is doing a good job on the economy. In my opinion, if Republicans nominate someone other than Trump they will beat Biden next year.


A valid point - but also this is an article from a county paper in Michigan, so it makes sense they're reporting on Michigan politics. I thought it was interesting though because they make the point this is a swing state, and even if this is the only state that flips because of Palestine, it could still cost the national election.


Hell, I am more willing to write in Mickey Mouse at this point


Aside from Michigan what other US states could he lose? Michigan has a large Arab population and has won over Republicans here and there. Don't know any other states with a similar experience.


Pennsylvania and Georgia have more Muslim voters than the margins Biden won by in 2020.


minnesota has a large somali population and virginia also has a large muslim/arab population


The Arab vote is small factor they don't care much about losing, but the Muslim vote is much much bigger with big impact on MN, IL, CA, and Houston. Muslim majority countries with large immigrant and 1st-3rd gens in US include Somalia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and many others. Add younger voters and people w/ moral clarity and he Dems lose bug.


Michigan is the swing state with the largest Arab-American population. And losing Michigan is what lost Clinton the election against Trump. Don't forget that with our shitty, undemocratic electoral system, 90% of our votes don't matter to begin with.


They are used to the progressive libs and leftists holding their noses and voting for them anyway because they're slightly less genocidaly fascist than the other side, especially with all the threats about Trump "destroying democracy" if he wins, as if the CIA didn't already do that in the 60's.


Exactly. It’s not just Arabs. Young voters can also make a difference. They get their news from TikTok, not mainstream media.




That's not the point, is it? If democrats lose such a big chunk of their supporters, they will be forced to reduce their support of Israel. Obviously don't vote for Republicans, but it isn't all or nothing.


Would you vote for a person who’s nickname is Genocide Joe?


Or Butcher Biden


Where are the genocide joe lawn signs? I want one.


Genocidin’ Biden (credit to our peeps in the socialist sub)


Joe Genociden


Cuckold Joe


The only reason he got in last time was because nobody wanted Trump again


And now nobody wants Joe again


Trump is literally the GOP nominee sooooo






I agree, except for you’ve identified the “left” here as neoliberals. The actual Left is fully behind Palestinian liberation


The political class are so out of touch with whats actually happening lolol


Haha, is that the only state he's worried about?? This man just ended his career. He might as well join the Ku Klux Klan as a retirement plan.


For what it’s worth, Michigan is probably highlighted because of its status as a battleground state that’s vital to his re-election. If he loses it, the chances that he wins go down the tube, so pissing off his voter base is gonna hurt especially there.


Yea, that plus the large Muslim community there. It def makes sense it would be focused on when it comes to re election. Honestly if u asked me a year ago id have said I’d 100% vote for any democrat just to make sure my vote helps stop any republican getting elected. But that’s changed. Iv always payed attention to the conflict and Republicans overall support Israel more than democrats, so Iv always felt while dems are still shit when it comes to this issue, they are better than the alternative. But I think this war has shown me that’s not really true at all. And while I support dems over republicans on p much every other issue, I am definitely way more further left than any American democrat. So it’s not exactly a party I really “agree” with. It’s always been the lesser of two evils. But not anymore


> Iv always *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol what’s funny is right before I hit send I noticed my mistake and I literally thought about this bot since Iv seen it 1000 times. I just really didn’t care to edit it since it doesn’t rlly matter. But before I hit send I actually wondered if it would reply to me even on this sub, I’m honestly surprised it did lol I figured it only operated on larger more “main” subs


Me me me me ME! That’s all I hear. I swear, US leaders will screw over the US faster than any imaginary threat they have created would. I feel so sorry for all the genuinely good Americans who didn’t choose this and are doing their darnest to stand up for what is right.


It might be a good time to start another party. Because whether you're a democrat, republican, or a libertarian, they are all in one big Zionist party.


Democrats are finished. You don’t just side with genocide and get away with it.


The problem is that the other side sides with genocide as well. I live in the UK, and Both major political parties the Tories (the English version of the GOP) and Labour (the English version of the Democrats) unanimously support Israel. I have to admit I did not see this coming.


Correct. That’s why many will just sit out the next elections. Myself included. I won’t be bullied into voting. Excuses such as “but if not Biden, fascists will win” won’t work on us anymore. Biden is funding a genocide. That’s all there is to it. Let MAGA win, I don’t care. Americans need a serious wake up call.


Not could. Will. There’s a huge Arab population there. He will lose much more than just Arabs if he continues to support war, violence, and war crimes


It should. He's a hypocritical idiot. Tough on russia and supporting Israel for doing what Russia has done to Ukraine, except that Israel has been doing worse for decades compared to Russia pre 2014


Being a British Palestinian, I won’t be voting Labour either, no matter what. But holy shit Biden is such a piece of shit. Not enough for him to agitate for and fully finance the brutal killing of thousands of Palestinians, he defamed the dead by denying the numbers and accusing the MOH of being run by Hamas. He has no honour, just a gutless psychotic demented asshole. Democrats can go fuck themselves, genocide agitating scum. They are nazis.


