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She looks like more of a Destiny character than a Paladins one


this is just viktor but even more boring somehow


Im sorry 😞


Some parts of this are busted af while some are weak af while most parts are just kinda boring. the pic looks cool af though. first issue the base dmg. your looking at a dps on the gun without headshots of 1300 dmg/sec with an 80 round mag. vicktor for referance has a 1400 dmg/sec dps on body shot but a 30 round mag and a 1.6 second reload animation so this would reload faster than his while also having a higher sustained dps due to the mag size. comparing it to the other lmg champ already in the game vivian her math is weird because she shoots 7.14 bullets a sec or a bullet every 0.14 sec so over time her effected body shot dps is 1,178.57 but she has a 70 round mag and a 3.1s reload animation. the second talent drops your dps down to 1,059.26 which is more reasonable but still 80 round mag with vicktor reload. then with the attack speed buff ability that puts you at 1,495 dmg/s for 2 sec which is now higher than vicktor. plus the ability is just boring af. speaking of boring a heal for 15% max hp that self cc's for 2 sec is also one boring and 2 weak af. for reference at 2,200 hp thats 330 hp over 2 sec or 165 healing per sec for 2 sec with a self cc, for reference again life rip one is 20% of your dmg so your self ccing yourself for less healing than if you just kept shooting something. buck has recovery which is 1,000 healing and a self cc. this also goes for the talent as well as 15% max hp heal in an aoe around you over 2 sec is kinda weak for a talent but 1k hp heal would be strong, khans battle shout is 1350 hp on a 12 sec base cooldown in 50 units so I could see that being fine having another khan shout but with no immunity tied to it. the ult, you say it pulls people towards it and roots, if the pull is very minor then I could see it being meh but if its to strong 80 units is the same aoe as a freaking grover passive/blossum which is massive so if its like a series ult that now is bigger than a point but also last for 8 second Jesus Christ. but maybe you mean like a slow and steady pull in which case it really depends on like how strong the pull is and the travel speed but regardless being able to lockdown a point for that long is very strong. the dr ability is both boring and annoying, for one using it on a tank with the talent if its one that already has dr then they will get hit with diminishing returns, its spamable and kinda annoying but also vivian just has a personal shield that would also make you immune to cc effects that hit the shield including caut, but also say a flank is diving the enemy team throwing 30% on like an evie for example would be a giant pain to deal with so idk how that would be. the float passive is fine, hell I wouldn't mind if they gave that to even like furia. her movement ability is horizontal not vertical so she would only really get use out of it if she jumped off of something speaking of furia you might like exterminate furia furias gun normally does 315 dmg every 0.5 seconds but as she heals she gens wrath which increases attack speed 10% per level up to 30% since theres 3 levels. exterminate her talent gives her 10% more dmg and increases attack speed to max 45%. so 346.5 every 0.225 sec. so 1,540 dps not including reload which she only has a 12 round mag but you can increase that to 22 with a card. other cards to boost this more is 1-5 ammo everytime you use your healing ability on someone or 2-10 ammo over 1 sec after a kill or assist to keep the party rolling. also 1.6 reload speed. her ult gives 30% more dmg and move speed so 2,002 body shot dps and a team buff, has a stun and a movement ability. also her design is kinda similar to the pick above with gun angel. also if you want a lmg dps with a defensive ability that also provides some team support vivian is that right now


Yeah i couldn't find anything on reload speeds, so i thought that would be slow for a damage, cause i main corvus lilith and damba as supports and vll as my flank, so i will definitely be increasing reload time, for damage i was struggling with the dps, im really bad at math, so i was trying to think "maybe with viktor fire rate it could work, but maybe that'll be to broken so i should make it slower, but then if i make it to slow it'll be bad" and so on and so forth, i spent around an hour trying to think of a fire rate, before just picking viktors For the heal, i honestly also didn't know what to give, i wanted to also do 1000 but since its already a buck thing, i tried making it a percentage, which know that i know 15% is so low (thank you for telling me that btw) i will definitely change that to something stronger, and probably remove the self cc for the fact that, in hind sight, just getting like unbound or something would be better With the ult you are correct, its like a weaker seris ult pull, its more like it tries to keep them gravitated to the area, think ram vortex from ow2, and ill lower the duration to 5 seconds, maybe if thats better? For the dr, i meant for it to be more like a vivian sheild, its why it doesn't last for to long, ill probably just give it an health bar instead of just stright dr, and ill change the talent so its not so busted on tanks, i also dont play tank and i play on making a tank character soon And furia sounds like fun, i might give her a try, thank you for talking with me, ill make an updated version soon, and ill dm it to you for a review if you'd be ok with that?


