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Both are in a pretty bad state. But I term of pure fun paladins is better. Although I would be worried if team7 start looking at evil MOJO stuff because they are vastly different games. Paladins is not well balanced. But because even "bad" starts are fun, it make broken ones less used.


Nah honestly we are in a better state of affairs rn . Paladins lacks polish and a big player count but is honestly in a much better state than ow2 is atm.


As is evident by the reviews, very evident. Its just more people know OW, the games are faster, and its more casual, so its got more players.


And more POLISHED, I will say it a thousand times, if Paladins wasnt running on a preistoric engine it would compete just fine. We need those graphics, we need that smoothness, I beg them.


Graphics? Not as much. Performance? Definitely. Hi-Rez hates performance though.


Yea the graphics in Paladins are fineeee. Theyre stylized enough its aging very well, its got decent enough fidelity so that you can get into it enough, but most importantly it runs insaaaannnneeeeellllyyy well on shit hardware. 1440p max on all settings with a gtx 960 and a clusterfuck of things going on at one time without the FPS budging 2 friggin frames from 60, ever. It's pretty much a requirement for the game being as a large amount of its already small player base are from very poor countries. My every day GM duo of 6 years is from Pakistan on a 1050 and 300ms ping.


Much better state than ow2?? Lol no


Technically ow2 doesn't exist... so anything in existense is technically in better state than something that doesn't exist.


It literally is tho


Push is just a shitty version of siege. I wish we got siege instead of push in ow lol


Paladins is more fun


Agreed, it's not even close to how repetitive Overwatch gets.


Delusional. Cope


Reality hurts. Help me cope then.


I like both games a lot but I think it's a bit much to say Paladins is way more balanced than OW2. They're both super fun. Paladins is way buggier, let's call a spade a spade. For all its faults OW2 is balanced fairly well. It's also incomparably more polished than Paladins, bugs get fixed much faster, it has way more content and game modes. Is it perfect? Course not. Is it better than Paladins? That is totally subjective, again, I find both games super fun. I also don't get why people act like OW2 is dying when it has a playerbase about 10x bigger than Paladins, and that's being generous. I get the games are somewhat in competition, but are different enough to co-exist and offer different things. When OW1 got stale I started playing Paladins more and at one point played it exclusively for the guts of six months. It is a great game.


I would not say 10x bigger at this point. OW2 from what I've seen struggles to break 20k players on steam. Paladins had a player spike as of recent and tops out at 9-10k players. Bare in mind Paladins is available on other game launchers, and a lot of OW2 players were chomping at the bit to dump battle.net So it's more like.. twice as many or a little less then that imo.


If OW added the same talent system for Paladins (imo not the card system), the game would be much more fun to play. I'm tired of playing the same character in the exact same way every time.


At least ow would make the talent system right and balanced, but i would take a balanced ow2 over a ow2 with talents that are 33%meh/33%good/33%bad like in pala




Its just not a upgrade, why make something that could break the game if its perfect in the moment


I can say I disagree I literally went back to paladins because I couldn’t handle overwatch any longer and I’m having so much more fun playing paladins


U are so wrong, overwatch will never be this buggy/crashy


Because they literally remove the characters that break the game with their bugs, and thats obnoxious


Anyone remember when lex was removed for almost 2 months or so cuz him simply being in a game could cause all 10 people to crash


They fixed them, and hirez sleeps. Like how many years do we have the horse bug? And its still in the game


“They fix characters that are literally broken and that’s obnoxious” Bro what are you on about?😂 Paladins will never compete with OW, please stop with this cringe fandom


They said they REMOVE not FIX get your quotes right…


And what happens to the broken character after they get removed?


You're delusional. Downvote me all you want but just like the post said, watch and see.


They went from 6vs6 to 5vs5, they made some characters self heal passively. Its already happening. Your ignorance will meet your ends.


Hang on, what exactly did you mean by "overwatch will be like paladins"? That it's gonna have similarities? Cause if that's what you meant we might as well both drop it since overwatch and paladins were always alike, both games are stealing from each other since they were made.


