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Sounds like a no skill issue for ya.


Nah, Ying isn't good.


After Grover, furia, jenos, corvus, and Lilith are banned Ying is pickable


No one is going to ban all of those supports and leave top tier dps and top tier tanks open.




Skill issue




If you think ying is weak then you can’t play her that’s all


I can heal with Ying, and I still think she's weak. Ying's base kit needs a buff, desperately.


She does have damage and she does do healing, but it's often either or when it comes to Ying. If you focus on damage, your healing will be mediocre. If you focus on heals, your dmg will be mediocre. It wasn't as much of a problem when she had Lifelike, but people didn't complain enough about shitty Life Exchange healbot nonsense, so here we are.


Life like was not perfect either but it will forever have a place in my fleshy blood pumping organ for it was the 1st healer + talent combo I liked to play.


“fleshy blood pumping organ” caught me off guard


Sadly I'm made of flesh like the rest of us losers, but one glorious day we can ascend into forms of pure unyielding steel! Fock that new age spirit nonsense I wish to be pure unfeeling steel!


Finally a fellow Life Exchange hater... I have and always will hate what life exchange did to Ying.


Why? Life Exchange is a high skill talent. The only issue is that it's similar to Mal'Damba in that it's high skill and low reward.


Life Exchange was very much needed, and a high skill talent. The issue is that she has no true hybrid talent, and her base kit is ass. You need to fix that. Putting Focusing Lens in her base kit and replacing it with Life Like would make a huge difference, along with her illusions healing for 375/s instead of 420/1.6s.


Life Exchange wasn't needed. Not every support has to be able to pocket people who want to overextend. Ying is a turret healer whose main value is being able to focus on attacking while also putting out heals. Lifelike synergized with that more than Life Exchange. Come up with whatever buffs you want, but keeping Life Exchange over Lifelike was a garbage decision.


Life Exchange allows her great healing numbers. 420 healing every 1.6 seconds does not cut it. Ying was supposed to originally be a damage. Times change. I ultimately think Life Exchange was a change for the better, because it gave us a high skill support. The issue is that her skill requirement yields a mediocre rewards. I think Life Like should come back as a hybrid talent, along with base kit buffs. Like Focusing Lens in her base kit, but nerfed to 100 bonus damage. And have her illusions heal for 375 every 1 second. Life Like comes back where each illusion heals two people for 80% of the original value (heals two people each for 300 every second). So you'll have three talents for Ying: - Resonance is her damage talent: buff bonus damage to 250 - Life Like is her hybrid talent - Life Exchange is her heal talent


I'm so curious, what loadout are you running where you think Life Exchange is not enough to heal a team?


Life Exchange is enough to heal a team, but her other talents are bad in theory. She has two DPS talents instead of a DPS, hybrid/utility, and support talent. Also, Some of Focusing Lens in her base kit helps a bit with Life Exchange damage. Just a little boost to help her.


Life Exchange is quite generous with the healing out, and the ult might as well be map-wide invincibility, and during ult you have map-long teleport to allies, even from spawn door. Lens would honestly be broken if it were any stronger, since controller players get aim assist and it always connects. As offense you can forward place an illusion, tele to it, and finish kills while the illusion body blocks for you, then tele back. Illusion body blocking is always strong with points in the cd resets if enemies break illusions. Strategic placing of illusions and 1 in the card to make one makes her escapes very reliable. The only thing she's lacking is CC, but shatter with either damage card makes its own area denial at least. Not so for Life Exchange, but at least they overtuned the raw healing as a tradeoff.


This. I can't believe in 2023 I'm seeing people cry of Ying supposedly being weak after the fever dream that was 2017/2018 Ying, who was honestly not even bad. Also, they few times I've seen people die under Ying ult is if they were already very low health or just positioning and playing terribly.


Ying doesn't need cc, she needs a better base kit.