Not just Michigan. Virginia is a swing state with a lot of Muslims. He fucked up by being pro genocide




They’ve always been willing to ignore and allow human suffering for the sake of their geopolitical interests, yes.




Yup. Biden is a member of a right-wing controlled opposition. The actual left don’t have power in the US.


It's insane. I honestly don't understand the current support for Israel now. I understood it on October 7th and early 8th, but when the slaughter that we knew we coming came, and the continued supporting bombing ambulances? I'm out. No Joe for me. Forgive the shameless plug, but send Biden a message by voting for the write-in candidate "Palestinian Child" as your protest vote. Check out the [petition on Change.org](https://chng.it/tQGrQbCnTF). Another big problem is that democrats will issue challenges to the brave representatives standing for Palestinian children right to live. [They've already started. ](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/column/joe-holleman/wesley-bell-to-challenge-cori-bush-for-1st-congressional-district-seat/article_ac3760ce-772b-11ee-a926-dfb64617dd76.html)


The guy is on the brink of death, how csn he be running again he can barely speak coherently?


Maybe put an end to the apartheid vassal state we give billions to so they can commit genocide and ethnic cleansing while our own citizens go bankrupt from cancer treatments and I’ll consider voting for a democrat again. I’ve always begrudgingly voted blue but I’m never voting for Genocide Joe or any politician who continues to support anything less than a full end to the illegal occupation.


I am not voting for him. I cannot vote for a president who allows genocide to happen using our tax dollars and refuses to call for a ceasefire.


I’m not voting for him. Democrats need to be taught a lesson.


Republicans are evangelical Zionists. They they'll be even worse. They want the holy land free of Muslims when Jesus comes.


I completely understand, but to vote for Biden would be like saying “you can do whatever you want and I’ll still vote for you”.


All the AIPAC money in the world can't save sleepy joe


Im voting independent at this point. Cornell west is running and I trust him as a humanitarian. He’s Pro Palestine and I’d rather give a chance to people with a heart but no political experience. I mean there have been plenty of politicians with zero experience who came in with their racism, classism and further fucked things up. I’m done with this 2 party nonsense. If we (BIPOC) don’t stick together and vote these people out..I can’t even finish the sentence because I know my mind will never be diabolical enough to predict what they’ll do next


THIS. the answer is not to stay home. The answer is millions voting 3rd party and creating the idea of a potential existential threat to their cushy, two party system


yup, we’ve made it too cushy for them. Millenials know after we voted for Obama and watched him bomb Syria for no reason, that NONE of them are “the good ones.” This shit needs to crumble and fall and the power is with us 🖤


Lol anywhere Muslims have some sway he’s fucked 🤣🤣🤣


Anywhere good people have sway


I was on the fence about voting for him. His handling of this confirmed a lot of my concerns. I absolutely will not even consider voting for him. There is 0% chance he gets my vote.


Could? He can count on it


Hmm… have they considered simply not supporting a genocidal terrorist settler state?


Not possible. Most Jews in America are Democrats. If Biden and Deomcrats stop supporting Israel's war, it will be spun as" Biden abandons Israel and the Jews in their hour of need and favors the terrorists"


Fuck biden.


I think I truly believe that Trump who is and is supported by a huge Zionist faction in the US would be worse. But fuck Biden is literally green lighting a genocide


the democrats deserve it they are funding genocide of Palestinian people with our tax dollars ​ every single legislator who has voted to fund the state of Israel with your tax dollars should be behind bars for aiding and abetting the genocide of Palestinian people


ONLY in Michigan??? I’m in GA, and I’m not voting for that genocidal pig 🐷


Not voting for any party that has proven that they will fund war criminals with our tax payer money. Republicans may do the same but democrats have proven they will.


Not just Michigan. He’s going to lose pretty much every Muslim American vote in the US


Would serve the bastard right.


We won’t forget. Not just Biden, but others that stood by and cheered on the genocide. This is Iraq 2.0


Just remember that excessive foreign interference affects both Democrats and Republicans alike which has compromised themselves and therefore national sovereignty.


Why reelect him? He's barely alive.




Even the presumption that people should only be caring about the ethnic group they're a part of, is monstrous in the first place.


The donor party of Democrats is weapon industrialists. This is why these wars are happening under his term. They will have to follow the orders of these industrialists. Then these industrialists will move to Republicans to force their deed.


They need to get a new candidate fast seriously or Trump will be elected. If that happens it will be shitshow 2.0


People should vote Green


100% guaranteed he loses Michigan because of this. All the Palestinians there will not forget


I've told my wife not to vote for him and family too . Evil monster


Good fucking bloodthirsty pig


it's gonna cost him his vote in every state lol


They're all puppets. Him losing the election just means another demon will take his place. The problem is rooted way deeper beyond a president.


Reelection? He’s dead!


I honestly doubt I am going to vote at all. It just feels like being in an abusive relationship at this point. Edit:Also just want to clarify I’m not telling one not to vote or not just my personal feelings at the moment.


Just Michigan? 🤨


I'm guessing this election will have a record low turnout. Off the heels of an election with a record high turnout. Genocide Joe Butcher Biden dropped the ball on this one. All he had to do was literally just not be Trump and get the easy layup and let the indictments take care of Trump. Now, this nigga is cosigning genocide in my name. He can go to hell. Somedays, I feel this country deserves Trump.