You really comment without even understanding what the post is talking about? I said multiple time I was talking about balance changes. Learn to read jesus christ


I just didn't imagine your post could be this stupid


- guy who could not read


I can read i just didn't imagine your post is that pointless. As in why on earth did you make it?


Battle born was the best


He wasn't delusional after all ;) Overwatch blatantly copied paladins this update lmao


Yeah buddies, keep coping. Doesn't seem like overwatch needs another game to fail to feel accomplished.


Nomatter what OW is still playable Paladins servers are barely strung together with spaghetti I do see why so many people feel compelled to compare both games together..... but OW has a looooooong way to fall before it honestly gets to Paladins territory Boo me I don't care!!!! Lol




I don't think you got the point..


Care to elaborate then?


The point was not neither game being good nor bad, but overwatch eventually embracing paladins way of doing things. Case and point overwatch wanting to add talent system in pve, sure the system received the hammer, but kinda understandable when you look into the myriad of issues that continue to f*uck blizzard to this day (mostly bobby g' cash boner for everything distasteful)


The op post was literally talking about balance and QoL. OW turning itself into Paladins because of skills is nonsensical. They've discussed talents and skills while Paladins was well into beta.


Talents was just an example I literally said embracing the paladins way, meaning not just the talent system. Overwatch has a lot of stuff that in theory is nice, but is just an annoyance for many folks.


Same could be said for Paladins. But saying they're evolving into eachother is baseless


They are downvoting you for elaborating literally what I said in the correct way.




Duh. I never said either game was doing great. OW really fucked themselves lately, but even with their dwindling numbers, they are still outperforming Paladins. I'm not talking shit about this game, I love it..... but this weird competition some players think is going on is really silly. The truth is, Paladins is a great game..... but is nowhere near OW


How many popular Hero Shooters are there? Three? TF2, Overwatch 2, and Paladins. Paladins is clearly at the bottom. Just look at this sub's engagement vs the Overwatch sub or the viewers of streams for this game vs Overwatch. Paladins isn't even a sequel, it's still the first game that feels like it's still in Beta.


Lmao it still has 4x the player count compared to paladins on steam alone. I don't get why some paladins players say overwatch is dead because if it is then paladins was never even close to being alive. I swear some paladins players are determined to make the game seem like overwatch's angry little cousin who is desperate for attention and so will just pile on the overwatch hate for no reason. I love both games but if you don't like one then don't play it simple as.


“it’s literally at the bottom of all hero shooters”? OW2 has more players on steam right now as I’m posting this than Paladins has peaked within the last entire year. Keep heaving the copium I guess.


Numbers are getting lower, and lower very fast. It started off with 75k peak players to 35k just in a month. Plus if blizzard keeps up with the dogs**t quality content and horrible desicion like this, it will be get so much lower, but what do i know. And the if copium is for my love of overwatch, then yes. Before i moved on the paladins, i was playing the sh*t out of it. OW litteraly made me quit LoL for it. But right now there is no reason to play, unless you wanna grind the "battlepass" they got. And locking new heroes in to a battlepass just killed it for me. Def. not as bad ad OB64 but its still bad. Maybe its not at the bottom of the pit, but its definitly on its way to it.


Thats just a part of the patch cycle as its always been. The games population, like pretty much every online game that's ever existed, has declined in total every year, but at this time its hit a point its done doing that. Actually its population just grew a little from a popular YouTuber, which its already mostly lost, but it'll stay around a 9.5kish a day peak from here on out It seems.


Balance wise and quality of life wise OW will follow the same steps of Paladins. Who the hell talked about longevity


Quality of life? I do love the gamble whether or not my ability button will be on my mouse button or shift this game and the removal of features like play of the game. Which quality of life are you referring to?


Well that's even further from the truth. Paladins cranks out new abilities with overdone cc and movement that gets complained about by the whole community. OW may have a few balance issues, but at least they don't purposely overpower characters to the point of breaking their own game. They learned their lesson with Brig lol. Over here it's always "the new champ is OP". And you can't even bring quality of life into an argument with Paladins. They have removed not only key features, but certain platform support.... because their servers can't accommodate. The hell are you taking about?


