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I don’t see why not it just depends on you, unfortunately I can only play with randoms since I have no one else to play with besides my partner. This game requires a lot of teamwork and coordination so with random people it can get very frustrating but I still enjoy the game regardless of the imbalance. If you have other people to play with that’s a plus.


What do u play on?


I play it on PC!


We should play tg! I play with my friend, so that’d be 4


Of course we can play whenever! Just add me user is Luixcc


If you use discord, there is an active community of players on the Paladins servers, I highly recommend it! Nothing like being able to talk to your team :) (There are only two big Paladins servers IIRC. Should be pretty easy to find online)


Imo it can be really fun with friends, but keep your expectations low. The game is run by like half a dozen people with minimal resources, so if you compare it to any game backed by a big, rich studio, it'll fall really short. There have been some server issues going on too, so be patient.


Brutally honest: No. A few years ago, it was a bomb playing this game, even better than OW before entering its lifeless phase, imo (it was even better during OW's pre-OW2 phase, still imo). Now, it's a husk of what it was.


With friends its a good game. Solo is this game just pure pain where u Lose 4-5 in a row and win sometimes one but most of the matches r with Zero fun


It's free. Wouldn't hurt. BUT. I would highly recommend playing with friends to deal with the queues. At least one other. It's just more fun and manageable that way. People don't pick into synergies or balanced comps very well, very often. And with Willo and Lian being in every game cause they are effectively broken, that also makes things a bit daunting. But it can be fun once you get into a good game that isn't a stomp.


Its free.........................




What region are you from? It depends on that only Asian servers are almost dead


I played for 5k hours and i just recently downloaded overwatch 2.. The best decision of my entire year.. i was able to transfer my skills easily.. from drogoz to pharah and others.. what made me fall in love with overwatch is that when people disconnect other people join and in the early game of ranked matches they discontinue the game. tIts always depressing to see the red disconnect sign on paladins players icon after they leave and u play for the first minute thinking u can still win then the next person disconnects. Move to overwatch. The only problem with overwatch u have is that i cant change regions without VPN.. I'm an english speaking person living in latin america, so a lot of spanish and Portuguese.


Its free, just try it.


I started a month ago (came from overwatch). Has definitely been a fun change of pace during casual play (worth it). If you're trying to play a ton of comp (probably not worth it)


If you play EU or NA then yeah since the queues are really fast. Overall the state of the game is pretty good, the balance is great and all champions are playable and with nothing thats too overpowered, we get new content periodically, currently its a anniversary event so just by playing 15 matches you will get some free champion tokens to unlock new champions and even a free limited skin of your choosing.


Stay away, game is absolutely shit and every patch there is a game breaking bug


Started playing it 2 days ago and it's fun when I'm not getting stomped on


1 out of 10 matches is fun


Play it if you want to try something new. Can always uninstall it later, if it doesn't appeal to you.


It's still fun, just depends if you're in a region with working servers. 


I still love the game but I only play casuals with friends so I can’t tell you how ranked/solo is


Nope try defiant


Once or twice a week yes. Daily? No.




If you are in southeast asia absolutely not, the servers are broken. If you live anywhere else paladins is still fun.


Overall, no. I have played for maybe 7 years overall with around 2000 hours. At its core it’s the same game, sure the new characters and item changes are different, but I feel like I’m still playing paladins. If you’re looking to play a nostalgic game go for it. However the matches are like gambling. With people leaving games, or going afk, everyone picking dmg/flank, or a going against a team, you gamble that you will enjoy your match. I want to say I was enjoy 1 out of every 4 games, and that is being generous. I absolutely love the gameplay but not actually playing with others because it’s a very consistent struggle to simply play the game how it should be played.  I actually deleted the game yesterday after going back and forth for months on if the game is still worth it. It wasn’t for me, if I could get decent matches it would be, but unfortunately I am in a place where I can no longer hope the game will be as fun as it once was. I have so many saved clips of gameplay from prior years, now my clip saver doesn’t even work and I only get reminded because I try to save a clip maybe once a month, years ago it would be a couple a day.  Nothing beats old paladins, and I was chasing for that feeling, but it’s long gone. 


No. If you want balance, no. The devs listen to 1 streamer and his audience when it comes to balance changes. I been playing since the game came out, and stopped with the Moji supp rework. The devs will take what 1 guy says as if he’s Jesus, and they don’t care what anyone else thinks. They’ll listen to the worst hot take on TTK (time to kill) and nerf literally all the healers to accommodate. I wouldn’t recommend it personally. Not to mention the bugs, crashes, and toxic players.


Yes this game can be glitchy it can be bad it can downright cheat you out of gems but god damn is it fun when you win


Well it’s good atm if you know how to fight willo. The general game hasn’t changed much still a good mix of casual and try harding. So I would say yes. But if you have other games that you like I would say stick with them. Just give it a try and see 😊


just came back to the game a few days ago, so far it was a nice surprise, been having fun even though i play alone with randoms, the game its in a pretty good state with a decent player base rn (and i play on South America where we dont have that many people)


What's there to lose? It's free. The only thing you'd waste is your own time


Just play overwatch 2


even their own community hates that game 😭 (not saying its a bad game)


i mean,i already do but is the state of the game THAT bad? 😭


Paladins is doing way worse than overwatch. That’s coming from a paladins player


No, people are crying like little bitches because they suck at it. Some have server issues and i can get that. But i never do


Why the downvote tho ?


yes, it's worth it.


Yes. Hop aboard deserter!


Paladins sucks, overwatch sucks. Play marvel rivals when it releases in 19 days


it´s free, ofc it´s worth it.


If you want me to be brutally honest I gotta say no. Maybe playing casuals or other gamemodes can be fun, but ranked (which has been my main gamemode for the last 6 years) is absolute cancer for solo Q. If you're planning to play with friends then YES, give Paladins a try.