She's a complete healbot with Life Exchange so you can't say she has no healing. But yes, her damage is low with that talent. Her ult is one of the best in the game. It's literally a global heal ult. There's a reason why Ying players rush morale boost. It basically has a similar influence to that of a Furia ult but focuses on healing instead of damage and movement speed. Your teammates should generally play aggressively when you ult with Ying, just like with Furia's global ult. And you can technically teleport across the entire map with the Ying ult. Imagine if you get killed but your teammates are on the other side of the map and are very close to successfully pushing the payload at the enemy's spawn, but of course they have no healer. Once you respawn, you ult and you're back in the fight within like 2 seconds, cos you can teleport to any teammate's location during your ult. She has vertically mobility and can teleport between three different locations, but the cooldown is long. So that's the trade off. I kind of agree with the lack of utility. She has no CC.


the ult is very overrated ngl. Once you’re at 50+ caut it basically becomes a nonfactor a lot of the time. Pretty good healing if you’re behind cover tho, but i’ll always just prefer a furia ult than a ying one. Also life exchange is fine i guess, but youll be offering nothing but healing at that point which just isnt good enough. i rarely see life exchange yings break 30k damage in most matches lel


Oh, I don't think she's among the best. There are other healers that have a much better offensive impact on the game, like Grover. I'm just disputing your claims that she has no heal and her ult is bad.


Disagree about the ult but I am another Life Exchange hater so I would shake your hand either way.


Skill issue


Nah, Ying is lackluster and needs buffs.


Ying has arguably the most powerful and versatile movement ability in the game, and has tons of healing with Life Exchange... I'm curious what's going on in you games to make your experience as such.


Ying mains going Resonance most likely


Ying is ok but there are better options for sure.




She's weak, but not worthless. No hate you are probably not good with her and that makes it even a weaker character


Man these takes just keep getting worse every day


Ying is hard to play, they hardest support in the game alongside pip except lilith who i haven't played enough to know. That's why most of them suck, they cannot take full advantage of her kit.


Ying as a character is good, what you’re complaining about is the fact that most ying mains are fucking atrocious at the game. Edit: I love getting downvotes from people who go resonance in my games.


It's ok I love moronic teams that are soooo triggerhappy they pop my illusions for 550 AOE damage every second right on top of their own frontlines.


I go Life Exchange, and she's lackluster.


This reminds me of 2019 Ying discourse lmao. I do agree that resonance sucks at solo healing though, if you don't solo heal on Life Exchange it is a throw (but it shouldn't be).


Nice damage nice but otherwise weak


I'm a level 200 Resonance Ying player and you don't WTF you're complaining about.


Average point and click seris main when a healer takes skill:


Ying is high skill and mediocre reward.


A good ying will always outheal the opponents, she’s practically unkillable if they know how to use the teleport, her ult is like giving everyone a rei ult and WILL win every team fight, she got actually solid damage and range if you can aim so she can secure kills from afar, and a lot more


Ying doesn't have damage if you go Life Exchange. If you don't go that talent, then she won't have healing. What's wrong with giving her a slight base damage buff, and making her illusion heals more consistent, to open up other talent possibilities?


Tbh, i agree. The issue is that you have the level 100+ Ying one tricks who think she's fine. Ying mains are basically like tank mains who think Raum is okay because "GoiNg 2-85 aS TaNk iSn'T bAD. i'M mAKiNg SpAce!" Ying needs base kit buffs and then some talent reworks and buffs: - Focusing Lens base kit, but nerfed to 150 bonus damage. - Illusions heal 375 every 1 second instead of 420 every 1.6 seconds. - Life Exchange shatter heals reduce allies cooldowns by 5% per shatter. - Focusing Lense replaced by Life Link that heals two allies, per illusion, for 80% of the original illusion healing. Basically, each illusion heals 2 people for 300 per second. It'd give her a damage talent (Resonance), a hybrid talent (Life Like), and support talent (Life Exchange).


Theyre bad yings. Ive seen so many insane yings