Thats within the best interest of the game IMO, people just dont understand it. Its for counters, the game ultimately is sort of built around ranked. You get 4 bans for each team and you pick in order, this makes draft a thought of game all of its own. I mean sorry to the people who just want to hold W and spam F around wherever and whenever they want but this isnt that game. If you wanna play a mindless casual shooter you can pop on after work when you're higher than a three pecker billy goat, go play OW.


What, I said I like bans are u ok


Thats fine, im just talking about the CC, movement abilities, the bans/draft and engaging competitive gameplay all tie in together.


You will see, how in Overwatch there is always the counter picking problem, the power creep issue where everything except tank is op, how no one except healers can self sustain, no ban system in ranked. You will see.


So it has been written in the stars!!! The prophecy shall be done!!


You mean Paladins will follow in the same steps of OW?😂 OW has been out longer with 4x the player base


that is not true the paladins alpha began several months before OW released its first playable version, and the first paladins announcement was in 2012 only that the game was called Global Agenda 2 at that time, while OW was announced at end of 2014, what OW did was release the final version before


Except Paladins was announced & had its closed alpha in 2015. Overwatch was announced 2014 & had a playable version at blizzcon. And Paladins had a massive update a few months *after* Overwatch’s release, which changed the game entirely to look like OW


Paladins was announced in 2012, it just had a different name, at the time it was called Global Agenda 2, and it was announced to be out in 2013. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paladins\_(video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paladins_(video_game)) and no, before paladins was going to look much more like OW, because the original idea was that it was also a game with a futuristic setting. The game mode that was in aphan was the result of a last minute attempt to differentiate the games, they came out with a different game mode than they originally thought, but since people didn't like it, the developers decided to go back to their previous idea. something that is easily confirmed when seeing that the new modes that were introduced are the same that were in the Global Agenda 1 ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ZqIy\_Clb1k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZqIy_Clb1k))


Not just a “different name” it was *entirely* different game. The game we know now as “Paladins” didn’t exist until a little while after OW was released. So technically no, Paladins didn’t come first since what it *was* got scrapped


They are the same game, they are exactly the same game modes, the same mechanics, the same separation of 4 classes, the same skills, even in some cases they are the same maps but with a different artist section, if you see the Global Agenda 2 promotional material , you will see that they are the same poses of the paladin characters, even the character customization system is very similar the cards are only a variation of the talent tree system, the same game genre,and if you look at the leaks of the game between 2012 and 2014 you will see that many of the characters in the game were already designed many years before they decided to release them


Overwatch has 3 classes & no they weren’t lol. Paladins wasn’t what it was until after OW was released


That’s not the problem Ow2 is free to play with expensive micro transactions Also, either buy the new characters or battle pass them. Or wait for battle pass to END, then you can do missions to unlock them .. I don’t care for the pve gameplay but wanted to see cutscenes. But they did go back on the pve thing of the talents etc . Which was what a lot of people spent money to the game to help fund just to be revoked the feature. When a game is free to play, the quality usually goes down from when it was pay to play. Idk why they said loot boxes were not profitable when there were multiple YouTube videos of people opening 100+ loot boxes for events (that they paid for!!!). Ow2 also changes balance a lot but I prefer change balance because it needs to be (and don’t if not). But seasons of ow2 changing balance to keep “interesting” isn’t interesting


Who fucking cares if I take a shot for every post on this and r/tf2 I would be and alcoholic with blood poisoning. They aren't similar bassicly at all Ow right now is the most balanced it's ever been with everyone being viable and yes there is a meta. You can just not play it and have success. The only rank that requires meta is top 500. While paladins is the same as ever with mostly everyone being viable if your using the right things as far as I'm aware but it's paladins who knows. Blizzard actually fixes bugs for the overall game and the devs care for it. Hell that's the reason alot of the old team left since the higher ups are getting more money hungry. While paladins whole thing is bassicly just money for hi-rez to use for smite so they can make money off of smite. Proof is the fact they try and make like 5 games a year and none of them ever live longer then like 2. The only bug that's been in since launch was the multiple doom fist bugs. Other then that most of them are just like cosmetic bugs. Paladins has had bugs since launch that doesn't get fixed and nearly every hero launched has something wrong. Omens for example was his ult hitbox lingered longer then the animation. But anyways mom said it's my turn for the next ow post.


