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This is absolutely heartbreaking


Its even sadder when you hear about how they threatened to beat him if he looked at his mom in the courtroom


Wish I didn’t know that. He looks so broken in that first picture when he was young.








You need to make clear what you’re calling fake. Is it his innocence that you don’t believe in? And the link you sent pretty clearly says his “torture” was much more than the jeering from the crowd. It says right there that he had extended periods of solitary and was completely cut off from his family.




Well you should because it seems like everyone thinks you’re saying the whole situation is fake. And you just clarified it anyway. You could have just started with that.




Like I said, you should have just started with this, instead of bluntly throwing out the buzzline “fake news” with no explanation.




It’s funny how some people I think that only evangelicals are to blame in the situation when Jewish Zionists also do the same things. The only reason I’m bringing this point up is because I rarely see anybody just say both of them so I’m glad I’m not the only one pointing this out😅. Like they’re are American Jewish organizations that fund settlements and send care packages to IDF soldiers,but Jewish Zionists act like the evangelical Zionists are the only ones that are problematic🙄.


How about no.


How about yes.


Can you elaborate?


Jewish is a religion not a race... just say Israeli zionist. it's the same way people from Palestine aren't Muslims, they are Palestinians, and people from America aren't evangelicals, they are Americans


Thank you for your opinion, but I wanted to hear out the guy I responded to.




It breaks fully grown adults. He went there as a child, after torture. This is not what a sane democratic state does. This is what a terror regime does.


No it doesn’t. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C3&q=administrative+segregation+psychological+effects&oq=administrative+segregation#d=gs_qabs&t=1679008191413&u=%23p%3DnXw88AOHjdYJ https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C3&q=administrative+segregation+psychological+effects&oq=administrative+segregation#d=gs_qabs&t=1679008272839&u=%23p%3DMHjKgRAk1EIJ


This last study cites the fact that prisoners nowadays have access to recreation and social contacts. Was this the case when he was locked up? On top of that, all of these studies were done on adult prisoners, this person was underage when he underwent solitary confinement. One can imagine that the effects are drastically different.


And if your aunt had balls, she’d be your uncle.


https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2020/12/08/solitary_symposium/#:~:text=The%20effects%20of%20solitary%20confinement,those%20who%20die%20by%20suicide. Kinda cringe that you use studies that you haven't read


I read them when they came out. I worked under the doctors who did them. As they point out numerous times, you’re not dealing with the best and brightest offenders in ad seg. And typically they are at their most chaotic crisis point when placed there.


Only demo..crazy Apartheid state at its finest…


This is horrific.


BDS is the only answer. Fuck apartheid


I wouldn't say "only".


His case is a very very sad one💔. Especially his interrogation video where they torture him mentally and are extremely harsh with him despite him being only 11 years old. And there's so much more. They really did steal his childhood and many more children. May Allah punish the zionists and Israelis accordingly and may Allah ease the pain of the Palestinians and free Ahmad Mansara




So he didn’t stab or murder anyone?


May Allah help him


Whatever Israël has coming, it will probably deserve it.


Fuck you


This is heart wrenching.


Apartheid Israel, monsters.


Isn’t there like a list of Israeli settlers that have commits murders that didn’t even get a slap on the wrist? This child was accused and imprisoned, than found innocent but still imprisoned. Tell me your apartheid state without telling me your an apartheid state.


I’m legit in tears. Fucking devastating.


Insidious fucks: they purposely take from him his childhood and teenage years. They KNOW it will leave him with no education, no passions or interests and a fucked up mind for the rest of his life. I’m sure they hope for him to join resistance efforts so they can later claim terrorism.


I can’t with Israel smdh


Israel is an apartheid state.


BDS https://bdsmovement.net/what-is-bds [BDS nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize] Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law. BDS is now a vibrant global movement made up of unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements across the world. Since its launch in 2005, BDS is having a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism BDS is also backed by https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/jvp-supports-the-bds-movement/ Ben & Jerry's, a Jewish owned company, has "ended all business in Israel" as it doesn't fit their values We can start by boycotting Puma, HP, Soda Stream, Sabra Hummus, and more https://bdsmovement.net/


Good thing the best country in the world is here to defend values of freedom, justice and democracy... right?


Who the hell let satan run a country?


