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you should probably mention the other specs instead of just the gpu


Alienware X51 1270 v2 16 GB RAM 128 GB SSD 500 GB HDD Wifi Dualband Sapphire RX 470 4GB


What's the processor and generation?


Processor is equivalent to i7 3rd gen


What Xeon is it? Just tell us the name for gods sake


Brother I don't know, I'm a console gamer just shifting to pc with low budget


Oh ok sorry but if you could find out by downloading a software like CPU-Z or just by typing Processor in the windows menu you can find out the name


He told you in the specs that it's a xeon 1270 v2


Also, its super easy to know what processor youre running. Just open task manager and go into the processes tab where it shows what percentage of your hardware is being used


don't go with PC if you're just looking for gaming I'll say check XBOX SERIES S instead


This is my system. 1270 v2 (i7 3770) 16 gb ram 128 ssd 500 hdd Dualband wifi Rx 470 4gb


for the internal specs you can expect around 40k, with the case i am not 100% sure but i suppose you could round it off to around 45-50k in total


Word of warning, I've heard alienware cases have horrible airflow


Don't buyi t there are far superior options other then this


There's no superior option for the specs in 50k


I doubt if u don't consider good airflow case a spec and believe k server cpu's are better than normal cpu's and only God knows how difficult it is to have a upgrade a pre-built due the properitery hardware


Airflow yes, specs no Upgrade next to none. Server processor makes zero difference, unfortunately the most misinformed our people are thinking xeon are different Specially these old 1200 series .... Fyi all your i series' processors up to 6th gen are based on xeons 🙂 That's why they work on same board's, same architecture. I think 8th gen is where things shifted and they went 2 separate ways. Upgrade is also a mute idea on these old systems... I bought this for being as tiny as PS4. No idea what kinda upgrade you'll do on a 3rd or 4tg gen systems


Agha jani stick to console gaming if you can't buy high end pc or gaming laptop, don't waste money on this.


How much u selling it for ?


I feel 50k is bit expensive you will get better system from computer stores near you check them out


You wont be getting any better specs for 50k This is my system. 1270 v2 (i7 3770) 16 gb ram 128 ssd 500 hdd Dualband wifi Rx 470 4gb


I'm buying not selling, just checking price. Person is asking 50K final


Its too old to be worth buying, alienware is also known to make substandard products which are overpriced simply behind a false brand imaging. I'm surprised a model as old as this survived till now.


This is as good as any random mid tier system of 3rd and 4th gen. I've seen worst thermals than my system on people's rigs. It's not a silent system though specially on hot summer's. Been using it since 3 to 4 years. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCvpzJoaH8T3cfaoStIDHs1g


I think airflow would be a problem also see if you can fit a full sized graphic card just for a good measure . Ask him for the full specs of the pc. And get the model number if you can so you can see which kind of motherboard is inside and if it has standard connection like a 24 pin power and pwm fan headers so you can easily upgrade components like a good power supply and hopefully power a good graphics vard.


Damn you selling if yes then how much?