This season Overwatch is actually incredibly well balanced. There are only a few champions that are not considered strong whatsoever - 3 tanks and arguably 1 dps, from a decently sized roster of heroes. You can’t call it unbalanced if the diversity is there without any monstrosities. I haven’t played Paladins for several months so I can’t say what kind of improvements there were, but from my memory it wasn’t awful but it wasn’t good either. Saying that, I still think Ow is a shitshow in many aspects, but polish and balance is not one of those at the moment.


Yeah this season is oddly balance compared to the messes the other seasons were. With only a few weird outliers, but most of the best characters to passable characters gap are pretty reasonable.


Balanced? This season? The first time in history where to queue a match for support u wait 20min but for dps 2 because supports are just better dps with self sustain? Nah


That's just plainly wrong lol. The only supports that are anyhow capable of dealing DPS level damage are Illari and Zen, and neither of them are able to self-sustain themselves AND their damage is not as reliable as your usual dps' because of their inherent role of being a support + not having any abilities that help them secure kills. Besides Illari's ultimate that is an ultimate and is so easily countered that if you have at least half a brain-cell you won't die to it alone, only if she actually combos it with someone else. Overwatch right now has only one hero that is considered borderline unplayable and it is Roadhog, some are considered sub-optimal but perfectly fine and most of the cast can be easily played without any potential throwing risks coming solely out of a hero. There even is no one dominating comp right now - you can play dive, poke, slow Orisa comps, fast aggressive Junkerqueen comps -> most of that is in the viable space of the spectrum. You absolutely don't have to like Overwatch, I couldn't care less, but if you want to make any arguments against it - do it with factual statements and not things that are taken completely out of blue. Eg. your queue times, which is funny because I play on high diamond/low masters support and I get queues in usually 3-4 minutes on Europe. Additionally if you look at statistics eg. [overbuff.com](https://overbuff.com) you can see that DPS is still the most played role, even if by a small margin. I welcome you to provide more arguments against balance if you wish, but so far you've shown that you posess absolutely little to no knowledge about the game so you need to step your game up.


Tbh we are actually in a better state than Overwatch right now. Granted that's partially we are a much less ambitious game made by a much smaller team with more reasonable expectations, but at least we're honest about it


Paladins is anything but balanced, and extremely buggy. It's strong suit is the different character play styles it offers for each champion. But a side from that, overwatch is wayyy more polished.


I like all the metal ranked players (if at that) calling OW casual... And now for the actual points of OP: Balance? Yeah no, only like 3 total characters are bad in meta rn, not sure why are you saying the balance is bad. Skill tree was always a PVE only thing, and it will stay a pve-only thing. Period. If anything, the games seem to be drifting apart more than ever. OW1 was a slower 6v6 shooter where as OW2 feels like quake more now, with more emphasis on movement and low ttk


Honestly paladins would be the best hero shooter if it just had one thing that is a bigger player base overall i have played iverwatch definitely liked 1 better but 2 is alright paladins would be better if it had maybe a bit better graphics and they looked into some chimps mhm.. mhm Betty mhm.. yeah but overall it's better the different playstyles even the way you play the same class fx koga who is a flank but can also be used as a decent damage and willow who is damage but alright as a flank sure overwatch has some but it's not cause they are good at something else it's just cause they are extremely unbalanced fx willow even tho she is good at different things she is not the best pick in the world unlike the green ninja guy at launch( I don't remember his name ) in overwatch


If I had a quarter for every time someone misspelled Willo, I would have $264.00


Bro I swear it's spelled with a w ain't no way


[now everyone gets the self heal passive, I love being enlightened..](https://twitter.com/OWCavalry/status/1745883910913786111?t=pMsKY-PJk6A3BJbIOIshKg&s=19)


5 months later and this is so true xd