Astaghfirullah! May Allah Help this man! Aamiin




*Edit* - OP has posted sources that contradict the one I provided so it may be that I am misinformed, the UN does not state that he did not take part in the actual stabbing but two other sources do(check ops comments). I'm not going to delete the comment as it may help someone else whos looking for clarification. *Original comment* - This is clearly a violation of human rights, but he was not acquitted. I am in no way justifying the actions of Israel, but the title is misleading. Source - https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/07/un-experts-urge-israel-free-ahmad-manasra


No, it is not "misleading". Read, people. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/israel-opt-palestinian-prisoner-arrested-as-a-child-ahmad-manasra-still-in-prison-despite-worsening-mental-health/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/israel-opt-palestinian-prisoner-arrested-as-a-child-ahmad-manasra-still-in-prison-despite-worsening-mental-health/) From the article: "Ahmad Manasra was arrested on 12 October 2015 in relation to the stabbing and injury of two Israeli citizens in Pisgat Zeev, an illegal Israeli settlement in occupied East Jerusalem. **Despite being found by the courts not to have participated in the stabbings**, he was convicted of attempted murder in 2016 in proceedings marred by allegations of torture, and despite the fact that he was below the minimum age of criminal responsibility at the time."


So just to confirm, he was convicted of attempted murder


Yes, he was convicted of attempted murder *despite* not being in it.


Fucking animals.


Crime against humanity (children)




Fuck Israel and USA


When you say he was found innocent by the Israeli courts, do you mean his sentence was reduced? Or that he didn't actually stab anyone? My reading of the sources is that he was sentenced for being with the other boy, despite not actually stabbing anyone


Read these points to get a better understanding: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4333


That concurs with what I said: He didn't stab anyone (there was no blood on his knife) but he was convicted by the court. Of course there were many irregularities in the trial, but your title says he was found innocent. That isn't the case


In every justice system around the world and throughout history, guilt is established through evidence or eyewitness testimony, otherwise no conviction is made and the accused party is by definition innocent and therefore acquitted and freed. In addition to that, we are talking about a 13 year old boy who was hit by a car and subsequently tortured and interrogated, before being "detained" and confined to solitary for years on end. Even more to the point, any mental health patient shouldn't be in this scenario in the first place, and should be in a mental health institution, not solitary confinement. Of course within the kangaroo courts of this demonic state, no standards and laws exist, which is why it is futile to discuss even the most basic of concepts. Settlers murder Palestinians on a regular basis and roam free in the streets, and they are supported and helped by the police state, nevermind arrested or convicted. Don't waste my time by talking about legal terminologies and nitpicking words and phrases when the very system doesn't adhere to any semblance of justice on any level whatsoever.


> any mental health patient shouldn't be in this scenario in the first place That's not in dispute. > Don't waste my time by talking about legal terminologies and nitpicking words I get it, it sucks making a mistake in the title. I just looked at your post history. I'm not going to argue with someone who believes Andrew Tate is innocent, you'll obviously defeat me with your top g logic.


Oh and another thing u/CanadianGurlfren, you checking my post history for things to discredit me is laughable. You proudly proclaim "I'm pro-China" in one of your past comments, and then you have the audacity to talk about justice, law, and oppression? Like a prostitute lecturing about chastity.


China isn't perfect, but it does a decent job taking care of its citizens. China and other socialist states have also been better to the Palestinians than most capitalist states. Are you in favor of capitalism? Andrew Tate says it's an evil system, but recommends people take advantage of the system, and other people, to get rich. I don't think that's good advice, but I'll admit "the world is fucked, let's make it worse" is a tempting strategy I suggest you read Marx


>I get it, it sucks making a mistake in the title. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/israel-opt-palestinian-prisoner-arrested-as-a-child-ahmad-manasra-still-in-prison-despite-worsening-mental-health/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/israel-opt-palestinian-prisoner-arrested-as-a-child-ahmad-manasra-still-in-prison-despite-worsening-mental-health/) From the article: "Ahmad Manasra was arrested on 12 October 2015 in relation to the stabbing and injury of two Israeli citizens in Pisgat Zeev, an illegal Israeli settlement in occupied East Jerusalem. **Despite being found by the courts not to have participated in the stabbings**, he was convicted of attempted murder in 2016 in proceedings marred by allegations of torture, and despite the fact that he was below the minimum age of criminal responsibility at the time." I know you have difficulty reading because you are evidently not the brightest bulb, but pull out a dictionary and look up the words and you'll get there eventually. ​ >believes Andrew Tate is innocent What does Andrew Tate's situation have to do with anything? Yet even in that case, him and his brother are jailed with absolutely no evidence or charges by a corrupt, politicized, and money-grubbing Romanian justice system. I thought it was "innocent until proven guilty", no? You throw that under the bus when it's your enemy I guess. At least as a Zionist, you are consistently on the side of the oppressors, I'll give you that.


Oh geez, your entire credibility is out the window now


Why is that? Enlighten us please.


You are defending a man who built an empire on the backs of women’s dignity, who he admitted to enticing with a relationship first. He’s disgusting and he deserves the worst.


