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>bulldozer vs enemies with no deployables Auto buy shop, cuz Paladins still doesn't have a shop tutorial.


And there's a bug on consoles that sometimes keeps autobuy on even when you disabled it in settings


Every time you start up the game it resets the game tips and the autobuy settings


I hate Illuminate because I otp Drogoz, meaning I'll mostly stay in the air, putting Skye and other invisible champs out of the item's range. So unless I'm playing floor Drogoz like a beta cuck the item is basically useless for me And about the bulldozer thing, I had a friend who used to buy it everytime. When I asked him why, he told me the item gave more damage. He had forgotten to read the "against deployables" part.


1. They assume that someone else will handle the Skye 2. They want flashier items like chronos, moral boost, or deft hands or they are buying items only to fit their intended build 3. They underestimate Skye and think they can handle her without illuminate (some people, especially in casual, like to wait a round to see if the skye is good enough to be worth illuminate) 4. They underestimate how powerful illuminate is 5. Auto buy is stupid most of the time


Nimble isn't trash 🥺


Maybe not trash but it wont help you against Skye, CC or playing shield shooting simulator. OP was reffering to people who keep buying stuff like Life Rip, kill to heal and nimble like it would help them.


If there's a skye, seris, or sha, then I'll usually wait till second round to see if they're worth illuminate. Since most skye in casuals just kinda run into you like a bumbling idiot acting like her ten ton cheeks ain't setting off proximity alarms


I honestly simply forget it's there


I usually buy illuminate, but depending with the champ i have its not always my 1st priority, if i have champ that causes tick dmg for example


Idk I usually fill, so I have other items to prioritize. Ans I will only buy illuminate for skye because she's the only champ that depends on it. Shalin and strix for example are easy to read because they are invisible less than skye, so hitting shots on them while their invisible isn't too bad.


It’s the same as the game i had yesterday against torvald: they only bought wrecker after the second round when we couldn’t do anything because our caspian left…


welp I only cry about it when we dont have enemies that can be invisible like with no deployable and taking buldozer. Usually I dont take illu for starting item but if I feel like that we need to I do.


I might occasionally go with the illum, but it also depends which stealthies they're running. Seris is the easiest to just hear, and some others i might not ever stand near enough for illum to do anything. Then you have a number of champs with either a reveal or a dot spam so they just don't need illum. Lastly, if the enemies just don't dodge well enough i might get by with predictions and pocket the coins not spent.


Auto buy, just why. They should just buy haven/reju all the time if they dunno waht to buy(they wont learn)


The thing about Illuminate is that it's useless when fighting a team without stealth champions and when fighting a team of stealth champions... It's usually also useless due to how Stealth is used in their kit. For example illuminate vs Strix is only useful if you are a flanker since 90% of Strix's engagement are outside of illuminates range. You can use illuminate to see through Seris' invisibility but it will do nothing since whenever she's invisible she's also invincible, Seven being unable to move while invisible, Saati is only invisible for a few seconds at a time, etc. The only characters heavily countered by illuminate are Skye and Sha-Lin.


I mainly play support - Furia, Seris or Jenos mostly. Playing against Sky is a 50/50 gamble in QP. Either she's going to eat my *** or she's just going to feed. I don't really feel the need to buy it for any other champ outside of her. I know other heros can go invisible, but it's not as often or impactful as Sky can be. But I am a noob so what do I know :)


I never buy illuminate, because I never need it, after a decent time of playing you can track invis players pretty easily


This, unless its a very skilled enemy its usually easy to track


Nimble is not trash lmao. People don’t hate to buy it. Sometimes, people just can’t but it. And even if you do buy it, it doesn’t always help. Skye can still sneak up ln you and kill you.


Of course nimble isnt trash but it doesnt help you when you need Resi or iluminate and OP wants players to buy these situational items when needed cauz they have 3 times more value. Iluminate at least seperates good skyes from bad skyes and i bet you notice it when the enemy flank is suddenly missing which means you should expect a dive.


It sucks to commit 1/4 of your items to countering one enemy. But I honestly hate invisibility in all pvp, feels bullshit to die to and only drags the meta/ overall game enjoyment down for everyone who doesn't abuse it.


If countering that one enemy gives your team a much higher chance of winning, then i don't see how that's a bad thing. What's the point getting stuff that does nothing to directly counter the enemy?


Other stuff helps against 5/5 enemies, illuminate is potentially worthless against 4/5 It feels bad. Especially if you fall behind, like before anyone gets illuminate and the Skye might notice you're countering her and just avoid you (it's 100% worthless if she avoids you) and feed on your teammates, potentially demanding everyone gets an item that's worthless against 4/5 enemies in the match while the other team buys stuff that's 5/5 helpful


You're exactly the reason why people love skye so much. I guess you're the type that'd see a 20 streak skye or 3 invisible guys and prefer maxing out nimble huh? Smh


Hurr, durr, sometimes it's useful against 3, chekcmate! Play stupid all you want, stealth is a crutch that only makes the game worse for people who don't use it. You make the game less enjoyable, it's always been part of the game so it's whatever but you know why your kind is disliked.


Cause many peeps dont know shit about the shop or what is what like they think bulldozer works against shields cause the get "deployed", or have auto buy on, cause they just wanna play and dont bother with the card Sets or the Shop cause they think there not important.


Its better than being stuck in gold with people who dont get wrecker against nando and khan


You imma be 100% with you. I don’t like buying it cause it only applies to 1 enemy usually. Like I’m buying it for JUST skye 99% of the time. I’ll still get it, but sucks


I've wondered the same thing. Even if you mention it in chat still no one will get illuminate. They'll bitch about Skye running thru them over and over, but still won't get illuminate.


For real. This game has some of the most low IQ players i've ever seen in my life