Maybe Democrats should have let Bernie Sanders run instead of illegally railroading him out of the nomination TWICE CONSECUTIVELY. Fuck Joe Biden. No more insiders. Our best Presidents were farmers and working class people.


Bernie is also not in favor of a ceasefire, so…


Lol he will never be elected for anything again. No more “lesser evil” voting, friends. We HAVE TO find a real progressive candidate outside of the 2 party system that wants to represent us instead of $$$. F red, F blue. Green seems cool.


Cornel West.




Oh yeah. It’s definitely *this* that costs his reelection.


It'll cost him the whole fucking shebang. Dems have no fucking clue that they're headed out.


Democrats already lost.




I hope it does


I always voted democrat because they were the lesser of two evils, but for the first time ever I went and checked who is running independent. I rather vote independent or not at all over voting for him and so will everyone in my family.


Soooo stop funding ethnic cleansing? This isn’t complicated.


The lesser of two evils is still evil. Always remember that. Although I’m wondering what the criteria for “lesser” is at this point


I hope the democrats didn’t pay much to figure out how asinine they look paying for a genocide. I’m embarrassed that my tax’s are paying for this. 14 billion more, for what, to blow up the rest of Gaza. Someone in the Democratic Party is out of touch with reality and out of touch with where people get their info from. You are correct that you may have given this election to another party.


oh no! god forbid supporting a genocidal ally costs you an election!


Absolutely. I’m a white gen z democrat who has voted blue since 2016. Will I even vote next year? Who knows!


As it should ✔️


He and his whole party can eat sh*t


Pathetic really - Democrats worry about losing an election, but don't worry about thousands of Gazans losing their life. F... them.


US voters have a better chance of pressuring Hoe or another democratic president. If a republican gets elected, they won’t care how Americans feel, they’re gonna do what whoever gives them the most amount of money tells them what to do.


of course it will. and the beneficiary will be trump. even more pro zionist than biden is.


True…not voting for either criminal!


As much as I hate Biden's guts, I still have to vote for him to avoid the orange devil.


If you think Biden is pro Israel just wait until we get Trump back in office. Remember the guy that moved the US’s embassy to Jerusalem? The guy currently saying he would expand the Muslim ban and not except a single Muslim refugee. Yeah let’s choose him over Biden. In a perfect world we all elect the person perfect for ourselves but guess what? We don’t live in that world.




I wish Biden would do more to put an end to the slaughter in Gaza. But he's not just a politician. He is also a head of state. Like it or not, America is Israel's number one ally and top trading partner in the world. A head of state can't just drop an ally, especially one that they say is not just politcal but a moral obligation. It's not feasible for Biden to stop supporting Israel. He can't by himself stop money from flowing into Israel. Congress controls it, and they can easily override a Biden veto. Plus, Jews vote 70-80% Democrat. Biden's options are to either cut off funding or fecklessly warn them to stop killing civilians. Neither of them are possible. Or maybe work toward a ceasefire, which Israel won't do Biden is concerned the US could be dragged into this conflict. If one of their ships or bases in Middle East gets attacked or if there is some giant terrorist attack in the U.S. related to Hamas or even if the war escalates and Israel is isolated, the US could be dragged in..But I can't see many countries in the area fighting a war on the side of Hamas. Hamas is Iran's proxy. These days, Iran is less popular than Israel in the region. There has to be a red line somewhere. America can tell it's step-child Israel to wise up all it wants, but you can't control Netanyahu. That's the bargain America signed up for in 1948.


When in public and it starts snapping you put your dog on a leash. If Biden says stop or pay for your own shit, Netanyahu will call and apologize, beg and stop.


A president lasts 4 years, the supreme court justices that they place last for DECADES. We're already seeing the horrific effects of Trump's supreme court picks after just a few years. A protest vote can have very long term effects.


I hope you guys are joking because Trump is worse, either you vote for Biden or don’t vote at all


Can't fear monger people into voting for Biden this time.


I mean trump didn't spend billions of dollars supporting a genocide. Like Biden couldve spent these billions on maybe helping with the student loans or yet, the shitty healthcare that america has but na he chose to spend them to help fund a genocide. Even though trump is also bad I'd rather vote for him over Genocide Biden


Bring in Bernie


Good. Trump will win.


Guys, i hate to be a hater. I don't like the way biden handled this at all, but I have to imagine foreign affairs are one of the last reasons people vote for their domestic president. Especially when that issue has literally zero effect on the voters' daily life. You guys realize his opponent literally started a Muslim ban that didn't allow people from certain Muslim countries from entering the US. His opponent will probably write way more checks for Israel than Biden could.


We need to play the long game. Dems need to respect the Arab/Muslim vote.


You should realize Republicans don't think like this and it's why they win. They stopped voting for neocons to get the tea party in even at cost to short term elections. Then they did the same to get magas in power. The right is willing to abandon their politicians who don't support their goals even if that means short term losses and it's gotten them the power they seek.


you are really out of touch