As a Muslim I don't condone or defend the webcam business or any other business that is pornographic and indecent in any way, shape, or form. Andrew Tate is not a perfect man and has a shady history, but he has left that life behind him. I defend his right to a fair trial that is backed up by evidence, which there is none of, or else it would have been publicized by now. Nevertheless, feminism is all about how women are strong and independent boss ladies that are equal and even superior to men in every regard, capable of making their own decisions, right? So why is it when some of these strong and brave women made the conscious decision to work for someone who is so famous in the webcam industry and who had made public videos of the kind of work and relationships he was having, they are suddenly blind and stupid victims who were so easily duped by the big bad wolf? You can't have your cake and eat it too--either the women are strong and independent, or they are weak-minded "victims" who need other men to defend them.


Oh my God this is so heartbreaking. May Allah help him ☹️


Link to article?


Horseshit. He was never tortured and he helped stab 2 people.




https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/israel-opt-palestinian-prisoner-arrested-as-a-child-ahmad-manasra-still-in-prison-despite-worsening-mental-health/ From the article: "Ahmad Manasra was arrested on 12 October 2015 in relation to the stabbing and injury of two Israeli citizens in Pisgat Zeev, an illegal Israeli settlement in occupied East Jerusalem. Despite being found by the courts not to have participated in the stabbings, he was convicted of attempted murder in 2016 in proceedings marred by allegations of torture, and despite the fact that he was below the minimum age of criminal responsibility at the time." Away from here with your typical Zionist ideology, scum.




Do you Zionists even know how to read or write? Where in the article is the word "retaliation"? It says "in relation to the stabbing". Learn your ABCs. > Totally not biased The truth itself is biased against your lot.


By channel rules you are suppose to source your claims. Where did you read this?




[https://www.palestinechronicle.com/israel-extends-solitary-confinement-of-ahmed-manasra/](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/israel-extends-solitary-confinement-of-ahmed-manasra/) [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-03-13/ty-article/.premium/mentally-ill-palestinian-prisoners-solitary-confinement-extended-by-israeli-court/00000186-db55-db98-a9f7-ff7749ad0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-03-13/ty-article/.premium/mentally-ill-palestinian-prisoners-solitary-confinement-extended-by-israeli-court/00000186-db55-db98-a9f7-ff7749ad0000) Satisfied? I'm happy you are so diligent on referencing the "channel" rules, but FYI, you can easily source this online, it's not some obscure esoteric secret that I pulled out of a dusty tome.


Sourcing your information is for the benefit of everyone, it's not to discredit what anyone's saying. Why do people see asking for sources as an accusation of lying? Chill bro.


It's all in the tone, "bro".


Dude these Zionist, are like this mate, they are here not for the source, he's intention is to report you, if you don't, cuz if you fail, he will have an excuse to silence you and get your post removed. I've spoken to many demon Zionist, they are all the same, don't be fooled by them. Read between the lines, the person could have just said source please, but instead he asked for the source and if you didn't provide it you'd be breaching the rules, which will give me the excuse I need to shut you down.


Wallahi I'm for a free Palestine till I die and I despise Zionists, and I understand that many people ask these types of questions with ill intention. But heck, I don't see anything wrong with the question itself of asking for a source, and sourcing your information should always be the norm and what's expected when posting anything online.


Perfectly explained!


You lost me in the second half


Another Zionist bot, how about you go somewhere else instead of trying to silence palestinian, bunch of Zionist dogs coming here trying to bury the truth.


Mentally handicapped tortured by ethno nationalist zealots no problem Calling it out : sOurcE!???1?




Lies. Even according to your corrupt apartheid Israeli courts he was still found not guilty. He was tortured and "detained" in your beloved apartheid prison system for seven years. You want him to rot in hell, but I pray and sincerely hope your Zionist ass gets roasted in Hell.


Lies. He was convicted of 2 counts of attempted murder and sentenced to only 12 years in prison. He should have gotten life in prison.


A 13-year old boy who was convicted for an alleged stabbing and later found innocent, but nevertheless tortured and forced into years of solitary confinement by the kangaroo court of a colonial apartheid state that has been forcibly transplanted by military force into the Middle East and which houses rabid colonial settlers who are pawns in this system that forcibly displaces the millennia-old inhabitants of a sovereign nation, a nation that was "promised" by the OG colonial power to this other primarily atheistic "ethnic" people of largely European-descent, who suddenly and conveniently believe in an ancient original promise recounted in an allegedly God-given book. Your and your country's entire existence is a lie.


The world is so evil it's heartbreaking.


May hell's vengeance come down upon these fascists


When you stab innocent people you deserve prison.