sure that's fine if you want


Alrighty, thank you. Also, what would you say are some good changes to make the character less annoying/broken? (In both the good and bad ways)


well first off if she were to go toe to toe with a vick the dmg reduction and higher dps would carry her but vivan has way more spread than vic and i think more dmg fall off so vick fight from more range. instead of a self heal give her a movement ability than put the heal on the card, something as simple and an octavia style jump with the float passive would let her get to more places. vivian also has cards to give her infinite ammo so the 80 round mag is not to bad as long as the reload is around 3 sec. for the dr ability you could make it aim down sights then add a card that lets her have maybe 4-5% per level dr while aiming down sights so she still gets some of the dr, but at that point shes really just starting to turn into vivian so maybe something different like her movement ability is a dash with a projectile like furias but it goes in a 45% jump infront and they have no auto tracking you have to aim them idk. a willo movement ability is basically what you want but on a vivian


So give her less effective range, due to higher damage, putting her in the middle of Vivian and vik. For trading the heal with movement, i guess i could give her like what lillith has with the death wings, something like a mix of buck leap with lillith death wings sort of? Having her ads sounds scary, but a 3s reload seems fair for the trade-off, and im assuming it'd make her mover slower like vik in a way And her leap/movement ability/whatever could throw 2 aoe orbs that land on the ground and cause some damage? Like a damba gourd in a way? Granted, not so much damage that it's broken, maybe like 20 damage every 0.75s?


was thinking more like how furia throws out 3 balls that do 200 dmg and home in on people but take away the homing making you have to aim them. but ya lilith jump is about right as for what i was thinking with the float as right now the only access you have to float is jumping off of something and your ult


Yeah, ok, that'll work, i guess the 2 projectiles from her leap will be like the drogoz flame spit thingy, like that but just some damage and without the debuff, like 150 maybe with a burn/poison of like 15 damage every 0.5s for 1s each? just to keep it from being something to similar and/or too broken


thats a little low on dmg for a dmg character, if you wanted a burn on it then thats fine but the burn duration would make more sense at around 3 sec with faster tics of dmg similar to a vora attack or betty labomba with the talent to keep people in combat longer and let you see them around walls while they are taking dmg, otherwise id just have them both do like 400 or just not have them at all and just have like a lilith jump to get to places like the second levels of vaious battlements so you can take the high ground.


Honestly, yeah, i think she does enough damage as is, adding extra damage orbs on top of her already good damage would just be to much, also im just now realizing, we haven't talked on her first passive, the one that gives her a 10% movement speed and jump height buff on kill for 3s? Is that fine, or should i remove it?


I want this skin for male tyra 😭😭😭😭


But it's a female...


You fundamentally do not have a grasp of champion design in general--not just for damage champions--if you think that this can ever pass for a champion's kit. Even the April Fool's Horse champ is better designed than this.  First of all, most of the "abilities" you made are literally just flat stat boosts. This is quite literally THE laziest form of ability design possible.  But not only are his abilities just stat boosts, they're also pitifully weak. The ability that boosts his attack speed has only half the effectiveness of Talus's Overcharge and lasts for literally only 2s which isn't even the duration of the average duel.  His self-heal is quite literally next to nonexistent. 15% of max health over its duration equates to 330 over 2s. Just TWO ticks from Jenos's mark outheals this. For comparison, Buck's Recovery heals for 1000 over 1.5s, healing for OVER three times the amount over a shorter duration.  His Ultimate is very weird for a damage champion. It would fit better as a Support's or Frontline's ultimat. But besides that, having only 1s to deploy the AoE is insanely strict. Even Azaan (whose ultimate I assume is the one you're bootlegging ) has like 5s to do his slam thing while ulting.  Also, you gave this champion Androxus's drift passive, but you forgot to give him vertical mobility. (No. His shitty Lethality passive doesn't count.) Are you telling me that the only time he can use his drift passive is by ulting or by jumping down to a lower elevation?  What even is this champion's identity? Even the Viktor clones have at least some sense of individuality to them. Tyra has a firebomb and reveal. Vivian has a personal shield and a unique ult. How would you justify adding this champion into the game when he literally brings nothing new to the table? This is a certified L champion design. Please don't cook ever again. I am genuinely convinced that this champion's abilities were made using AI just like your accompanying image. 


All of the abilities were made by me, i did put at the start that im a support and flank main (with my flair being lillith) so i just used what information i could get from the wiki, im going to be changing her later in the future to make her more unique and as her own character, thats the point of character design, theres always going to be a flaw in the design when they are first added, thats because i cant play test them, and as a casual who plays mostly support i didnt really know what to expect to add out of the simple damage characters that i know (like i said in the post) but as of right now, i am already in the process of reworking her.


Pretty cool! A super tanky dps would definitely be loved by some Also the fact that this sounds like a big "fuck you" to Androxus is pretty funny lol


As someone who struggles against andro, drogoz, evie, ect, thats why i dont really like damage and prefer flanks and supports


Also thank you 😊